4220 Integrated Lesson 1

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4220- Integrating Instruction Clinical 1

Central Focus: N/A

Subject: 5th Grade/Writing and Science
Essential Standard/Common Core Objective:
NCES: 5.L.1 Understand how structures and
systems of organisms (to include the human body)
perform functions necessary for life.
5.L.1.2 Compare the major systems of the
human body (digestive, respiratory,
circulatory, muscular, skeletal, and
cardiovascular) in terms of the functions
necessary for life.
Writing CCSS:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.2 Write
informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and
convey ideas and information clearly
Date submitted: 9/24/14
Date taught: 9/22/14
Introduce a topic clearly, provide a general
observation and focus, and group related
information logically; include formatting
(e.g., headings), illustrations, and
multimedia when useful to aiding
Produce clear and coherent writing in which the
development and organization are appropriate to
task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific
expectations for writing types are defined in
standards 1-3 above.)
Daily Lesson Objective: After reviewing paragraph structure and what makes a paragraph clear and coherent, students
will write a 5-7 sentence paragraph on a human body system making sure to include a topic sentence, 3 supporting details,
a concluding sentence, at least 2 different types of sentences, and accurate information on their system.
21st Century Skills:
Academic Language Demand (Language Function and
Communication and Collaboration- Students will
work in groups to decide which details are important Key Vocabulary:
enough to put in their paragraphs as well as share
Human body systems
their writing with the group.
Information Literacy- Students will use what they
Declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory
have researched about their system to put into
writing a well-structured paragraph.
Supporting details
Topic sentence
Concluding sentence
Prior Knowledge: Students have been introduced to the major systems of the human body through group work in class.
Using a graphic organizer, each group is learning about their assigned system in greater detail. Students have worked on
paragraph structure and how to clearly write a coherent paragraph through the use of declarative, exclamatory,
interrogative, and imperative sentences. They know that a paragraph has a topic sentence following supporting sentences,
and lastly, a concluding sentence.
1. Focus and Review

Description of Activities and Setting

Have the students sit at their desks. Start by letting the class know that they
will be reviewing the major systems of the human body through some in class
writing. Ask students, Who remembers how we structure a paragraph?
What are the four types of sentences that we can use to help enhance our


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a clear and coherent
paragraph about the human body system they have been learning about in
their assigned groups.
Show the students two paragraphs on the Smart Board. The first paragraph
will be an example of a poorly-written paragraph. The second paragraph will
be an example of a well-written paragraph. After reading both paragraphs,
make a T-chart on the board titled Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2. Ask
students questions such as, What is wrong with paragraph 1? What is right
3. Teacher Input
with paragraph 2? Why is this a bad paragraph? Why is this a good
paragraph? After a short discussion, make sure students understand what
makes a good paragraph: a topic sentence, supporting details, a closing
sentence, a variety of types of sentences (declarative, imperative, exclamatory,
and interrogative), and that it is 5-7 sentences in length.
Have students get into their assigned human body systems group. In their
group, the students will each complete a graphic organizer in order to help
them structure their paragraph on their system. During this time, the teacher
4. Guided Practice
will be walking around asking questions such as, Why is that an important
detail to include in your paragraph? How can you make your topic sentence
capture someones attention? How can you structure your details so that you
are using a variety of types of sentences?
Students will return to their desks and begin writing their paragraph on their
human body system. They may use the help of their graphic organizer during
5. Independent Practice
this independent work time. Allow students to illustrate a picture and/or title
to accompany their writing, if time allows. Inform students of criteria that you
are looking for in their paragraph before allowing them to begin.
Formative: Questions that the teacher asked throughout the lesson
Summative: Collect students paragraphs and determine mastery on the following criteria:
o The paragraph is 5-7 sentences in length
o A topic sentence is evident
6. Assessment Methods of
o There are at least 3 supporting details
all objectives/skills:
o A concluding sentence is evident
o The student uses at least 2 types of sentences in their paragraph
(declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory)
o Accurate information on the human body system
Students will return to their groups and share their paragraphs with each other.
Once the students are done sharing, each group will select one person to read
7. Closure
their paragraph out loud to the class. After each group reads, the teacher will
ask, What did we learn about the __________system?
The following are the results that were determined after teaching the lesson:
16/26 reached mastery
8. Assessment Results of
all objectives/skills:
6/26 did not reach mastery
4/26 worked with ESL teacher and were able to reach mastery with assistance
Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations:
Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations:
ESL students-ESL teacher will be in room to
For struggling writers: assist these students by working
assist those with limited English proficiency.
with them on the side for the beginning of the
She will sit with them while reviewing
independent writing time. Help them write a clear topic
paragraph structure and make sure they are
sentence to help them get started.
following the material. She will continue to
For students who finish writing early: Have them
assist them throughout the whole lesson by
illustrate a picture of something that represents their
walking around and providing assistance when
system and/or give the paragraph a title.
2. Statement of Objective
for Student

Smart Board
Graphic organizer worksheet
Paper and pencil for paragraph writing
Reflection on lesson:
CT signature: ________________________ Date: ______ US signature: ____________________________Date: ______

Lesson Materials
Paragraph 1
I live in a house in west Provo. I like the view from our house. We have
lived there since November. We also have a car that I like very much.
We were in an accident a few months ago. We hit a deer that was
crossing the street at night. I felt sorry for the deer, but it cost a lot of
money to repair the car.

Paragraph 2
My husband and I bought our first house last November, and we love it.
It is located in west Provo near Utah Lake. Although we cannot see the
lake from our house, we do have a beautiful view of Mount
Timpanogos. Our house has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living
room and a family room, and a large kitchen and dining area. We also
have a large backyard and a small garden. We are very happy to own
our own home, and I hope that we will live there for several years.

Informational Paragraph Graphic Organizer

System: _____________________________
Possible Topic Sentence:

Detail #1:
Detail #2:
Detail #3:

Possible Concluding Sentence:


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