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Unit: Introduction to Sixth Grade

General Music
Subject: General Music
Grade: Sixth Grade

Instructional Goal: Students will take a

music pre-test to determine prior music
content knowledge. Students will also
review basic music terminology and skills.
Created by: Mrs. Danielle LeNoir

Music Standards: Standards

and Grade Level Expectations
MUSIC STANDARD II: Performing on instruments independently and with others a
varied repertoire of music
2.1 Imitate rhythmic and melodic patterns on pitched and un-pitched instruments
MUSIC STANDARD VII: Evaluating music and musical performances
7.4 Discuss and evaluate the relationship between music and human emotions
MUSIC STANDARD VIII: Making connections between music, the other arts, and
other curricular areas
8.2 Make connections with other disciplines as they relate to music
MUSIC STANDARD IX: Understanding music in relationship to diverse cultures,
times, and places
9.4: Identify sources of American music genres; trace the evolution of those genres
and well-known musicians associated with them

Introduction: DAY 1 AGENDA


Students need to: please find a seat.

Students will:
participate in a movement activity (Activating strategy).
review course syllabus and classroom
expectations (Instructional Activity).
review important topics covered in todays class
(Turn and Talk Summarizing Activity).

Unit Essential Question: Why is

music important to your

Essential Questions
Unit Essential Question: Why is music
important to your education?
Todays Essential Question: What skill did
you learn today and how will it make you a
better musician?

Activating Strategy:

Who is the artist?
What is the title of the song?
Why would I choose to play this
song today?
Why am I having you move to the

Instructional Activity

Course Outline Over View


Students will:

be respectful and use their manners.

arrive on time and go directly to their
follow directions.
be prepared for every class.
use classroom materials as instructed.

What not to do

Summarizing Activity
Turn and Talk: Students will turn and
talk to the person next to them about
the following question:
What skill did you learn today and how
will it make you a better musician?

What do you need for tomorrow?

Tomorrow you need:
Course Outline Signed
2 Pocket Folder

Pre-Test Is Tomorrow



Students need to:

have a seat quietly and wait for instructions.
take out their signed course outline.
make sure they have a writing utensil.
Students will:
hand in their course outline.
discuss the following question with their table partner:
What was the title of the song played during yesterdays
class and describe how the lyrics relate to the
classroom expectations? (activating strategy).
take the 6th grade music pre-test (instructional activity).
answer the essential question: What questions on the
music pre-test do you think you answered correctly and

Day 2 Essential Question

What questions on the music pretest do you think you answered

correctly and why?

Day 2 Instructional Activity: Pre-Test

Students will
take the 6th grade music pre-test,
and then complete the Getting to
Know You worksheet.

Day 2 Summarizing Activity: Pair-Share

Students will answer the follow the

question in complete sentences.
What questions on the music
pre-test do you think you
answered correctly and why?

Tomorrow you need a:

Course Outline Signed
2 Pocket Folder


Students need to:

get their folder from the bin

have a seat quietly and wait for instructions.
take out your signed course outline.
put everything on the floor.

Students will:
hand in course outline.
pair share how they think did on their pre-test and what kind
of learner to they think they are?(activity strategy).
organize your music folder, grade sheets, and learning log
(instruction activity).
complete the learning survey (instructional strategy).
answer essential question: What questions do you think you
got correct on your pre-test and what kind of learner do you
think you are?

Essential Question
What questions do you think you got
correct on your pre-test and why?
Activating Strategy
Students will pair-share with their table
partner how they think they did on their
pre-test and what kind of learner they think
they are.

Day 3: Instructional Activities

Students will receive their graded pre-test.

Students need their music folder. Today

we will organize your music folder, grade
sheets, and learning log.

Students will complete the learning style


Students will discuss the results with their

table partner.

Day 3 Summarizing Activity

Students will review with their table
partner their results of their pre-test
and what kind of learner they are.


Students need to:

get their folder from the bin

have a seat quietly and wait for instructions.
take out your signed course outline.

Students will:
hand in course outline.
pair share their learning styles and what makes and
instrument and instrument (activating strategy).
participate in a drumming activity. (instructional
review their graded pre-test, set up their music
folder: grade sheet, learning log (instructional
answer the essential question: What makes an
instrument an instrument?

Day 4 Essential Question

What makes an instrument

an instrument and why?
Activating Strategy: Pair-Share
Students will:
discuss with their table partner their learning
style survey findings.
discuss what makes an instrument an
instrument with their table partner.

Day 4 Instructional Activity

Students will participate in a

drumming activity.

Day 4 Instructional Activity

Mrs. LeNoir will review the six grade
general music website:

DAY 4: Name Game Activity

Think Question: How well do you know

the names of the students in this

Students will create a name tag that includes

their first and last name, represents
themselves-include hobbies/interests, things
that are important to you, and anything you
would like me to know about you.
Students will participate in a name game
rhythm activity.

Day 4 Summarizing Activity

Pair-Share: : Students will discuss
with their table partner what musical
skill was used to help remember your
peers name in class and how can
this skill help you in your other
Why is music important to your

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