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Student Teacher: Tiffany Stevens

Date: 10/13/2014

Cooperating Teacher: Felice Kapfhamer

School/District: LaVoy Exc. Ctr/ Hillsborough

University Supervisor: Cindy Campbell

Grade Level: 6th,8th,9th,and 12th

FEAP 1. (a)1. Instructional Design and Lesson Planning

Needs Improvement Developing X Prepared


1a. Aligns instruction with state-adopted standards at the appropriate level

of rigor.
1b. Sequences lessons and concepts to ensure coherence and required
prior knowledge.
1c. Designs instruction for students to achieve mastery.
1d. Selects appropriate formative assessments to monitor learning.
1e. Uses diagnostic student data to plan lessons.
1f. Develops learning experiences that require students to demonstrate a
variety of applicable skills and competencies.

FEAP 1. (a)2. The Learning Environment

Needs Improvement


X Prepared

2a. Organizes, allocates, and manages the resources of time, space, and
2b. Manages individual and class behaviors through a well-planned
management system.
2c. Conveys high expectations to all students.
2d. Respects students cultural, linguistic, and family background.
2e. Models clear, acceptable oral and written communication skills.
2f. Maintains a climate of openness, inquiry, fairness, and support.
2g. Integrates current information and communication technologies.
2h. Adapts the learning environment to accommodate the differing needs
and diversity of students.
2i. Utilizes current and emerging assistive technologies that enable
students to participate in high-quality communication interactions and
achieve their educational goals.

FEAP 1. (a)3. Instructional Delivery and Facilitation

Needs Improvement Developing
X Prepared

Not Observed

Ms. Stevens knows her client and is able to

communicate effectively with the class and with
individual students. She utilizes the class
management and behavior chart consistently. She
uses technology on a daily basis as appropriate for
the lesson and students.


3a. Delivers engaging and challenging lessons.

3b. Deepens and enriches students understanding through content area
literacy strategies, verbalization of thought, and application of the subject
3c. Identifies gaps in students subject matter knowledge.
3d. Modifies instruction to respond to preconceptions or misconceptions.
3e. Relates and integrates the subject matter with other disciplines and life
3f. Employs higher-order questioning techniques.
3g. Applies varied instructional strategies and resources, including
appropriate technology, to provide comprehensible instruction and to
teach for student understanding.
3h. Differentiates instruction based on an assessment of student learning
needs and recognition of individual differences in students.
3i. Supports, encourages, and provides immediate and specific feedback to
students to promote student achievement.
3j. Utilizes student feedback to monitor instructional needs and to adjust

Not Observed

Ms. Stevens is strong in developing lessons and

creating appropriate accommodations for VI/IND
students in class. She is creating activities that are
stimulating and hands-on.
She will continue to work on gaining more
experience in pre- and post- assessments in order to
develop enrichment activities and differentiated
instruction for students at lower skill levels.

Not Observed

Ms. Stevens demonstrates good communication

skills, and models manners and proper English. Her
directions are clear and concise, and she chooses
phrasing that is understandable to her students.
She is growing in providing students with immediate
and specific feedback. She is excellent at engaging
her students and developing challenging lessons. She
continues to gain experience in developing lessons
that are for students in the participatory level.

FEAP 1. (a) 4. Assessment

Needs Improvement

X Prepared


4a. Analyzes and applies data from multiple assessments and measures to
diagnose students learning needs, informs instruction based on those
needs, and drives the learning process.
4b. Designs and aligns formative and summative assessments that match
learning objectives and lead to mastery.
4c. Uses a variety of assessment tools to monitor student progress,
achievement, and learning gains.
4d. Modifies assessments and testing conditions to accommodate learning
styles and varying levels of knowledge.
4e. Shares the importance and outcomes of student assessment data with
the student and the students parent/caregiver(s).
4f. Applies technology to organize and integrate assessment information.

FEAP 1. (b) 1. Continuous Improvement

Needs Improvement


X Prepared

1a. Designs purposeful professional goals to strengthen the effectiveness

of instruction based on students needs.
1b. Examines and uses data-informed research to improve instruction and
student achievement.
1c. Uses a variety of data, independently and in collaboration with
colleagues, to evaluate learning outcomes, adjust planning, and
continuously improve the effectiveness of the lessons.
1d. Collaborates with the home, school, and larger communities to foster
communication and to support student learning and continuous
1e. Engages in targeted professional growth opportunities and reflective
1f. Implements knowledge and skills learned in professional development
in the teaching and learning process.

FEAP 1. (b) 2. Ethics

Needs Improvement


X Prepared

Not Observed

Ms. Stevens meets with and collaborates well with

other teachers and utilizes knowledge gained from
trainings/school to use in class. She communicates
daily with parents. She seeks opportunities to
participate in available trainings at her work site and
in the Vi Program Community. She is reflective and
seeks to self-evaluate, and she listens to ideas from


2a. Applies the Code of Ethics and Principles of Professional Conduct to

professional and personal situations.
2b. Identifies statutory grounds and procedures for disciplinary action, the
penalties that can be imposed by the Educational Practices Commission
against a certificate holder, and the appeals process available to the
2c. Applies knowledge of rights, legal responsibilities, and procedures for
reporting incidences of abuse, neglect, or other signs of distress.
2d. Identifies and applies policies and procedures for the safe, appropriate,
and ethical use of technologies.
2e. Determines and applies the appropriate use and maintenance of
students information and records.

Not Observed

Ms. Stevens uses technology to record student data

and maintains daily progress notes on each student.
She has not yet experienced formative testing on IND
students on Access Points but she does assess
students using teacher created anecdotal notes.

Not Observed

Ms. Stevens is knowledgeable in school policies and

procedures. She attends faculty meetings and PLC
meetings. She maintains student records and
information appropriately and maintains
confidentiality of all students. She has viewed
training videos regarding abuse and neglect and
participated in the training on medical emergency

Student Teacher: _______T. Stevens___________________________

University Supervisor: ____C. Campbell__________________
Cooperating Teacher: _____F. Kapfhamer____________________________

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