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Adam & Eve NOT Adam & Steve

Marriage is typically defined as a legal agreement between a man and woman. Over the
years, people have been driven to move towards equal rights and recognizing same-gender
marriage. Debates constantly gets stirred up when society tries to convince that same sex
relations are okay. However, legalizing same sex marriage should be prohibited due to the fact
that it causes confusion in families for the upcoming generations plus the bible does not
recognize same sex relations.
Marriage between two men or two women weakens traditional family values. Two
females cannot make a baby together nor can two males. Homosexuals who marry and raise
children tend to leave a family damaged and confused. Many children tend to question their
sexuality when being raised by a gay couple and they experiment in their sexual activities with
same and opposite sexes. This is caused by the parents being the first role model a child knows
and children tend to be a reflection of their parents. Children should be raised by one mother
and one father. As said in Same-Sex Marriage Is Harmful to Children, Two women can both be
good mothers, but neither can be a good father (Hansen). With that being said a woman can
never truly teach a young boy everything about how to be a man and vice versa with a man and
a young girl.
Whenever the bible mentions marriage it is between man and woman. God presented
the perfect example of a couple when he created man to be matched with woman as
represented in Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. This world was built under God and God
laws come before any other law. According to the King James Version (KJV) bible, the book of

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Leviticus 18:22 says, Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. A
woman and man marriage is holy and sacred in the vision of God.

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Works Cited
Hansen, Trayce. "Same-Sex Marriage Is Harmful to Children." Gay Marriage. Ed. Debra A. Miller.
Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. At Issue. Rpt. from "Same-Sex Marriage: Not in the
Best Interest of Children." The Therapist (2009). Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web.
10 Dec. 2014.

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