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Jose Batista

Mrs. Petty
English 101
VRA Journal Statement

My Visual Rhetorical Analysis starts in the wrong direction. It seemed that I was doing a paper on child
abuse instead of a Rhetorical Analysis. After seeing all the revision and peer edits I changed my thesis
statement completely, from beginning to end. All the body paragraphs changed. In the body paragraphs
I used pathos and ethos for one part. For the next paragraph I sued color and texture and for the last
one I used how the image was set up. The focus and the points that subjected in the image. I introduced
the image with a small picture and a starting picture in order to hook the reader. The thesis statement
was supported through the essay and all the supporting quotes where citied properly using MLA. In
order to insure my citing was done properly I used Purdue owl and the links in module 3 about MLA
formatting. I organized my sources and my paper properly. I double checked that it sounded right. I read
the essay a couple of time in order to make sure it sounded organized and done with the correct word
choice. The overall context of my essay was good. My grammar was checked over and over. I got helped
my roommate grammar wise. I also used several sources to correctly set all my fonts and border lines of
my paper. Finally the conclusion. The conclusion summarized everything in a different wording. At first I
had trouble finding a way to reword my thesis. But after several minutes I organized my thoughts in
different words but the meaning was the same and that was how the conclusion became to be. Overall

this paper was the easiest because I had done 2 before this one. So I incorporated everything I earned
on the past two and used it on this one.

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