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Philosophy Statement

Philosophy Statement
Norris, Kelsey
EDUC 201
Foundations of Education
Instructor: Egbert


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Philosophy Statement
Education is a very important part of ones life. There are many different philosophies in
education. And like no two people are going to have the same favorite color, no two people will
share the same philosophy on education.
There are many aspects of multiple philosophies that I found to be true. The philosophies
in the book that I found that best describes me are essentialism and progressivism. I believe that
there is a core of basic knowledge that is essential for all students to have in order to live in
todays and tomorrows society. With that said, I also believe that students should develop
personal and social values while in school. This is important because it helps students become
productive citizens.
Basic knowledge and skills should be taught in schools. The reasoning for this is because
once students are done with high school, no matter what they choose to pursue in life, they will
need to know how to function in society and basic skills are essential for this. They are needed
to get a job, raises a family, or for going to college.
The teachers role is to provide students with essential knowledge to be able to survive in
the real world. Not only does this include math, english, and science but also morals and values.
However, teachers are not the only ones in this equation. For there to be a balance students have
to be participate as well. The students role is to have a desire to learn and to participate in the
activities and lessons that are given in the classroom.
I personally learn best when I am actually involved in what is going on. Sitting and
listening to a lecture for an hour is not going to get me anywhere. There is no correct way to
teach any kind of material. However, finding ways to get all students involved in the learning
process is very important. Students need to be engaged in the material that is being presented or


Philosophy Statement 3

else they will not care. When they do not care, they do not learn.
Having an educational philosophy is important because it gives information on why we
teach and how we teach. As teachers get out there and in the classroom their philosophies will
probably change and that is okay. They will find out by trial and error what works and what
doesnt. Teachers are also students. We never stop learning.

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