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CEP Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Bruce Tung

Level: TOEFL Prep
Date: October 10, 2014
To practice for TOEFL iBT Independent Speaking task, to solidify personal strategies for the Reading Test, and to
become familiar with the essay structure for the Independent Writing task.
Objectives: Students Will Be Able To
1. Improve fluency by speaking under time pressure about personal experiences and familiar topics from TOEFL
2. Listen and summarize classmates' personal experiences.
3. apply previewing, scanning, and skimming reading strategies according to topic familiarity and text difficulties.
4. understand the organizational structure of an academic essay, and identify the thesis statement and topic
5. understand the TOEFL Writing Scoring Rubric, and provide peer feedback for Organization and Development.
Theme: Focus on Organization for Reading and Writing.
Extensions: Writing, reading, and critical thinking skills through blog posting and journal writing.
Aim/Skill/Microskill Activity/Procedure/Stage

Interaction Time

Review or Preview (if Linking & Transitioning to rest of lesson:

Last week we did the Speed-Sharing activity to practice for the
TOEFL Independent Speaking Task, where each of you took turns
talking about your week for 1 minute. Today, you will talk about
your favorites.


2 min


3 min

Activity 1:
Speaking Activity

Transition to #2:
Well continue to
practice speaking
every week with this
activity until we get
to the Speaking
chapter. Lets now
turn our attention
back to reading.

1.1 Pre-Stage: Ask Ss to sit across the tables from their partners.
Explain the directions while using the presentation slide, and go
over the questions they will be answering.

1.2 During Stage: Ss take turns asking and answering the posted
question for 1 minute (15 sec preparation, 45 sec speaking). After
each question, ask Ss to write a 1-sentence summary of their
partner's answer. Ss change partners for each question:
1. What is your favorite kind of food? Describe it and explain why.
2. What is your favorite book or movie? Describe and explain why.
3. Who was your favorite teacher in school? Describe, explain
4. What is your favorite place to visit on weekends? Explain why.
5. What is your favorite recreational activity? Describe and
1.3 Post-Stage:
Explain how the activity will help Ss improve speaking fluency
with repetition. Topics will become more difficult each week.


3 min

Tangible Outcome & Teacher/Peer Feedback
Ss write down summaries. T monitors and listens for major errors.
Activity 2:
Homework Review

2.1.1 Pre-Stage:
This week we finished Chapter 2 on Reading. One of your


1 min

Pair Discussion

homework assignments was to write a response on the class blog

about which reading strategy you prefer.
2.1.2 During Stage:
Ask Ss to discuss their posts with a partner.
If finished early, give a summary of the article they chose to read,
and explain why they recommend or not recommend the article.


5 min


4 min

2.1.3 Post-Stage:
Ask if Ss agree or disagree with partner on reading strategy
preference. Summarize by listing the different strategies.
2.2.1 Pre-Stage:
Ask Ss to form pairs/groups according to their strategy preference.
2.2.2 During-Stage:
Ask Ss to discuss (compare and contrast) the 2 practice tests with a
partner which was more difficult and why?
If finished early, preview the Organization and Development
section on pp.610-623.
Transition to #3:
Were now finished
with Chapter 2 and
reading strategies,
and ready to start our
new chapter on

1 min

5 min

2.2.1 Post-Stage:
Ask 2 Ss to summarize their discussions
Tangible Outcome & Teacher/Peer Feedback
Summary of Ss discussions.


4 min

Activity 3:
for Academic
Writing and Reading

3.1 Pre-Stage: Bring up the slide on Organization.

Lets turn our attention to Organizational Structure of an
academic essay. This is not only important for your writing skill,
but also helpful for your reading skill.
3.2 During Stage:
Ss watch a video on Basic Essay Structure
Ss skim Organization and Development on pp.610-623
Ss discuss the following Qs with partner
what is the basic structure of an essay?
what is a thesis? where do you find it?
what is a topic sentence? how is it different from thesis?
how does knowing the essay structure help you with your

Transition to #4:
Now that youve
learned about the
thesis statement and
topic sentences, lets
see if you can use this 3.3 Post-Stage: Ss summarize their discussions.
knowledge for your
Tangible Outcome & Teacher/Peer Feedback
Summary of Ss discussions.
Activity 4:
Application for
TOEFL Test Taking
Reading Section

4.1 Pre-Stage:
We will now take a 20-minute practice test with 1 reading
passage. Try to remember and apply all the strategies and skills
youve learned.


1 min


4 min
5 min






1 min

4.2 During Stage:

1. Ss take the test.
2. Ask Ss to compare and discuss each answer
3. Check the answer key and mark scores
4. Highlight/underline the thesis and topic sentences of the
passage. Compare and discuss with partner.
4.3 Post-Stage: Ask Ss if organizational knowledge helped with
with the reading.

Transition to #5:
Lets take a 5-min
break. When we come Tangible Outcome & Teacher/Peer Feedback
back, well focus our Ss present scores of practice test.
attention on writing.


20 m
15 m


4 min

5 min

5.1 Pre-Stage:
Activity 5:
Graphic Organizers Bring up the slide with the title Graphic Organizers
1 Reading Passage
We will learn about graphic organizers and how they help our
organization and structure in writing.

Transition to #6:
Were done with
reading for today.
Now were going to
do some writing.?


1 min

5.2. During Stage:

Ask Ss to discuss the questions:
What is a graphic organizer?
What are some examples?
Do you use any? What do you use? For what purpose?


10 m

5.3 Post-Stage: Ask 2 Ss to volunteer answers. Show examples of

graphic organizers in Google Image. Pass out print out of mind
map and T-chart.


4 min

Tangible Outcome & Teacher/Peer Feedback

Activity 6:
Chapter 5
Independent Writing

Transition to wrapup:
We covered a lot
today. We finished
the chapter on
reading and started a
new chapter on
writing. We also
talked about
organizational tools
like graphic
organizers. Lets take
a few minutes to
reflect on what you
learned today and
what youre still


6.1 Pre-Stage: Lets begin Chapter 5, and focus on the

Independent Writing Task section.


1 min

6.2. During Stage:

Ask Ss to...
read How Essays Are Scored (pp.207-208)
skim the Scoring Rubric for Writing (pp.209-210)
read the Essays with scores of 5,4,3, and rater comments


After reading, ask Ss to discuss with a partner

the difference between essays receiving 5/4, and 4/3
what do raters look for?





9 min

After discussion, ask Ss to

read partners essay from last week
create a graphic organizer for the essay
underline the thesis and topic sentences
write down 2-3 specific suggestions to improve the
Organization and Development
3.3.3 Post-Stage: Have Ss give graphic organizer and peer
feedback to partner with the original essay. Peer conference to

confused about.

Evaluation Procedure: Hand out papers for Exit Ticket. Ask

students to check class website for homework assignments.


Tangible Outcome & Teacher/Peer Feedback

5 min


-Link to Class Blog
-Links to YouTube video on Basic Essay Structure
-Reading Practice Test
-Mind Map and T-chart print out
-Guide to TOEFL iBT by ETS

Anticipated Problems & Suggested Solutions:

-Ss unwilling/unable to provide feedback - provide specific guidelines (based on scoring rubric)
-Run out of time for activities - shorten discussions and/or make it homework assignment

Contingency Plans (what you will do if you finish early, etc.):

-Preview the new chapter

Post-Lesson Reflections:
-The Speed-Sharing activity went well, but Ss began to ask for T feedback. I explained the purpose of this activity at
the moment is to improve fluency. Well work on accuracy when we focus on the speaking section.
- I need to be more efficient when Ss ask unexpected questions.
- I need to keep track of time better.
- I have improved on the amount T talk by making presentation of new materials more interactive.
- Still not sure if giving practice tests is a good use of classroom time.

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