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Atom Model Project

NAME: ____________________

Learning Target: I can create an atom model to show my understanding of atomic structure, 3-dimensional
models, and characteristics of individual elements.
WHAT: Build a 3D model of an atom using common household items 50 points possible
WHERE: At home for homework over the 2 weeks
DUE DATE: Friday, January 9, 2015. After Friday, January 9, your project will lose 1 letter grade for every school day
1. Choose an element with an atomic number between 5 and 86 (Rn).
2. Build a 3 dimensional atom using any materials you have around your home. Your materials could include (but are not
limited to): dried beans, old gift bows, cotton balls, holiday tinsel, wires, hangers, reused Styrofoam, cups, foil, essentially
anything that is non-perishable (things that will not go bad...i.e., fresh food). Students who can prove that they have
recycled objects from home will receive extra credit (See How to Get Extra Credit section below)!
3. Things that must be included in your Model:
Your name & period

A fact sheet showing your research of your element.

A key with the

- Name & symbol of your element
- What you used for each part of your model

A personified description of your element that

describes 10 characteristics of your element. We will
complete these in class by Friday, December 19.

How to Get Extra Credit:

- If you choose an element between atomic numbers 19-36 (K-Kr), you will get 10 extra points, between 36-54 (Rb-Xe) =
15 extra points, and between 55-86 (Cs) = 20 extra points.
- Recycled materials
- Turn in early - 5 points for every day you turn in early, up to 25 points
- Offer to do a presentation of your atom - 10 points
- If you plan to make an edible atom model, you must: a) Get permission from Ms. Ammons beforehand, and b) Make your
edible model large enough that your entire period can enjoy the treat.
RUBRIC below to see how you will be graded. Your total project is worth 50 points

(10pts) Developing




No Credit


Correct Number of

Correct number of all Correct number of 3 parts

parts (protons,
neutrons, electrons,

Correct number of 2 or 1 parts

Incorrect # of all parts

Correct Location of
Nucleic Particles
(Protons and

Protons & neutrons in Two parts in correct

the nucleus, and
location, one part in
electrons in the
incorrect location

1 part in correct location, 2 parts

in incorrect location

No parts in their correct


Correct Location of
Correct number of
Correct number of electrons Correct number of electrons in
in most shells
few shells
Electrons and Electron

No shells have the correct

number of electron

Atom Model Project

NAME: ____________________

Creativity, Effort &


Model is complete,
neat, creative, &
colorful using unique
ideas & materials

Model is complete but

shows some effort,
neatness, creative use of

Model is incomplete but has

some effort. includes one idea,
but lacks originality & creativity

Model has no unique ideas

& lacks originality &

The Key

Key is complete.

Key is partially complete. .

Key is not complete.

Key is missing.

description of your
element that
describes 10
characteristics of
your element.

ALL facts of the

Facts presented, but is not
element written
neatly written or not in ink.
neatly, legibly & in ink
w/o spelling

Spelling errors in facts and not

neatly written.

No facts about the element


Extra Credits!
Proof of Recycled
Turned in Early


My Element = __________________! Its symbol =!


Atomic # _________

Note to grader before scoring

1.! What do you like about your project?

2.! What would you want to change about your project?

3.! Anything else you need let the grader know before grading your project?

RUBRIC Your total project is worth 50 points







No Credit


Correct Number of

Correct number of all 3


Correct number of 2 parts

Correct number of 1 part

Incorrect # of all parts

Correct Location of

Protons & neutrons in

the nucleus, and
electrons in the orbitals

Two parts in correct

location, one part in
incorrect location

1 part in correct location, 2 parts

in incorrect location

No parts in their correct



Correct number of
electrons in all orbitals

Correct number of electrons Correct number of electrons in

in most orbitals
few orbitals

No orbitals have the

correct number of electron

Atom Model Project

NAME: ____________________

Creativity, Effort &


Model is complete, neat,

creative, & colorful using
unique ideas &

Model is complete but

shows some effort,
neatness, creative use of

10 Facts,
The Key

Key is complete. ALL

facts of the element
written neatly, legibly &
in ink w/o spelling

Key is partially
Key is not complete. Spelling
complete. .Facts presented, errors in facts and not neatly
but is not neatly written or
not in ink.

Total Grade:________________
Notes from Grader:

Model is incomplete but has

some effort. includes one idea,
but lacks originality & creativity

Model has no unique ideas

& lacks originality &
Key is missing.
No facts about the
element given.

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