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O Key Dates
O Ages of Exploration tools and technologies
O Counter-Reformation
O Act of Supremacy
O Calvinism
O Oliver Cromwell

Key Dates
O Ages of Exploration
O 1492 Columbus and America
O 1519-21 Magellan and Circumnavigation.

The journey that proved the world was round.

Key Dates The Reformation

O 1517 Martin Luther and the Ninety Five

O 1530s/1540s Calvin rules the city of


Key Dates The Plantations

O 1586 Munster Plantation
O 1609 Ulster Plantation
O 1641 Gaelic Irish Rebellion
O 1649 Cromwellian Plantation

Ages of Exploration tools and

O Compass Always pointed North
O Log and Line Judged speed measured

in knots
O Quadrant Determine latitude

O Astrolabe Determine latitude

Counter Reformation

Counter Reformation
O The CATHOLIC Churchs response to the

Protestant Reformation (Martin Luther and

Calvins new religions represented the
Protestant Reformation).
SNAP abolished
O Courts of Inquisition Auto-de-fe
O Jesuits
- New Catholic schools
O Council of Trent

Act of Supremacy
O Henry VIII wanted to divorce his wife.
O The Catholic Church would not allow it

and he got kicked out (excommunicated)

from the Church.
O As religion played a huge role in the 16th

century, he decided to setup his own


Act of Supremacy
O Therefore, he setup the Anglican religion, a

faction of Protestantism.
O The Act of Supremacy made him the head of

the English Church.

O Under Surrender and Regrant, the Gaelic Irish

had to sign the Oath of Supremacy

acknowledging Henry as the King of England
and head of the Anglican Church.

Act of Supremacy
O Act and Oath of Supremacy helped Henry

gain power.
O It helped to spread Englishness during the

Irish Plantations.

O Jean Calvin setup a strict religion known

as Calvinism.
O He setup this religion in the city of

O Followers of Calvinism were not permitted

to engage in silliness.

O All the following religions, are Protestant

Martin Luther
O Calvinism
- Jean Calvin
O Presbyterianism John Knox
O Anglicism
- King Henry VIII
O Lutheranism

Oliver Cromwell

Oliver Cromwell
O 1649 Cromwellian Plantation
O Huge change in Land Ownership

Protestants now owned all the land

O Enacting revenge on the Irish for the 1641

O Plantation not exclusive to one area, but the

whole island of Ireland.

Table Quiz
O Use the answers in the table quiz

PowerPoints to get the correct answers.

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