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Week two and

Strike stays solid

eek two of our latest action

got off to a superb start with
pickets as large as ever across
all DSG sites.
If DSG hoped to weaken our
resolve by trying to bribe us with our
own bonus, then they will be sorely
disappointed when the Cabinet
Office gets sent the latest strike
A real sense of solidarity has built
up among the pickets and there is a
confident and buoyant atmosphere
outside all of the gates.
Each day our many supporters
are bringing good will messages and
money to help us win the strike.

Picketing at Stirling
Picketing at Warminster Photo: Najah Bashie


Yesterday a representative from

Donnington joined lecturers at
Lambeth College. The UCU
members are beginning their latest
three-day strike action in opposition
to a vicious attack on their terms and
Addressing UCU pickets, he said
You would find it hard to find two
workforces as different you work
in a college and we fix tanks. What
unites us all is we both have had
enough and are fighting back!
In a terrific display of solidarity
the Lambeth College workers made a
donation of 110 to our strike fund.
This is just one example of our
strike gaining massive publicity
across the trade union movement.
Everyone wants to see a victory
for our side and thats why so many
people are supporting us.
Winning this dispute not only

DSG meets Lambeth College strikers Photo: Michael Bradley

means we get a decent pay rise it

will also give a massive boost to all
those wanting to fight austerity.
On many of our picket lines the
debate has rightly started to focus on
how best to escalate the action after

Picketing at Bovington Photo: Tim Nichols

Christmas if DSG dont see sense.

Given the importance of our
dispute to all workers we should also
be calling on leaders of other unions
to throw their weight behind us and
help us secure victory.

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DSG strike 15/12/14

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