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Autobiographical Essay
Paige Blumenthal
College of Southern Idaho
Instructor: Evin Fox
EDUC 201: Foundations of Education
Fall 2014

Autobiographical Essay

Everything that has ever happened in my life previously has led me to this point. Whether
through choices, circumstances, or experiences, my decision to become a teacher has been influenced by my entire life. Participation in school, jobs, and extracurricular activities have all
played a part in making a teacher the right profession for me and have helped to shape my goals
as an educator.
Educational Background
My education began in Glendale, Arizona (population 226,721), a town that morphs into
Phoenix. For kindergarten through third grade, I went to Arroyo Elementary. Fourth and Fifth
grade took place at Desert Palms. The summer between fifth and sixth grade, I moved to Idaho to
a house out in the country. My school for sixth grade was in a very small town called Hollister
(population 272). The school was built in 1912, and has one classroom per grade. My grandma
and my mom both attended there! Hollister is in the Filer school District, so for 7th through 12th
grade I attended school in the small - though larger than Hollister - town of Filer (population
2,508). The College of Southern Idaho is in the town of Twin Falls (population 44,125), just seven minutes from Filer. This is where I have had all of my college education. When I graduate
with my associates, I will transfer to Idaho State University in Pocatello, but will do my schooling on the campus of CSI for many of my classes.
I am in my sophomore year of college for my associates in teaching. I will graduate with
my associates in fall of 2015, if all goes as planned. I also have additional credits that do not apply to this associates.


When I was in grade school in Arizona, I tested into the gifted and talented programs at
both of my elementary schools. Project Potential was the name of one, and Project Ideal was the
name of the other. I never took any test in Idaho for gifted programs. In high school, I was chosen, along with a small group of other students, to participate in Journalism camp due to my performance in English class. During the summer, we went to Powell, Wyoming to take a few classes and produce a newspaper. I got the chance to interview many interesting people including
cowboys from the Cody rodeo, white water rafting guides and their passengers, and individuals
at, if I remember right, their 60th class reunion - that was enlightening and all of the interviews
were exciting. In my freshman and sophomore years, I was chosen to be a Natural Helper, essentially people who other students could go to if they needed to talk, needed help, or needed a mentor. For this, we went on a retreat for training and to connect as a team.
In participating in gifted programs, I gained confidence in my learning abilities and the
possibilities they afforded me. It was exhilarating to be in this select group. I felt I had the power
to change the world aided with my education. I was wide-eyed and impressionable, full of hope
and promise. Now, as a grown up with no profession and a family of my own - including three
sweet kids - I wonder how my education is benefiting society. How is it changing the world?
Can I change the world? It turns out I can - as a teacher! This possibility, this purpose, this
chanceit thrills me to the bone.
Not long ago, I was struggling with what I might do with my life separate from being a
mom and wife. What professional joys was I going to experience? I wanted more than anything
to be a scientist, but now with my role in my family well established, I had to wrestle with what I
was willing to sacrifice in order to fulfill the dreams of my youth and of my heart. Being a teacher falls right in line with those hopeful, world-changing plans of my youth. Those plans blos-


somed during my time in those gifted programs. I am so excited to share my love of science, to
open the childrens eyes to the amazing world around them, and to teach them they have the
power to change the world for the good.
Work History
At 16 years of age, I got my first job as a grocery bagger at Albertsons. Right away, it
became very clear of what was expected of me. Im one of those employees who takes her training seriously, and subscribes to all of the standards laid out by the company. I understand my
role and the part I play in keeping the company a success. After Albertsons I continued through
a string of similar jobs in the service and retail sector: sales associate, hostess, server, grocery
checker - same thing, different company. In all of these jobs I worked hard, was a great face for
the company, was given extra responsibilities, andremained completely unsatisfied and bored.
I had much higher expectations for myself. The excitement of learning a new job quickly wore
off once it was mastered. I needed to be challenged. I needed to constantly be learning. I needed
more stimulation.
This job dissatisfaction led me to make a second attempt at college. I took classes that
thrilled me, most notably science classes. In the summer, I got a temporary job with the Department of Environmental Quality. A whole summer was spent camping around south central Idaho,
wading through creeks, netting fish, catching bugs, identifying plants, and hiking; all in the name
of science. It was glorious. In this job, I left my comfort zone and was challenged in ways that
made me aware of how capable I am by performing tasks I may have been intimidated by at one
time. My boss was a great teacher for his three-person crew. Like him, I too wanted to share my
knowledge with others - with a class full of students, for instance.


Finally, I experienced a job that excited me, demanded more from me, provided opportunities for growth, challenged me, required problem-solving skills, and encouraged continuous
learning. I knew from then on I would never settle for less. I had to have a career that suited me,
allowed me to flourish and grow, and most certainly, a job that included my passions. This led
me to teaching. I look forward to performing above and beyond what is expected of me.
Service and/or Extracurricular Activities
I participated in many extracurricular activities during my middle and high school years.
These activities were: volleyball, basketball, cheerleading, track, political office, and newspaper. Each of these pursuits required similar qualities such as teamwork, leadership, collaboration,
problem-solving, determination, organization, preparedness, goal-setting, hard work, reflection,
support, listening, contributing, and more. As a teacher, all of these qualities will come together
as an important skill set in regards to teaching, as well as in working with colleagues.
Reasons for Choosing Education as a Career
Honestly, the thought of teaching had previously been a little scary to me. Its partly
based on my fear of public-speaking. At different times in my twenties, I had considered teaching as a job I may enjoy, but the thought of all those eyes on me made me nervous. Coming into
education a little later in life, I no longer worry quite as much about that aspect due to my reduced concern of what others think of me.
When I finally came to decide what sort of profession Id like to pursue, the choice came
to me so naturally. I thought about how much I relish learning and sharing information. It just
made so much sense and things fell right into line. Certain extrinsic factors fit right into mine and
my familys life. Most significantly, being able to be home with my children after school and
having summer vacation with them was a huge draw. Intrinsically, the rewards are innumerable.


The importance of teachers in childrens lives is immeasurable; as is the effect they have in shaping the future of our society. Thats amazing.
In order for a job to give me satisfaction, it must require certain characteristics. First of
all, I choose satisfaction over success - success being monetary. We all know a teaching job isnt
likely to make anyone rich, at least not the teachers. It must involve something I am passionate
about. Since I will be teaching science, and science is my passion, the requirement is filled. It
must be fulfilling in a way that makes a difference in the world around me for the better. I
couldnt imagine doing something that wasnt a service to others or to this Earth we live on. Being a science teacher, I can help both students and the planet.
I have thought about many careers I might have due to my very excitable brain. A non
all-inclusive list would include: scientist, organic farmer, naturalist, ecologist, forest ranger, botanist, ornithologist, entomologist, natural history museum curator, writer, editor, biologist, archaeologist, field researcher, conservationist, and more. There certainly is a theme, and science
teacher fits nicely into it. All of these careers would be incredibly rewarding. Teaching science
would be rewarding as well. Other rewards are ones I mention in my goals section - passing on a
passion for science, giving knowledge about the world around us, helping students become conscientious consumers and stewards of sustainability, wowing students with the amazing field of
science, and so on. In a more general way, itll be rewarding to help students become confident
in their own skills, abilities, and decisions; to teach them to problem-solve, think outside the box,
and work together. I will model kindness, tolerance, respect, curiosity, and enthusiasm. I hope
not only to have students learn about science, but how to be the best people they can be. The rewards are endless.
Professional Goals


As a science teacher, my long-term goals most certainly include getting students excited
about science. In particular, I would like to inspire a certain percentage of my students to seek
employment in the science field. For all of my students, whether they plan to get a science related job or not, I want to open their minds to the world around them. I want to help them see their
part in a sustainable future for our planet and the living things that reside here. I want them to
pass these ideas on to their children. I want for them to be caring and conscientious citizens, and
to make decisions based on knowledge they have acquired and continue to seek out. I want them
to learn to work with people on both sides of an issue and find common ground and problem
solve solutions. I want them to care about this Earth and its inhabitants, and create a future that
takes successive generations well-being into consideration.
In the short term, I would like to get my students brains buzzing. I want them to see
themselves as the scientists they are - curious, inquisitive, keen observers, problem-solvers, creative, and adventurous. I want them to gain confidence in themselves and not be afraid to make
mistakes or to fail, as long as they learn from them. I want to bring out qualities in them they
didnt know they had, or maybe they dont get the chance to use often. After all, children are
born natural scientists! They are figuring out the world around them. They are testing out ideas,
solving problems, thinking outside of the box, and being ever curious.
To achieve these goals, I will put students in situations where they must use the skills
mentioned above. I intend to use lots of project-based learning that engages them and puts them
to work using real life skills. I cant see science any other way except hands on. There will be
lots of opportunity for student-led learning, where they come up with amazing ideas related to
the curriculum to test out and try. I will teach them how their impact on the world around them
can be positive. They will learn through doing which will fill them with valuable information,


and this knowledge will lead them to care about the choices they make and how it effects this
beautiful planet we live on. I will make science the best class they have all day, and they will
most certainly be looking forward to it! Thats my plan anyway.
Life experiences in school, work, and extracurricular activities combined with my passions, needs, and expectations, have made teaching a most worthwhile profession for me to seek.
Choices and situations have all worked to develop me and ready me for the job. My past has
helped shape my decision to become a teacher and the goals I will achieve in my chosen profession.

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