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Cynthia in the Snow

by Gwendolyn Brooks

by Jack Prelutsky

It hushes
The loudness in the road.
It flitter-twitters,
And laughs away from me.
It laughs a lovely
And whitely whirs away
To be
Some otherwhere,
Still white as milk or shirts.
So beautiful it hurts.

Clankity Clankity Clankity Clank!

Ankylosaurus was build like a tank,
its hide was a fortress as sturdy as steel,
it tended to be an inedible meal.

Good Hot Dogs

by Sandra Cisneros
for Kiki
Fifty cents apiece
To eat our lunch
Wed run
Straight from school
Instead of home
Two blocks
Then the store
That smelled like steam
You ordered
Because you had the
Two hot dogs and to
pops for here
Everything on the hot dogs
Except pickle lily
Dash those hot dogs
Into buns and splash on
All that good stuff
Yellow mustard and onions
And French fries piled on
top all
Rolled up in a piece of wax
Paper for us to hold hot
In our hands
Quarters on the counter
Sit down
Good hot dogs
Wed eat fast till there was nothing
But the salt and poppy seeds
The little burnt tips
Of French fries
Wed eat
You humming
And me swinging my legs.

It was armored in front, it was armored behind,

there wasnt a thing on its minuscule mind,
it waddled about on its four stubby legs,
nibbling on plants with a mouthful of pegs.
Ankylosaurus was best left alone,
its tail was a cudgel of gristle and bone,
Clankity Clankity Clankity Clank!
Ankylosaurus was built like a tank.
The Toaster
by William Jay Smith
A silver-scaled Dragon with jaws flaming red
Sits at my elbow and toasts my bread.
I hand him fat slices, and then, one by one,
He hands them back to me when he sees they are

Sidewalk Racer or On the Skateboard

by Lillian Morrison
an asphalt sea
I swerve, I curve, I
sway; I speed to whirring
sound an inch above the
ground; Im the sailor
and the sail, Im the
driver and the wheel
Im the one and only
single engine
human auto
Steam Shovel
by Charles Malam
The dinosaurs are not all dead.
I saw one raise its iron head
To watch me walking down the road
Beyond our house today.
Its jaws were dripping with a load
Of earth and grass that it had cropped.
It must have heard me where I stopped,
Snorted white steam my way,
And stretched its long neck out to see,
And chewed, and grinned quite amiably!

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