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ALL MY SONS THE CHARACTERS jou xeLLER, Jom MAYUISS ALL MY SONS ACT ONE Th back ed fhe ler home ne etn Aer Tic sages feed ont end ally rend opr wich ed he jrd © medal mrcape Uonige s fies he bo ‘of te hat a1 ee oof Bak winch etd ite ad soe ae eh, The Yo ores ‘ie a has een rooms I weal ae co perhaps eo her ‘ardin th ery wees when as Bos Now they pee, (cts tit and confor en the rds rten who, he ‘ttre pons wae sson th goa At he eg See ‘Rest ane of he ina) ces be ee pes {5108 vowel conan dose. tate cane fos, Soest fra gh go de opt won ‘rhe tk nieces be Wiebe Jat ce owt ih aaa elie wor, staple ae she witha deoruine Cl hangin fom ts fovea oh Garten hts ond tie re karl whew taka plot the ind neh pod spare ke baer “Om the re is eur Say Mog. te Keer ett (meson ring he wot fhe Senay pape he See {eto whch Se mea nthe pd be he Bend Mi he te eb, Doct Jon bass eng Mata he ‘Paper oF the table. ih {Keer ining si hey ood mind and at 4 btn ma ese many yrs, ba wh he Ini he # ke ney soe 19 J mectneshop worker and bess sll upon him. Whon he rads, fh he pets, when he anys withthe tebe connie es of ite uneducated ma fer whom there tl wonderin may \emmont navn thing. 2 mon whew hdgment at he dre experience ad a essere commen fetes A mes need 1 Docin Bass ners for. A wry selicontoted man sn fay tar but with « ip of sadn hat slnge even whi te homer, ‘Mica, Fi senting 0 trie atthe broken ew ftps a ree on Bows douth the pp Jet Ine pocets for tbece, ten sph dn: Wheres your ohacs? Kavuen: Tune It on te tbl im goes slowly tle en (he bor. finds pouch, ad att thore othe tench, fing ‘Hee Goes rh Se Paper nays 0" {Kruse Wen Sere Sau Then 4 san al Fron Liey eter, dough asl sace between He pop Front i thro bat lng 4 plains, eat d may, sewcran of inst mith fences tomerd pees whe esd, tt cay waning pleat! and elton. He roher Sunes nln nshng iodo He dees nt mote iin the stbor Om hs prec Yom doe et bathe loki Franc: ys, ettin: Hs, Fran. Whate dein? ‘Feowe: Noi: Watling of my Deakins. Looks ep a he sy. ‘Tt beau? Nota coud ‘hae: very Sunday ought 0 Oe ket elem, ncicntne ie selon Desde hr: Wat the pape Funes Whats the deen, i all bad neve What todey'e laniy? FRELLIN I don't now, 1 dent read he news part any mae, Fut Wy, you tying bey someting? eLtbe Noi ut treed To ee what people want, knew? 60 ener Maen For instance, bee's guy is lookin’ fortwo Newfoundland dos. [Now wate wont win two NewCoundiang dogs? ‘Frat: That feo Keuten. Her anther ope. Wanted—old Get prices paid. Now whats mam ging to do with 3 Prana Why sot? Probably book colesor. ‘KeLten: You mean bell make a ising out o hat? han: Sure, thee’'sa tof then, Eien, shaking his heed All the kird of business amy d 2 hop. Fava Wel, {was glag (0 be a foreter once. ‘Keuten: Well that shows yous in my day, Were wae no soc ‘ing, Scomrng te rope, awerplag it mths and: You look 2 pate lke Uie you tealze how lenecant you are. Softy. wih ‘wander 08 he Jeans po: Psst rane, noting tre Hey, what bappeted to your ice? Keira: Ain that owl? The wind mustve got lst night You a. Ia ther you were a lawyer, or # dete, or you worked ia all sale 3 Fatt struck: You knew! anny. Katte: Wha? ean Lary was bors ie August, He'd been twenty-seven it ‘neath. And his te Slows dows. Krtien, tucked" Tm surpised you remember his vith, Fein, That ake. Francs Wel, mn working on his herscope. etuen: How ca you take Bim a horoscope? Thats fer Ge furute, aii rats Wel, what Yi doing ie hss. Larry was reported mist ing on November twenty, righ? Keuusa: Yealo Franc: Wel, the, we assure that if he was kiled it was an [November twenty. Now, what Kate vant — KKeLusn: Oh, Kate asked you to make a hrescope? Frases Yeah, what she want to find out # waetber November torent was favorable dy for Lacy, ALL Moy sons a eLten: What ie that favorable day? ‘Puant: Wel, a frvorble dy for 8 perion ix fortanate day, ending (9 Bis stu, Tn otbor words It weld be pracy i= fonike for him to have died hi avorable day Kecuen: Well was that his Seorable day?—Novemer twenty= sw? Post: Tha what Pm working on 10 find oo. I takes tine! Ses, the point i, if Notembertventy-Bfb was is favorable diy, then its completely powible het alive tomevhere, becuse —t mein espouse. He notices Jim now. ims loking at hi a tous (ta idiot. To Hmm an rere laughs 1 det ven see r Ketten, ime Te he talkin ens? Jive Min? Me' ll righ. He' fost completly out of ic mind, that all But, pced The wwe wih you, you dst etn in any Sint And your trouble that you believe a nyohing. You cit seeimy hid tis morning, sid you? Pru: No. Kecutn, Irmgie? Be walked off wih Hx thermometer. Right o ole. 5, getting up: What a problem. One Took at ie and he akes her temperature. Goer 10 drivewsy, looks upstape toword sve FFuann: That boy's ging to be areal doctor; hes smart. din: Over my dead body hel be 4 doctor. A goed beginning (00, "Fao Why? I's an nonomble proesson, ‘itu taking ot hin irey: Frank, wil you stop tlio Tike» is oak? ele langh Pout’ Why, Ten s movies couple of weeks 2p, remitded me fof you. There wat doctor in that piture— Kettsn: Den Amocte! hove: Tthniit was, yeah. And he worked i hs basement di covering thiegs. That's hat you Ought 1 60; You could ep Ba smi, stead of — Ii: I would lve to help hurcaty on a Wain Broters say Ketten, pointing a hm laughing: Tha’ very goods Jin baking tomerd howse: Well, whem’s the heal gil wat ‘ppd ta be bare? 6 ARTHUR Mi Fea, excited: Annie came? | XXeLUEK: Sate, skepin’ upsias. We plckod her up on the oot vlc uni last ight." Woadertol ting. Gin! leaves ete, ‘sezaony kid. Couple of yea gp by, se tepals woman. Har fecopised her. and she was ronhing JME: Like 10 meet tee. The Mock can wie 2 prety gr ‘whole neighborhood there's not t dames thing to TOOK st Se, Jinks wite,emers Ste ls rouading fry, on arcrveight women ‘who Jers bm tning harm wry ade: Emcee ‘Suen some spin: Mrs. Adams ison the phone, you dog. Sn, 0 Keer Sue is the eondivon which prevaie-—Gotny to hi sete: my lore, ny hgh ‘Sut: Doa' snif sound me Pointing to thir howe: Aad give et a macy anceee. ean sl hee perune ove the phone Siw: What's the matter with er now? Sue: I dont kaow, éeat. Sbe sounds like she’ ie teste pain lunes her oui fll of candy. Sim: Why oa yu jut el eet ly dows? ‘Sut: She enjoys femere when youl bert ay down. And when fare you going tose Me Hubbard? Je! My' dear: Mr. Hubbard fe ot ck to do thant st there ard hold his hand Sve: It eens 10 te tha fr ten dollar 908 could hold is hand, Bins 19 Refer It your son wants 0 pay gol tel him Tm ready. ‘Or it hed Uke to tae ip around the word fr About ThE years. He et, K.LLea: Why do you nedle him? He's # doctor, women are sip posed to callin wo Sut: AIT sul was Mes, Adams ion the phone. Can Ihave some of your parsy? Ketuen: Yeah, ste. She goes © parsey box and pulls some parler. You were a nurse to loag, usc. You'e 10» . «00 ‘ut, lusting, ponang at hin Now you sad it Lydia Libey enters She 10 robust, laughing gt of tventy~ 141 have ene things fad 00t of thie yard That vas avery hippy family \se8 to lve io your hous In the | i Thou: Bs so sange—Ai Mr xs 6 rank th tne ihe ers He ce Helo! wan: Te was fl a ug in 1 i ‘iene temy: Pease, ar Oe HE den kage wy you ca lnm o mon Spl ME oer eens ip Tomas Fen eat togetieiy: He's really very handy. She ses broken tree [Oni the wind et your tee? IKecuex: Yes ast night. Loot Oh, what a pity. Ane gt? estan: Shell be dows soon. Ws AI you mest her Sashes 2 wc saree teen a man, Peele ae avy invodicing me Se ce To fe Tel arene ovr at {O35 SST aes ana wed her owed can ns ‘1s st anepry, Jet roi panic? 1 don soppore she goes around dancing on Ret 1 me empower warned? is ee anyo—t HOC fogs ys tsa oul Jers aedy- Ss ra el ringe—Annles tere and not even aed. And ‘ete other way Lows Nyce base} owes thot x now 1 got sy ha what a ward ost om 1B He ea aes te my day wen ys had som one Gag dsr cule make won Sly Serer day to bing boy ie the wold whet & Sta tw A ov, 1 wee bat ride " "Emer Chris Keller fram house, stands in doorway. won iC rant sous pom ota an Date come in ee you wat te outer Hoy ithe mated mer. towotk don't rn ARTHUR MLLER Grou, emburered laughing Did 19 FBrancs And the net time Ii someting dont ell me Tm cry Noweome i here! {Lvon, Kelle never hear the end of his one Kites, eating to Pronk; So whats she diferencc? Tetead of foustnave a mated! [Crow Sh a Ste ex, laughing. (Chrit watches her of. He 1s hry-ve: Uke Bis ater, sokdly uta liener& mar capable omens ofecion nd lyaiy He has a cep of cole im one hand, parte} @ douphnat inthe ote evi: You want the paper” (Cues: Tha sl ah, et the Book section. He heeds down aed ‘pulls pat of paper on pone floor Ketcen: Youve slays rnding the book section snd you nevee buy a tock Cat, coming down wee: 1 ike wo keep abreast of my ane ‘Guns: Lot of new book. iter: Al dierent Cans: All diferent ‘Kelr shakes hs head, pus tile down cn bench, shes oi stone woot eine Ket Pa! Anne up 300? Ginse: Mother's giving ber break Keties, lokiap ot baton Canis sont faking apr Wea eter: Whats Mother ging tay? ‘Bert rans on from driewer. He t abou eg, He huss on too then on Keller back, Beer: Youre tally 9p KELLra, swinging A eroand end puting him ven: Hat Bert's here! Where's Temmy? He’ fot ht laters thermoneser opin. Bar: He's taking a reading. Come: What Feats Bot ie only ora Ketier: Of, well, them’s np haem in eral So whafe new thie morning. Ber? ed ‘eat happened to the ee? ALL My sox 6s ‘Bert: Noi He goes to Bren re, woke around it Ksttsm: Then you eoulde've made a compli inspection of the ‘Hock Te th bepening: when Ife made ou & polemen you ted to come in every tornng wth sone lag new. Now, motets ‘Bear: Escpt some tds thon Third Steet. They started Het= ‘ar down the bbc, and I mage them go avy beense You seeping KELLER: Now youre taka’, Bert. Now you'e on the ball. Fist ‘hing you know a tae 0 mae you a deere, ‘er, palling his down by the lapel and whesgring in hi er: Cant sce he all now? etuen: Seen" he flat allowed Bert You know that Burr: Aw, betcha ther isn't even jl. Ton’ see any bare en fhe cea windows Kitten: Ben, om my word of honor thers a jl a the tase ret I thowed Jou my gums de Bent: But that's «hens a Ketuen: Thats an areaing Best: Thea hy don't you ever arrest anyboey? Tommy sd, soe cry word 0 Deas yestrsy, ana you din even demo's eter chucter ond wink ax Cts, who enon ll thi euen: Yeas that's a dangerous character, hat Tommy, Beek- xs hi clover: What word does he 139? Benr, backing soy quickly in great emberrasement: Oh, 1 cat ‘ay ta, KELLER, srbbing Rint by the shit ond paling Rov back: Wet, simne an ven Burton pio, put Nis ips to Keller’s ear, then i uber she enberasment sop bck Dear: Leavy, Mt, Kel, Gun, aging: Dont make Wim do hat Keiiet: Otay, Bert. Ute your word, Now go out, and keep ‘eth ees peeled _ yon A policeman doo’ ask questions, Now pel ther eyes! 66 ARTHUR MILLER Kevutn: For what! Bert, the whole neighborhood i depending on Ben, mstited, bs Ketan, cling oftr bm: And mum's the word. Bet. ‘Bert rope ond sticks his head through the arbor. Bunt: About what ‘enten; Just ie general Be verry carta Bent, nodding bn bemtderment: Okay. He ex Keron laughing 1 got all the Hds ey! Cans: One ofthese days, they all come in here and beat your bins ov, KILuen: What's she going to a7? Maybe we ought 10 tl ter box fore she ses i {Gass She vam atten: How coud the see I? Twas the fest one up. Sbe was sil n bed, ‘Cait: She was out here when I broke. eter: When? Canis: About four tis morning Indicating window atove them Thowrd it emcting ant 1 woke up and looked out. She was stind- ing ight here wher itercked, Keren; What was she doing oat here four in the moming? Gis: 1 doo't know, When teracked se cn back into the house Sed red Inthe Miche. Ketter Bid you tlt to her? Guns No, It awed the best Pass. KELLER, deeply touched: She cred hard? the cor of my room. iting Okay, He tune of sage beck of was to lenve er alone Ket hows? Chris sient. With an andertoe of anger showint: Shes ‘reaming abou. hn again. She's walking around at night ‘Gms: guess she is Ketiex: Si’ ping is ke after be dod. Sigh pause, What { the meating of the? ‘Coie {don't Know the meaning of &. ight pause. But T know tne thio, Dad. We've made ateable mistake with Moder, Keen: Wha? ‘Au Mey sows 6 ‘Guns: Being eshonert vith her. That kiod of ing always pays fy and ow ies psying fl XKecann, Wot do you mean, dshones Gis: You krow Larry not coming back and T know it Why ‘Some alow her to go ot tunking that we belive wit Der? Ketten: What do you want to 0, argue wih ex? Gis: don't want fo argue with ber, bat We time she reaized (Gat sotedy bebeves Lary lve any more. Keller simply moves fas thinking, loking a the ground. Why shoal’ she dceam ot fn, walk eights wating fr him? De we contadet er? Do te iy streght out iat we Buve no hope aay more? That we aver’ tad any hope for yexs nov? Ketcen fghined othr thought: Yo exo’ 49 tha 0 ber. Guns: Weve goto say it her. Ket.en: Howe you going to prove i? Can yor prove if? (ins: For Go's ake, tre years Nobody comes tack air thes eats. Insane Bellen To yow i iy and fo a But rot to ber. You cam tal Joorel blo in the fe, bu there's no body ané there's no wave, fo wher are you? ‘Gans Sit down, Dad T ant wo talk to you. ‘Keller ook at Him tearchngly a morte ') weaens The wouble it the Godan newsnapers. Every month tome buy tne up fom nowhere, 0 the nest one is going © te tary. ‘Chins: Allright, all igh, ten to me. Sigh pose. Kale ison Seuee, You know why Taskea asi ere, doo you? Ketter, he Anos, bur: Why? ins: You know Keeiver: Well T got an ides, tut— Wha’ the ston”? (Gans: pong to ask her to marty me. Sip pause. ‘Keller nods. eiues: Well that’ only your busines, Chis (ens on know ine only my business. Keuten: What do you vant me 19 do? You'e old enoegh to ow Jour ove. mind. Gans aking, ensoyeds"en tsa igh, 1 yp ead witht? Ketuzi: Well you watt to be sure Mother et sag (o— (Gna: Them in ust my busine. 6 awricon ais even) Po jt aiet— {Cans Sometimes yo ifrite mm, you now tha? Ta’ it your ‘eames wo. ul tte Macher and se throws aft about 1? ‘You have ech a tent fr ignosng tings. Kevean: ignore what Igoe ipore. The oi is Lary’ i Cows: Sh nat Lara Bi Kcteen ow Moers point of view be is not dead and you Ihave a0 rh tote hs pe, Sight pause. Now you can go en ftom there 3oa brow where (0 9, but Tm tls" you 1 dort ow whore tego Sor? {dont how, Now hat ean 18 f" 908? Guns Tdpe know ty itis bet every two T ech ot fr seme~ thine { wat, Thave fo pall ack because eter people il sur. (My we blody He, Une afr ime afer tine. ‘Resuen, Youve » considerate fella theee's wthng wrong i (Gis: To el wis tat. evtan: Did you ase Ane ye? ‘Gute I wane to get th seed frst Ketuse; How Go you hnow tell matty you? Maybe the feds the same way Movie des! ‘Guns Wall ise doer. then that’s he nd of it. From ne ke {eraTihint she's forgot ho. Sd ot Ad then wel ash Wout with Mater? Rigi? Dad, dont wold me ‘Ketch: The rouble you dont se enough women, You never aa ‘Com: So wht? Ym ot tlh omen, ecuen: 1 doe" sx why Shas ob Asse. Gus: Beease it estan: Thats god answer, bat it dn answer anything. You vent seen her since you wen oa. 1 Be years ‘Gruss {cart beip HoT Know Der test C wes brought op nent flce fo her. These years waea | Bink ef vocone for my wie, 1 ‘Oink of Amie: What € you want «daa? Kevesn, Tost women dopom «= {Tim She thinks he's eg bec, Chis, You marry that gil and youe pronosncing ‘Nm deed, Now whats ging happen to Mother? Do you kzow? dont Pose Cass Alrighty theo, Da Rectan hiking Crs has rected: Give it vote ‘Gms: Pre iven it thre yeas of uh T aL My sons 60 es, Moir would forget Lamy and wen we'd have a repuin! Seg an evry tap. Bo at ant pps et Tithive tw aetont cunts What the Seis ie? ‘Gms: 1 get ou. TH gt mated Mee in New York Keuuer: Are you ery? ben oan on ng id cee Pa gh KELLER: You've gota business hee, what the hell is st ‘Gants The bicins Te beines deat pe me Keir: Most you be inived? ‘Conte: Yes 1 ie tam Por dy, LT nave esrb for money at ay feat east at evening I vant it beat wat a fay, | teil eave His, Tweet to ball eomcting 1 eam ge mall tenis dh mide ol thet Now 7 = te 1 Bd 2 ELLEN: You mean— Goes vom. Te me someting, You meat Jord eave the buses? Gina: Vex. Gn thet would ewes, ofr « panes Wel te some place ehe (inis: Thea help ms stay here Recuens All ight, bat tut dow’ thine the tel id work for? Thats only for yor, Chin, tbe wale ‘oota’ each for you! ‘Gis: know tat, Dod. Just you help me say bere. TLLen, png oi pt Chk fe Ba dn’ Wat ay, ee bee me? 8 am inking that way. Krctrn, buerig ir hand don't wndertnd so, do 72 Gini: No, yu dont. Tm 4 petty tvgh Kester: Yeah 1 can se ‘Mother apart on porch. She iin her ect ie, 8 woman ef uncenuclled inspirations and an overmhling capaci Jor Ino Morne: Jet Qin, ore wvard porch: Hallo, Mom. Mori, indicating hawse Behind hero Kel: Did you tke 3 ep fom under thesia? 1° rc MOLLER Kecten: Yeah pst ita te pil Fotets Wal pet ou ofthe pai. Thar my posses, ‘Ces barat out lughiny—pocs 7 ite le ‘keren bughing: 1 ough was gst Treat Wit yeu do me 8 ver Joe? Dont be bet Mature: Lean afford anober bag of pours, ieee: Minne seoared that pall in Young aie ot ‘earch Jour teh Kecuen: Asa do deena why, er T worked fry Yes UarTipoca maid vhy Thave eo take ot the forbs. rae you woud make up yout mind that very bag it he OREN hl ee guage you worlds be throwing out) eseables, Last tine was he onions ‘Chr cme! on, hands her be. sexu Lon’ ike gorboge is Be howe. Nomen: Then don et She fer i the Recon 0 baw, ‘Che: That sete ju fer (062 eee nyeck erin lest pace aga. 1 don't know, ofc upon RSIRE ned to tink ot when T pot money again ¥ woul Te ane ed my wife woul tale easy. Now Fant soney, and T ara, ao my wife is work for he mad. He in ore Of techai's ‘iether comes out on eon. Mone: 1 ber day of, what ate you crabbing show? ‘Com, Merher Tn Ate Cished et? Cee esting round qreoceupicdly ot yerd: het be good 1 went {obim i tine-anctor year heel be noting lk bat is ml. ‘Comiss What's he mater, George, white tw tule? ‘Gonz: The toable? The trouble when you make suckers out ‘of people once. you sholent try to de it wee ‘Canis? What does that mean’ ‘Gronse, 10 Ann: Vou'e not naried yet re you? ‘ANN: George, wil you sit dove end stop? Gronce: Are you murred ye? ‘Avs: No, fm not marie ye ‘Gtonae: Youve not going to meey i. “Ann: Way am Tot going tomarry hin? ‘Gtonae: Bocuse his fate destoyed your fal, ‘Omis: Now look, George. « SGronor, Cut abort. Chis Teller to come home wih me. Lets fot aruc, yout Hw hat Eve got 19. ‘Sinus, George, you dart vant te Bethe tae of God, do you? Gronce: Cua: Thavs been your touble al your Hie, George, you dive Ino things What kindof» statement is tha to take? You're a big tone. Gronat: In 2 bg toy no. ‘Gini: Don't come baling ia hee. you've got someing 19 my, becinlaed about i. Gronot: Don cize me! ‘As Sih ‘Cams ready Whine Ato you going to Hike a grown man if orarent you? Sus, iictly, t forestall an ouburse Sit down, deer, Dea't be rev "aha’s the mutter? He alles her t set hm, Wooing 2 ber Now what happened? Yeu ised me when I ltt now you— Gtonce, bathers My Ue raed upside down since en. 1 ‘ould go back to work wen you let I wanted 1 go © Dad fd tll fi you were going tO De marie. Te seemed imposible ft te el hot. He lved you so much. fe pauses. Avnie—ve dis Temi thing. We-can never te forges. Nor even to send ire tbeatd ot Chetinas. 1 did't tee hin nce since T got home fom {he war! Annie, you don't knoe what war done to that man. YOu evi Know whit happened ‘ass, arid: Of course know, Geoace. You cant Krow, Jou wouldn't be bere, Dad came ork that day. The night foeman came to hi and showed hit Te elinder rade. they were coming cut of fhe process with ‘Slects. Thre wa something wrong with he process. So Dad went recy to Ue phone sod cated here and tld Joe to come down {ign svay. But the morning posed. No sgn of Joe. So Dad called Mise By Wis time he had ver a hundeed deliver The Army a ereaing for stu nad Dad idee Yave anything to ship. So Je fol Bin =m the phose he tld him (0 weld, cover UD the cracks im any way he could, ard ship them out, ‘Guns: Ate you throush tow? SGeoncr,suryng up af im: V'a tot through sow! Back 9 Ana Dad wae afin. He warted Joe thee if he was ging todo it. But oc con't come down -- He's sick Sick! He suddenly get the tt Suddenb! But be promised 1 ke responsbiity. Do you ur destnd what Vm saying? OP the Weephore you cant 3 fespomsibliy! In a court jou cin always deny a pon call and thats excl what he hd They knew ne was a Har the at de, ut in the appeal they beeted that ruin Hie aad now Joe 8 Digehot and your father fs the pss. fle gets up. Now whee you fing o do! Eat his fod, sleepin hs ted? Answer mt what ot Err Wate you ging todo. Georse? (Gzonoe: Testor aman fore, Fsart proven hone call {hts Then how dare you come in hare with that ro? ‘Avs: George, the eourt— ‘Geonce’ The court did't keow your fhe! But you know him ‘You bnow in your heart Joe ait ‘Chis, whiting him around: Lower your voce ot 11 Cow yeu ‘ut of here! Gronce: She knows. She knows Chis, to Ann: Got him ext of bere, Ann Get him out of here. ‘Aww Georges} now everyting youve Sab, Dad told that whale thing in cor, sed they— (Gtoncteimost a servan: The coun sor kxow him, Anal ‘Ars SinatBut bell tay anything, George. Yeu know how (uick e.ean fe. Bronce, trang to Chris, with deliberation: V1 ask you somes thing ed lok me the eye when you answer He. ‘Caner Ti tock you in the eye. Groner: You know yeue father Gunes Kaow bin wel CGrowce: And he the kind of boss et x hundred and twenty ‘one ender heads be repaired and shipped out of is stop wit fat eren kaoving stout ‘Gants: Hes tat Kad of bos. ‘Growoe: And that’ the same Joe Keller who never let his shop ‘Sihout fst going aromnd to see bat al the Bphis were out ‘Gun, wth growing anger: The sme Joe Kelle. Grove: The same man wb hnows bow many siovtes« dy he ‘workersspend im the wet ‘ALL Mr S085 109 ‘Om: The same man (Geotor: And my father, that righened owe wio'd never boy (Tenie without somebedy long man would dare do much 3 fag ot hi Fn? Pee Sint own, And became hs fightened mone this i ca rinbg hd dothow the shine on somebody ese case itor mae enough to tke it hime He une iin coart But it Gant works bat ih fol ike you it works! ‘Grosct: Oh, Cais you're a arte your! Ian deeply vhoken: Dow tlt ke that ‘Cams tt facing George’ Tell me, Geerge. What happened? The Gurr record ws good enosgh Tet You sh tse ea, wy bn {tgeod now? Why did you belle al these years? (Gaowots efter aah pause: Because you bebeved i.» « Thar fhe uh, Chris, I bleved everyting, because | tought you dd Bex today Thesed it Gem hs ou, From bis eowth i> alto, pur dierent than the record anyone who kaows him, and owt yoer ater, wi teove fom his mouth. Your Dad bok ‘pemiting we have, Ica’ bent tha But she's one Hem Bes not Shag wt. Me tur vo Ann. Gxt your tens. Everyiieg they He ered wit ond, You're nt the kind of 3 il wo can fre wi ha Got your tinge ‘Guus: Ana» you're not going to belies tha, a yOH? thn gor to hin: Yo Yow Hs net trae, dont YOu? ‘Geance How can be tll ys? Is his Tater, To Cris: None of thee hinge ever even cost your mind? ‘Gins: Yes, they crossed my nnd. Anything can cross your nd! Geonce: fe hnows, Annie. He kro! Ghats: The voie of God! Geonces Ten why int your nim o8 the busines? Exphin that ‘whe ‘Gans: What the Pel his ear go 6 do wih? Geonoes Aanie, vy fart his gurm on 1 ‘Cons Even when I don't own i! Gannon, Whore you hiding) Who pete it when be dies? To Amn Open your yen, you know the bath of them, ist that the fist eee Beye der the way they love each other? O. Keller a6 1) BF pale “ann Tooks from him fo Chis, VL sete it, Do you et iowtle fer ae you aad 19? ALL MY SONS 10s (Geom —si with a erbarosed laugh Tm realy not honey. Mornin: Honest God i breaks my heart t0 see what nape | pened 10 all the children, How we werked and pissed for you, 1) See you evd up no beer than ws. (Groner, with dea feng for hers ou « «you haven't changed all, you brow tha, Kae? Monica: Nene of us changed, Genre. We all love you. Joe was fs lrg about the day you were torn and the wale got sat Df. People were carrying Danis fom a block away—a suaneee ‘ton have ihowgit te wbole neghtorhood was on fel They Iinph She ser she jie, To Ane Why did't you give him some inte! D Ans, defensive: oferd it him. 1 Moruen, scofingly: You ofered to him! Thrasting las nto BEA Gorges bond: Gn to heat To Geo, who is luping And fw youre going 0 st Here and dink sooe fais - - and Tok. Iie mating! ‘Geotcr, siting Kate, fel hungry leat. By) Coats oud: Ste coud tun Nabatma Ghandi into» Beary wean! 09 anrwun nates ‘Gumus: What do you meant Grorae’ Let me go up and talk to your father: Te ten mint dou have the andwe, Or are you afrad ef the answer? Gite: Tim nt alraid of the snswer. 1 know the answer But my fpotier so well and T doa want a ght here now, Geotce: Let ne go hin. {Gunis: You's act ping to start a fight here nov. ‘Geonce, tc Ann: What more do you want! Thee 5 ¢ sound of ote inthe house ‘Anw tura her heed suddenly toward heuse: Someone's coming. ‘Gham o George quiere You wont sy anysing n0¥. ‘ANN! Youll 9 soon 1 call ae Grorce: Youre coming with me, ‘Avot, And don't mention marviage, because we havent sold bet » Georoe: Youre coming with me ‘avs You understand? Don't George, ou'e aot poing to stat “tything now! She hear eotzept. Sis! [Meher enters om porch he i dresed smoot formally er ui face. They eo tart toward her On seeing George she reites hoth hands. crimes ewe toward hi Maren: Gecrsie, Geert. Georce—te has etvoyr lited her: Hell, Kase ‘Noten cap his facet her Fands: They mae an ld man ost ot you. Tovches hs har. Look, you'e ery. Geowoeier pigs open and unabashed, reaches nto him, and Ine sue mal Ueno, = % ‘Mores; 1 told you when you went sway, don't ry fr medal. Geonce lvghs,eredly:| side’ by, Kae. They made it vry 397 for ne. Nome, eerily angrr: Go om, You're all ale. To Ame: Loc nim why da you se) he’s fine? He tok lite» ghost Geode rluiny for slice: Vf ll ight ‘etea: I'm sick Jo bok at yoo, Whats te mater with your mothe, why dont she feed you? ‘Aw: He pst hass'any appetite. ‘oven: if te ate im my Nowe bel have an appt. To Ann’ Dy your husband! To George: Sit dowe, 1 make you » and = \ 10 Chris, wih rect energy: Listen, 10 Dell with We es fam inte lesbos, a freuen srawberra, and tp yout SGronce: The tain leves at ejghtshity, Ann, Morice, ro Ann: You'e leaving? ‘Cres: No, Mether, he not— ‘Rass breaking through wor 10 George: You hardly got here} BI ge younel «chance vo gt aequsined again Hy, cue Sire. you don even krow vs any more Mornen: Well. Chis, they ean say, don — Crs: No, if’ jest » question ef George, Mosher, he panned Gronoe pes up pote, ley, fr Rat's he: Now wat mi ‘te, Chek = ‘Gens sling and fll of canmond.euting him off: 1 you want topo Tt dive you fo the sion now, but i youre saying, ne 2 amumens vile yoo'e bere. | Moran, at at confessing the tension: Why shou be argue? She 106 ARTHUR. SEHLLER toes to in Wid derperation ond compession sokine his har ‘Gecepe and os have no argument. How could we have an argo inet, George? We al got ht by the same lighting, how can Jour? Bid you see what happened to Larry's te, George? She Bar taken hi ar, and unsilingly he reer acros ge with er. Imagine? While | as drenming o hie inthe mde of te aghy {he wind came long and Lode enters porch. As soon ash ses is Lima! Hey, George! George! Georse! George! Gcorie! She ames down to im eagery. She as 4 flowered hat inher hard, \thich Kove takes fom her And Frank. She smile t | him time and goes 08 to her hous. Georee stands sri ater ter. Lys, as she runs ef: Oh, Frank! Momes,reaing his hough: Sbe got pect, bet? |, Geonce, sly: Very pty. Moms, esa rerrisund: She's teauifal, you damned toe! ‘Gronor Took: orund longingly and cy, with» cote in Ns host. She mses User so aice around het | Monnet shakine her fer ot Bim: Look what happened to you feeawe you vould Hsten te! Loid you mary that it snd tay ont f the war! Geen laughs ct Mirsefs Sb wed vo ugh too much. Monex: ad you did't lagh enough. While yoo were geting Inet aboot Pectin Frank eas geting int her be ‘Gtence, fo Chris He woe the Sar, Frank ‘Cees Al! the ate. Morten, purait of thir mood: The day they started the drat, Georgie tol you you loved that gi J Ginsu: Ad ue Te hath 0 maat BBA Morven: (im sane an any of you. H Grote, laughin: S's wondetalt | Morten’ And now youre gong t sth o me, George. You had fb pracpls, Eagle Scout the thee cf you: 80 now 1g a tee, {hu this ene —Tudntng Clris—uben the weather gets bad be i 108 aaneen ste ant stand on bis fees and that big dope—Poining te Lys TJowe™next dor who never seads anything but Andy Gomp bas three cildsen and he hooe paid off Sip being a phlosonbe, tnd look after youre Like Joe was jot saing_—rou move back eve, fel elp you get ex, abd 1 Gnd you a get and pu a sie on your face. ‘Geonot: oe? Joe warts me hers? ‘Avs enpry He eked ine tl you and Tak i's good ie Moviens Cersinly, Why most you make Beleve You hate ta [tat nother prtcipiot_hat jou have to hate ws? You det ate ue, Geovpe, I know you. you car fool me, | dapered you. Sudteriy, to.Arm: You remeoiter Me. Mary's dsughter? ‘Ans, Iughing, to George: She got you hooked already! George laughs is exe. Moriin: You lok her over, George; youll ve a's the most tential Cie: She's pot wart, Geena. ‘Mornen, to Chris: Sho hast got waral To George: So the gt tas Hite beauty mark on her ehin— Cis: And two on es nose ‘Moruen: You remember, Her father's the retred poise inspector, Comis: Sergeant, Crore. Moriex: Hes « very kind sant ‘Chia: He Teak Tike a goit. Morin, 1 George: He never shot aybody. ‘They ol burs out auphing, as Keller appeers in doornay, George ries abruptly ond wore at Kalle, who ccmes rapidly down wo him. the laughter stops. With sated Joly: Well Look “Extending his hand: Grog, geod to see ‘Geonce, snaking hande—somBery: How're you, Joe? Keita’ Soan, Gettin ol You coma’ out to diane: with ws GGroree: No, goto be back in New York. [ANN [kcal scab for you She gees up Inthe howe. kun He looks fine. Morten: He loks tebe Ketuen: Thats what T sid, you Inok treble, Geotge They Tough T went the yants and she bets re with the bat ‘Too tad you ean stay, George. St down. Yo Morer: ‘Guonot: 1 saw your factory om the way trom the mation. It Took Ie Genert Motors Ketsens | wich wae General Motors, but tit St down, Georne. Sit dowa. Takes cigar out of his pocket. So you fnily eat to see your fates, bea? ‘Geonot: Yes, ts noming. What kind of stuff do you make now? XKELLRK: Obs lite of everything, Pressure cooreD, an asemM foe waslog machlos. Got 4 mee, Nesitie plant now. 80 bow’ ou dnd Da Pel all ight? tone, searching Keer, peaking indecively:Ne, ec not well, dee Ket.ay lighing his cigar: Not his heart again, isi? Geonct: Its everyting, Joe. Is bis ou., Blowing out smoke: Uh hu ‘Gas: How about seing wat they a with your house? Katies: Loore hes be Geonct, 10 Ch, indicating Kater’ 1 tke total to hin Kaviax: Sure, be ost gor here. That's the wny they do, Georre. ‘Aide man mates a mistake and they ang hin bythe thambs; ‘he big ones become Smbesiados, T wish Yous tld me you ere ing to se Dad, ‘Geonce, saying im: 1 idee know you were inteeste Kaisa! Ina way, Tam, T vould Eke hin to kaow, George, that fora Tm concaraed, ny te Be Warts, e's go «pln wilh fhe I woold Uke him to Keon that Gzotor: He hates your ats. Jee. Doa't you brow that? Keiien:Limagioed it. Bu hat can change, 00. "Gower: Hey lke that pow. He'd lite to ake every an who ‘ade money inthe war aad put in p agaist a wal. * Gn: Hell need ot of bale. CGronot: And hed beter not get a, Kauoen: Tha’ sad hing w hear ‘Gzowoe, with Biternes dominant: Why? Wat's you expect him ts tink of you? Keiir—ihe force of his nature rising, but wader conrol: Vn sad feece te maant change, As longa know hm, (weave pea, ‘be man snver kad Dew to ike the Blame. You know that ui} 10. ARTHUK MULLER eorex —e dors Wel, I Ketien, Bat you do row i. Because the way you come in ert Jou dort look tke yos tmember it, T mean like in ineees Tirstoren when we had te shop on Flood Steet. And he cama teat blew tap with tat eter e fet burning fox two doy ‘ftneur wor, He would’ acini that wat hi fol, eber, had Ioitre amuchanie fo save he face. You remember tht. Geonce: Yer, bu— Keren: Ti juxt mentioning i George. Because this is ust Srother one of 2 ict cf things, Lite when te gave Frank tha money fo est i tok Groton, dvvessed: 1 know that I~ ReLcss, iiving tn, bur vetoed: But it gond to cemenber those ting, id The way be cuned Frank because the stock toot down, Was tht Frank's fal To Tsten to him Fronk wat Towinder. And ll the man di vas give tim & bad up. Gronoe ger up, moves away: 1 ow thre tings Ketoet: Ther fememter thom, enemb them. Ann comer ov (of house. There are srinin men ia the word who rather see ever toa bong sefore they! ke Name. You undertnd mr, “They send facing eoch other, George trying 10 jue hi, ‘Ann, coming downatages Te caD of is way. Would you Tks 10 wan? Morten, wih she rast of hope: Why ust be go Mae the ibe ig, Googe ‘Kevten: Sure, youll ave anes wih ust ‘Ant How about ie? Why 000? We'e eating at the lake, we coud fave aswel time, A Tong pause, as George loots et Ann, Chris, Keler sham ack her Gronce: Al ight Mornen: New you're tating CCunis: Tye gota shirt that Epo right with sha sult. Morwen: Sie flteen anda hall, right, Geore? ‘Geonce: Is Lydia? 1 aeat—Frank and Lydia coming? Morin: Tigi you a date art make ber Took Uke a— She ons apse. CGeonce aughing: No, 1 doe’ want a dt au ney sons ue ‘Gms: 1 tnow somebody jus fer you! Charlotte Tanner Me sorts forthe heuse este: Cal Chto, dats ght ‘Mornen: Suteseal hr up. Chis poe Ito house ‘Ast! You go up and pick out» et and the Genice stops. ols eround ef them andthe pce: Lnever fet at ome anyorere but here. {feel to He neatyfauph, and tus tovry rom them. Kate, you lok 30 youne, you know You dit hinge at ll Tt = figs am old bel. Tur 0 Rel. You to, om you's emacingly the seme The whole aimouphere ieecen: Sey, La got ime to gt sek ‘Merien: He hast been lid up in iter yeas. Kevtin: Except my fu during the wat. Morien: Hunt? ) Kecuen: My ty, whea Twas sek daring « «he wa. Movnen: Wellsce »- + To George: Tenn excep fr that Mu Covrge sands percciy ll Wel Iesligped my mi, dnt ok Stree tnt vay” He wanted to 90 t0 the shop but he coukén't it tie of the bed. Tuhcught he had pneumonia. Groxot: Why di you sy bes never—? ettzn: I now how yeu feel. Kid, I never forive myst 1 osldve gove in tha day I'd never alow Dad'to touch ove eee Gronct: She sid you've never een sek Morven: Teaid he wae sick, George, Gronat, gine 0. Arw: Ana, didet you hear her 33)—2 Morven: Do you remember every ime you were 36? Gronor: 4 member poeumon, Especially 11 oti ist he Gay my pariner was going 10 patch wp epinder Beads... What feppeced that So, Jou? Tonk emrs brciy from drissy, helding Latry's horo rope in his hand. He comer wo Kate, Frac: Kae! Kas! Morwex: Frack, did you see George? Flank, extending his hand: LySia ot me, tim glad; «yout fave © pardon me Pling Mother over Ue got something amsn- Ing fr yo, Kees fished Larry's horeccope Morwen: You'd be interested in ths, George. 1s woederfu the sy be ean understand the— me axmur nL Canta entering oem hour: George the g's on the phone— Morten, doperoty’ He toshed Larry's horoscope! (Che: Frank, cart you pick» beter time than thi? Feat: The geatst men whe ever lived belewed in he ‘Camis: Sip ing her head wih that ju Phan Is junk to fet Dat teres a greser power than ou eve? Te studied the star of Ss i T won" ange with you, Fn cing ou Somewhere ln tis wold your broter i alive ‘Morne, etn to Chet Why inti pele ‘Gins: Boone ifs insane Fades Jo's mine now. TM tell you something and you c29 ‘dere yo plese. Jest tres it He was suppose 10 Tave died ‘Se November twenty-Gih, But November twenty was his fe Moreen: Listen to him! isc: it wat doy whe everything geod war shining on hin, {be tan of dey be shone muredon- You can Tnogh at» 1 Fut ese undertand you lagheng, But the ods ae a millon 0 chehar # man won't die on He favorable diy. That's known, Svs noun: Che ‘Moxvnn: Why itt it pouible, why isn't posite, Crist Geouan, 1» de Dont you understand what she's saying? She Jest told you to go. What are you waiting for 20¥7? ‘Gis: Nobody fam tll er 10 po. cor harm i hew Monten, w Frank: Tank yeu, dig, for ow vouble. Wil 08 tal bm wll, Prank? Fair a he gor: Sure tig Norn, cling ons They be Hight ont divert (Chm: Sine nt leaving. Mote. SGronce: You feaed ter say it, be’ never been sick Morin: He msurderstcod me, Chris! Chris Boks other, sack; otc, Jo Ana: He simply told Your father to Kt pos, and! covered hil in ted ‘Gus: You'd better ansver hin, Antic. Arswcr him Morwen: 1 packed your bag, sing, wT pocked your ag. All youve pot to do is clos it ‘Avs im pt conn nti. He ake we ere at ‘ill be tells me to go. To George: Till Chris tels me! as: he hats Now tte Gr hwo Cre Bat fats hw fe fe iin nC os hn Sr tary a loose Pm hot To Geog Now bet ext ie ‘Googe: Now et ot af be, Stonce, to Ane You tel ne. vant ‘Amt: Go, George! heczorte The dserpear phe driven, dan sit, “De tke ea Gtaetel Rie don't take it that a ae frig tv Me mover Wha 900 man, ou ace het al Ho dee you pe bs tnt aeons Cis: How de you pa her bag? 4 Mornen: Se doc on ere || Qmns: Thea dont tele ee Meron Stays Shand mf Wer as dn, an Yo marin Mi Sminem mers sat are et a ent nl hater aE ones Latent nea eta a themed ei piece saree 14 amram mnuesn Gis: Ie et Him go, im go 2 og Sev ts ee, but tmng Pom fn: Then et yout Iter ps Pons. Christos wens. Rieke ates out of bee min. RaLLen etait, but no fing tem: Voor Menten teeta, tecause he's dead, you father Kl MOM jOvundentand ne gov? As ong as yu Fe tat Yt vie Dees ot etn on bele by his abet Now YOu wy Aine Go eyo ie; Beyond convo she Pris wp and ine fone ons ha mat ved Be ape ism’ ution Ion Shoe wat of Bet mind. Cihins olen wher: Then... you didi i Cee ei beng of ple isa vie: He eter ew 8 Cay mato e i Gos ruck ead But te ter Ca dee Sp ot clr od We toke en ward Chr, pany. Gens yiting Dad. ou did Sen Be ener few a FAO, what's the mater wih you? See ng acd ang Tien you i To We owes hom hold thir vokes dos 4 en ae of hs hs dey ebtece: Whats the matt Kes Wha te bel tbe mater ith os? yo PM pect How cs you ha How? cee Une he mater wih you! Eine Dad Dad you kld twemy-ene men! erin, What tiled? : ‘Sine: Yow ted tem, you manera he. ; Cane oe oh Pravin ts mine nanre apn bfoe Cr ow cou ah anton? Gene: Dee! Da Sere nn hak 1 io i ayo Gina rhe eagan tone, Win id you do? Expt me oe I war you to prea! Sc here ar hovering ar: Don Chri dm Rah rte une va you cia row what id yo So? Yow.) ee a amt vay caked egies, now what | you dot ALL My soxs ns etuen: If soute poitg 16 ang me then I ‘ns: I tteting. God Alights, ¥m lst Ketuex—ther movement now are the of suble puri and cacepe. Keller keeps ep out of Cris range os he talks: Youre {boy, what coud 1 oot Tm in busines, a han Hs an Dues 8 ‘of busines; you got 8 of busines you dot Tow tow te oferite, your tu iso good: they clase you up. ‘hey ter up your conracts, what ihe bells i 10 then? Yoo lay ‘oxy yeas ino a besness and they knock you oat a ve inves, ‘What could T do, le: them tke forty yeas, let them tke my Ife tay? fs voice cracking: I never oeugM ey Ina ther, 1 | wet © God T dcoght ey'd sop em before anybody took fl. ‘Guns: Then why'd yos ship them wut? Ketcee: By the time they cculé spot them thought I'd have the | process scingapuin. and {coulé show them they oeeded me and they'd let go by. But weeks passed and I got a0 bek-bac, 30 1 ‘as going 0 tell thee (Guus: Then why dt you te hen? | Rien: Ie wan to late. The paper, it wav allover the font page, | entzone went dow, it war tao hie. They came with bandos I the sop, what coold I de? He str on bench. Che J Chis de fer yo, twa chance ar wok for you. tin sven years ll, wien woul Thar ante hace 1 make something for you? Si ‘ld you dont get another iiaetind Ss ite oe Bet another F cmis: Yoo even knew they would Holdup othe sc, (Guns: Then you thouphe they era, Aetsen: I was seid maybe ‘Qune: You wete afd maybe! God in heaves, what kind of ‘aan ae sou? Kids were horging ia the air by those heads. You ‘al Ean For yoo, ts or yst (Ga, ie tring fry or mel Whee do yu We, where nave 16 accrutur MILLER ome tant Foe melt ding ct dy and 4 SE PET LT syne oe me Win ee 200 lg my Bor 747" best Ts Un ta 53 1 as igo cad Wha hat be words Winer? rind an Bg you ean, you id foe m7 Det rm M5 Wnt ie ol 9 Toe he wel? What ie Hal conte) Dost "pe 2 mma ls Ms oe, wa 6 YOU Yoste net een yout {oop vee ne ou Of Want at Meo hi at he ott down uP mea wt re mt on coving hi He A fate et do, Jr Gd, what mst 1? Rectan: Chis = My Chis» ACT THREE ‘Two o'lck the ollowing merning, Mother i discovered on the rie roctng ceasdey tn 4 chair, arin at her shoshs, 1 te teense, sgh, sort of rocking. A light shoms from wpseirs Bedroom, Loner Ror windows being dark. The maon is stone fon est is Buds Uh Present lim, reer in jacket and ha, eppear, end sting der, goes up beside her. Ste Any newt Mom No vows. Shu, remy: You canta wp a leh, dear, why doo't you po 16 tet Moran: Yo wating for Chris, Doe't wony aboot me, Sim, I'm prt all Tir: rie almost to o'dock ‘Moreen: Tear seep. Slight pase. You had an emergency) Jn teily: Semeboly had a headache ané thought De was ding | Sipie pause, Hal of ty paints ae gate mad. Neboty reais Seer chay peep we walling around tore, and tnye cracked Miectonts nowy. Money anoney-mooey-money. You sa) it one Tosh it doen't mean anything. She sales, makes 2 sent Lough * Gh bow Mt love tobe srcund uber that happeas Nomwes. shaline her head: Youee so cildsh, Jint Sometimes ya ace Jar iosks ether « moment: Kate, Pase. What bape? Hones: 1 ted you. He had an arguncot with Joe, Then he oot Sn the ear and drove avy. Sine What Kind f a ergenent? 7 Monten: Am argument, Joe» ~ » He wa eying ike a il e- fit; They argued about Ans? M7 Morten, ter sight hesitation’ No, net Ann. Imagine” Fnaiates Iphied window above. She has come ou of tat room since be 221 AU might fo that room Tint oka a window, then other: What oe do, tl bmi? Morten ops rocking: Tal him what? Fist Dont be aad, Kate, Uknow. Ve always known Morin: How? Jive T occured to me a ong time ag Mort Taleays hed ie feling that ithe tack of hi tend, Cee Since knew: it ink t woud be such 2 shock Sina gets up: Chas would ever tow Bow t ive with hinge that takes a ceraintalent—for lying, You have it and 1 60 Bat act him. Moran: What do you mean... . He's sot coming back? Me Oh, ao, et Come back. We al come back, Kate. Thee pevate tte revolute always ds. The compromise is alvays ade. tn a pecliay vay. Frank is ght—every man does have 2 ‘lar The star of ene honesty. And you spend your ie ereprg {ori but once its out never ies again. 1 don sink Ne wert try iar He probably jun wanted to be alone to waleh he 9, say sof that where TRtlong? Then tl me co! Stpht pause. What's the mater, why fait you tl me? Fariuny. You say everything else 10, 8 tha! Sighs pawe. PL tell sou why you can" say i. Becate you rn 3 Cc accrmnecrcmoonigue Sa ee eee eee Cee aa ey Sc Seer vabe wo te antes oar a Bek es ere cee pee ta oe ee Seer eevee sy coms ee i See ae Se ee eas ase coun momen os La eerie Tah rw ati sor eb ta i td sane a aan ket ln eee ae de Se ae PRS OS sacmmmabvis fe neers eas ae ES Oo weap memati nactatcoct or Fo te gd a a ee eas Ut barre ieee eon SEES Are wean 3S lity Sen whom Sits Now you tell me what you rust do, pose, ee peer are Si oer se eae ere ne Seg ee ee ‘king, taking ‘Thi i how he de, ‘myself can't tell you how I fe!—T cant bear to live any Last ight 1 ciced the base for twenty mioues before I bring myself in. How could he have done that? Every day ‘or four men never come back and he ste back there doing est... Tdoa't know how to tell you what I fee.» 1 {ace anybody... . Tm going out on a mision in a few mi ‘They probably report me missing If they do, I want you to that you mustn't wait for me. T tll you, Ana, iT had bim ‘ow I could kill him-— Keller gabe letter from Chri’ hand reads it. After along pause: Now blame the world. Do you and that eter? KELLER, speaking almost inaudily I tink Ido, Get the cat, Dut on imy Jacket He ture and. sors slowly Jor the Mother rushes to intercept him. Morurx: Why are you ging? You'l sleep, why are you going? Ketter: [can't sleep here. Il fe beter i g0. Morwen: You're so foolish, Larry was your ton to, wasn’, You know he'd never tell you to do this. KeLueK, looking at leer hi hand: Them what telling me? Sore, he was my son. But 1 think tobi ‘my sons. And guese they were, I guest they were. Tl be ova. Exie imo house, Morsex, 10 Chris, with determination: You'te not going t i (Cans: Im taking him, Morwex: Is up to you, if you tll him to stay bel stay. Go tel himt Cis: Nobody could stop him now. Morven: You'l stop him! How long will he ive in prison? you tying to kl hin? 4 ‘Guns, holding ut letter: 1 thought you read thst Morten, of Larry, the leer: The wat is over! Didn't you Ws over! (Cums: Then what was Larry to you? A stone tht fll ato ‘wate? 1's not enough for him tbe sorry. Larry didat kl, Self 19 make you and Dad sorry. ‘Morne: What more can we bel ‘Gunis: You can be beter! Once ad for all you can know ‘universe of people ouside and you're responsible toi, and ts he fom yoo know that, you threw away your son because that's why We ea 4 shot is heard im the house. They stand frozen for @ brief fesond. Chris start for porch, pauses at step, turns 10 Anh. nts Find Jimt He goes on into the house and Ann runs 4p iveway. Mother stands alone, ranfzed. Moin, softy, almost moaning’ Joe... Joe .. . Soe Chis comes out of house, down to Mothers am. ‘almost ering: Mother, did ean to— Mornin: Don't dear Don't take it on yoursell. Foret now. Live ois irs as if t0 answer. Shbh.. » She puts hs arms down our end moves toward porch. Sh... As she reaches porch Wore she begin wtb.

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