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Introspective Paper: Personality and Learning Type.

According to the Personality Test, I am an introvert, intuitive, feeling and perceiving

person (INFP) or an Introverted Feeling with Extraverted Intuition, which is classified as the
Idealist type. Being introvert makes me focused on how I feel about things, but my extroverted
intuition keeps the outside world irrigating me. I am a reserved person but really interested in
people and about their inner worlds. As long as my own inner world is not violated I am
flexible and, I do not like conflict. Conflict takes me out of balance and usually I can handle
other peoples conflict better than my own conflict. I rely on intuition which puts me in contact
with underlying meanings and structures but keeps me away from details. By being an idealist I
seek ways to make things better, but I also struggle with senses of this perfection when it
meets constraints of the real world.
Regarding my learning style my scores were 30% of Auditory style, 35% in Visual Style
and 35% in Tactile style. This almost equal distribution shows a good balance which says that I
could learn well in all kinds of styles with a slightly tendency to learn better trough
visual/tactile stimulus. I do need to visualize clear structures as a starting point of the process;
it can either be in format of images or words. But after that I need to experiment with them,
by shifting them around, breaking them apart, drawing on top of them or simply organizing
them in a way to create a consistent relationship of ideas. General movement and background
sound helps me to concentrate and to focus; sometimes repetitive movement takes place
when the level of concentration is high.

LSA 422
Rafael Pegoraro

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