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Installing Software in Linux

Three ways of installing a software in Linux:

1. Using Yum
yum install
yum erase (remove and uninstall)
yum search (can search for the pkg from the repos)
yum list installed (list currently installed pkgs)
yum listrepo (lists the list of repos)
list of repos are under \etc\yum.d.repos\
2. Using RPM
rpm -i (install without overwrinting exisiting if any)
rpm -e (erase or uninstall)
rpm -U (upgrade if there is - or install )
rpm -Uvh
rpm -qa ( list of installed packages)k
rpm -qa | wc -l
rpm -qf /usr/bin/sftp (for instance - what package did this app installed from)
rpm -qf `which init` (it pipes the ouput of which init to rpm)
rpm -qpi {package name} (queries and privdes details of the package - this is before being installed)
rpm -qi {installed package} (queries and provides details of the installed pkg)
3. Using Source Code a 3 step process
a. ./configure
i. Check for necessary components
ii. Creates the Makefile
b. Make
i. Builds the executable file
c. Make install
i. Installs the software

Managing Users and Groups

Creating use account at the command Line:

o useradd
o userdel
o passwd
Creating user accounts in GUI
Modifying user accounts
o usermod

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