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12th/13th/14th December 2014


Bahrain PM, Egypt
intelligence chief
meet in Manama
Bahraini Prime Minister
Khalifa bin Salman AlKhalifa on Thursday met
with Egyptian intelligence
chief Mohamed Farid alTohami in Bahraini capital
Al-Khalifa said a strong
Egypt was a boon for the

six-country Gulf
Cooperation Council, of
which Bahrain is a member,
going on to stress that all
GCC member states had an
interest in maintaining
Egypt's security and
stability, Bahrain's official
news agency reported.
According to the news
agency, the Bahraini PM
reiterated his country's
support for Egypt's
government and people in
their bid to fight "terrorism"
and preserve national
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UK-Bahrain Base
Deal Could Lead to
Typhoon Sales
Hopes of Britain selling
Typhoon combat jets and
other defense and security
equipment to Bahrain have
been buoyed by a deal
between the two countries
to extend Royal Navy
facilities at the Mina Salman
naval base in the Arabian
Gulf, industry executives
and analysts said.

The mood music created

by the naval base
agreement can only be of
benefit to defense industrial
relations between the two
sides. This closer strategic
tie between the two
governments provides a
great opportunity for
defense collaboration,
including possible defense
equipment sales, said
Doug Barrie, the senior air
analyst at the International
Institute of Strategic Studies
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