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Doubt a parable John Patrick Shanley ‘The bad sleep well Tit of Karna fl 1 much windom ie much gre and he that increased knowledge inereaseth srzow: Recents "Bserything tht i ard oatain ‘seal assailed by the mob, qT A prion, Pather Flynn, in his late thirties, in green and gold esrmens, gives « sermon. He is working las, from the Northeast vuysns What do you do when you're not sure? Thats the topic of my sermon today: You lok for God's direction and can't find it Last year when President Kennedy was auassinated, who among u didnot experience the most profound disorientation. Derpai. “What ove? ‘Which way? Whit do sty to my kids? What do F tell rnysel?” Tews atime of people iting tagethr bound together by a common feeling hopeless. Bt thik of dhatt Your bond with your fellow beings was sour ‘expr Ie was a public experience, shared by everyone jn our society: Twas nfl ut we were int together! How mach worse it then forthe lone man, the lone ‘woman, stricken by a private elamity? “Noone knows Doubt [Pi siek. No one knows Fve lost my last rea rien No ‘one knows Ive done something wrong” Imagine the Isolation, You see the worl a throug a window: On the onesie of the lage happy troubled people: On "he other side: you. Something has happened, you have tocarry it andi ineommunicale For thos so fied, ‘only God knows thei pain. Their sere. The secret of ther alienating sorrow, Ad when such a person, as they must, hows to the ab; to Go: “Help mie!” Whet I no answer comes Silence. I watt to tell you a story ‘cargo ship sank and all he crew was drowned. Only this one silo survived, He made a raft of some spars and, being of a nautieal discipline, turned his eyes to the Heavens and read the stars. He seta course for his home, an, exhausted, ll asleep, Clouds rolled in and blanketed the sk. For the next twenty nights as he Aosed onthe vast ocean, he couldn longersee the ar. He thought he was on course but there was no way to becertain. Aste days lle on, and he wasted way with fevers hist and starvation, he bat to have doubts Fad he set his course right? Was he sill going on towards his home? Or was he hori lost and doomed toaterrble death? No way to know; The message of the constellations —had he imagined it because of his des petate circumstanc? Or had he seen Truth ace, and ‘ow had to hold on toi without further reassurance? “That was his dilemma on a voyage without apparent fend, There are thse af you in chur taday who know ‘exactly the crisis of faith I describe. Iw tosay to you Doubt can hea bond at powerful ad sustaining a ce tainty, When youarelos, yo ane nat lone. In he name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen, Meesits) Jon Patek Shanley WL ‘The light eoefade to corer office ina Cathie hoa in ‘he Brons. The principal, Sister Alysia Beaver, ite a her desk writing na edger withafountain pen She isin her fifties orsisties She swath, reserved unsenimental She isthe ‘ovder ofthe Sisters of Charity: She wears @ Hack bannet and Poorlength Back habit rindese pases A knock a the door, susan aLowsius: Come in (Sister James, aloof th Sisters of Charity, pokes er ead in. She isin her twenties. There's a it of sunshine In her heart, though she's reserved aswell) stron aves: Have you a moment, Sister Aloysius? susren ALo¥siUs: Come in, Sister James. (te emers) ‘Who's watching your das? sen antes: They're having Are seen atovstus: Ar. Waste of time, susren nts: 1s oly an hour a week susan aLoYsiUs: Much ea be aeeomplished in sixty minutes susen Janus: Yes Sister Aloysius T wondered if I might ‘know wht yo di about Wiliam Landon? ssren anorstes sent him home ssn ances: Ot dea. So he's stil Bleeding? sisTen atows1us:Oh ye. SISTER s4MEs: His nose just let loose and started gushing during The Pledge of Allegiance. ssren anovsros: Wait pontaneous? Doubs sStsTER sts: What elie would tba? sisteR aLovsius Sel induced, sisrex saints: You mean, you think he might intestion ally given himself nosebleed? susten aLovstes: Exactly sus antes: No sistHn aLowsius: You are a vty innocent person, Sister James, William London isa dgety boy and if you do ‘not eep right on hm, he will anything toescape his ‘hair He would set his fot on fire for half day out of schoo ssten antes: Bat why? ssren aLovstus He has a restless mind ssn sastes But that’s good sisrun aLovsivs: No, it nt, His father's «policeman and the ast sing he wats is axed boy. William London. is headed for trouble. Puberty has got hold of hin. He willbe imagining all the wrong things, and L strongly suspect he will not graduate high school But at's beyond our jurisdiction. We simply have to get him ‘through, out dhe door, and then hes somebody else's project. Ordinarily I assign my most experienced sis ters wo eighth grade but Tm working within con straints. Are you in contol of your elas? susron saws: Ithink 0, sisrin aLovstus: Usually mare cilren are sent doen tome, sista rases: I ty to tke care of things mysell sista aLovstos: Tha eas be an error You ate answerable ome, Iw the mossignor, he to the bishop, an soon ‘upto the Holy Father. There's a chain of discipline, Make use of it ssren sas: Yes Sister ssTen aLoystus: How's Donald Muller ding? scrim antes: Steady stsren atovstos: Good. Has atyone hit him? ssten tates: No. SISTER ALovsus: Good. That girl Linda Conte, have you seated her sea fom the boys? sisrnn antes: Asforaespoce permits Itdoestt do much good sistan atovstos:Just gt her through. Intact. (Pause. Sister Alysia staring absent at Ser James A silence alts) So, Should Ig? (Noanuver)Issomething the siszun atowsts: No, Why? Is something the mater? sista sas don think 0 ‘storm azovstus:"Then nothing's the matter then, ststin sees: Well Thank you, Sister Ijust wanted tochock on Willan’ note, (te tarts 1060) stsren azovstus: He had ballpoint pen stsran sans: Excuse me, Sister? issn aLovsivs: Willi Landon hada ballpoint pen. He ‘wos fdling with it while he waited for his mother. e's not using it for assignments, hope, sistnn snes: No, of course not sister aLovstes: Im sory I allowed even cartridge pens into the school. The students really should only be learning seipt with tue fountain pens. Always Use easy way out these days. What does that each? Every easy choice today will have its consequence tomorrow Mark my woes ssn anstes Yes Sister Doubs SisteK qLovsius: Ballpoints make them press down, and ‘when they press down, they write like monkeys. steren sees I dont all then ballpoint pens SER aLoYSIUs: Good, Penmanship is dying all seros the country. You have sme tne. Sit down. (Sister James hesitates and sits down) Wemightas well havea alk. Fve been meaning to talk to you. T observed your leno on the New Deal atthe beginning of the tem. Not bad But I ention you. Do not dealze Franklin Delano Roosevelt, He was a god resident, but he did stemps to park the Supreme Cour donot approve of making heroes of lay historia ig ‘wes If you want to talk about ssiats do iin Religion stsren ss: Vx Sir, ssTeR atovsiws: Albo. I question your enthusiasm for History SISTER AMS: But Tove History sisenn aLovsis: That is exactly my meaning, You favor History and ik swaying the children to vale it ver their other subjects. I dhink this sa mistake ssren aanes: I ever thought of that. ry to treat my other lessons with more enthusiast. ssn aLovsivs:No Give them their History without puting sugar allover it Tha’ the point. Now. Tell me about your clas How would you characterie the condition of ‘sistem sauns: I don't know where to begin. What do you ‘want to know? sisten aLovsius: Lat’ begin with Stephen Ino. ssn 43s: Stephin nso has the highest marks inthe as, sisTen aLowsios: Noreen Horan? SISTER 1a Seon highest marks Jo Parck sisran atowstos: Brenda MeNulty? sist sans Third highest, stsren atorstes You se Iam making a point, Sister Jane, [know that Stephen Tnzio, Noreen Horan and Brenda MeNulty are one, two and thre in your class Sciol ‘wide, there ate forty-eight such students each grade period. make it my busines to know al forty-eight of ‘their names Ido not say this to aggrandize myself but to illustrate the importance of paying attention. You must pay attention as well sistem rans: Ye, Sister Alogi sistmn ALovstus:Teannot be everywhere sistin sass: Am I falling shot, Sister? sisren aLovatts; Thete three students with the highest marks, Are they the most intelligent children in your ce? sistun sasns:No,T woulda any they are, But they work the hardest. sysrun atovstos: Very goodt ‘That’ right? That’ the ethic. ‘What good'sa gift if it's eftin the box? What good isa high 1Q if yee staring out the window with your mouth agape? Be hard on the bright ones ister James Don't be charmed by cleverness. Not theirs And not yours, T think you are a competent teacher, Sister James, lat maybe not our best wacher, Thebes teh: ets do not perform, they eause the students to perform. ssren ses: Do [ perform? tsren auovstes: Arif on a Broadway stage, ssen sas: On dear. I had no conception! sisten atoxstus: You're showing of You ike to see yourself ten fet tall in their eyes. Another thing occurs to me. ‘Where were you before? susren sates; Mount St. Mi sen atovsres: All git, ssn ste: Ye Susan ALOYSIUS: fel Fm remind you. Heys are made of ‘ave, soot and tar paper. Boys are a different breed. stsTen sas Feel Fkow how to handle them ‘SISTER atovstos: But perhaps you are wrong, And perhaps you are not working hard enough, susrin antes: Oh (GSiser James cries ate) sister aLorsres: No tears, SiSTan JAMIE: T thought you were saitied with me SISTRK aLovs1Us Satisfaction i vce, Do you have hand eect? ssren antes: Ye ssren avovstus: Use it Do you think tht Socrates was sa ified? Good teachers are newer content. We have sme three hunsred and seventy tv students inthis schol. Iisa society which requires constant edacational, spe ‘tual and uman vigil cane afford an excesvely Innocent instructor im my eighth grade class I'l indulgent. Innocence isa form of lanes. Innocent teach ‘ersare esl dupe You mas be canny, Sis ares, ssn sates Ys Str sisren aLovsios: When Wiliam Landon gts a nosebleed, be skeptical Don't lt litle blood fade your jad ‘ment. God gave you brain a «heart. The hear is warm, but your wits must be cold. Liars should be {tightened tlie to you They shold be uncomfortable in your presence. Idoubs they ar. sisrEn AMS: do't know. Pve never thought about it sisein aLorsius: The children should tink you se right ‘through them, sen sees: Would that be litle frightening? Joka Patrick Shanley sisten atovsivs:Only tothe ones tht ate up to no good sisi sues: But T want my stents to fel they ean talk sist aLovsivs: They're children. They ca talk to each ‘other I's more important they have a fier moral ‘quardian, Youstand atthe doo, Sister. You are the gate Keeper Ifyou are vigil, hey wil not nee o be sstan inns Pm not sue what you watt eto do, sisrex atowstess And if things cccur in your elasroom ‘which you sense require understanding, but you dnt understand, come to me sasen sas: Yes Sister sistem aLovstos: That’ why Pim here, Thats why Tim the principal ofthis schoo Do you stay when the specialty sisean sates: Yes sist aLowstos: But you're ere now while the Ar clas is ing on. ststen sates: T wa lite concerned about William's nose. ‘SISTER ALoWSIUS: Right, So you have Artin class, S1STER 33485: She comes in. Mrs, Bll. Ye, sisren aLovsius: And you take them down tothe basement for Dance with Mrs Shields. susru saaes: On Thursdays Sistin avowstus: Another waste of time, ‘isrin sats: Ob, bu everyone loves the Chirstinas pageant, Sistan aLowstos don't love it, Prank it offends me, Last year the gel playing Our Lady we wearing lp [was ‘waiting i the wings for that ite jade. ssTen seis: Then there's Mase sisTER aLovsivs; That strange woman with the portale plana. What werong with her neck? ‘storie sass: Some kind of goiter, Poor woman. sista avovstus: Yen Mes Caran, Dosti ssren antes: That’ rght, ssen aLovsos: Wensed to havea Sister teaching that. Not enough Sisters What ele? ssren antes: Physical Education and Religion, sisrin aLowstos: And for chat we have Father Flynn, Two hours week. And you may fr those? sisrun sas: Mon Unless [have reports to fl xt or stsran aLovstus: What do you think of Father Flynn? sisti4 sas: Ob, hes a bilant man, What m speaker! sista aLovstos Ys Hissermon thse Sunday was pote. ststen rates: He’ actually very good, too, at teaching bas -etball Iwas srprsed, I wouldnt think aman of the cloth dhe personality typ for basketball, but he has a ‘way he has very natural with dribbling and shosing susten aLovsios: What do you think that sermon wasabout? siren sates: What? stsrin aLovstUs:Thispst Sunday: What washe talking bout? sisren sees: Well, Doubt: He was taking about Doub, sisren atovstus: Why? susren sass: Reese me, Sister? sisrun azovstus: Well, Sermons come from somewhere, on’ they? Is Father Flynn in Doub, i he concerned that someone elie isin Doub? ‘sIsran 14ST suppose you'd have to ask him, sistun azovstus: No That wouldnt be appropriate, He is ‘my superior And if he were roubed, he should confess ite fellow priest or the monsignor. We do not share Intimate information with priest Apawe) sistem sages im a ite concerned (Sie Alesis ean foreard) John Patrick Shanley sistem ALovsius:Abowt what? ssn saMtes The time, Art las will be over few min. tes. should go up. sistin atovsius: Have you noticed anything Sister James? susren sastes: About what? sisram atovsrs: [want you ta be alert, sisrun sages don't believe I'm following you, Sister. sisren aLovsios:Fimsory 'mnot more forhrg, but must be carefl not to create something by saying it I can only say Tam concerned, perhaps needlessly abot mat ters in St. Nicholas Scho, sosrin ast: Academically? sisrin aLovsrus: I wasn't inviting «guessing game. [vant yu to pay attention to your elas ‘sisran sass: Well, of course I'l pay atenton to my class, Sistr And Fl wy not to perform. And Py tobe lose innocent Pm srry you're disppointed in me, Please nove that I will ry my best. Honesty. sisran arovsos: Look at you. You trade anything fr a ‘warm look. im telling you here and now; I want sce the starch in your character cultivated, If you ae ook ing for reassurance, you ean be fooled, I yon forget yourself and stady others, you will ot be fooled. Ie important One final matter and then yo really must get back, Sister Veronica is going bind ssten sass: Ob how horrible! sisten aLovsiUs: This e not generally known and I don't ‘want it known IF they find ot in he rector, shell be gone. Tanna afford to lose he. But now if you se hee making er way doen those sone stairs nto the court yard for the love of Hessen light take her hand xi in fellowship and see that she dows't destroy herse™ All ight go Doubs m1 ‘The lights crosfade wo Father Flynn, whistle around his neck {na nweatshirt and pans, holding a basketball evn: All right sete down, boys Now the thing about shooting from the foul ine: F's paycholagieal, The rst of the game you're cooperating with your teammates, you're competing aguins the other teum. But at the out line, its you agsinst yourself. And the danger i ‘Yu sat to think. Whea you think, you stop brething, ‘Your boy locks up. So you have to emnember to relan. ‘ake a brea, unlock your knees—this is something for yout wateh, Jimmy. You sand like « parking mete. Come up with a routine of what you da. Shift your weight, move you hips... Yo think that’s funny, Ralph? What's fanny i you never getting fou shot. Don't worry if you lok silly They wont think you're silly if you get the basket. Come up with a routine, con tentrate on the routine, andl youl fonget to get tensed up, Now on another matter, Pv noticed several of you guys have dity nails I dont want to see that, Tm not talking about the length of your nails Tm talking bout cleanliness Soe? Look at my mails They're lng, ike them a lite ong but look at how cles they are ‘That makes it olay. There was a ki I grew up with, ‘Timmy Mathison, never ad clean nil and he'd stick his fingers up his nose, in his mouth, —Thie ia true story learn wo listen He go spinal meningitis and died 1 horrible death. Sometimes isthe lite things that sgetyou. You ty to talk toa gil with thot filthy paws, Mr. Conroy, she's gonna take off ike shes being cine by the Red Chinese! (Reacting genialy to laughter) AIL ght, right, You guy, whatam I gonna do with you? Get dressed, come on over to the rectory, have some Kool-Aid and cookies, we'll have abl esion. Blows ‘is whistle) Got ds Crossfade w abit garden, bench brick walle Ser Aaya infu habit and a Black sho is wrapping a pruned rosbush in burlap. Sister James enters ststen sas: Good afternoon, Sister ssTEn aLovst0s: Good aflemoon Sister James Mr, McGinn ‘rnd this bush, which war the right thing todo, but the nelected to protect it fom the fos, ssren sates: Have we had a frost? sen ALovsius: When it comes, i oo late, SISTER AMES: You know about gardening? sisren aLowsius A litle. Whereis your class? ssren sees The girs ae having Muse sisrim aLovstus: And the boys? syn 2434s: They're inthe retary. (Sister James indicates the rectory hich ou of wens Juston the ther side of the garden.) sist aLovsnuss With Father Flynn Sistin Jas: Yer He's giving them a al sistan aLovstus: On what subject? stsrmn sats: Hove to bea ma. sista aLovstos: Well if Sisters were permitted in the ree- tory, T would be interested to hear that tal, T don’ now how to be a man. I would like to know whats involved. Have you ever given the grlea alk on how to bea woman? sin 2: Na. T wouldnt be competent sisren aLovsius: Why not sist sans just don't think [would I tok my vows at the beginning... Before... At the beginning, sistan aLovsius: The founder of our order, The Blesed Mother Seton, was married and had five children before embarking on her wows susrun saMs: Te often wondered how she managed 50 much in one le, sista atovstus Life perhapsis longer than you think and the dictates of the soul more numerous Iwas marie, susren sates: You were! (Sizer Aloysia miles forthe first time) sisten aLovivs: You could at least hide you astonishment. sistan sans I .. dit know, SistAK Loystos: When one takes on the habit, one mast lose the door an secular things. My husband died in the war against Adeiph Hitler stsren ase: Really Exease me, Sse. ssrin aLoxstos: But T'm like you, Ii not sare [would fel ‘competent to leturettering gils on the subject of womanhood. I don't comeito this garden often, What isi, forty fet across? The convent here, the retary there. We might as well be separated by the Atlantic (Oceun. Tus to potter around out here, but Monsignor Benet does his reverie at quixotic times and we are Jo Patrick Shastey ghtly discouraged from crossing paths with press unattended, Hes seveny-nine, but nevertheless ‘sista sass The monsignor is very good et he? stsren stowstos: Ye. But he is bliviows, sisten sanes:To what? sisten aLovstus: dont heliew he knows who's President ofthe United States. mean him no disrespect of course, 1s jus dat he's otherorldly inthe extreme. stan sais Is it that hes innocent, Sister ayia? sisran aLovsius: You have asljmest at work, Sister Jae, Be careful of it, How is your elas? How is Dosald Muller? sistem sans: He ie thirteenth ines sisten azovstus: T now That’ sufficient, Is he being accepted? ssten sates: He hae no friend, SsTen ALovsrus: That would be lotto expect after only ‘so months Has anyone hit hi? suaTen tates: No, ssten atovstus: Someone wil. And when it happens send ‘them right down tome. steven sees I'm not so sure anyone will, sisTEn aLowsius:Thereisa statue of St Patrick on one side ofthe church altar and a sate of St Anthony on the other. This parish serves Irh and Tein families Someone will hit Donald Muller. sistem antes: He hts «protest ssren atovstes: Who? ssren antes: Father Fyn, (Sister lysis cho hasbeen fusing with muh sud ddenty rigid, She rises) usta azovstus: What? oats ssrin antes: He taken an intrest. Since Donald went on the alta boys. (Pause) I though I should tll you, sisten aLovsius Told you teame tome, but hoped you never wold ‘sisrmn sans: Maybe I shoulda have, Ststin aLowstos: knew once you dd, something would be set in motion. So i's happened. ststen sates: What I'm not telling you that! I'm not even contain what you mean, ssren aLowsius: Ye, you are sistex sass Tye been tying to become mare olin my thinking as you suggested Ife) a if ve lost my way Title, Sister Aloysius. had the most terrible ream lastnight. L want to be guided by you and responsible t the childees, but Twant my peace of rind Imusttell you Thave been longing foe return of my peace of mind ststen stows: You may not have it It isnt your place ‘be complacent. That's forthe chien. That's what we ive them, ssn ass: think 'm starting to understand you aie ‘But it's unsettling ta look at things andl people with sapcion, I fel asi Fi lew cloge Ga sista aLoysius: When you take a ep to addrest wrong. oing, you are aking step wey from Gad, bt in Fis service. Dealing with sich mater is hard and thank les work ‘SISTER AMES: Pv become more reserved i ls. fel ep raed from the chien, sister aLowsius: That's ait sould be sisren ances: But [ fee. Wrong. And abou this other mat- tex, don't have any evidence. not tal eta that anyehing’s happened sistan aLowsies: We cant wait for that on Patrick Shasey seen nates: Bat wh if es nothing? sisrin atovsivs: Then it's nothing, I wouldst mind being ‘wrong. But I doubt Tam. sen nates: Then what's tobe done? ssren azovstos:I don't know. ssren ances: Yul know what to da, sistem aLovstos I don't know what toda. There are par meters which protect him ad hinder me. sisrex antes: But he can't be af if its established. I doubt ‘he cull recover fom the shame ssten atovstes: What have you seen? ssten rates I don't kno. ‘sen atovstos: What have you scen? ststen tates: He took Donald to the retry. stan azovstos: What for? ssren rates: Atal, steren stovstus: Alone? sista suns: Yes ststen stovstos: When? stsron rates: wook ago SIsTAn aLovstos: Why didn't you tell me? ststen sates didn’ think there was anything wrong with it Te never came into my mind that he ...vhat there ould be anything wrong. sista atovstos: OF all the children, Donald Muller 1 sup ow it maka seme sternn mates: How dows it rake sense? ststin aLovstus: Het isolated. The litle sheep lagging lichind e the one the wolf goes for sista sates I don’ now that anything wrong sisvnn ovens: Our im Negro student. thought there'd be fghting.a parent or two ta deal with... T should've foreseen thie possibility stsrun sanes: How could you inane i? Doubt SISTER ALovstus: Its my job w outshine the fox in clever: nest Tha’ ry ob Sista sas: But maybe it's nothing! ssren avovstus: Then why do yo look lke you've seen the Devil sist mates I’ just the way the boy acted when he came bck to class. StsTen aLorsivs: He sid something? SISTER antes: No, Ttvashis expression, He loki frightened fn... he pot his head on the desk inthe most pee liar way. Sugai) And oneaher thing think there wa Alcohol on his breath. There was alcohol on his breath (Sister Aloysius ook tard the rectory) ‘STEN atovstos: Bight years ago at St, Boniface we had a Priest who had tobe stopped. ut I had Monsignor Scully then... whom Ieoud rely on. Here, there ‘man Tan goto,and men run everything, We ae going to have to top him ourselves. susren sastes: Ca you just. xeport your suspicions? SISTHK ALowsIU5:To Monsignor Benedic? The man's guile less He would just ask Puther Flynt stsren sees: Well would that be sch tb dea? sistem aLovsios: And he would believe whatever Father Flynn told him. He would think the mie eed sista tes: Bt maybe tat eal that needs toe done If ivstrue. If Thad done something wwf, and Iwas eo Aronted with it Td bee repentant. sisTen Lovstos: Sister James, my dess, you must try to Imagine avery diferent kind of person than yours. ‘Arman who would do this has already denied a great deal If Tell the monsignor and he i satisfied with Father Flynn’ rebut, che matters suppressed ssen sees Well then tel the Bishop. sisrEn aLorstos: The hierarchy ofthe Church doesnot per rit my going tothe bishop, No. Once I tell the mon: ‘igor, i's out of my ends, helpless. Tm going to have to come up with «pretext, got Father Flynn into my office Try to fore i. Yu'l have tobe there. ‘sista sates: Me? Not Why? Oh no, Sister I could SISTER aLoWsIUS: I ean’ be closeted alone with a pris “Another Sister mast be in attendance ad it has o be you. The circle of confidence must't be made any ‘wider. Think ofthe boy if eis get out sesran sanes: eat ditt ststan azovstos: Why no’ You're squeamish? ‘S1sTEn sas: T'm not equipped! If. would be era ‘sod. couldn't possibly be present i the topic mere spoken of sisTER azovsts Please, Sirter, do no indulge yourself in witless adolescent seruples Iassute you would prefer ‘more setoned confederate, But you are the one who susan sastes: You told me to! sisrin qvoystust Would you rather leve the boy #0 be ‘exploited? And don' think eis wil be the only story IE ‘you close your eyes, you willbe a party oall that comes ates sistun sans You're supposed to ell the mmonsiguor! SISTER ALovsius: That you sw a lok ina boy's eye? That perhaps you smelled something on his breath? Mon Signor Benedict thinks the sin rises ad ses on Father Flynn, You'd be branded an hysteric and transfered sen yates: We can ask him, sisren aLovsius: Who? SISTER 13s: The boy Donald Malle. ssren axovsts: Hell deny it Doubt stsren sates: Why? sisten atovsius: Shame, sisTen sats: You cat tow that SISTER ALOYSIUS: Andlf he does pont the finger how do you ‘ink that wll be received inthis commnity? A black chil, (No anaver) Tam going to think this through ‘Then I'm going to invite Father Flynn to mi office on an unrelated matter, You willbe there ststen sates: But what good ean Ido? sisten atovstus: Aside from the unacoptability of priest. and nun being lone, need a withes, susren sates: To what? sisTen ALoxstus: He may tll the truth and lie afterward, (Sister James looks toward he rctary) ‘sista Mts: The boys are coming out of the rector. They look happy enough sisren aLovsius They look smug Like they have a secret, sista Janes: There he SISTEM aLowstos fT could, Sistr Jame, I would certainly choose tive in innocenoe. But innocence can only be ‘wisdom ina world without ei. Situation arise and we are confronted with wrongdoing ad the nee to ac. sisren sees: Ihave to take the boys up ta clase sisrin aLovsius:Go on then. Take therm, [willbe talking vo you (The sound of wind. Siter Alerins pulls her shaset Lightly about her and goes Afra moment Sister James aeesaswel) ‘Dre prowipal’offie A phone rings Sister Alois enters ith «apotof tea, swalking quickly to anier the phone ststen ALovsius: Hella, St. Nicholas School? Oh yes, Mr McGinn, Thank you for elling back That was quite a ‘windstorm we had last night. No, I didit know there swasa Great Wind in Heland and you were there fo ‘Thats fascinating, Yes I was wondering if you would ‘be wo kind as to remove a tee limb that's fille in the courtyard of the church. Sister Veronica tripped on it ‘thismorning and fll on her face. think she'll ight. She doesnt look ay worse, Mr. McGinn ‘Thank you, Mr, MeGinn (Sie hangsup the phone and ooksather watch abitans ious knock atthe dor) Come in. (The door opens, Father Flynn is stain ther in his black areck He doesnt come in) Ly: Good morning, ister Aloysia! Hove ae you tay? sisrmn aLovsivs: Good merning, Father Flynn. Very well Good of you ta come by. (ahr Fier tas ate into the ofce.) ‘yn Are we ready for the meeting? sista anovsrus: Weve jus shor Sister lames. Father lyon step back into he dooreay) Did ou hes hat wid ast hight voy certainly did. Imagine what it must've bee ike in the fonter days when ama alone inthe woods sat by ‘fire in his buckskns and istened oa sound ike that Imagine the loneliness! The immense dares pres Ing int Fow frightening it must've beent sisten atovsts: If one lacked fith in Go's protection, sup. pot it would be fighting, vty: Did I hear Sister Veron had an accident? sisren atovstos: Yes Sister Veronica fell ona piece of wood ‘his morning and practically killed herselé iy les allright? SISTRK ALowstUs: Ob, she's fine syns Her sgt int good is Sisten aLovsies: Her sight i fine, Nuns all, you know: ruywx: No, Tid’ know that. ‘isten aLovsius I's the habit Ie etches us up tore often ‘han nt. What with ou Being in black and white, nd 0 prone to falling, wee more like dominos than any thing ele (Giver James appears a the door, Breathe) ssren sees: Am I past the time? (Father Flynn tates astep into he office) ivy: Not at all Sister Aloysius and were just having a ice chat. ‘stsren ste: Good morning, Father Flynt. Good morning Sister, Im sorry Iwas delayed. Me MeGin has closed the courtyard to fx something s0 Thad to go back through the convents ot the side dar and then [ran into Sister Veroien. suns How ssh? Jo Patrick Shasey sevan sans: She haa it ofa Heady nos Sisvan stows: Tn binning to think you've punching people sisran towss: Well afer the incident with... Never ‘mind Wel ome plese Sit down (Prey come in and sit dun, Father Fyn takes Sister ey hai. He's siting a her desk. Sh reacts, but sarang) actually havea hot pot of te, (Closes the door But fr ‘an inch) And close this but not quite for form's she. ‘Would you have a cup of tea, Father? syne T would lve a cup oft sisten atovstos: Perhaps you ould serve him, Sister? ststen sae: OF course, SISTER aLowstUs: And yourself of course ststen sates: Would you ike tea, Sister Aloysia? sisten atowsies: Pye already had nye, rays ls there gar? ssren azovsius: Sugar? Yes! ummages bx her desk) 1s Ihere somewhere. I pu it in the drawer for Lent last year and never remembered to take tout reysx: I mun have been much to give up then ssten aLovstus: No, I'm sure you're right. Here it x PL serve you, though for want of prctic, Fm... (Clumsy) (Gte' gorthe suger boul andi poise sere hia lop of sugar witha smal pref tongs when she sec his nails) Your fingernails reves Tear them alte long, The sugar? sistem anovsts: Oh yes. One? Doubs ayn Thee, SISTER aLowsIUS: Three, (She's appalled but ries 0 hide it) Lyn: See tooth susrin avovstus: One, the, Sister, do you take sugar? (Sister Aloysius looks at Sister James) SISTEM nates (To Sister Alsi) Newer! (To Father Flynn) [Not that there's anything wrong with suger. (To Sister Aloysius again) Prank yo. (Ser Aloysia puts the sugar acy inher desk.) sisrun aLovstos: Well, thank you, Father, for making the time for us. We're at our wit end. vy tink tb an excellent ide to rethink the Christmas ageent. Last year effort wis litle woebegone. ssren sanns: NotI loved it! (Becomer se conscious) But ove ll Chrissmas pageants. Tae love the Nativity ‘The birth ofthe Savior And the hymns af course. "0 Lite Town of Bethlehem,” *O Come, O Come Emmantel” siseun atovstus: Thank you, Sister James Sister James will be co-divecting the pageant with Mrs Shiels this yas Sowhat doyou think, Father Flynn? Isthere something reve we eould do? ruyx: Well, eal love the Chstns yams, but it might te jolly to include a secular song sisTER ALorsius Seoul iv: Ys “Ie Bognning to Look Lot Like Chrismas Something like that, Jo Patrick Shanley sisten atovsios: What would be the pont of performing a secular song? pares Pun ssten sates: Or "Frosty the Snowman.” ruyax: That a good one. We ena have one of the boys dress sa snowman and dance around ssren azovsics: Which boy? ayes: Wed de touts susan azovsius "Front the Snowman” expouses a pagan ‘belief in magi, The snowman comes to life when an enchanted hat is put on his head. IF ehe mnie were more somber, people would realize the images are dis toring and the sng heretical (Giver James and Father Flynn exchange a look) ssren sats: Fv never thought sbout “Frosty the Snow san” ike that susren aLovsius Te should be banned frm the sirwaves uy: So Not *Prosty the Snowman.” (ater Fiyen wrices something in asa notebook) storie aLovswus: I don't think so. “Is Beginning o Look a Lot Like Christmas” would be fine I suppoe. The pt ‘ents would lke it. May Task what you wrote dove? ‘With that ballpoint pe, Lynn: Oh, Nothing: An idea for «sermon, siszun atovstus: You had one ust now? iy I ge them ll the ie, ise atowstos: How fortunate, "uy orgt them so write them down, sisean atowstos: What is the idea? iy Intolerance (Siter James wis to break abit of tension) sstex sates: Would you ike a tle mote tea, Father? vuysx: Notyet. think a message ofthe Second Feumenical Council was thatthe Church needs take on a more familiar face. Reflect the local eaminnity, We should ‘Sing a song from the radio now and then. Take the kids ‘out for ice eres, sisran avovstos Tee cream, "xy Maybe take the boys ona camping trp. We should be friendlier. The chilren and the parents should se ws membersof their family rather than emisirie from Rome, [thnk the pageant shold be charming, like community theatre doing shove ssren aLovsies: But we are not members of their family We're different iw: Why? Because of our vows? SISTER aLovs10s Peciely rus I dot think wet different (To Site James) You now, I would take some more tea, Sister. Thaik you. stsen atovstos:And they think we're diferent. The working ‘las people ofthis pariah trust us tobe different, ruven: [think we're getting off the subject ‘sistHn aLovs1Us: Yes you've igh, back tt The Christmas Pageant. We most be careful how Donald Muller i sed in the pageant, (Siter James shakes as she pours the tea.) uy: Fasy there, Sister, you do spill ssn sastes: Oh ub, yes Father uv: What about Donald Maller? sista aLovsyus: We mast be careful in the pageant, that ‘we neither hide Donald Maller nor put him forward, ‘ws: Because of the olor of his in, sisean atovstos: That right vay: Why? Sistmn aLovst0s: Come, Father. Youre being disingenuous, vinx think he should be tested ike every other boy ststen aLovstus: You yourself singled the bay ut or spe ial atention. You held a private meeting with him at the rectory. Turning t Sister James) A week ago? seston snes: Yes, (Ue realizes somethings up) uy: What aze we talking about? ssren sates: Donald Maller? sisex aLovsius The boy acted strangely when be returned toctam (ater Flynn turns to Sister James) rays He did? sistan sass: When he returned from the rectory. litle ‘da, ye. sista aLovstus: Can you tll us why? Lyn: How did be at strangely? siseun saat: Tv not sue how to explain i, He lai his head onthe desk viv Your mean you had some preston? sisran sans: Yos "iy And he'd come fom the rectory so youre asking me if Tknow anything about i? ststen rates: Tha siywx: Hmmm. Did you want ta discus the pageant ithat ‘why Tm here, os this what you wanted to dares? ssren atovsies: This Doubt ruven: Well [fel litle uncomfortable, sisren aLorsres: Why? xn: Why do you think? Something about your tone SISTHN aLovstus: I would prefer a discusion of fae rather than tone, ‘uy Well IF Thad judged my conversation with Donald ‘Maller to be of concern 1 you, Sister, I woul have se ‘you down and talked to you about it. But didnot judge itto be of eoncer to you sist aLovsrus: Perhaps you are mistaken in your under. sanding of what cancerns me The boy isin my shoo and his well-being ie my responsibility. uy: His well being snot aan sisren avovsius: am not satisfied that that is true. He was upset when he recrted ta class, iy: Did heey something? susan sans: No, siren aLovsius: What happened in the rectory? ssn: Happened? Nothing happened. Uhad a alk with boy, sister aLoxsius; What about? Lyn: Iewaea private ater, SISTEA aLovsrus:Heswelveyearsold, What could be pivate? syn: Tsay i again, Sister: [object to your tone SISTEN aLorsiUs: This not about ay tone or your tone, Father Flyna, Is about asvig atthe uth, evn OF what? ssrun aLowsies: You know what Fin talking about. Don't you? You's controling the expression on your face ght now: Arent you? vues My face? You said you wanted to talk about the pageant, Sister, Tha’s why Tm here, Am Ito under stand tha you brought me into your ace te confront ‘me in some way? I'soutragrons Tn not anewerable to you. What exactly ae you accusing me of? sistan atovsios: Tam not acusing you f anything, Father Flynn, Iam asking you1o tell me what happened in the (ather Flynn ands) ‘ays I don’t wish to continue this conversation a al ur ther Andif you are dssatifed with that, suggest you speak to Monsignor Benedict. ean only imagine that ‘your unfortunate behavior this morning ithe result of ‘overwork. Perhaps you need a leave of abeenee. I may sugges it Have good morning (Te Sier James) Sister? ssten inns: Good morning, Father. (Sister Aloysius’ next words stop him) sisten aLovsius:There war alcohol on hisbreath, Heturns) ‘When he returned from his meeting with you (Ae comes back ad sits down, He rubs hiseyes) Ly Alea ssn sastes Idi smell it on his breath, sist atovstas: W uy Can you let this alone? sista atovsts: No rv Tae there's no way out of thi SIsTEN 18S Take your tie, Father Would you like some ry You should elt sistan atovstos: Not possible ‘yx: Donald Maller served altar boy lst Tuesday mora ing. After Mass, Me MeGineaght him inthe sity

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