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Mock 1

Jesse Mock
Mr. Maslonka
English 101
24 November 2014
Immigration in the United States has both a positive and negative connotation to the
American citizens. With over immigration, illegal immigration, and lack of regulation, the
country is thrown off balance and resources are poorly spent to effectively correct the
problem. This can all be corrected with an adjustment in legislation, something that
President Obama is attempting but is initiating poorly, better control and monitoring of the
border, and simply more spending at home to better the country and its citizens rather
than abroad. Although immigration is a good aspect that is unique to the United States in
which it was founded and is also widely praised. This is a bittersweet concept that is
troubling the American populous.
Over immigration is a serious issue that involves both legal and illegal immigrants.
Legislation is the first step to correcting this serious issue. In an article written by a group
of students at a college stated, Migrants crossing the border today are doing so for
different reasons than in the past, she said, and the new situation calls for creative new
solutions(Hainbach). As you all may know, changing legislation and the Constitution is a
very meticulous and complicated process that requires compliance and cooperation among
all branches of the government. This serious and ever growing issue is a topic of dispute
that Obama was faced with when he came into office and is still a issue that the next elected
president will have to face. The Obama administration and him self have been trying to
figure out ways to correct this issue, both to accommodate the potential immigrants and

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the existing population to better both sides. In an article written by Jackie Wang
commented on Obamas view on the immigration system stated, Calling the country's
isystem "broken," Obama said he plans to make the immigration system more fair using
executive action. In a speech Thursday, Obama announced the U.S. would improve efforts
to stop illegal immigration and take steps to deal with people who have already immigrated
to the U.S. illegally, including allowing immigrants who meet certain criteria the
opportunity to temporarily remain in the U.S(Wang). This statement from the article
explains what Obamas views are on immigration and his proposed solution to the current
system. From the few sentences, the reader can get a sense that Obama is taking a very
liberal or if you will, delicate action on this situation. The amount of people that both seek
asylum in the United States and want to immigrate here is an astronomical number that
this country is not yet ready to accommodate as it stands.
Illegal immigration is an ever-growing threat that is invading the country.
Thousands of people are attempting to gain citizenship the correct way through the right
channels while others are hopping the border and coming in illegally. In an article that
quoted Obama wrote, Obama said criminals who crossed the border illegally must be held
accountable(Wang). This statement says that more action is acknowledged and is being
implement to help correct this problem. This burden is a common issue that the Coast
Guard and other border-like agencies are faced with on a daily basis. Whether it is to
simply stop illegal immigration or to stop the smuggling of people, drugs, pets, or weapons
that people attempt to bring across border. To correct this issue, the United States and its
citizens need to come together as one and work as a united force. The need for the
compliance of the National, State, and Local Governments is important more now than ever.
In an article, a group of student stated, "The issues have gone off the front pages," Meissner

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said. "But the fundamentals are still in place. This crisis [is] a reason to think more carefully
and more broadly about the new challenges that face our system"(Hainbach). This
statement suggests that more action is needed to help prevent illegal immigration and a
group effort will be the only way to correct this issue. The United States is currently
recovering from a bad recession and a new benchmark is needed to help boost the
economy and help the citizens that actually need the help.
Lacking in regulation is a key downfall that needs to be adjusted if the United States
wants to help strengthen the immigration reforms and its stipulations. Regulation of the
border, the constitution, and even air travel are all parts of a spectrum that need to be
adjusted to help better the country as a whole. With reforms that effect national securities
agencies will help improve the precaution and also efficiency for Immigrants that see
citizenship lawfully and peacefully. In an address by Obama, a reported quoted Obama
who said, "Amnesty is the immigration system we have today & Mdash; millions of people
who live here without paying their taxes or playing by the rules while politicians use the
issue to scare people and whip up votes at election time," Obama said. "That's the real
amnesty & Mdash; leaving this broken system the way it is"(Wang). This statement
suggests that Obama is leaning towards reforming the current legislation but he is
criticizing how the other party members are facing this dilemma. The legislation and
constitution are at a state that does not correspond with the current times and needs to be
altered to accommodate the growing populations both internally and the populations that
are immigrating. An excellent statement from an article states, According to the
Immigration Policy Center, S.744 would address border enforcement, helping
nonimmigrant workers supplement the workforce and obtaining legal status to 11 million
undocumented immigrants in the U.S (Dunn). This statement both summaries the extent

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of the illegal immigration and also the precautions that are beginning to be taken to help
correct this growing issue.
With over immigration, illegal immigration, and lacking in regulations can all
contribute to the United States large and ever growing downfall that should and needs to
be changed in order to help the country as a whole. This substantial and blatantly evident
issue that is present on the houses desks is a task that requires complete compliance and
unbiased views with non-corrupt officials to correct this issue efficiently and effectively.

Mock 5
Works Cited
Dunn, Katie. "Joe Pakootas Vs. Cathy McMorris Rodgers." University WireNov 04 2014. ProQuest.
Web. 24 Nov. 2014 .
In this article, a landmark court case on immigration in the United States explains that
Immigration system that is currently in the country.
Hainbach, Sarah. "Immigration Expert Meissner Discusses Law Enforcement." University WireOct
27 2014. ProQuest. Web. 24 Nov. 2014 .
In this article, a immigration expert explains how for nearly 4 decades, immigrants from
Mexico has came over the border from Mexico needs to change.
Wang, Jackie. "Abbott, Perry Criticize President Obama's Action on Illegal Immigration." University
WireNov 21 2014. ProQuest. Web. 24 Nov. 2014 .
In This article, the information presented on Immigration in the United States is that of
Obamas position and time in office. In recent years, Obama wants to help introduce and
welcome more immigration into the United States. Obama agrees that more security is
needed, but he wants to insist in reforming the legislation to better those who are in need.

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