Unit 3 Reflection - Notre Dame HR

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Samantha Hillgartner

FA14-EDU-73630 HR
Unit 3 Reflection
Unit 3 Reflection
Over the past few weeks I have started to wonder if Im made of administrative material. I
wonder if my spirit can handle all of the pressures and decisions that naturally follow a position of
power and authority within a Catholic School. In particular I am finding it difficult to balance Christian
love and understanding with Christian righteousness and justice. The line seems to be so blurry.
One point for our Unit 3 Readings and PowerPoints which really stuck in my mind was a slide

Comment [MJH1]: This is a critical point and

one that is needed in administration. It is not easy
but that focus is necessary.

from Week Twelve. In regards to employee evaluation forms, the slide advises that the person
completing the form should not make comments that give an excuse for the employees failure to meet
expectations, and to focus on employees behavior and actions, not on the employees intent. This
approach to employee conduct/behavior seems to me to be very harsh, sterile, and not at all Christian.
At the high school where I work, we monitor and address student behavior based on a merit and
demerit system. When students earn a demerit it is enter into an online database and a copy of the
infraction is sent to the students parents, the schools discipline administrator, and the schools
principal. When I enter a demerit I always list the students offense, but then I also list at least one
example of how that student has been a good role model or an upstanding classroom citizen in the past.
I know that student, I know how he/she behaves on a regular basis, and I know if this infraction is
uncharacteristic of his/her true nature. Everyone has a bad day every now and then. What I do not
know is all the people who will ultimately read the behavior report (demerit) I filed online. A potential
reader may not know the students true character, or may not even personally know the student at all.
However, now that reader will be basing a good portion of their opinion, perhaps as high as 100%, of
about that student upon my behavior report (demerit). Personally, I cannot live with that. They are not

Comment [MJH2]: This is excellent and I hope

affirms the student at the same time as encouraging
the student to grow and be attentive to

a bad kid, they just made a poor choice. And I believe that including the students intent and an
example of their positive behavior in past situations is not only appropriate, but compassionate. I also
think that this same curtesy should be extended to employees. There are many things in this world
which are out of our control, but there are several things which are. One of those things is how we treat
others. Isolating a persons behavior without including pertinent information and details pertaining to
the individuals character is unjust. However, as with all things, there are extremes. If your employee
turns out to be a mass-murdering cannibal, perhaps a positive character comment is not necessary.
As a potential future administrator I am beginning to wonder if I am tough enough for the job. I
often find myself walking a path of compassion and empathy. I understand that these qualities are
admirable in a Catholic School leader, but at the same time a leader should be balanced with unbiased,
I really appreciated your honesty, Samantha, in this reflection paper. You are asking the right
questions as you continue to discern if you wish to move into administration. However, I must admit
that we need administrators who grapple with the questions that you are asking. In my years of
administration, I hope I kept the person in mind, despite taking the actions that may be necessary for
the person to grow. A young principal with whom I worked needed to let a teacher go because of
declining enrollment. He said to me that she will remember the decision but he wanted her to also
remember the way in which he dealt with her as a person. This was a great lesson for me.

Comment [MJH3]: I had to smile when I read

this!! We need to assume the goodness of each
person and give them the tools to grow in the areas
that are needed.

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