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“ess sd ook ng to wok ae ected ee ‘Boy by THE DRARIATIC PUBLISHING COMDANY witout wae ‘enon wring so pcm nay be ven Ry a ic nora aaa tae mje o Sage out nee ‘ejay nut be eyes fp promed whe rot ese fp i at man a i PORTING COMPANY, #0 foro, Wooanck ow Gem ‘Sorat iw ct ny shah cmon toe ee ‘Bing ork -TO KIL & NECKINGRIND fay peed ep ‘heath por wit cont of he pe? Noo of ewok Toy be mpi’ rime th fre or 9 ay ea Cae fy iron emer sd ere en ot prio ae io he ier my nb earned herby rials tanata con pes of roy Al png Sed toe proton moten pu, dl ts fo ‘elned Oust pope tS sl spear Pred oe aero a ue pepe wa Tos Moai ‘sen Od Se a Aen Ail Rigs Resend croMLLAwocRNCHIRD) TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD APiryin Two Acs For Beven Men* and Six Womea, Eas (CHARACTERS JEAN LOUIS FINCH (SCOUT) young gi SEREMY FINCH GEM) er oer brother ‘ATTICUS FINCH CUNT ate father CALPURNIA oie oweheeper MAUDIE ATKINSON STEPHANIE CRAWFORD MRS, DUBOSE. epson ARTHUR RADLEY (B00) CHARLES BAKER HARRIS (DILL) ..... young boy HECK TATE cnc we maal JUDGE TAYLOR 0 the ocge REVEREND SYKES cami MAYELLAEWELL ..0.cssuvsssayoung women BOB EWELL aber fet WALTER CUNNINGHAM: lamer MR. GILMER the ube proseetor TOM ROBINSON young man ‘The play ca be performed by cat of nine men ad sx womea, The rolt of MR. GILMER and BOO RAD- LEY are easily played by one seor, and with gulck change is pose for te roles of JUDGE TAYLOR land MR. CUNNINGHAM to be played by the same ACT ONE SCENE: The hoseligit dim and inthe darkness there ‘a the soft sound of Bids and in th stance @ og tering As the sage lights come ap i's gernoon and MISS ‘MAUDIE s revealed on er porch, whieh adjoins the Sort porch in font of the Bowe of MRS. DUBOSE. ‘MISS MAUDIE has been pruning a plant and she pauses nay 1 lten othe sounds SCOUT comes in ‘rom 1, Tooke back then crosses tthe porch ving ‘here she sts without singing. She's spect CAL- PURNIA eal fom inside the oat CCALPURMIA (of, Seou—tht you? You ot here? SCOUT (afer a brief pause). Tm watching for Arcus. (SHE sare to swing) ‘CALPURNIA (of). Come in and wach before your father te bore SCOUT (ore annoyed na mine, Capi. (Mister Ing) Always orders me soa CCALPURNIA (of) You hear meScot? SCOUT (exasperated). have t alk Aus, (Calg) Mis Mavi SCOUT I'm ting to Mise Masts Page8 — TOKILLAMOCKINOBIRD. Act] fl my mimosa? 1° tke MISS MAUDIE. Do you a gel” beats SCOUT twxaeesed). Yes, [HSS MAUDIE ying encourage her Ad Bertone ir! (Curious) You do hea the mocking? [SCOUT (conceding), Yorum. (Maybe SHE’ blag rae Feeling SHE mast sy someting) When Ase gave Jem a meat ifs, be asked us ever to shoot mock ‘muse. They don't ea op people's gare don't est fm coment; they dant do one tng bat sing their are out, That's why is 3 int il a mocking SCOUT Miss Mave ths is an ld neighborhood, win’ [MISS MAUDIE. Been here lange than the two, ‘SCOUT No, 1 mean the folks on our ses ae al ‘em ant mas the enly eden, Mis. Dubos is ele ‘on andre and Mist Stepan’ ld. So ae You ad ‘teases ance [MISS MAUDIE ta). Not being wheced wound yet Nether is you fab SCOUT He’ nsly fifty! (Duly concer) Jem shed im why he was soo an’ be sid ar Rnd of an tnsver ths) —be got stated late [MISS MAUDIE (emplataly). eur Inky! You an em ave the Benefit of your fers apes Ato was thy, you'd find ie ute ferent. SCOUT teqaliy emphatic. Ture would. (Unhappy) ‘tic cat do eying [MOSS MAUDIE (exper. Wit do you want hi to SCOUT fon be wondefl, Drives dump tick forthe eouny. Ran for serif. Farm ot wask ia Ac] TOKILLAMOCKINGERD Page 9 ge or something else worth mentioning. (Biter) (tier fiers go mating, play per, and they Bish MISS MAUDIE (bewildered). Seems to me youd be rod of him SCOUT (a er. Why? He works in law fice and be [BOY'S VOICE (a!) Hey, Seou— SCOUT (uneasy). The may some fle are stating 9 g0 om, you'd hn be warring il [BOY'S VOICE (of). Seouthow come your daly de fends niggen? (SCOUT has risen and SHE comes 1 he porch al er ls clenched) SCOUT (shouting back). TimW Ws you, Waker Cunning az. Keep ths up" il give you anther whipping BOY'S VOICE (of defiant). Scout's daddy defends SCOUT. You goraa ake that bck, boy? [BOY'S VOICE (of). You gone make me? My fol ay ths niges oui hana fom the water tank [SCOUT (staring toward dieton of VOICE) 1 never speak to you tgain at long ae 1 vet T fate you a spice ye, a hope you ie tomero! ‘BOY'S VOICE (of, going). Everyone says your day's x dsgnce! SCOUT (late tear), Come ck, you coward BOY'S VOICE (of further away). Enron! SCOUE Conant (Bit HE's gone SCOUT lols ater hm, ‘momen drained. MISS MAUDIE ha the impulse {0 be eit SHE can thnk how) (CALPURSIA comes out ofthe house. Probably SHE as heard the sha Page 10 TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Act? CCALPURNIA (er vic safer tan before). Scot—1 td You to cme In and wash up before your fer ome SCOUT (defeated) An 1s you~Startng)—In «mi CALPURNIA, Your bothers aeady mised. (SCOUT tives bo a Som thn curries as CALPURNIA fo lems her of) Why ot you bebave aswel as Jen? SCOUT fof. Becute bes olden me end you know i ‘Ow! The water oo ho. CALPURMIA (of). Keep senting ‘MISS MAUDIE (conceding). Even fo 1935, Mayconb, "Anbu lend an old to¥n—s ted ld tov finy wester the aro fam Wo rd slop, grass grows (ht sdewals the courouse sags the square Od Isls ced to Hoover ca Tek fs inthe sade ‘There's no uty Deo there's nowhere to go, nt {ng to bay, and no money to buy Ht wih, Mapeomb ‘County had recy been told ad ng tea, sa. (QNSS STEPHANIE bas come on ding hs passing to consider the Radley hose wh saprova) MISS STEPHANIE, Lick of money ib 0 excst forthe Tadley 10 let thei place go The hs. At Test they ould eat the Johnson gras and sabittobsceo, (0 Miss MAUDIE,) But, of ear, theyre Radleys. [MISS MAUDIE. Ascortng to Miss Stephanie, endo in Mayor has 9 sak aking Sen,» gambling steal a mean steak fy sak. [MISS STEPHANIE. They ceally do. (Condes. isi elcous) No Arson minds his ova Basis; ety Act TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Page 11 ‘hisd Mereuter Se mori the wth i not i te Delafelds; all the Bofors walk ke tht, wn if Mis Grace sips gin out of Lys Paka bles, I's ot ing unaeual™bor tute did the same She tales 2B Drath, ready for the elma) AS forthe Radeys— (HECK TATE and JUDGE TAYLOR have solid on ‘ring thi and the JUDGE anietonal interrupts) JUDGE TAYLOR, Afternoon, lates. (Started, MISS STEPHANIE fears) MISS MAVDIE. udge Dylor..She HECK (node o LADIES. Ten to busines), Aiexs—you (CALPURNIA ha come ot on the porch) ‘CALPURNIA. Not et Me. Be. Ateroon, ie Tayler. HECK. Calm him we weeping ty. HEY nod and ‘are startng off ‘CALPURNIA. You waat hi to call? JUDGE (as THEY ga. Pleasant. We'll be soing him yey (SCOUT i coming ack onthe porch dying ber hands.) a CCALPURNIA (passing SCOUT on her way i). Conge to ‘clean bow. MISS STEPHANIE pctng up where she lft of In @ loud whiz) As for be Rade SCOUT eating in). Do you think Boo Radey’s il alive? Page 12 TOKILLA MOCKINGBIRD ESS MAUDIE (cling oer). His name's Ar bee il alive SCOUT How do you mow? MISS MAUDIE. What «morbid question, Tow tease have ee hm cee ou SCOUT Jem sye maybe Be id an” they sued hm op the chimes. ‘ass MAUDIE. He jst say inthe House, thts a ‘Would’ you sayin the howe i you die wat 10 SCOUT. Bit wants come ox MISS STEPHANTE (hurting 1 gt its. WI 2 re Ish), When that boy wae iH tees, be tok up wit tothe ed ones fro Old Ser {Prone pecbsbly thinking stumphole whiskey. They were aresed oo ‘anges of ard end, iatrbing the pace and Sing sbsive and pane langage in he presence and Teasing of feria, Boo Radley was released to his ater who tht i up in tt house std he wasn’t tet gan fr Fees years MISS MAUDIE to SCOUN, Now she'll! you what Tappned fen years ter, MISS STEPHANIE (gies MAUDIE a brie look), Boo Radley wae siting inthe living team eating some fiom fom The Maycomd Tune topes in his sp book, A hs father pase by, Boo deve the sess {io ie parent leg, pled them ou, wiped them on bis pant and renumed Ns sles. Boo was then ‘hi-trce Me Radley said no Rady was going to ty iste aylum. So be wae kept home where Be {il isda. (Snips) Or Mss Maude woul'e seen im aed ot SCOUT All my hfe ve never sen hin Au TOKILLAMOCKINOBIRD Page 13 [MISS STEPHANIE (melodromatic). 1 aw hi. It ws Sony, and I woke up othe mile of he ghd thee saz Boo Ray, hi fe ke a klong in the window, ring at me in my be! SCOUT (aseated). Wea’ you do? MISS MAUDIE (helphlb). She rested him away (SCOUT and MSS STEPHANIE bck to MSS MADDIE) SCOUT (beled). How? MISS MAUDI (wih a wicked si). She moved ove in ‘he bed to make room fr him. (MISS STEPHANIE ‘sures athe for an sans, hen asp) MISS’ STEPHANIE Qlriou). You ive a streak, Miss ‘Mande. (Stars af hen pauses to fe a paring shot) ‘Astrea cou not popery describe fn font of young ey (As MISS STEPHANIE exis, MRS. DUBOSE coming ‘out ono her porch) MISS. MAUDIE (nodiing afer STEPHANIE, with her smile She's sight (Bright) Aternoce, Mex. Dose A grunt in reply does ot dawnt MISS MAUDIE) You ost smell my mimora-(Ax SHE goes) angele Trek (MRS. DUBOSE te corfly arranging hese? a shawl draped chai) (UM emers Lith otal JEM (cling). Hey, Seow! (He tases the football xp, catches i tack wader ie orm ond sare doing Imaginary ater) Pgs TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Act MISS MAUDIE ftom), Albums must be paying in the Rose Bowl with Jems Fae soring a teuehdown. (She es) RS. DUBOSE (culling 1 im sharp). Where ae you faving this tine of the day, Jeremy Pinch? Paying Sool, T ppone. fs cil wp the pencial and tell fin. JEM, Avy 2 Saturday, Mrs Dubos, Dns, DUBOSE I wonder if your far ows where you JEM, “Coume be does ‘MRS. DUBOSE. Miss Mate tld me you broke down er sruppernong tsb ths moming” Shes gong to {el your aa and then yn'll wish you'd never see the ih of ey! {JEM (indignant havet ben ear er eoppermon at 1S. DUBOSE, Doe't you conzaict mel (ih MRS. ‘DUBOSE calng fer hin. JEM pus his head down nd phinges though the comer ofthe opposing wean (and ble ie wy offage: MRS. DUBOSE ger him) If yon aren't san fo refors scool before next week, say name's ot Dubos. ‘SCOUT (hese) Wis se so mean? (Over the end of the above, the sound af «yn beng Sing fie gradually sels. REVEREND SYKES, Negro minster ts coming on, posibiy followed by a ‘ow of the SINGERS, members of is burch) MRS, DUBOSE (sera). Reverend Sykes, please, You nos! confine your eto he clored church, Act] TOKILLAMOCKINOBIRD Page 15 REVEREND SYKES, Excute us, Mrs, Dutoee. We're aking 8 sec 0 ow pesoe Cale) (Annoyed atthe sing, MRS. DUBOSE goes inside CCALPURNIA. Aftrnon, Reverend Sys. [REVEREND SYKES, I's abou Brother Tom Robson's trwble. We have todo more for is wife and eile CCALPURNIA. Yes, Reverend NEVERIND SYRES Thee we ik dD fit ‘and bulls. (The singing begins to swell again MISS MAUDIE has come out len) CCALPURNIA. Yes, Reverend REVEREND SYRES. The colton forthe next thee Sunday wil got bie wife CCALPURNIA (nding with he mac. Yo REVEREND SYKES, Pete encoge everyone to bing SCOUT: Why we you taking up «elton fr Tam Rab ins’ wie? REVEREND SYKES. Te fl he tmth Helen's finding hd get work tes days SCOUT 1 now Tam Retnsn's done somehing awful, bot why wont folks hire Hen? REVEREND SYKES, ols are anxious to—(He hes ‘ales athe ser someone entering. Consiang, rp ke) have ning oh (QUAYELLA EWELL has entered, followed by her father 08 EWaLL) Pgel6 TOKLLAMOCKINGBRD Aa MAYELLA (a they ers the tage. Yo, BOB EWELL tld yosay va town ph ow: Hear? MAYELLA (resigned). Thea. (The contin ff) ‘MISS MAUDIE fo). ob Ewell and his dug, Mey lla. Good tines bad they Hive off te cout in tabla by the gabe dump bear 2 small Negro ste fret. (Giles wry) All Bob Ewell eas bod ot ths ‘ake hi fel Bete than his eet abr at i scrobed with je sop in very ot wath hin ite SCOUT io REVEREND SYKES, pul). Why'd you sop talking. Thee ar jut Evel MISS MAUDIE (ar SHE ext Hol to heselp. mot Srpied thy stoped lkng. (The singing as Bega again) REVEREND SYKES. We hive slot of cll 10 make Goode, Miss Jan Loui. SCOUT Cal me Sow REVEREND SYKES. Se you Sunday, Miss Cl CCALPURNIA. Well tring all we et. SCOUT (ater him. Bye (As they ext she rr 10 CAL ‘PURNIA. She want 0 kao) What dd Tn Ronson CCALPURNIA. You mean what do they say be did? Olt Bob Buell accused Tem of pings gil and ad tim anested np inj SCOUT (ror). But everyone kn Maycomb knows ‘wh Rnd of ole the Bel ae (ZEW tas comeback om hearing th ast of hs) JEM. What's the singing? SCOUT. lnt—what erp? Act] TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Page 17 JEM (ater shor consideration. Ask Cal CCALPURNIA even shorter consideration), 1 tik you ‘ter ok your father (Going) Wel be ating s000, SCOUT jut ike to know (SCOUT swps as DILL enerng) SCOUT Hey— DILL. Hey, yourself. 'm Charis Bako Hai, can ed JEM, So win Di. Fm saying wih my Aant Rachel, SCOUT frtely. Yu's of py. DILL (defensively. im ite, btm SCOUT furious) How ots your father? DILL. Thavent go ne SCOUT lhe ded? DILL. No. SCOUT Then if he's not den, you've got one, havent you? (DILL i emborrseed) JEM, Never minder, Dil SCOUT {persiting If his fer it ded, how can he ay Be hasnt got one? How. (SHE ie ierrapted by JEM ko grabs her arm) JEM. Scout The Raley Place {SCOUT stops ats one, and resto lok wit him the Reley door, which is opening NATHAN RADLEY pal, hn leathery man is coming out) SCOUT (wih ele. Naha Rae. JEM (cleering roa nowy, Hy-, Me. Nath NATHAN (preocepied) Alteroco. 3) Page8 TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD. Ant! SCOUT (explaining 10 DILL Hushed). Boo Radtey’s ler Wrote. (Ominous) Boo Rays in there—all ‘by himell—an" he ast come ot in tent, ny yo DILL. Thy yeas JEM, When old Mr, Radley die, sme flbs thought ‘Boo'd hve to come bt Nathan moved in and ook Is fbers ple DILL. order what ie doe. Looks ike Be" sick hie ‘ado the door seine JEN tink he comer oot when i pitch dat, Arsas wit ‘ense he breathes them. Nobody foes 8 eotn tht fills off th Raley pecan use ly ye sem is tacks in our taeyard many 2 moming, toc one ight I ea hn erhing ont bak seen DILL. Wonder what he ook ike? JEM (pefesonall, ping from bis wach, e's oat sical fet a be et aw eines and any hss he can ctch, What tech be aw ate yellow and fot Hi eyes pop and mos ofthe ine he doc DILL (with dectsion)- Lets make hi cme oat SCOUT (shocked) Make Boo Radley come out? JEM I you wat to get youse ble, ll ou have to do i gop and ack on tt doe DIL (challenging), Yue seared too seared opt your ig twin the foot yr JEM, Alot scred, jut epect DILL Tare you JEM, (rapped). You dae met (JEM tars Took a he ous apprehensive) SCOUT Don't go esti Jem. Xf you ge iled—what with Atics co olt—wvhat would become of me? JEM ees net respond) Ast] TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Page 9 DILL (pasion, Wet JEM, Don't hury me, JEM sass slowly toward she howe) DILL. Scout and me's righ behind you. As JEM contin 1s tard the Raley house, SCOUT and DILL fllon, SCOUT pausing beside the re. JEM hesitates. SCOUT oties something bo kth in th ee and tate Ina hashed wiee) Someon's at the window! Look at ‘he eats! (The cris have been pulled lig the side and now they fl back in place) JEM (hore He wae waihig! He a ma! SCOUT (aber puting apiece of chewing gu inher ‘mouth Doo’ evr do tat. {EM (considering hes). Wore d you gt the ceving gu? SCOUT far SHE chews, SHE nods toward the te) ‘ns siking ine cto {JEM shocked). That wc? Spt tat Right now? SCOUT (obeying bl indignant). 1 was fst geting the isoxn {JEM (grinb). Suppoue Boo Radley put there? Suppose 1s pokon? You pps! SCOUT (shaking er head). 17d we the se cut my oh DILL stil conenraing on the Rade howe) Let's row 1 pebble apni he door—and at soon a he ks hie Ted on, sry we want to bay im ae ream. (og ally) Tat lsxm ely. Maybe bea fel beter. DILL (concerned) How'd you fe if yard been shat yp for a hundred yeas with nothing bt ete to et? (Searching abou) “Coase if yoo's mbar I throw the pebble Page20 TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD. Ant JEM (doped. eter lave 6 t0 me, JEM apparety pets up pebbie) SCOUT fwrred, You'te not going to throw a soe at the Radley hose! JEM to DILL, as HE wine up 1 thro. guse 3 just The to show you-(HE i sopped by am auoriatve voice frm af) ATEICUS (of), Dem! (JEM sop and they ALL lok to werd the direc fe VOICE off) ‘SCOUT ates! ATTICUS, carrying an ol Brifease and wearing his ‘ofc clothes, comes on. He's tall. quetly pres. sine, served, chilled and nearly ye Be wears ilases and because of the poor sigh in i ie ee {oats wih his ight ee whe he want see something [ATTICUS (ning to tale in he ston carious). St "via wee you about 9 , Jem? JEM, Noni st. [ATTICUS (enwling to be pa off 1 don't was ny of ‘at Tel me FEM, We were—(Assoming respon) 1 was going to won pdb et Boo Raley to come oe ATHCUS. Why? DILL. Becnue—sie (As ATTICUS tnt to Nim, DILL clears is throat. Explaining quickly) My name's (Chaves Baker Haris~ people eal me Dil. Tin bee ishing ny Aunt Rachel. (Lame) We thought Me Radley might enjoy. AeT — TOKILLA MOCKINGBIRD Page21 ATTICUS (gravely sn. (Treg back to JEM with be tsion) Sen, Tm going to tell You something and tell you one tne. Dont bother tt an SCOUT But why done eee ‘ATTICUS fevring in. What Me Radley doce i is owe business. If he wart oaay ide is om boat, he a the rp tory inside—fee fom the seon of Ingusve chile. How woud you Ie 1 barged Into your rors a nght witout Knocking? FEM, Tha’ fees ATTICUS. ie SEM, Because wer not ey ATTICUS. What Mi: Raley does might seem peel to "is, but does no eo poclla t i, JEM (prowating) Anyone who says inside all the tie ‘nd never [ATTICUS (euting ie) But tas his decison. (Consider ng them.) There's somthing Tie fo ask I 70" 4p, youl get along slot beter wih all Kd You See, you never ely nde pron unl you con fir thigs fom his poi of view. HEM. Si ‘ATTICUS. Unt you cb inhi skin and walk rnd {JEM (heredsous, You wart ws to co ‘Bo Radleys point of wew? DILL (inpsenty) He memne—evenove. SCOUT You ray oat thi ATTICUS (lng) Mr Has igh. Bat T expect I'm things from (Woh ATTICUS diverted, DILL speaks confidential 1 JEM and SCOUT, with nod toward the Raley hoa) Page22 TOKILLAMOCKINGEIRD Act DILL. I've got a much beter plan. (Starting to go) See (at CUNNINGHAM, o farmer earn a sck icon Ing on ax DILL rus past him) ATTICUS (cling), Afemoon. (Ald 10 JEM and SCOUT sing DILL confidential one and nod) Repulse of {ry plans, you's to say any fom at Bouse wes vied MR" CUNNINGHAM (oldng ost the soc). This i or ‘you Me, Pach. Tip Greens. ATTICUS (accepting the ack grave. Thank you ery ich [Me CUNNINGHAM, 1 ike to pay cath for your se ins, bat between the morgege snd the extalinent— [XTTICUS. This rut fine. Jem, plese take thi ack to Cal. JEM taker sock and goes Inside) Tsay your bl eve MR. CUNNINGHAM (dough, You putin Tot of ATTICUS. Let's sce now. Yo eft # lod of stove wood in the backyard hen 2 eck of eka nats. At Ct fos there was a ct of six ad bly. Now 2 bag ct tulp rons im more an pid 1M CUNNINGHAM If you ny 2. SCOUT Your boy’ n my cas at schoo, Me, Caning ‘hm. (Uneasy, ar SHE recalls) We had » dane en th ter dey [MEL CUNNINGHAM (ang. Tbave few wih tat ‘boy myself, indy SCOUT feoncered)- 1d ely beth p bad Ast] TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Page 23 MR. CUNNINGHAM (onused) If be en defend him self agaist hol ut hve fo ake f(D ATT CUS a HE goes) Much elige, Me ach [ATTICUS (ae hin). Any tne can be fly SCOUT furious. Why does be pay with ove wood and ‘umip gees? ATTICUS. Besa thas he oly wy he cn SCOUT: Are we poor, anes? ‘ATTICUS, We ar ined SCOUT As poor the Caninghars ATTICUS. Not exactly. The Conninghams are county fot andthe depression hits them hart. (Curious) ‘What was your trouble with my cents boy? SCOUT He sud some things T dat Ike (Shrugs) 1 rubbed his nee in the di ATTICUS, That's not very nyt, What'd sy? (UBM i coming Back onto the porch wih his obo) SCOUT Things, And 1 ink we should tave atk I've ‘een watching for you to pet home ecm —(SHE ie Serrated by JEM, hoi cocking Ms orm to past the fool) ‘ATTICUS (making no move Hang ct, Sn. Not oy TEM (coming down off he porch). atic, wll you be ng ov for the Meth? For he otal gue? ATTICUS, What genet [EM (eager) Twn’ be fal, but everyone ing hou haley. I's for find-aing Tee Medd Challenged the Baptist a me of ouch football. [ATTICUS faming). "Ald 1 wou be of tach be, Jen, Page24 TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD. Act] JEM. vader spying [ASTICUS (gin pono te por). ce yu SEM ating) vey ter fhe [AITICUS (chef Pres my neck Sess mick ‘ATTICUS Tm 0 ol forth so fing TED (unhappy tlng Beth). Sowell you hve tine to show Seon haw to shot ora les? Lest ean? ATTICUSfory tbe a dopoinmend. ve wi you~ oul hve wa or ou Unk ack (Enea) Jie ray show you APPICUS seo 0 be msing JEM Cool’ ou stow ust (APTIOUS (su sine stoment of fc 1 inter ENE You's ot inereted io amtng (alls regi JEM tows the football page. ATTICUS Gnd JEM face exh er fora manent) ATTICUS fue). nk you beter gg your fot Tel (EM sae, ture and rashes of) SCOUT Ate (A2CUS tt to foes on SCOUT) "il meer np? (ATHICUS contre SCOUT for simone Ter hess on he wing Tle breath) [X®TICUS. Tope canal nondage female force [SCOUE i hal i, why Cpu dy vp en Tests her? les Bh Ai, dou defend [ATTICUS stort). Of couse Ido, Don’ sy “sane Scout That's commen. SCOUTS wha evybndy schoo eye [AETICUS. From now oe be every es oe. SCOUE Beall lawyer defend Negros? Acl —TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Page 25 SCOUT (exasperated), Then why do the Kid a shoo! ‘make it sound ke youve di somethin’ aml! ATTICUS. You arent old enough to understand some things yet, Scout, bt there's been Jt of hgh alk sscurd town that | about do much about defending Ten Robinson (Fin) But Tm going to defend ht SCOUT thy ay you shold, why ate you dlag [ATTICUS (considering hi), The mala eas: I defend hm, 1 could relly fave mach resect for nyse could 1 (ATTICUS loo at SCOUT ond sis) econ even tell yon or Je otto do something SCOUT You mean Jem and me woul’ have to mind ATTICUS. T's abot pt ATTICUS. Beene 1 could never atk you to mind me ‘gna. andl) To tell the tat, 8 hoped to get ‘rough ie witht ase of he Rad, but Due By lor pied ame an ad, "You SCOUT Are we ging o win ATTICUS. No, honey: Core here, Seo, SCOUT Then why—|She ges ino his lp.) ATTICUS. Simply Beene we were liked « hundred yeas before We tated i 9 ean fort 029 12 SCOUT You sound like sone ld Confederate veri ATTICUS. Only we aren't fighting Yankees We'll be fipng ou fends But remeber tis no mater how ‘er things get tay lou Sends and hs Page26 © TOKRLAMOCKINGBIRD. © AntT (QMS MAUDIE comes on her porch witha watering fan) SCOUT (conte wo Atoat AcTICUS fod) ut sd your hn ih seep Tho fie down And Tope you eget tough Thats coming io eng gc wd Toe vig mci a ing ad when Seng ing « Nope comer op someting T cert peied wn SCOUE Te hn Rtn ce mt be prey import ITTCLS lating rod), reson ond wong SeOUr food rin Sppse os rong st ATCUS. How's a? SEOUT Mo ppl ink at hy ni nd you've ATTICUS. Ty lad th at nd hey’ et eda eyes for opin CALPURI (ef. Dae ey SSPTICUS inet ap om ving Bot oe hn os rot be by fry lesen goes a) 1s there someting you want me 10 (SCOUT perplered, looks after Kin Then mens as a hastened JEM comes on holding M8 football. Me pauses 0 bok Back casual) [SCOUT Jem, 1 was aking with Areas about the Tom Robinan ease JEM, Dinner ready yet? Atl TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Page 27 SCOUT (annoyed). Ye. What Aes sid (Nong JEM Tooting af She lok, ta) Why do fll show down they go past VOICE (of) Yonder’s sme Fiche. ANOTHER VOICE (of). Them’s hie cin ANOTHER VOICE (of). Foal ers, sige rn wil'n rape white women! (SCOUT, ready to explode Tas clenched her fis) 2O3S MAUDIE (cll), Miss ean Louise SCOUT (gh). Yes, Mise Masi? ‘MISS MAUDIE (gen. Though bend Calpur ell you for dive. SCOUT But~(She gestures in the direction of the SCOUT (as she goes An acssation). 1 guess the Tem Robinson oe st as ew toyouss ttome MISS MAUDIE (looting after them. Agreeing with SCOUM). 1 gues not. Tenion inthe town shout the fproeching el beponing to get dram pt. And te Uk egloning to get oy. A few weeks ates, some ‘hing happened hat made Anus even more of «ps Zebu! I Id othing todo withthe tli bad 10 > with sersoored biog named Ta. - (Ligh are ap, and JEM and SCOUT are coming back (on wth JEM paling SCOUT) SCOUT (testing) Wy do T hve to come ote? SEM, Beennee Ill you That ci do fom down yoer 15 ak (Calin) Cal can you come out a minute? ‘SCOUT 1's only Tm, and he's gone lopid, th’ al. age28 TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Act (CALPURNIA comes out ono the porch wiping er ands on ato toel) %)GALPURNIA. What Jem? T at eae ot eve Joa Suet wong with ht i og down yee EALPURMIA hing) I eat app ay oy fat JEM, Heck al Sma’ wrong wth in CCALPURNIA finaly iret) oath i? SEML Noyes Ghee EM gu, ie gol, Thing i shulis nd sing oe, whe CALPURNIA woes rons) CCALPURNIA her ce avdting). You tein’ ea JEM. No, Gn t's coming hi CCALPURNIA. You two pti he at (CALPURNIA aris nie) JEM fo SCOUT. Cone en SCOUT (relay coming wp onthe porch with JEM, CALPURSIA (of, Lo ad ans on lpn st ‘rte por dor) Op, lo Ms Ely, van? Pace nae Me Fis fico aay SCOUT fo J, Nov ured someting EALPURNIA (of On the seepone, milfs) Me inc ass Ca Tens at og dow he ct» Flee. Jem soe e's cme wey! Meyer Jeu (HE hg) Een) Wh Ati CCALPURMIA of aling bak In mint. SHE ates tie elephone hook and hx spes lay asin) Mi Bia May. Tm tough ey 10 Mr Pe Len Ac TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Page 29 ca yon cll Mise Crawford and whoeve's gta pone fn tls set an ell "em a mad dos comin"? ase teem. -bry! (CALPURNIA comes boston porch) SSCOUE Wit aout the adlys? They ao pone? (SHE ‘stars iowa the Radley house) CCALPURNIA. Both of youn the bose and stay n= ‘se (SHE pauses Took of) That's Tin gone all fight! (SHE comes afer SCOUT who has stopped 12 ‘Hour athe ile Radley howe) SCOUT He's comin’ now, Mr. Rady? CCALPURNIA (ghing SCOUT a fre svat on these) ‘Gens! (SCOUT i mutering Biter ashe goes Wp onthe porch) SCOUT. You aways pick cn me a CCALPURNIA. You ry back! (CALPURMIA race upon the Radley porch whee SHE sar banging onthe doce a ihe sane time casting about nervoar glares) Me Nathan—M Boo! Mad dog's comin"! Mad dog's amin" Hear me? Dont cme ote Mad dog! SCOUT She's suppose ogo sound in back JEM, Don't matter this tine (Suddenly tense as HE watches) Ise hi! Thee he ist Call (CALPURNA Teds them ahead of er onto he porch, ensoul ook ing back. JEM 1s considering the situation oftage again) Old Tin’ wali’ ike is ght lps are sores than Rs Tet egs (Dhey ALL lean forward to atch From of her he sound of an sonable approach ing and comin oa sop) SCOUT (ntcing oftage. He brought te serif JEM, Someone hast stop O1 Ts (ATTICUS comes on wih HECK TATE, who cares 0 ey rifle) Page30 TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Act {JEM (ging downto on them), Asies—he's over there ‘atin [AFTICUS. Sy onthe porch, Son. CALPURNIA. Back tend the Radey pcan wes. HECK, Not renin’ be, Cal. CALPURNIA. He's inthe twitch’ stage, Mr. Heck HECK watches cory a8 HE advances afew steps) HECK. Usually they goin » sight le, but you never ca el [ATTICUS (following Behind HECK). The slope wil prob sy bing hi Sak at the od. SCOUT fo CALPURNIA) 1 tought mad dogs found st the mouth and jumped t your tos, CCALPURNIA, Hash [ATTICUS (sf). Tere ei SCOUT Hej lol sek HECK. ase ATTICUS) e's gotta igh, Mt. ich. FEM (calng) Tobe ooking for lace to Sie, Mi Hook? FIBCK (oer ahold) Fr fom dead, Jem. He hast ot sued yt ATTICUS. He's wiin ng, Heck, You beer gt hin fore he gow down ude erent, Lard KIS who's sound the comer, (Cling back) Cal— CCALPURNIA fanderstnding: 0 JEM and SCOUT) Yo ‘se he house bo of you JEN femporiing). fe gee soe. SCOUT (ciching he porh ral gy wih both Ran). 1 da" goin il be goes in JEM, Iwona wate he see TECK farms and offers the rile 1 ATTICUS). You uke im, Mr. Fnch You [ATTICUS targets). Dnt waste time, Heck! Go ca! [HECK. Ma Fnch—“tis fea one soto Act] TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD age 31 ATTICUS (ehement). Don't stand there, Heck! HECK hawt, Look where bei! Fer Got ake, Me Foch! Tear shot tt well and you know ATTICUS, Ihave’ shots pun in hry years HECK (hover the rife 0 ATTICUS" hands). fest righty comforuble you did now. (Holding the rif ATTICUS decides to acept the responsibly and wanhing carly, HE moves forward several steps) SCOUT (bewiered). What's he poor do wih the i? JEM (concermed, caling. Ms. Heck (HECK gestures JEM avy) (ATTICUS has wten off i pases, and sil heepng sath, HE dope thom onthe sect HE rb one eve ‘and bins. Thon hs bdy goer tee at HE fosses totaly on the mad dg ee) CCALPURNIA (ter hand 10 her heels), Smet So, belp (ATTICUS works te bot action, apporenty slamming 2 cordge io the chamber, ries the rie quick’ HECK (a shot. Got im! (Hoppy and relieved, as HE hares ef) You poh ATTICUS (afer hin). Ye, bot Thnk 1 was ite tthe Tigh. (tering at HE picks wp i gases) my dete, Bd ake set (ECR ie entering) Page32 TOKILLAMOCKINOBIRD.—AntT HECK. Dead 1s doom. (AS though i's news) Das 9 Til tothe Hah ATTICUS (handing the rie bask 9 HECK.) Abwaye was (Porch dors ae opening. MISS MAUDIE is castiousty ‘oming outs MISS STEPHANIE also coming ox) HECK. 17 have sone come down wth a plhup and ahs Him any. [ATTICUS stopr JEM and SCOUT. who are coming down af the porch) Yu say whete yoo ae HECK. You vert frpel, Mer Fach. They sy never leaves you EM ealing), Aieas— ‘ATTICUS. Ye, Jen? TEM. Tide’ iow MISS MAUDIE (fom her porch). saw thst, One-St Finch. (ATTICUS shat is hada her and tars back JEM) ATTICUS. Jem—yoo and your site sty way fom tht dog, He’ json dangers dead a alive JEM Nes ins? ATTICUS. Wha, Son? HECK (amed af JEMs heaton, Wha’ he rane, bey cut you tik? Di you now your daddy's — ATTICUS. Hh, Heck Let get bck to town HECK. Wea’ your hany row? (Good humored easing) ne fo get tk o workin” your specs for the al? ATTICUS fas THEY go, wr. Don't remind me. (THEY 122 of CALPURNIA goes inside the house) MISS STEPHANIE. Maybe Tin wae’ aly ad. Maybe te was Just fll of fesse ates Finch shot him AdI—TOKILLA MOCKINGBIRD Page 33, MISS MAUDIE I tat Tm was sil comin’ up the sect, smaye you'd be singing fret re. MISS STEPHANIE open, relict. Maybe 1 woud (ds SHE i going back of) Vet Ife safer whe Stas nk he ie JEM (stl Shck). Di you se him, Scour? Hed iso tick [MISS MAUDIE (with o wicked amie. Wel, now, Mise Sect Sl Ak you fer ev ang? Si SCOUT (meety Noam, MISS MAUDIE, Feral to mention the ster dy tat he ‘was the dendet shot in Mayeom County JEM Ded she MISS MAUDIE When he was Boy his nitkoame was (OF One-Shot. Someting for you to tik about, Jem Fick JEM Bathe never mad arthing abot. SCOUT. Wonder why be sever goes ht now MISS MAUDIE If your father's anything, bee vid ‘Masami Hie th’ i fom Ged 1 thik ay elie pu hs gun down wh herald Go ad en imate acreage SCOUT. Look ke he'd be prow of MISS MAUDIE (going. People ike your feter never ‘ote about re in ei (OSS MAUDIE re-enters her house, MRS, DUBOSE is cing ou no her porch). SCOUT (filed with ania). Wi total ‘emt school on Monday! JEM, Don't now i we sol ny ating abou 1 tave something Page34 © TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD. Ant! SCOUT (coming down of he porch). ke to find te ‘Cumingham boy ight now! Ain't everybody's daly the deades shot in Mayen Couns JEM (ollowing her reckon if he's wate wt know he'd id SCOUT. Maybe jt slipped his mind JEM. New, i's someting you woolds’ understand (rng ith the new pride) We don ave 1 ak ‘Shou any mara be doer we know! (To hes) ‘Andon ear as shaded years lt SCOUT (ang ou). Hey, Mrs. Dube! Did you se my fer (MRS. DUBOSE Don't wy “ey” to me, you apy gl "You my “Good afirocn, Mix Dukes” You stow be fn dress and camisole, young Indy. If somebody oer’ change your ways, Yul grow up ating eh fable, A Pinch waking on table st Be OK. Cale— Th (SCOUT wpe, aches ou and tales JEM's han) SCOUT (frightened and hur, huhed al). What's he thats wth het Why’ seco hte? JEM (aside to her, whispering). Come on, Seo. Dont ‘iy any wenton. Dot old your hed phe a gene Aleman. (SCOUT deeds to make the effort and THEY ‘Bor walling again. However MRS. DUBOSE wil ot ler them alone) (MRS. DUBOSE. A lovelierIdy han your moter never Tred Is socking the wy Arious Finch ets Be ‘enum wil. JEM hese) SCOUT (whispering). Ym with you JEM wgerng bac). We'l hep walling MAS, DUBOSE. Not only » Finch wating om tbls, bat ‘ne inthe courts, ing for ngges! JEM, sg dard, stops stor.) Atl TOKILLAMOCKINOBIRD Page 35 [SCOUT (whispering ansiousy. Les keep got’, Jn MRS. DUBOSE (as SHE's glng back nie). What's the ‘wor comet wi he Pnces going gains hr ie Ing? (er paring shot) Your father's no beter han he tach he works foe! He's ange over (th hi STE Eompleter her ex leaving SCOUT hart and JEM JEM gasping) MT Six beet SCOUT Hold your bea hig, Jem, a’ — JEM She hs ho phe SCOUT (ing to hold him) JEM (shoving her hands away). fs because Ariens sick and thed-—everybody— verbo)! JEM races up (nto MRS. DUBOSE's porch where WE sae tearing {tp the poned flowers thee) SCOUT (ante) Jem! Come bck! TEM (shouting bal). Go home! Stay ota tis! (As the ‘slocled SCOUT fels hr way back toward her porch LEM ture, boing completed the destion of MRS DUBOSE's porch flowers and rusher cf aparenty nen on fre objets for is or) SCOUT (air kin Je! (JEM, past hearing, has gone. Pighened, SCOUT ‘goes back onto er porch rom where SHE watches ‘raousy. DILL dressed ndferen eos = sy and titi comer on) DILL (subdued) Hey, Scoot SCOUT (DILL presence only halresiseing, Jen's ‘outa contr! He's gone mad! (Looking back) He’ Sockng the tops off every eunala bush Ma. Dubose Page36 — TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Act] DILL (impesed). Thought Jem aa slow fie ‘SCOUT Not unyiore He's gone easy DILL. rom people yin’ thng bout your fhe SCOUT YesMs. Dubose- (Sips heel, enriouh:) How'd you know? (DILL shrugs. Eager for DILL © dom) We found oot somethin” abou Atlee today sont pei DILL (not surprised). Abo tne SCOUT buraing with Hes the Seadet shot in May DILL (thie ie not whar DILL expects. Disappointed, ‘That's what you fourd out SCOUT (nodding) Re he sh. St oes’ mater what fot sy. DILL. Would't maner anyway. (SCOUT becomes aware ‘hat THEY are no ite taling about the same hing, SHE considers him) SCOUT What are you doing bere? 1 thovght you'd been taken back ost with your fll In Meni? DILL (uray. Tol was. SCOUT. Then how in the Sm Hl— DILL. I's you ee SCOUT (ar his appearance fall register), Youre all DILL. "Couse fam. (HE takes 2 quick Breath) haven sew fuer, and e doesnt like me—eo he bad me ound in eats ap lef toe fa the Baserent. Bat 1 seas xray ep lve on rw flé bens by © pasng farmer whe beard my ei fo el. SCOUT If you were caied pine basement — DILL Th good man poke stuhel of bea to me—pod by pod throph he vention! As TOKILLAMOCKINGRIRD Faye 37 (Daring is, JEM i coming back ona the point where Lie wert off Aghst ot hinsel, HE i moving slowly lod th porch no ye nated by he OTHERS) SCOUT (loka) Lcky fr you that goodman was psig DILL (sre of hime nom) 1 woeked mysel fee—pel ‘ng te elas fom the wal, Then T wandered os of Meridian where Tscovere » small animal show and they hired me fo wath te eae. SCOUT How do you po about washing »— DILL (resing on). Suddenly my sense of zen tld rie T'was just across the sve fom Maycon (7E usa ult Drath) Wht 1 8 then UM has come ponte las of thi il anata) EM eutng in) How did you gt bre, Dil? DILL (ighing:wndramai). 1 ook thioen dlrs fom ‘my motber's puse and caps the ioe Seack ta ‘fom Meridian JEM. Wd you nn off DILL. Did nin off Desde 'd some back bee, hats SCOUT You want to sy with your Aun Rasta? DILL I want sy bere SCOUT With EM gi), We'e goons have ht sume. DIL, 1 cor't eae (ATTICUS is hurrying on) SCOUT (namingh), Jem—(ATTICUS walls past them over to the fot ofthe DUBOSE howe, and for a mo. Page38 TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Ast JEM (aside 1 DILL, merous). Maybe you beter come ack ner, DILL (hashed). Ym mo going. (ATTICUS sums and walls ack toward the GROUP). SCOUT (brave) Lock this, Atcur—we've got a ii tor Hees Dilleame bck from Mein, (ying 12 {Ail the award silence) He knows bow 80 wash = ‘mel ATTICUS (gravely acknowledging hin). Dil DILL (owolowing). i. ATTICUS (2 tggeson of winter in hie voce, Jan— tea sn ii ous | Ue forthe damage to owe lowers? ATTICUS. Why'd you do? H JEM (eo). Mr, Dubone sid you lve for niggers | ‘ATTICUS (gning i sroigh) And ate why Yo roy her gen? JEM (ovale) es 'ATTICUS. Son. ave 20 duke you've been amoyed by | Your contemporaries boot me wing er nae You sy, ot odo somehng Hk ho a kd dy Be excuse, I songly advise you to go over and ave ek wis Min Dobore. JEM (sare, Tako he | “ATTICUS. Right now | Sexe De ‘ATTICUS. Goce Jen. Scour Baws ATTICUS (sopping hr). Soa SEM (ening ine tgether. AD ght. go tak to er [ATTICUS (unmoved), Come soight home afervar | Ac TOKILLAMOCKINGEIRD Page 39 (JEM goes toward the Dubos horse like @ man walk Ing. bray to his exzeution. During the oling speecles, he goes wp her dor, noc ands let in) SCOUT (to ATTICUS) Al Ye was dla” was sans up ‘er you! ATTICUS (as HE lols afer JEN). Never tought e's be the one to lose his head (rng toward SCOUT) ‘Thought have more oaks wih you. SCOUT. Why do we hve fo keep ora anyway? No ‘dy at aco! hs to keep his ea about eying ATTICUS (not happy about i, You'l so0a have to be eepng your bead about far woe ings, Tuning DILL) ous Att Rachel is mestin you were com ing tack SCOUT She deen’ now DILL Please, Mi. Pach—do' el er Fm ere. ‘ATTICUS, Do' el er SCOUT He's nn away DILL. Don make me go back ATTICUS. a et me ge ti sgh DILL Ifyou make ego Bac, Ira uy asin. ATTICUS. Whoa, Son SCOUT He's ten ving on rw bean DILL (nervous. Sout ATTICUS. Let me do lit telephoning. (Net ling DILL nterapt) Yak you could spend te lg esha ay afew day. DILL (hope. Weald you, se? ATTICUS (as HE goes Ud) Maybe Scot can ge you sernethng oo wth he ro beans, DILL (afer hin): Ob, Yn fie. Not hungry al. (47 ‘CUS sls as HE eres the house) Page TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD = Act! SCOUT (regarding DILL erica. 1 think you'd be ‘sanving. (DILL shrugs. Her supcions grow) Whe your father relly bef ike you sale? DILL (eno. Tat waa ote ast was’ SCOUT Youre ne teling me right. Your foe cous do wibout you. DIL Ys, hey can, They get on et eter witout me ‘They say gone most ofthe tine, and When they're dome, they're always off by thaeles, And cat Ip them any. (Being fir) Theyre not mean. They ‘iy me everyting T war, bu hen He—(niating nan’ vier) —now-jou ve get-go play-wirie SCOUT They mat ned you. Wy. Alea could’ get lng ay wt my help and nic DILL (sragating with an ides. The secs tng bout your eer that he's a ead et, i's SCOUT (hight erica) He made Jem 8 overt Mi atewe, DILL. Don't you se why bei thai? SCOUT (uninpresed). Baise Ws is way DILL (agreeing Ata Jem be all ght. (Dying to catch ‘er ines) 1 pet say few days, ve # new an fr tingng out Bo Rade. [SCOUT Wana ece what ese 1 found inthe kothle of that tree? (Thing tem out) Two Idan ead! pies al ck up. DILL. Who woul lave wahable Indian hea penis? SCOUT (toning 1 ok at the Raley house). Why do you reckon Boo Radley's never un of? DILL. Maybe he doesn’t have anywhere to mun off t, (Back 19 business) For my plan tog hss oot wel Act] TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Page 41 ead box of lemon dap. pt oe jut cuss his Aoer—and tena row of tem down the set (ATTICUS is coming back om the porch, but DILL is {oo wrapped up nbs sche ose hin) DIL. When be thinks t's sf, e'l come out lek wp the lemon drops. (DILL pontomiing 18 lead hi toward the sil seen ATTICUS) Then e'l noe the ext ono—then om othe nest—he'l fallow Uke a en then moter tben—(The place forthe next imag ay sweets ocapled by ATTICUS" shoes. DILL tps tnd lols wa) ATTICUS (ailing), T's ot of leon eps. DILL nea, We were fol’ ‘ATTICUS. You've bes the subject of consdesbe con DILL. Won Asnt Race ny? ATTICUS. At fist it came ander the beadig of is fos mat be oot oftheir mad worrying” td she ‘ended wit ‘Recko he ean ony on fr tog ayy? DILL (delighed). Hey! (0 SCOUT) Hes ht ATTICUS. But I haupht 13 beter speak to your pret, 20 cll them, too. DILL (scent serious. What ty say? ATTICUS, Cou "ve been more agtesble. (Sriling) ‘Thay si you could uy on frat lng as yore nt inthe way. (SCOUT ges agp of leave) DILL (ued). ee SCOUT. Grete’ that rst? DILL (with an ert Ste i (To ATTICUS, trying to row hi out) Guess ty wee looking al over Mass ian forme Page 42 TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD At ATTICUS (shaking is head and smiling). No, they thought you were rotbly stuck at some pcre show DIL asappoine, ut sling bck). Geely, they'd ‘eight oo ATTICUS (becoming aware of DIL’ problem), We'l be gol dough gute iil tine, Dil Wt be good faving you wih ws DILL Doyou met ATTICUS. il fe lp having you hee, Tet ot in (WECK TATE is coming om) DILL. Thank you, sit. Tak you very much HECK (alng) Me. Finch, ATTICUS. More company. Come cap Hack HECK (eaered). ater speak with yo down ber ATTICUS (toupirfal). Ob? SCOUT (aside ATTICUS) What ATTICUS, Only two reasons why grown man talk i he from yerd—deah er poles. (Calling) Whi ie, Hecke HECK (wry Could te ite of ty Mi. Foch, ‘ATTICUS (considering this) Then we'd etek (E ‘asses. SCOUT) Maye yon sd Dil ean give Cal puma hand SCOUT I watt know what's Dappening. [ATTICUS Gfrmb). Yu'l ive Capami «band. Glac ing toad hi) DA? (DILL aes hold of SCOUT's arm. as ATTICUS cross oer HECK) SCOUT (jerking her ‘arm fee) Don't get any Sess you ‘mm boss me, to! (SCOUT eres ver 1 the porch SE cick TOKILA MOCKINGBIRD Page 3 tical). They have borne ECR has turned aside and specs coven 10 ATTICUS) HECK. They moved Thm Robins tothe county il his ‘sernoon. I en look fr rol, bt Tea gare ‘here wont be ny ATTICUS. Don't te fool Heck This x Mayeom HECK. Fast uss, tats al AACTICUS, Tal probly begin day afer tamsow. You cn oep hint the, ean eu? (Sing) 1 dont thnk mybdy'l begrdge me melt wit nes tie here HECK mln ook) sat that Ob Sram batch. You ‘oom how they do when they get ceed up. ATTICUS. Are they ding? HECK. Cold be (Worried) 1 dot se why you tooched thi cae. You've got everthing 1 lose [ATTICUS (gue Do you realy tink a? (Ar this, SCOUT comes to the porch ri flloned by Du) HECK tokng breath ra). Ye, Ido, Aion mean everthing [ATTICUS (ith decison Hack, at bey might go tthe ln, but he's ot gla il he ao BCK (resigned). Oy, Mi. Beh ATTICUS. Ad you kn aswel Id wi the mah i. (ZEN, coming from the DUBOSE house, pauses as HE sees HECK and ATTICUS) Pages TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Act HECK (withdrawn). It thought I sould keep you in fomed ATTICUS, And ppresne Heck. Tha you HECK (reiacngapon.Siewel ae at of yout HECK goes off) ATTICUS (after hin smiling). Do't wor (As JEM ap roaches) Wel, Soa EMC Tod er’ work on er gaden and ty to mak it ‘8 beck And Isai | war sonybot 'm net. Wa sas Heck te ATTICUS (euing i. No point in saying you've sory EME. Hom aboot what she si ATTICUS, She's od ad she's il (Going back int the dese) Thave wore JEM afer hin), Sho wants me tora to bet (ATTICUS pauses) Ske wants me to come over every aftetoce fd read ot loud foro ours. Aticis—do vet? [EM (protesting). Her house so tk—creepy—shados onthe celing ATTICUS (orang gin). That su ppl to your i= sginaton (As HE goes) Js petend you ii the Radley house (JEM lots afer ATTICUS) JEM (peplesed) Heese na pola mood thse cays (Turing o DILL and SCOUT) What's Heck wat! DILL (dramatic. Death an plist SCOUT Don't be sly. Rvas js hey moved Tom Rob Iason othe Moyea jal DILL to JEM) Your fer sid 1 could say He ad 1 ould tak he et in you oo, ‘SCOUT What re you goo ead 0 Ms, Dabo? Acil — TOKILLAMOCKINGEIRD Page 4s JEM, rane. (Pepeted.) Why woud she wast me to rea slo? DILL Secred ke your father wasn spiced {ATTICUS is coming back ont the porch with CAL- PURNIA, HE i carrying sal folding chair and an ‘kere exesion cord with aight ul tthe end) {JEM (anousy to DILL). Why would’ bebe rupised? ILL As him ATTICUS. Ack me wat? STEM, Nod. ‘ATTICUS. You fk be in bod when I some bck, so aay good aight nom SCOUT Whore sr you gin? ATTICUS. Ox You mind Cupar. JEM Wat are you das’ with tech an the it bulb? [ATTICUS Might bave ue for them. (As HE goes) Lock ser thing, Ca CCALPURNIA Do iy ts, Me ach (ATTICUS goes oft “Lights are beginning to di) SCOUT frning fo CALPURNIA) Where's he gin"? CCALPURNIA (ating fer ATTICUS. aie grin). 1 ould make guessonly I won't You get wathed— tie of you (CALPURWIA goes back inside) DILL. Trealy neo a wish, SCOUT Way woul’ she guer? (NO one has a ax JEM. Why was Atcu aking sehr and Hight bul? (ho one hasan anower forthe ether) Before Igo to be, may wall downtown for whi SCOUT (gy. You got» cae ofthe locaround? (As ‘he Hight continues dim, JEM goes inside) Pages TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Act DILL (connecting. Casual). 1 may come ook arog 0. SCOUT (ellowing them a). Wht ae you aking bot? (Moment of darkness, the ligt as MISS MAUDIE's oor is opened and she and MISS STEPHANIE come ‘auton porch) MISS MAUDIE. Thanks fr soping by, Stephane MISS STEPHANIE. Best vew in town, Pt Ate goes ‘by with elie and an lect ight Then thee el ren go fer him 1 can't imagine where— MISS MAUDIE (grin). My guess is the jailhouse (Front) The jail is Moycomb's oly convertion pice te deracoe my acs ike Vitra py. [MISS STEPHANIE (Pon). Andi suppor my i gives the town & good, roi, rexpecable look, and Ro anger wld eve suspect at's fl of alge. ‘MISS MAUDIE (ied. Go hone, Sean ‘MISS STEPHANIE (as she goes). The cake was heavenly (ATTICUS has meal sated hse in Bis ei opened his nenspoper. ad ow he non the bulb tanging beside hin, ond starts to read. The THREE CHILDREN are coming ono the sage) SCOUT (surprise) A ight in root ofthe ou JEM (elon), Tes be is! SCOUT. srt) Well, e's— JEM crabbing he) No, Seow, SCOUT. I js wast oak why he's iting in fon of te jose, DILL. Maybe we soul bother hi sight om, ‘SCOUT Bu As TOXILLA MOCKINGBIRD Page 47 DILL 1s prety ae SEM, He's alright, ses go home just wate 1 sce where he was. The sound of epproaching cari hea) ‘SCOUT Afr allthis ula’ wound town, weight at eet HEM Sth— SCOUT He can't ear me TEM, Nomina! DILL Ws ea A ota cars coming (The sound is geting ‘oer and he ops) 1M feral) vender what — DILL. So many JEM (hase ew. Get own, Wel get down (HEY get down 1 watch, anceen Te sage light is ‘ute dim now except forthe smal rea oround ATT US, who as means Loted wp a he sound. HE loses is newspaper, folds i and put in is lp. Then HE pushes hi bat ack on hs head, wating) [SCOUT (a hafscaed whisper), What's bppesing? EM whispering bac). Qt (inthe darkness, a GROUP of MEN come on seen only inky, moving slow and deere toad ATTICUS ‘he GROUP indes MR CUNNINGHAM and BOB WELL; the rest of the “mob” ane EXTRAS ted not idefabe in the dim light they are ALL dese in farm cthes. THEY ave facing toward ATTICUS. 4 dem determined and ominous) ‘BOB EWELL He nthe, Mr. Fini? PageS0TOKILLAMOCKINGEIRD = Act ‘BA Wer “bey” fr me, went yu? (Thee mo rep SHE tes hander 1 brea through hs boing ack of response) My father was ting me about your eta ‘es He said theyre bd. (The lack of response get {ing more during) Aicer—1 was ju any 10, (Comingham that etaiments are bod—but I remeber you sald otto wert aks long sometimes bet oud allie ot tpt. (SCOUT has come 102 Stop, looking outa te silent MEN. SHE swallows) ‘Whats i? Ca anybody tll ms? pen) Whe the mater? (ere) Me. Cunpha! (Siddnt MR. UN. INGHAM puts Ns bands on oth of SCOUT’ show! ders) MI CUNNINGHAM. Ain't nothin the mater, ny ‘Ax TM tell my boy yeu sid "bey (Mi tig, CUNNINGHAM staghtns up and waves his hand ‘Mo etry) Let's ear otf here, bays. (Tere 4 moment of hesaion. Frmb) Boys! We're goin" Dore Di the MEN art moving of) EM (ith hushed astonish), Tye ga! ATTICUS (a bi astonihed hime, Looks tht way ‘SCOUT (ging pt him) Atiews—can ve go heme now? [ATTICUS kes ou a hander with which HE wipes 1s ace, and then bows is nose, Nodig). Yeu. eck Tike we can go home now. (Thee i the ound of cart Staring up and driving eas. THEY lok toward the sound) JEM, Thought Me Cunaingham wae fred ‘ATTICUS. Sil i He jut has his Md spss slong with thereof. JEM Bat be was rend to fat you, ATTICUS, Beense he was part of sob, Buta mob's amays made up of people, and Mi, Culngha’s ei AaT— TOKLLAMOCKINGEIRD Page St man. What you chien did—you made him remem tert. (A sof sky oie, ta 6f TOM ROBINSON, cal fom Deind inside he jit) TOM (of from the darkness, Mi, Fne? (THEY tr ward the VOICE) They gone? ATTICUS. They gone, Tm. They won't Bait yo any: TOM (af). Dank you Me ich ATTICUS. We'e going to fave a buny tne Beer get ‘TOM (wot) humors), You beter get some sles, to (ATTICUS siles as HE gases hs things oper [ATTICUS That's 2 interton. Good alg, To. (DILL has come up 0 ATTICUS) DILL (respec). C1 ary the hat for you, Mr Tick? (ATTICUS considers the rogues. then hands the {foled chiro DILL) ATTICUS. Wy, thank you, Son (DILL deny pease) SCOUT (drained) I vast to go home (ATTICUS afc Tlonately grabs JEM's shoulder with one hand nd SCOUT withthe oe) ATTICUS. You two can dont ind very wall. SCOUT (maed.Aticar—what wat you said we dd 1 Ms. Conninghan? ATTICUS, You made hi sand in my shoes for inte. (Oth this, ATTICUS reaches wp and tars ox the light bully Inthe darness ATTICUS, JEM and DILL ei ‘Meanwhile. the only light ow the sage is @ spot on ‘Miss MAUDIE) Pages? TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD = At MISS MAUDIE, The sest Mons, poop were seen ing ino tove ke was Sary. Seemed like the le county was coming for Tem Rincon tal (OSS STEPHANIE, al dressed py, coming n,) MISS MAUDIE, And whee ae you going? [MISS STEPHANIE. T the ney Jungle 2NOSS MAUDIE. Wit ut an loves? [MISS STEPHANIE Tp jas lok in the court soe whit Atco MISS MAUDIE. Be careful be dsea' hand you # sub oem. (a a salle) You seem to tow £0 roe or eee (MSS STEPHANIE goes off into the group of assem Ding SPECTATORS JEM, DILL ond SCOUT ar com ing on cautious) JEM, Let's wait tl the l-—don't let Atos sees (They heey tenses small). | [MISS MAUDIE. When Iresched he courthouse sq, i as covered with pene pare. Apparily the tal Ws o bea gals ocison, Thee was no room e he public thing rall—mulee and wngons were pase’ Inder every avalible te. People were misting down ‘ule ant rep with wm mk fom fat fs, the far comer ofthe sqaure, Negroes it it he stb ‘ery gle. Al sme iiss ey all got up and Sared inte the conto, (Daring the speech, SPECTATORS are coming on cr ‘ing folding chars which THEY set up and st on Acct TOXILLAMOCKINGBIRD Page 3 ch he ri Lights ar coming ap. JUDGE TAYLOR Is ten hs place Behind the bench, HECK TATE sts Inthe wives chait BOB EWELL and MAYELLA are ‘on he ness tech while ATTICUS and TOM ROB. INSON are athe table MR GILMER & stoning next to the wimest THEY gen SCOUT JEM, and DILL fr coming it these, flling REVEREND SYKES SCOUT (with concer SHE bole at the now set sere TEM.) We're to lt. There's no sts. [REVEREND SYKES. You cold come with me—if you'd ‘ate oon the eoloted side othe tleony. (THEY rocking an going wit hi) EM. Gan, yee SCOUT (as THEY've tating seats with REVEREND SYAES and EXTRAS Y available. Moi) Til’ ray sted Prac’ hig testimony. (Cure tet vesemes) 2M. GILMER Ta your ow words, Mr. Te HECK replying o MR. GILMER). Wall, was called— MB. GILMER (notonng toward te AUDIENCEJURD. {Coal you sy ithe jay, Mt Tate? Who elled you? HECK (ning to AUDIENCEJURY). 1 wae fetched by ‘Bobby Me Bab Exell net, oo nigh ‘MR. GHLAIER. What gt, ee? UHECK. The lght of November tent fi. Iwi eving ny fc to go home when B-Mr. Ewell came in, ‘ey enced He was a sd, get to hie owe gulch seme’ 2i—Nepo'd raped his gi. (REVEREND STRES MR, GILMER. Di you po? HECK, Cerainly. Go inthe ca a went ota fast as 1 seul, Paget TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD. Ast (MR. GILMER. And what ed you fad? HECK. Found bering onthe Nac. She was prey wll ‘est up, ba Themed be fo ee fet and se washed er face nthe bucket a she eid be weal ah Ma GILMER Go co HECK 1 asad her who bat her and she sie wae Tom ‘obinson. UUDGE TAYLOR looks at ATTICUS expect. ing an objection, bt ATTICUS Jus ges a igh ohake (ef his head. HECK tales a breath) Asked et if be ‘rather op ike hat she sald, ye, he had. Asha Be if Be tok advange of ber and se mye, be did. ‘wet downto Robinsc’s Hous and bough take ‘She Identfed im a the one, £01 ook Bin a. Th’ alle wa to DMR. GILMER (rerning toi set atthe tl). Thank 300, JUDGE TAYLOR. Any questions, Atieue? (ATTICUS ‘arn ls chair these ond cose i leg) [ATTICUS (leaning back. Yes. Ds you ale Soc, She ‘un HECK, Nos. ATTICUS (wt asi edge). Why not? HECK, 1 wasn't necessary, Mr Finch, But she war mighty bnged vp. ATTICUS, Al you dia — SUDGE TAYLOR feuning in), He's anewered tbe qpe- Son, Atias He did't ell dove, ATTICUS (ening). Just wanted 10 make are Jude (Muming to HECK.) Sherif, you say she ws mighty aged up. In wht way? fut dene her ine, eck ‘HECK. There was abeay tse comin’ on ber aa se had lack eye sur AdI— TOKILLAMOCKINGEIRD Page SS [ACTICUS. Wich eye? ‘HECK. Let ee—her eh ATTICUS. Her left fing you, or her Heft Joking the sme way you were? ‘HECK (ning about). Thad ake her sgh was er rigkt eye, Mr. Pinch, I rererber now, she we ange wp tat sd of terface. (ATTICUS lots at TOM, then back @ HECK) [NFTICUS (demanding) Pease repeat what you si BECK. Her rip eye ‘ATTICUS. No—you sid she was banged up om tht side fer face. Which side? ‘HECK, There sid. ATTICUS. That's al, Heck (HECK spe down and walks ‘vr she Bech) MBL GILMER (cling Rober Boel (BOB EWELL hops ‘ap and comes ap tothe witness chair The COURT (CLERK administer the oath) CLERK. Swear ttl the tt he whole nd nth ing but the mkt ‘BOB EWELL (erwin So help me God. (MR. GILMER rods toward the chair: EWE ss) MR GILMER Mr. Robert Ewell? BOB EWELL Thar's mizame cop'n (MR. GILMER does a parila ike EWELL) MB. GILMER A yen th father of Mayle Ewell ‘BOB EWELL Wel, iT ain't Text do arything abot it ow Heras ded [JUDGE TAYLOR. Are you the father of Mayela Evel? BOB EWELL feed, Ye, sl, RUDGE TAYLOR Get this sight There wl be no a- ‘By obscene speutins on any wij rom anya Page TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Ant? a this courtroom. Do yo undestnd? (EWELL nods) Al righ, Me. Giine. MR. GILMER. Task you, si Mt; Eve, ell ws what ‘append on the evening of November twenty ft BOB EWELL. I was cori’ in frm the weeds wih oud o" Kin” and jt aT got othe fence, J bed Maye screamin’ ieee hg ile the base DMR. GHMER, What ine was i Me. Ewell? ‘BOB EWELL. Dist “ere rondown, Wel, 1 wis sxyc’ “Mayes ys acreamin’ fo eat Jess! (The JUDGE clears his toate, and BOB WELL hesitates) MR. GILMER (preding) Yes? She was seeing? BOB EWELL. She was sising this holy mcket £0 1 ‘roped mld and sna fst es Icold up 10 the Windward Tseen—1scen-—(HE getup and points ‘angrily at TOM ROBINSON. Wich alt srengih) 1 Sen that blak nigger yonder rutin on my Mayela! (heres a gasp from he SPECTATORS. MR GILMER 1s golng ap tothe bench where HE seats gue 0 the JUDGE REVEREND SYKES leas sort 0 JEM) REVEREND SYKES. Mr. Jem, Te Mat Scout bore ‘Me_Jem, you bear me? JEM (ning 10 her). Scout—go home. il, you ‘a! ‘Secu go home. SCOUT You cat make me SEM (lo REVEREND SYIES).1 ine is olay, Revered, ‘She does’ unde SCOUT I mot ceinly do REVEREND SYKES (sured) Thi lat ft for Mise Seout—or you toy, eter (REVEREND SYKES end the OTHER SPECTATORS, taking excitedly 10 each ‘the, are inert by JUDGE TAYLOR, who Bar Ing is gavel for ateton) As TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Page s7 JUDGE TAYLOR. Quiet! There ha been a request that this courtroom te clewed a spectators, or lest of ‘women and chlden—s request hat forthe tine being Sl be denied. People generally see wha hey lock fos, tod bear what they lten for And they ave de sph to make whatever daisions they coir test or is cliten. You my feel thee's someting bere to be Jeamed. Or you may dede you do not wish Yo face this problem's up te you make the dein. 1 sup 1 You do ht now Tm inferring he al for tenmincte cess. (The JUDGE bangs the gavel ad ries As HE doe) LLigsts paw our END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO ‘SCENE: Revealed ether sene wih EVERYONE back in place afer the shor ces declared by JUDGE TAY. {OR BOB EWELL i nthe wise sand, MR. GIL MER stands near im wang, ATTICUS sls at his table with TOM ROBINSON, andthe SPECTATORS ore ‘Stated, as before. The JURY is considered 10 be inthe tudience and when addvesed, the SPEAKER sea 0 the AUDIENCE. JUDGE TAYLOR (looking aout dry). 1 80 we ai ‘ave a fow with ue Well lets get on. (HE rape eas aly wih hs pve and turns to EWELL) Me. Evel, you wil hep your testinony within the cones of Geistan Bagh wpe, i thas pone. (Node) Pro- ed, Mr, lines MB GILMER (uneaiy) Where were we? We were— SUDGE TAYLOR (to he point. Mr. Bvell i you ste ‘he defendant having rexal intercourse with your phe ‘BOB EWELL. Yes, 1 MR GILMER (19 the JUDGE). Thank yov, st. (B EEWELL) Yoo a you were othe window? BOB EWELL Yu, sb (MR. GILMER Did you have a cle view ofthe rom? BOB EWELL. Yess DMR GILMER How dd the room ook? Atl — TOKMLA MOCKINGBIRD Page 59 ‘BOB EWELL All slung abut, lke tee wa fp DMR. GILMER. What did you do when you sm the de fondant? BOB BWELL. Ian sound the out o gtr bt be rt out the frat door Jat abe of me xed who be tras, bu Twas to dct about Mayela ora fer Fim. Mayela was in thee squall’ 2 ¥ ran io the oe DMR GILMER Then wt i you 8? ‘BOB EWELL. I ran for Heck Tite quick 3 coukd 7 -knowed who it ws allright, passed the house every uy, ved dows yonder int nigger. ring the JUDGE) Jeg, Te athe ts comty for fies yes clan ut at nat dow yonder, There dn rout to ive aroind.(Spealing a & Patapon™ 2m) Sides devs my prope. 1M GILMER (wncng: aria). That's al, Tank yon. Me, vel, (Oesaiged wit Mise, EWELL hop down ening 128 HE goes HE bang into ATTICUS, who & approach ing. There i @ sir of amusement from the SPECT TORS, which EWELL consacs as approval) ATTICUS (meanwhile; genial. ut» mint sr. Could Task you a quasi 6 to? (EWELL dare 9 slnce at ‘he JUDGE, who node hi Read toward the witness ie) [BOB EWELL (gly buck) Sure—go shad ATTICUS. Task you, Mr: Evel ola were ding «ot of ring that ght Let's see, you sy you ran the ‘ous, you ran tthe window, you rap Sse you a TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD = Aa for Mee, Did yoo, rng al thi ming, rn or © BOB EWELL Wa" ro ned to ATTICUS. Diet you think he nar of your daughter's BOB EWELL Never cled = doctors my ie. Wad wll've cot me five dolls, Ta al he questions? ATTICUS, Not gute. Me Evel you herd te serfs testiony, di yoo? [BOB EWELL (deciig iis fet answer. Ye ATTICUS. Do you apres wit his escepon of Maya's Inj? Her right eye Blckened, tat she was beaten ‘BOB EWELL, Yeah hold wit venting The si ATTICUS, He sa her ight exe was backeed. ‘BOB EWELL. Told wit Te ATTICUS. Mr Evel an you rod and we? ‘MR GUMER. Objection Cart ase what site's Ker. cy bat do wih the ease, srlevat immaterial ATTICUS (guety. Sage, Hf youl alow the gueston, ls anther one, youl soon se. SUDGE TAYLOR All ght But make sure we se, A is, (0 MR, GILMER) Overs AACTICUS (io EWELL) Will you write your mame and show us! BOB EWELL. 1 moat poitvely wll. How do you think 1 ‘sen my relief eects (Thee fan amused si among tte SPECTATORS. ATTICUS i tating an emp rom tis poctet end ten unsroning hi furan pen) SCOUT phil hi is happening a worried wiper). Jen do you tink Ato Inows what e's oi’? JEM tance). Sean He he laows Adll — TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD age 61 SCOUT Fr hack a e'n remember, he al ever, never, never ak # quron on eres-etamination ines 308 sles iow the ane. JEM (he remembers, 00, "Cause yu might ge an answer thal eck your ese SCOUT (aching apa: nervously. Looks to me Uke as gone fog sking without» ph (ATTICUS has presented the emeope 10 BOB EWELL, ‘shan the foun pen and ge Ri ha, 10) ATTICUS. Weald you wite your mame for ue? Cleaiy ‘0m 50 the jy ean see You do it (Mh a flowish EEWELL feces wring is name) (MR. GILMER (curious. Wont nero’? JUDGE TAYLOR. He's ethan, ATTICUS (nodding That's BOB EWELL (outraged, What's my ein’ left-handed ave todo wih A” (1 JUDGE TAYLOR) He's wy to inks adrntage of re Tiling lwers Eke Aus Foch tke aantage ofr al the time wth hi ik ing ways. But dot ange what Isa, and yt sgsn—T saw tht regs ATHICUS. Tht's alk Me Ewell. (The frious LITTLE [MAN i ating bac ois seat) EM (meal) Link we've gota. SCOUT, Don't cout your hikes DILL (hashed, eager) Her right eye was tacked 0 had {0 be someone et handed SCOUT (hushed in ep. Maybe Tom Robinson's ef Page? TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Aa (MR. ONLMER (cling). Maye Violet Buel. (As MAY” 'ELLA approaches, the COURT CLERK adits the ah) (CLERK. Swear othe tah, he whole tat and not tng bat be ou, [MAYELLA (rodng sof. Yes. (MAYELLA sts) (MR. GILMER, Pane tell the jury im your ove, words ‘what happened on the evening of Novener twenty fis (MAYELLA does nor rp) Where were you a. ‘ink on that evening? [MAYELLA. On the porch (MR. GILMER (rying to prod her along.) What were you sing on the prc? (AYELLA hess) SUDGE TAYLOR Sut el what happened. You can do that, ca't you? (MAYELLA doesnot rep) What ae you saad of? (MAYELLA mhipers someting 1 Ri Jom behind her hand) Wt ws at? MAYELLA (joining ATTICUS) Hin. Dow't wa hin in’ me ke be done Paps, sk im cat tan SUDGE TAYLOR (prplewed, How od are you? [MAVELLA. Niwtocr endl SUDGE TAYLOR. T see Well Me. Finch as no dea of searing you, ad i he di, Pim lee vo stop him. Now Sit up stain and tel what happened. (MAYELLA tales area, and stars nervous) MAYELLA, Well-I was onthe porch and—be came ong abd, yu se, tere we thi ol ehifarbe in the yard Papel tought i wo chop up fo Mla. apa {old me todo it wile he war of inthe wood, bt vas felis” strong enough thn soe came by (MR GILMER. Who ine" MAYELLA, Thats yonder, Robinson MR GILMER, Then wat append? Ac —TOKILLAMOCKINGEIRD Page 63 MAYELLA. I sui Come fer, Boy, and bat op this hfrbe fer me, gota nck! fr you~ So he came inthe yard an’ I went in the house Yo get Mtn the nickel, An’ “ore 1 ew i Be wat on me He got me "urd the peck 1 fog, bathe hit me apn and apn. (MR. GILMER (as MAYELLA colts hrs}. Go co LMAYELLA. An’ he ook adstage of (MR. GILMER Did you seream and ight ck? MAYELLA. Kicked an hellared oad as I oud MR GILMER Then wis append? MAYELLA. Don't remember oo god bat Pape come in the oor and was ball’ who doe 7 The T sorts fated nthe next hing Tew Me te was eli sae ove tothe water bck 1M. GILMER. You fought Rebingon bard as you could tooth nd al? MAYELLA. psively DMR. GILMER You ae posve be tok full dvanage of MAYELLA (boing book @ sob). T already tod ye. Be done what he was after. 2M. GILMER. Thats ll for now. But stay ber, expect big, nd Mi Flach as some question, JUDGE TAYLOR (rin). Site will nt preidce the ‘wines gaat couse! forthe defense. ATTICUS, slg, ha risen HE opens het, hooks ‘is dumb i Bs vet ond witht loking tet at MAYELLA, speaks easly ober) ATTICUS. Miss Mayen, 1 won't ty 1 sae you for & ‘wl ot yo Let's get scqsinted. How ol re yu? Paget TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD. Act [MAYELLA, Sid Iwas nse, sid to he de yon et ATTICUS. You'l have t beat with me, Mise Mayella can remember ae well a1 wed tT mgt ak you things you've sendy sid before bot eu give mean MAYELLA. Wot answer a word a long you Keep on ‘mock, ATTICUS (sete), Ma? MAYELLA. Lang ob you cal me “mae” and any “Miss ‘Mayelin’ (To JUDGE TAYLOR) dont bave Yo tle sta JUDGE TAYLOR. That's jst Me. chs way. We've one busi inthis cor for yea andr Finch i sheay eourooa. Altos ge n-and let th rd show ta the wines as nt been aed ATTICUS. How many sisters and totes Bave you? MAYELLA, Sebi MAYELLA. Yee ATTICUS, How long hs your masher een dead? MAYELLA. Dent know. Long tine ATTICUS. How long did you got shot? MAYELLA. Two yeur—iee year—dinse, ATTICUS. Mie Myelin ninteen-yeur-ld lt! must Inve fiends, Who ae you nis? MAYELLA (pce), Friend? ATTICUS, Don't you Inow anyone near your age? Boys glen onary frend? MAYELLA (angry) You malia’ fan o* me apa, Me ick? ATTICUS, Do yon love you ftber, Mis Mi MAYELLA. Love hin, wstcha mean? sat Act —TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Page 6s ATTICUS Ise good to you, ie easy get along wih? MAYELLA. He doe il'abe “opt when ATTICUS. Except when? MAYELLA. Ia be doc taste ATTICUS (gem. Except when be's drinking? (The ‘question is asked so gently that in spite of hese MAYELLA node) When bes tled—bas be ever besten you? (MAYELLA loos around, stared) JUDGE TAYLOR. Arawer the question, Mss Mayle, MAYELLA. My paws never ooched ir my ead — [NTTICUS (cones her a moment). We've bad 4 god is, Mis Mayell. Now we'd beter got othe fem ‘Yoo sy you sted Thm Robinson o cate chop ip a what wa MAYELLA, A sft,» ot dese. ATTICUS, Ws Tom Robinson wel cw to you? MAYELLA. Whndiya maa! ATTICUS. Did you know who he was, whee heed? MAYELLA (roding) I knomed wh he was, He pssed the howe every dy. [ATTICUS (uring ay; east). Was he he fit ine you aad him to come ise the fence? (MAYELLA Jumps, ooking about nero) Was MAYELLA. Yes iw [NTTICUS. Die't you ever ack him to come inside the fence befor? MAYELLA fea now), Li ot ceriny di ot [ATTICUS (serenely). You never asked od obs for you before MAYELLA (conceding) I miphia, Tete was sever ig es around. ATTICUS. Can you remember any ther cessons? MAYELLA. No Page 66 © TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Act [ATTICUS (frm). Al ght no to what happened You sid Then Robinson got ou sound the neck Sa Ben? MAYELLA. Yes ATTICUS. You suy—"be caught me and eboked me and ‘ook advanage of es at ih? [MAYELLA. Thats what Tei ATTICUS. Do you remember im beating you about he face? (MAYELLA esiztes} You're sure enough be kad you. All hr te you were fighting back, 2 treme? You Kicked spd hollered. Do you remember Tim tetng you about the face? (MAYELLA 8 loking about uncertain ow 0 reply) 1 an esy qasion, Dee Mela so Tl ey apn. Do you remeber hi ‘ting yo abot te fe? MAYELLA.No, I dort sola if he it me. 1 mean, ye 1, be ite, ATTICUS. Wa your lat sentence your answer? MAYELLA. Yes, he MET just do’ remeber al ap ‘pened zo ick! {SUDGE TAYLOR. Doo’ yoo ey, young woman ATTICUS. Let hr ey, se was 1, Joye. We've got ‘lle tie nthe wor MAYELLA (oifing wal. Get me up hee an" eck ‘ne, wl you? Fl ewer any gustions you got ATTICUS. Ta’ fine Toes only fo mere. Wi you ‘Men the man whe stacked you? MAYELLA.T wl, That's im ight yonder. ATTICUS. sn standup. Let Miss Maye ve a pod Took at you I this the msn, Miss Mayela? (TOM sands. HE isa power young man, bat is ft hand fe cwrled up and held oh chest) AdIl — TORILLAMOCKINOBIRD Page 67 JEM (hashed). Scout—Reverend—his lft band! He's gpa [REVEREND SYKES (whispering) Caght in coton ga ‘when he wa boy. Teal he mses ose ATTICUS. eh he man wo ached you? MAYELLA. 1 moet erally ATTICUS (hard), How ‘MAYELLA (raging) 1 don't know how, bt hed. sid itll happened 9 fast I— ATTICUS. Lat’ coir ely. MR. GILMER Objection, He's owbeating the wines. JUDGE TAYLOR. Ob it down, Horace ‘ATTICUS, Miss Mayela, you've tified the defendant hold and beat you You dda say he sneaked yp be- hid you and knocked you ead. Do you wih re eneier ay of your einen? MAYELLA. You Want me 1 sey somehing tat dint ‘appen? ATTICUS, No, ma'am, I went yu t say something tht i happen. MAYELLA.Tabedy told yo ATTICUS, Het you? He Backend your ight ee with sight ft? DMAYELLA (ring he pin docked wel t—it ghz “That's what dike and it hanced of, ATTICUS. You'e a erong gt Why ei’ you an? MAYELLA. Tid to ATTICUS, And you were srearing al he ne? ‘MAYELLA.Teeainly ws. ‘ATTICUS. Wy did't the cher eden bar you? Where Tete they? (MAYELLA mates no reps) Why disn't Dour scrum make them come mialng? (MAYELLA Imakes no rep. Or dio you sre ul you 67 Page68 © TOKILLAMOCKINOBIRD. At your fate nthe window? You did't sera tl then, {a you? (MAYELLA mates no rep) Did you sam ‘our athe nnd of Tim bine? eat (AY ELLA mates no mpl) Who bet you vp? Tn Rabi fn or Your Faber? (MAYELLA males no reps) Mise ‘ayia dd your father seal see fat wi ow? (MAYELLA covers her mouth with her hande) ‘Why don't yu tel the th child—dide't Bob Ewell ‘eat you up? (Wah ths, ATTICUS tres aay, and les outa Breath. HE look @ lite as though his stomach Ihr. MAYELLA' ce a mice of tora far) MAYELLA (gaping a guck Breath and cling ox) 1 ‘ot somethin" 1 sy. (ATTICUS walls back and sis tara his ble) ATTICUS (ith compassion) Do you want ell what happened? MAYELLA. T pot some’ to sy an’ thea Talat goana ‘sy 10 more Tat gper yonder ook adtge of me 28° if you fine fey geclmen dont wanta do notin ‘hou Btn you're al yellow sa’ cowards iis ‘coward, te Jt of you. Your fay ni don’ come to sothin'-your ma'amin® and Mise Mayeltin” dn't (ome to oti’ Me Finch (MAYELLA covers her face ‘wit her hand io hold Back her sob) (MR GILMER. That's al. Hebi her ou ofthe wines ‘alr) You ean step down now (48 MAYELLA conn tes onthe Bench 0a ith her FATHER, MB. Gl MER ns to JUDGE TAYLOR, Si—be Ser JUDGE TAYLOR. Shall we ty 10 wind wp tis fee? How about, Ati? ATTICUS. Ti we x SUDGE TAYLOR. How many witnesses you got? ‘ATTICUS. One. | | | | Ad TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Page 69 [SUDGE TAYLOR, Wel eal him [ATTICUS (rising), Yall To Robinsce. (70M rises and walks toward the witness chai. The ‘COURT CLERK hoki out the Be w hn, TOM can tot pu his crippled lot hand on the Bible, 30 he touche ith right) ‘TOM, Sony, sc SUDGE TAYLOR. Thats ih, Tom CLERK. Do yon sven the evidence you're about to give is he wut tbe whale wah, and hing bat the nh? ‘TOM (nodding. sweat, (TOM is motioned int he wi ness chair and HE ss quietly and, natural afraid) ATTICUS. You's Tim Ranson, ten five Ye of a6 ‘ned wil thre ce, and you've bees in woos hte Iw once before, A Dy sete fo i ‘ely condo. What i at emit of ‘TOM. Get ph wih nother man. He ted oe me Butt warn ch: Not enoagh to [AVTICUS. You were both convicted? ‘TOM (nang) Tb to serve “ose I cold’ py the ‘ie. The oer flow paid his’, ATTICUS. Were you segosnted with Mayela Violet Bel? TOM. Yes, se Thad wo pas ber pce gon’ t and fom the Fld vey sy ATTICUS. Whowe Bit? TOM. I work fr Mr. Lik Des. ATTICUS. You past the Evel pee to ge 19 work Ie there any eter way to go? TOM. No, sr, none How of ATTICUS. Tr, i se ever speak you? Page70 © TOKILLAMOCKINGIRD «AIT ‘TOM. Wy, yess Td ip m'hat when 1 go by and one ‘ay she shad me to cme nid the fence and bt a cifrbe. ATTICUS. When did she ask you 1 shop up the—the ‘hfercte? ‘TOM. Me Finch, was way lat sping. Afr 1 boke it spe sid T reckon TI haf give you nickel, won't Fan" Isai, No, ma'am, hr ain no carpe” Then I went home. Tt was way ove a year eg [ATTICUS, Did you ever go om th ple spin? TOM, Yess ATTICUS. Wheat ‘TOM. I went lot of ines. (Ther is a marmar among te SPECTATORS, and JUDGE TAYLOR rapt his gave! ithow comment ATTICUS. Under what ctcmances? (TOM doesnot ‘ule wnderstand) Why dd you po laid the feces Stine? ‘TOM. She'd call me i. Seemed ike every tine 1 pase by yonder, she have somethin" for te to dom hopin ind’ tet’ water for her. [ATTICUS, Were you pai for your servis? ‘TOM. No, st not afer he offered me a nickel theft time. But Iwas gad do tM. Bell did't seem to help her none, and neither did the chilan, and T owed she dit have no icles spre ATTICUS. Where were he ter eile? TOM, They were shay rong al ovr the pace. ATTICUS. Woald Mie Maye akto yout ‘TOM. Yossi, he lle ome ATTICUS, Did you everat any tine—po oa the Be ‘ropery id you ever set foot onthe Ewell popes Without an expres visti from ee of tam Act TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Page 7, ‘TOM. Noy, Mr Fac, I never iT would do ht, ATTICUS. Tem, what happened to you on the evening of ‘November twenty-Bnt? (The SPECTATORS draw tn collective breath and lean forvend) ‘TOM, Mr. och 1 was gol ome sl at vena’ ‘ed when T pase the Evel pac, Miss Maye wers on the porch lke she sald she were i seemed ea set Uke, an did gute know wy. She eal to ne to come there an pet inte. Well T went ‘inside the fence an” Joke for sme Kin’ t9 work on, but I did't see noe, and se tye, ‘Naw, 1 go ‘etn’ fr yout do ine hose. Ty ld do's ef its hinges 1 i "You go» scewdsiver, Miss May la” She sid she bad. Wel, went up te eps and she motioned fr me to come ine (Ting Breath) 1 went nan" looked atte door. Ii, "Mise Mayen, this door look all ght” Those hinges was a ke ‘Then ake shot the door. Me Finch, 1 was wonder hy Ht was so ult he, 2" come tome tt there ere’ eile cn te pace, nt one of Tan, "Mis Maye, where the billn?™ (TOM pause an is handover his fe.) ATTICUS (quiet). Goon, Tom, ———~ XP te ‘TOM. Tsay whee tbe ein, at? she ays—she war aug” sr she say thy all gone to town fo get fee reams. She say, “Took me a slap yar to ke seb'm nicks, bo I'done i They all Bote fo town Unsensey uncomfortable and siting nis set, TOM sop) eae ATTICUS. Tom, what you ty then Daan Ge Vou ‘TOM (aking @ read) 1 tid sre’ ie, "Why, Mie ‘Mayeln ths ight sao” yoo teat co” A she Dse vom Deboe, Page72 © TOKILLA MOCKINGBIRD Act oie evant ee sesame ames iu saree Soranee ae pect ie ee ns Teer ante See ee Seconiecteneseate pelea oie ieee oot Fr See * chee. rout) To you've om © le wie meh. (TOM peas aire Seeeecee a EEE nm eat shor by JUDGE TALORVameth oy ep ATTICUS. Tow id se do then? ‘TOM (svaloving hard). She reached vp aad Lise me ‘se of fee, She says she ever Kis» grown san before and she mipht a wel wart with 9 nigger She any, "Kis me bck nlgge” Tsay, “Miss Mayen, Acti TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Page 73 lene oh her I ad oan, et he ter Sete dorms Ft yah hfs mt Me Pt ye ps wien Ty I, Mr Bed ener lon tena Cinoe ATTICUS. Wat be sy? Te Tore Do, OM, Sema ot 0st Bt’ fr fo ln ee ATTICUS, Tm ou ma le ya Be i TOM aig ge He aye oe eae where Tuya ATTICUS. Then what happened? > §% Anew TOM opening pe is wag Tw ai ofa he Pi kaw seep ATTICUS ho yout Maple ede Tost ane ATTICUS Diy tom ery wy? Font a ATTICUS Dio maitre? 3 TOM, Mi Roch {ed 0 et bt gi he hs waa beg wt ar ATTICUS Late go ko Ms Ewe Ws prey TOM ee snl t Mis Maye ‘Artic Then you Pout tawe dl SINUS Wy it you nat Foo weal ZATICUS Wy we you TOM Me Pn ye wu ee heme you'd | | | Aatt Page TOKTLLA MOCKINGBIRD (ATTICUS nade agreement wth hi, rr fo MR. GIl- MER as though saying, "Nour wines," and goes back to hs chair MR. GILMER rising and moving toward {TOM as this happens, @ VOICE calls rom ihe SPEC- TATORS, or from af) VOICE (ef I want the whe lot of you te know ene ‘hing igh tow, Tom Robinson's worked for me eight Yeats an’ Tit ad speck 0 oule outa him. Nota feck [UDGE TAYLOR (raping angrily wih his gov Thats rough, Link Dee you have anjhing to sy, You fn sny tuner oth aad at the proper tie. (Tb the JURY} Yost to epee the ea fom Link Des (thing tM GILMER) Go she, Me Glnet DM GILMER. You were ven thy day fr dsordetiy ond, Robinson? TOM, Yen ih MIR GILMER. What'd henge lok ike when you pt hroagh wih i? ‘TOM. Hebert me, Me: Gime. : MR GILMER ‘es, bt you were convicted, werent you? [ATTICUS (ftom hi char), Bs lsdemenor ais ‘athe recor, Sage JUDGE TAYLOR Wines answer, though TOM, Yess. 1 got thiny dye (MR GILMER oss ‘afeanty at He AUDIENCEDURY then tens ack 1 Tow) (MR. GILMER You're prey good at basting up chi bes and nding with on and en you? TOM. Yess Trekon 0. MR GILMER Strong encagh to choke the breath out of « Ac TOKILLAMOCKINGEIRD Page 75, ‘TOM. tnover dane hts DMR. GILMER. But you're song enough? TOM, Ireckon 0, MR. GILMER. Had your eye on ber for & lng tine, In ou, boy? ‘TOM. Nos. Tver looked ahr. ‘MR. GILRIER. Then you were mighty pole odo all hat ‘hoping an hsling fr hr, wren you, boy? ‘TOM. Twas jst nya’ oBlp ov se MR. GILMER. That wae mighty generous of you, Why ‘wee you so anxious edo ha woman's chores? ‘TOM (hestatng), Looked He she dnt ave nobody 10 phe. DM. GILMER, With Mr. Ewell nd seven chien on he Place, by? ‘TOM, Wel, sys ood ik they never lp her none, MR. GILMER. You id all this chopping and work for sheer goods, boy? "TOM, Jost wed ep er. MR. GILMER. Youve a mighy god flow, ial tls for no ne pany. TON Yes, set sgh sony for ber She sored to ry ‘mor he ret of em. ‘MR. GILMER (got Aint fl soy for her! Yoo fo ‘sorry forbs! (The SPECTATORS re shifngancom foray ot this T the JURY) He fe sry for ex (Aiming back TOM, Now you went bythe bose ‘ual st November twenty-fint and the aed yoo to ome in and bas up the cif? ‘TOM. Nose, MR. GILMER. Do you deny you went bythe hose? TOM, Nos Page76—TOKILLAMOCKINGEIRD Act MR. GILMER She says she asked yeu to bast up the ‘hire. leat ht? TOM No, esa (MR. GILMER (histone danger). You sry she's Ing, by? (ATTICUS rising Yo pots bat TOM han dle he question) TOMI don't any se ag, Me ler. aay e's mis ‘ake in ber mind. (ATTICUS si again) MR GILMER (hs tne rougher. Tl me, boy. Why cid TOM, Tassos ‘Mie GUMER. I you bad a clear conscience, by, hy ‘ere you seared? ‘TOM: Like Isa before it were’ safe for any nigger to bein afi ett 1M GILMER (sarasicaly), ut you ware a "Yeu teed you were reiting ber aanees. Were You scored he nugit nan you big buck he you? “TOM. No, sr T war sued bein cour, jst ike Yam DMR. GILMER (is vole ring). Sx face upto what youd ‘TOM Nasr, Seed. Bet face po what dd’ do MR. GILMER You bis pent me, oy? TOM, 1d’ gore 1M. GILMER (waking awe) No mere quescas JUDGE TAYLOR You can step dwn Mr Robinson you'd ave 10 (ds TOM finds is way Back to chal the ght on the cout sene dims asa spor of ight comes 4p DR io whch DILL comes, followed by SCOUT DIL is ayset) ActIl — TOKLLAMOCKINGRIRD Page 7 SCOUT ‘ante with you? DILL ooh an efor okay SCOUT. The heat get you? Alt you feting god? DILL (pening himself in hand) Sui was hy. SCOUT Then wiy'8 you nin cut? DILL (covering. I's ft Tm begining to understand ‘soe things Like why Boo Radley says shut opin is houses teas he wast iy ie, SCOUT That don't make ny ste DILL, Maye he fund oi te way people can po outa thc way to despise cach other. (urting out @f Nim) Wiy'd Nt Gime hve 60 Tien Robinson tat aay? ‘Wy’ e talk o atehl?, SCOUE Dil ht hi jo, DILL But be did't have to soe, nd call him “key SCOUT Tha’ just Mi. Glin’ way. They do al eer as tht way, moet nye I mean DILL Mr Finch does SCOUT He's not a example, Dil, e's, the same in the courrom as e i a one—or onthe sec, (DILL nods patently, making SCOUT speak with @ Sigh edge) Might be beter Aievs wat tle move “ithe we DILL (espera), Do’ you rine yet—your fate's ota nmefshenil man SCOUT (dubious). Mex yeople— DILL (outing in wih a sor) Wate you cae about ‘most people? Can you realize SCOUT (nt king DILL superar, I you've got over your xin fit, gues can ake you beck in, DILL. Wasn't a cj fi. (Gong to her) Fs id’ ike the way Mr, Gilner—(SCOUP and Dil etm to thie sets) TOXILLAMOCKINGRRD = ActIL Page 7 | [SCOUT (with whispered superior. That's beease you ent understand abou the. (The light coming up onthe trial aea ith EVERY: ONE stted except ATTICUS, who stands by his abe. ‘SCOUT punches JEM for ateton) [SCOUT is spech to the jury? (JEM no) How Tong's he been ait JEM. Jot Finibed going ovr the evidence Aa, Scot— ‘wete gonna win! Ton" see Bow we ea DILL (uspleousy, Dida Me. Giner— JEM, Nothin’ new. Jt th sul, Hah now. [ATTICUS (has poused By the ble, anbtoning is vest ‘end collar ond loosening his te. Looking up 10 the ‘SUG, Wit te cous permision? JUDGE TAY- OR nods and ATTICUS tes off hs coat ard est ‘and put thom on his cai) SEM (startled), Never sw Bim do that before SCOUT (eualy impressed). Me elt. (They are ALL Tearing forward ATTICUS lols rect out the AU DIENCE JURY). ATTICUS (al Bie tbe). Gasermen, tis case i ota ical on, k neque no mite fing of compli sted fc, This ene as spe ws Black and white (ATTICUS moves slowly 10 the front of the stage) Te ‘Suto bas not redoced one iota of evidence that the fen Tr Robinon charged with ver ok place It ns reed instead spon the tinea of two wie Sceitesee whe testimony hae et only been fled ino seioas question on ers-examization, bat ts boon fly conrdited by the defendant. 477 (CUS lots back at MAYELLA) have nothing but py All TOKILLAMOCKINGHIRD Page 79 in my bea for he chef wires for the state, But my ity dos ot extend ter puting a man’s fe stake ‘A this is wha she's donee i in an efoto get 1d of er git! Tsay gull, Becaue was gle tat motivated et. She commited no ext, but se bok 8 hd cade of our sciety, cde so severe tat who ‘ver real it hounded fom ou et nun ove ‘wih, She's the vein of emel povery and igtrmes, {it she ew full well he enormity f ber flere and she peed ln. (ATTICUS pases and tales Beh) She penised and subsequent ration i something very eld has dane—abe ted to pt the evidence Ihr offense away, ou of ih: What wate evidence? [Nota stolen ty to be hien, The evdee tht mast be desoyed ls Tam Robinson, Bums beng, Tom Robinson, «dl reminder of what se id, What dd she do? She tempted a Nepo. She id something that ‘nour society Is unspesiabe, She's white and she tensed a Negro. Not an od cl, bute stone young ‘ck man. No code mated to her teen ae broke ‘itt came erasing down on ber afterwars! Het father sw what happened. Abd what dhe dot (APZ. (CUS looks at EWELL) Thae ican evidence to the eet tat Mayeta Ewell was besten savagely by omeone who led allt exlavely with hs Ie tae, (EWELL res fits leche) BOB EWELL (trios). Dan you ts—UUDGE TAYLOR raps sharply for onder and HECK TATE motions EWELL down while ATTICUS watches, aninpressed) ATTICUS. Then Mi Ewell vote cto wanes, so doubt signing with his left tand, and Tim Robinson now ss before you, baving taken the oath with the ely ed nd be pees Bight had! Pagef0 TOKILLAMOCKINGEIRD At ‘BOB EWELL ton hf raging) You wk — BUDGE TAYLOR (ping hard ang) St your mex Teor yl be fad fer cone (EWELL i forced beck is sat by HECK TATE) [ATTICUS So ue sapecle Neo man who ad th ed nei fo soy fr ie wom i forse Hc do pt i word ga i ‘ota csr Ted ct end you of Beco Sher Bere in cout—tir esl conence tat ye sun would go alongwith hen on he sso lovin erempon tht all Nos at ll ‘ego re al ior on api oe a0 [oeD a int of ter cls, However, you ow fhe oad the th some Negros al sone ‘eg menaett fo te trad around wohn—blck An wits wie me Te sh ‘heap nha ce, nid 1 pre tance (ATTICUS pane 0 clam is gases wit andere speating tn cau ower Ry 35 be toes so) nto yur of pase, 198, wo beping {o'er moe ad more ffrncs 10 Thoms ee ‘Sets pnac stout aes ng crested en But We Tow tu a men oe mo eed egal —in he see thr tame en aes nn ese hve ee omy bene theyze tom wih some men Sri more move, some Ides make beter eke TEES peopl oe tea pe yond the nomal ope {aTTEUS pus haps ack om Speaking dey ete aUDIENCEZIURA become lth wy D te Jon fhe age Hs manera charged and HE ‘peaing nih contd pasion) Bu e's oe ay ‘eetih al men we ceed eq. Thor's ene har iden at nals pope the egal of» Rocke Act TOKILLAMOCKINGRIRD Page 81 fete, te sup man he equal oan Entei. That in ftinlon, geen, eo out of law. In tr cout AL men ate erent eq (ATTICUS lols out atthe ‘AUDIENCEIURY for momen and then continues, ‘ouly commited) Ym 90 Sz t believe 20 Fly {the iategry of our sours and inthe ry eyetem— tha’ no idea oes a vig, woking ely. But ‘Covet only as Sud mt ry, ala iy i only Scand a th mer who make tp. ATTICUS poses {ale a breath) Fon confident you getlren wl review without passion the evidence you've hear ome to devon, and race the tenant to his family. tte name of God, 6 your day! (ATTICUS fonts 19 Lok ou front for @ moment ther res, vets ack and is atthe abe with TOM ROBINSON. [oshing ese happens onthe sage ul ATTICUS is seated. Then SCOUT races cere nd punches JEM) SCOUT Did he say somethin’ ee? Ax be mas wal JEM T think he sid—'n the mare of God, eve in (DILL gs at SCOUT and JE) DILL (pointing) Looks yoder (CALPURDI, crglty dese, is coming sy ino ‘ral area. SHE pauses, wating for recoriton) JUDGE TAYLOR (ecomieg avare of he) 1 Capi, CCALPURNIA. Yes, sir Cold Tepe with Mr. Finch, lee, se ast got anything todo wid—with te JUDGE TAYLOR (nodding, OF couse. (ATTICUS is erasing oer ter) Pages? TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Act [ATTICUS (concerned). Wat is, Cal? (CALPURNIA is Whiperng to im quick, and ATTICUS turns to JUDGE TAYLOR) Tudge—sbe says my cide ae ‘msn, haven't srmed pene aoe, could yoo [MISS STEPHANE (olin). They're wp tes, Ate (Nedting) Yonder. ATTICUS felling) Jem-—Scoa—com down. Matt me ‘ude, (ATTICUS eros to JUDGE TAYLOR sind whispers someting. The JUDGE nod, and ATTICUS ‘roses ove the CHILDREN with CALPURNA fo ing. The ght ithe Wil area dis. Meare, JEM, SCOUT and iLL ae coming over) SCOUT (o JEM, ihe mad? JEM (shrugging). Wel find xt. (ATTICUS, exhawse i ‘approaching them, followed By the outraged CAL- PURI) [SCOUT (cling thin a HE comes) By, Ate. JEM (eid) We've won, vent we Atlee? ‘ATTICUS (shar, eno Sen. You've been hte al af ‘emoon? (THEY nod) Wel, go home wit Capris sd say bone. JEM, Av, Ales, lowe lt us ea the vert. ATTICUS, Have you done your radingtodey for Mrs. abot? JEM, Not today, Pease. We— ‘ATTICUS. Tl you what—you read to Mis. Dubos, eat your sppe, od then Cl ean ig you ack ‘CALPURNIA (protesting). Sis? ‘ATTICUS, They've beat it all upto now! They might a= ‘well ear the re. DILL. Suppose the jr comes bck befor— ‘ATTICUS. Probably will Tey might be ot and back na Ac — TOKMLAMOCKINGEIRD Page 53 JEM, You think they'll seguithmthat fst? ATTICUS (quiet), Go do your reading, eat your sper, andi the jury Is sil ut wen you et tack, you tak walt up tie with Cal and hear the vert (Deep appreciate) Thank you, Cal (A the Highton them is dinning, CALPURNIA str t hed JEM, SCOUT and DILL of ATTICUS watches tem go) ‘CALPURNIA (Indignanty, a THEY go) shoud sin very ove of you alive! The very Sde—yeu chien ‘stesing fo al tat! Mise Jem, don't ou know ber “n to tke your linle sister to tht tin? As fr Jou, Miser Dil, you wach ot your nto dest ship you ck to Mevdan ft hing inthe meni’! You oop ‘be perfectly ashamed of youve, THY ext) (s ATTICUS wens to walk back ino the rat ara, THES suddenly blocked by BOB EWELL. MISS MAUDIE 4a risen fom among the SPECTATORS and SE ses is) ‘BOB EWELL (speaking with hushed hard) Fiach—be te ten. I'm pons Kil ya aes the et of my if, yu hea Tm goa ly (he lack of maponse ‘rom ATTICUS lnfrlates him even more. Conortng ‘ith rage. HE spis in ATTICUS’ face, MSS MAUDIE (ips. ATTICUS stares at EWELL, ten reaches int Hs pocket EWELL steps back ot tis ut wht ATT CUS takes ou iso hanterchie and sors wiping his face, EWELL, now tumphary, swaggers off MISS ‘MAUDIE comes io te light ih ATTICUS) MISS MAUDIE (gut, Iw tht (Quit eros) 1 thik shuld speak to Hes Te ATTICUS. Las not bute Heck Pogett TOKILLAMOCKINGRIRD = Act [MISS MAUDIE concerned. Ana you gag 1 sy ay ATTICUS (ith sgh nod. 1 wich Bob Ewell woud ot ‘chew tobacco. (And HE was of rough he Wil are MISS MAUDIE needs 2 momento dol with hs) MISS MAUDIE (unhappy fom) At leas he hres ide ee tha. Motcing ter approach) When they tame back a few boom ltr, Calpunis was sl ex ‘slg her outage (As CALPURNIA and he CHILDREN come om) ‘CALPURNIA. Though you was gels’ some Kinds head ‘on your shoulder, Met Je, Alt you got any sense sat JEM, Don't ou want to ste what happens? CCALPURNIA (an angry whisper at THEY go to ther sea). Buah your mouth, sr If Mr, ch don't west you ut wl DILL looting out font wih glad suprise. The juy's sl ot JEM (looking about as HE ss). Nobody's moved hy. (Te light on he rl ara should not come up yet, but Ini be a eas paral bef the spl ef Ught {Maminatng the SPECTATORS. JUDGE TAYLOR si ting where HE as, is head om his hand, half sleep. ‘MB. GILMER ss at Hi table going over some notes. [MAYELLA st st on her bench, but BOB EWELL is ‘ot here ATTICUS i lo ofa ae HECK TATE ant TOM ROBINSON. The SPECTATORS are alin place) AaIl TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Page 85 [REVEREND SYKES (neat; JEM). They moved ‘toud soe when the ay met ou JEM. How Tong have they ben out? REVEREND SYKES, Hous. Mr. Fach and Mi, liner ‘id some more ulkin” and Digs Tiplor charged the 4, Seemed ke he was apy farina. Thought ‘be was lenin’ ate toon ile, Made Mi. Ewell 80 mad he stamped cut of he wos, {EMC The judge it soppesed olan eter way. “Sie, ‘edo’ eed "ete we won anya. REVEREND SYKES (inerrping). Miser Jem, Ive ‘eve seen any uy dei in favor faa a, SEM Tal ace fee. (Atti, BOB EWELL, very lof Knself tts mo ren, erses to st wih MAYELLA. The til ae howe ‘ver ony portal ighed) SCOUT concerned. Wonder where's Arcus DILL (aneay). That Bob Ewell locks mighty pleased “ost oman SCOUT Jer—ain't i ong ine? SEM (pleased) Sure, Soa. Tat cold be a god sg. (At this poi, ATTICUS comes on, crosses to stable ‘and ie) ‘SCOUT (catches her Brest) think someting’ apes ing! ILL (ato breaths). Her wo go Page86 TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD. «Act (HECK TATE has come on, and he pauses tere. bs ole ringing with etlory. Light & coming wp fal ow onthe ia are.) ‘HECK. This cour wil ome to onde. (QHECK steps back off again. JUDGE TAYLOR i ow Ing himsef osc lerines, as is EVERYONE else TECK reappears quit’, estoring TOM ROBINSON tothe table where ATTICUS wats) REVEREND SYKES. Bhar Tbm—(TOM looks thin, then rans aay que Bese ATTICUS) JEM (lots ou font ith growing dame). Seo Look ‘Look at the Jury comin” il UEM's voce Is mating DILL nervous; HE is alo loking ox) DILL. What abot“? SCOUT (as SHE reais; hushed). They're at ooking at the defend DILL (more nervous. What doc it meas? HECK (can) The dferdaat wile. (AS TOM and “ATTICUS are ring, HECK comes down othe fom of. the sage fran instar, ers and oes back hand a sip of paper to JUDGE TAYLOR) DILL (as this i happening a frac whisper), What's mea, Sout SCOUT (miserable) Youve gona. DILL. See what JEM Hh (UDGE TAYLOR has rend the slp of paper HE sud ey Seems very ted. WE picks up Mis gavel, ey 10 Al TOKILLAMOCKINGEIRD Page 67 ap ith bt ses i i nt necessary. HE leans fore ed) JUDGE TAYLOR. The jury find the defenders, (There i a sigh rom SOME, and intake of breath from OTHERS, and a low moan from CALPURNIA. The JUDGE is about 10 rap ith is gave, but decides aaa again. ary HE txses the gel onthe ‘able leas back and nds to HECK. ATTICUS hat pat 4 hand on TOM's shoulder and i speaing earner ino his ear as HECK TATE approaches ATTICUS then sep aside and HECK excore TOM eff BOD EWELL, Imaering sally past the JUDGE. goes ff ok lowed by MAYELLA. MR. GILMER also goes eff at does JUDGE TAYLOR. The reactions below ee ex Dressed daring his end flow guilt verdes raisers) ‘SCOUT (in shock). We oe al oat EM (heartbroken) How coal hey di ei? CALPURNIA (on unhappy prot voled mainly 1 her ‘e) Not right you cilen thal see sch things! [Nat rgh any elven shold we och hinge DILL (hashed). Wat happens now? What can we do? JEM (biter. WF the evidence dont ate, 1 Sot 86 there's sathing— DILL (whispered horor). But theyre not gong to Bt “Tm Robison? Your fer do someting. Mi inc ‘won't et ex Hel he—{DILL i sopped by REVER END SYRES" hand on his shoulder and as he Tools Back he ses that the REVEREND and CALPURNIA are sanding respec. He rae, and rises 10 hs Pues TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD «AAT Jeet 08 does JEM. Meanwhile ATTICUS hat been lef (lone inthe il area. He has put some papers In is Drgfese, and ery exhausted, hei eolecing hm self unaware ofthe OTHERS) SCOUT (her fc clenched and leaning foreard). They f'n shut mean, atl things ati and find Ton ‘Robinson guily! Bat no mae what ny of "em ays Ancor [REVEREND SYKES (his hand on her shoulder no). Mis Jaan Lolse—Seout— termed, SCOUT urs fo ae them soning. MISS MAUDIE i also standing to show her respect. The SPECTATORS who have ored moving af. caring thir chais, pause nom possibly out of carol bal THEY are aso standing) Stand vp. Sind up-—your fathers pssing. (SCOUT set 10 her fet with the OTHERS af ATTICUS stars ‘ers. Asti is happening the Highs dim on the at fare, whieh is cleared ants) JEM (cll), Attewwail (ATTICUS stops atthe cal Tooling for them. JEM, DILL, and SCOUT seramble ‘ver 1 where HE is JEM i lve to tears. Speaking svthdigiea.) Aticas—how could the jury—how ould thy dot? [ATTICUS (biter) 1 dont know how, bot they dd “They've done it before, and they ddI today, and they do again (Stars off then stops) And when tiny 6 hee keenly een weep. (Going) Soe yout home (MSS STEPHANIE coming tvand them) DILL (to much 19 bear). We exn sll do something ‘Get we? Sonething? Ac TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Page 89 ‘FEM (biter, Looks tome ike he mimi Mayes Evel opened her meus and screamed, Tom Robioson was end man! DILL (shocked poe), Jem! [MISS STEPHANIE busing ovr) 'n abacately su ‘ried at you elem Dil Att give you peice 4 go wo cou? JEM shrgs in reply MISS MAUDIE is fo cresting.) Why were you sting ove in the cok ted balcony? Sever! people menoned 8. Was i eb cle over ther? MISS MAUDIE (guste). Hus, Stepan. MISS STEPHANIE (urning) Do you tik i's wie for ‘hen to [MISS MAUDIE (nerrpting. We've made the town ths ‘ay fr them They might a wel ant ope wii [MISS STEPHANIE. Leas thy don't have te walow in MISS MAUDIE (tar). What pened in cot ls ‘och pat of Msyomb x misonay tos MISS STEPHANIE (gong). Well—excaze me. Dot p- ‘ose they undestecd anyway. (MISS STEPHANIE ‘eases before going, and peas with what may be gen bine mpaty) Tao Yad you a to sv your day get ‘eat (Wid ts, MISS STEPHANIE goos fu JEM and SCOUT ore hurt by her comment, as DILL) DILL (begining sf). When I pet grown, ik TU be ‘clown. JEM fo ute foating). Wht, DIL? DILL Yess clown The sito thing a thls weet 1 can do about fl, so Tn poo ji he cur and Iaagh my head of JEM, You've got it hackvars, Dil. Clowns ae sa Is fost angh a them. Page90 TOKILLAMOCKINGARD Act DILL I'm gn bea ew Ht of clown. Fn gon sind In the miele of te Hing and Iogh—logh in thelr fees! (ASS MAUDIE has been wen dstrbed by their ‘MISS MAUDIE. Dont pay ation to what she says shout Ais JEM, What do you mean? MISS MAUDIE. 1 simply woud Ske you to know that thee are sme mea itis word who were bre todo ou upleas joe form Your abe one of the JEM. Oh—well~ MISS MAUDIE. De't you ‘oh well” me, sz. You're just ‘ot old eneagh io aprecite wind {JEM (rouble) avayethoogit Maycomb ois were the ‘et olan e wold [MISS MAUDIE. We're the safer flls inthe worl ‘e's rarely called onto be Ch, but when We are we've got en ke Aiea ogo fort JEM, Who fel tht way “ies you? MISS MAUDIE. The handful of people In his town who ‘ay tht ir pia it marie "White Only.” JEM (mast brow). But whe? Who done thing to Belp "Tom Rotasa? [MISS MAUDIE. His fens, for ne thing, and people ike us. Ween, too. Pople ike Jue Tyr People he Heck ie, Sst wsng your hea, Jen. id 3 eter se you tht Doge Tylor ming Ais fo defend ‘Tom was no acide? That Judge Tylon might hve ad i reasons Adil — TOKMLAMOCKINGBIRD ge SCOUT S'igh, Jem. Usually th court appoints some 26 Iawyer—one who i start MISS MAUDIE. You're tepaning to reali! ite more tp tan yoo though! (Pring) Weather Mayes now itor not, weve paying your father te Hight ‘ste we cn py a man, We th fo do ih SCOUT Then why di be pot ea? MISS MAUDI: (ouring) Mis Sepbane tks reer. Maybe be id’ get a gua, ut he got something Twas siting in eat wating endo T mae, I ugh —Ateas Finch woo' wi, be et wa, bt e's te nly man in thse pure who ean ksep jury cot => Jeng ina ese ke thie And Thought t mpsl, my we're taking lite sep. ite ep slong they. (GEM, SCOUT and DILL are ooking at ISS MAUDIE nd thinking abou what SHE has ast sid SHE takes 4 breath and cole hersef) Ym pong to my Kthen now, and Tm going to make cake, And dt pleased If you'd all ome overated ave some of my ene SCOUT (ude). Yo, Mis Nn JEM. Tsk yon ‘MISS MAUDIE. Miter Di? DILL (hal jumping. YT come, Tank you. (ih thi ASS MAUDIE goes onto er porch SHE to look back atthe CHILDREN) 1 beter stop over to ‘Aunt Rachel Poses. Considering) They tat hi opt (Bat 1 0 mach for right rom HEL tin ‘abo some other tine. Suet rihtning) Tbe ‘ack—and then w'l all hve cake (Wh hic DILL "unset SCOUT takes JEM's band and THEY go nto the house) MISS MAUDIE (fom porch, fron). Tom Reblason wat ‘taken tothe Bald Dison Tam, abet sevety set Pages? TOXILLAMOCKINOBIRD. «Act say. Atiou tought Tom tad a god etaace for 2 ew tl but Tm Just could’ ope anymore, His od fmplnyer made jb fr Helen mo the sould epee the elle, ot shed o pss the Ewell place and ‘Bey showed and chucked tgs ut her. she was le fied tl Heek ‘te went out and made them dese ‘When Eval walked ou ofthe cotroor, he expected to find inet he town ro, bt are oot moby realy believed hin. All Evel gt for his pln was, "Okay, we envied the Nor, but now you! et back to your damp" Bob Ewe’ teste got wore, bat Ate (3 jt went abut Be basnesr—werkng on ons appeal Ten seen doth was among vs (EM, in shock i coming out of MRS. DUBOSE's ous, and sping down io he yard) [MISS MAUDIE. Fs twas Mrs. Debre. When Jem as ending to hr, esa she wasn ouble. He alld is {aterabat to te (ATTICUS comes ou of MRS. DUBOSE's hose and ‘sans down 10 JEM) MISS MAUDIE. He pain was ort (She goes inside) SEM (as ATTICUS comes wp 1 hin). That's why Thad 0 tea ter? ATTICUS (ma) She'd bn given morphine fer he pn, fd ete become an ad She waned to break be elf of before she id. Your reading to ber was acon, JEM never ine, Ad TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Page 93 (BOB EWELL whining «pice of wood with «brite 1s coming slowly onstage. Hei lof a pre joe that gives hina momentary seco euperions ATTICUS (rodting). Her view on Tot of things were ge diffrent rm mis, bt Twas glad she kad yo to ead to her beenze I mated you tosee— ‘BOB EWELL (cing in). allo, Fach, (ATTICUS loks 1a hin, her ars Back to JEM) ATTICUS (conning) T wasted you to eee what rea counge is ‘BOB EWELL gloating). Got some good news, Finch ATTICUS (glancing ot EWELL) Courage isn't 9 an ‘Mai in his hind Jem—is when you now youre licked tefer you beg, but you beg yey aed you see it though no miter what, Yea tarly Wa but sometime you do. ie. Daboss won, all Hoey ght Pounds of ber She did clan a the main ai ‘BOB EWELL Dench wats test, ich?” QIECK TATE is coming onsage quietly and CAL- ‘PURNIA and SCOUT av coming tof the house) HECK alin) Aticas— ‘ATTICUS. What HECK, ot sew. (CALPURNIA pus on arm and scour) ATTICUS (to HECK). Tl me BOB EWELL (geting back a them) 11 ell youthey ht tha nigger ‘HECK (ignoring EWELL). To's dd SCOUT They shot om! ATTICUS. Heck? Page9!— TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Aa HECK (non He was ring was ding the exe le pero. They sad he jut broke lato «Bd raving sharp athe fence and sed climbing overt fron of them, ATTICUS. Ob, my God! Crning 1 CALPURIA) Ca, ‘ake the civ aide [BOB EWELL. They put svenee bullet hole in him. [ATTICUS (ois numb CHILDREN) 1 wid for yout 60 {ese ATTICUS tres to HECK: HE doesnot see hat the CHILDREN are ot moving) Did’ they sop im? Di’ they sve him any wang? HECK (nodding. They shoved, ad the hey Hd few ‘os into the al. They dd soc at Kim sl be wa ‘ct overt fence, [SCOUT How coal hey soot [ATTICUS (with ify. Be enh was est a ep og peisoe. He wan't To 0 them, EM hewidered. Why dn he wat for the appeal? ATTICUS, 1 tld him we lad chance, bt I gues Tos ‘was fed up with whe men's ances ‘BOB EWELL Ain't tie anager to etn un? CCALPURNIA fmly You come ins, Scout (ATTICUS turns to adiess BOB EWELL directly; HE [share able contre his anger) ATTICUS. Do you have ying more you want 0s, Mr Ewe? ‘BOB EWELL (ars go, then saps verted wih ‘spi. Yer soy there's eno down—( Bi if, EEWELL sashes pee from his whiting) two t0 go) [Now gues who's gona be next! (BOB EWELL slasher ‘nother pec from is whiting and al ftge) Acill — TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Fuge 95 HECK (thoughtful). 1 ink Vd keep shtgun loaded ‘wit doable O. EM (fom te porch He doer’ ave a shotgun. ATTICUS, I cant eleve Bob Ewell woul eve rly come afi me. But he soul deal with ‘HECK (condering). expect you woul ATTICUS (dropping hs voice. Was To shot seventeen ‘ines? HECK enhapply). There's stk but I don't now. Yoo ‘ese be are Ares, [ATTICUS (afer hin. Suet, Heck JEM (imi. Atits, 'm wore abot You, And tla you shoud get un ATTICUS. Til you vie to go inal. (They stat 1 g0 ‘mn Poin) And remember—we've heed caough shout ga As ATTICUS and JEM go into the ose, the light begins to dim except for'anUolted light on MISS Maubie) [MISS MAUDIE Thad otk with Atces, bt he lsied ‘ings would stl down agun—afer «fon, he sd And they di The Maycomb die sranged pegs a the shoal Sora with tay pla app tg, tnd ellen costed 0 repeat the couny’s agi altar produts—a pl baerbean, «cow, s peat ‘when Ts Jem ave with Sou he wee epenning osk—(Sriles) wit Jem holding nto het hock. (Wind 1 coming up and she loots ats) Th cows were already geting beavy when they lf. Looked ie 8 amigt be soring before they go home. Te pegsat coded with everyone singing “Mayeom County we Page96 TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD. Ac wil ae be te to thee” Then the hen got ou of ‘hak paper commer to go hote—and em and Soot ‘ep thir longest ouney together. (Wid sound 7 ing) The moot had Yee nnd ot of he bey ri ‘louie, but at hey sated home he lack tad ‘bere wae rile tht comes before tances, (She suddenly shudders, and ther's 2 sf gasp Half ‘whpers ab the ph ding ox on her) Sob Just (There's a fash of Hehning and rumble of thunder Inthe fash we See JEM and SCOUT, ut on stg.) JEM (sharply). Sep hick 1 hse something ‘SCOUT (hashed). You yin’ wo sare me JEM, Cimoal (Tiere are sounds of several pe Being taken, ten they tp. Farin is voice) Semeona’s ft lowing us! (Thunder The stage le dark) Keep beld of sy bind SCOUT Jem, ar you afi? JEM, Tink we're amet home. SCOUT ecko we oot sg, Jen? {JEM (orig). No, Be rel suet, Set. Listes (Tere the sound ef SOMEONE runing toward tem) [SCOUT fh sun alarm). hea! Jem! SEM (shouting imperabey. He's coming! Ran, Sot Ran! Ran! SCOUT (in rouble) ppd! Jem—bep me! 5EM (hate. Where ae ya? Scou—C'a! SCOUT towing pan). Case! dot ow where— JEM, Get sway, Soot—fun! (Then JEM eres Mt as 'SOMEONE grab hin. There ia snd of sragaing [MAN's VOICE is heard—angrs unnellgble) Aall — TORMLAMOCKINGRIRD Page 97 ATTACKER. Got'chamnow you'll—damn ya-show "em—(Ther isa cack and JEM seams mt ain) SCOUT (hushed terror Jn! (A ey) Help wssomeone aie! (he bockness is spit as the Radley door is suenly "Smug wide open, the light fom ide showering @ ‘BIG MAN inthe doorway. There maybe aelap of he er accompanying is ton The light may bri 6 wal an ATTACKER soning over JEM on te grown ‘an sragaing withthe sicten SCOUT The les seen ‘the beer The light is quik ext of atthe BIG MAN slams the door Behind hi and joie the srl nthe Marines. Thre is @ momen of continued siugele, ‘rams, SCOUT's sob, and then the ATTACKERS ery ‘fin: ANNI” Th sounds ofa sages. JEM ‘iced up By the BIG MAN fom the Radley hsse nd arid 1 the Finch hows, where th porch ight is ‘ured on and ATTICUS cones ox JEM's a hag ing as though broken. SCOUT, who has ben fg Yo ‘he grounds watching from tem. The ATTACKER is ‘ot isle, ATTICUS is coming out) ATTICUS, Who called? What is i? Who—(Stoping hin Self ashe sees the BIG MAN approaching wt JEM. ATTICUS goes of he porch to help hm.) Oh my Go ‘we! (ATTICUS hele the BIG MAN wih JEM. Cal ing head) Cal—tlephore Doctor Reyalis quick ‘him argent (The BIG MAW i aking JEM inside) Put him down on— (rnc Seost—whee's Scout? SCOUT (singling wp) Tm heel (ATTICUS rates fo ‘er) Ym al righ —the sans poe. But he id some ‘hing to Jem. Ateas—ie om dead? Page! TOKILLAMOCKINGRIRD Ac ATTICUS (taking her back 10 the porch. He's wacom Selous. Look ke his ams broken (CALPURNIA is coming out om te porch) CCALPURMIA, Scout alright? ‘ATTICUS. Yeu ‘CALPURNIA. Mis ula May's geting Doctor Rey [SCOUT (neeing reassurance. Jen's et deh, Cal? CCALPURNLA, Fused ut fron te pin. Who 6d ths? ‘Whe would ATTICUS, Cll Heel hie hi hit someone's een ater sy len (CALPURNIA gies a hard stare Io the night and {oer Inide SCOUT, numb, sts giety on the swing ATTICUS, unaware of SCOUT, experiences an expo ‘Hon of anger he can't ently cool. He wants to pound wal, break friar. He fis for contol but 1 1y of rage bursts cat of hi, Then he totes several Deaths ge hold of himsel, and goes int the house) ‘MISS MAUDIE fe a deep Breath, ring 1 deal with ‘er cnn srg emotion. Her voice i igh ABer ten ferevers, Doctor Reynolis shed wid Jem. Sad it looked like someone ted to wring his am of. Sid t would bea whe before he could pay football gai. "Did Scout Jem peevely vn ot dnd (HECK TATE, wth flashgh, has come onsage and it ‘approaching the porch) HECK (ang Ans — Adil —TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Page 99 (ATTICUS comes ono the porch) ‘ATTICUS. Come in, Heck Did you find emting? (hy credalous) et" conesve anyone who'd do ths HECK. La’ say ode. (SCOUT i watching from the ‘porch as ATTICUS ses downto HECK.) ATTICUS pul). Wont iit?” ‘HECK. Bob Bvell's Iya" on the ground yonder with = ‘etcea Hale tuck up ander his He Ho ded, Mi Pinch (ATTICUS is mame, and SCOUT pups. The BIG MAN comes out ofthe hows, sang get, watching from back by he porch swing) [ATTICUS (beak, Dea? Are you su? ‘HECK. Good and ded: He won't hse cide gan ‘ATTICUS, Bat ‘HECK (hs anger gening the Beer of hin. The mean bell low-down. sak with enogh lguor in im to male him bye enough ol cre! ATTICUS (in shock). Thought boa gt ot of hms he ‘iy be spat at me. Andie had’, I ough wae the oe he'd eome afer, LECK. Now you know beter. (® SCOUT) He broke Jen's am, and be grabied yoo, Then wha happened? ‘SCOUT Someone case eu elp. Someone HECK, Who was? SCOUT (becoming aware of hin). Wel ther he i, Me “hte—e'l el you his name. (hey ALL tr lok at the BIG MAN ar the back ofthe porch HE i ple, eros, withdrawn. A8 SCOUT lots ot hin, SHE be | Page 100 TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Aa ns ral: SHE wakes a sep toward him, Gents) ey—Boo. [ATTICUS (to SCOUD, His sgt rame's Me Astiar—Boo Ws usa nickname, Jean Lovie, thi Mi. At a ley. Maybe you'd Bike to ake nin. Yoo canst by SCOUT Like to coe i, Mr. Boo? (HE nade. SHE tates ‘is and and ea iin) [ATTICUS (tain). Wel, Heck—1 goss te ting to do ‘en's nor, of couse, I'll come bur soit HECK, What wil, Me. Fach? ATTICUS. Of coun i's clearcut el-defense, FHECK. Mi Fine do you think Je Kiled Bob Ewell? ATTICUS. They were stapling in he dark He probably fet ol of Bel nf. HECK. vac Jem ‘ATTICUS. That's kindof you and know you're doing it ‘rom te good of your best Ba T won't have hn ro tp with «whisper about him, Twos hush op— ‘HECK (sharp Hush op what Jem dint do ATTICUS. Then who ‘HECK (fay). 1 tel you—Bob Evel! fell on his Ha. He killed himzl ATTICUS. Heck, T won't hive my chen bear me say Semthag lferen from wast hey know to be te If 1 do, T won't have them nyo. 1 et ive ee way In town and ener way iy tome FIBCK. Mr. Finch, Tate to figt you when ya're Ble this You've been under «stain no man should ver hve to go through. Maybe t's why you're mo pt ting to and two together. [ATTICUS fring understand), was Jen — ‘Aci TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD Page 101 HECK. Of course it wasn’t Hama was bok, ATFICUS (loking toward the porch). Then it was—it ‘would ave to be HECK (emphatically, Pt tat thooght outa your sind ‘Mr Finch. lead od ou what happened (SCOUT is coming back on the porch) ATTICUS, Bat fi was— UHECK. This isn't your dedslon, Me. Fine, is ll mi, 1s my deen, ny respons. And there's not sch ou ean do about ATTICUS. What ae yousyig, Heck? HECK. Ym sylg her's lack man td for ro reason, andthe white man response for i dead So let ths ea bry the dead, Dis ne, Mr Fish ATTICUS, What abut HECK. I never head tl i's asin the aw fora zen to dis umest to preven exme frm being commit. ted, which i exaty wht Boo Raley di. Now maybe youl sy i my duty el the ow all boat od fot has up. Kaow what'd appen then? Al the ar dis io Mayeon, including my wife, woul be Inock- ing on the dor trngng ang! foe eaes. Tb my ay of tiking, gang Hi wih his hy ways iat the lng’ asin (HECK sure ogo thm passe) ay nt be such, Ms. Fic, but Tim al sheriff ‘Macomb County, and Bob Evel fll on hi Iie (Going) Good night si (ATTICUS tans and & sur. prised see SCOUT) ATTICUS. coat. [SCOUT Ys, Ateas? Page 102 TOKILLAMOCKINGBIRD. Act Il ATTICUS. Mr. Eel fll on his fe, Can you posbiy ‘sndeand? SCOUT Sir—it looks to me—wvhat Heck sid— (SCOUT is imerrpred by BOO, who has come back ‘nto te porch) SCOUT Yes, Mr. Boo? BOO. Wil you nk me home? SCOUT (nods). Mi Artur, bend your am down bet, ie that T's pt (SHE lips er and nt the crook fis am.) ATTICUS (ater hen). Arise {SCOUT and BOO passe) ‘Thank you for my eléen. Then SCOUT and BOO continue tonard th Rae hse.) MISS MAUDIE (as THEY walk, fro). The moon tad come out—the storm bad psd over—and T euléot help hoping Miss Stepbanie was watching fom her up- sas window, selng arthur Radley excorng Mis Sean Lanse we any getaman wold do. (THEY 50 x7 (onto the Radley porch. BOO gently releases hs ar tnd goes inside. SCOUT stands for a moment on the Dorch) None of ue ever saw hin again, But—T enw Something ke. Neighbor beng fod wih death, and ‘lowers with snes, and Boo was ou eighber. He ‘ve two cilven a pl of ckad.op good Ink pen- ‘ies, a stk of chewing gu, and thi ives. (Calling 0 SCOUT who i coming back frm the porch, al It ance) Mis Jean Louise? SCOUT Dida have to snd in Boo Radey’s shoes to ‘ow him. Js snag on his porch was excup [MISS MAUDIE concer), You fel al igh? Act] —TOKILLA MOCKINGBIRD Page 103, SCOUT (i's strange). 1 fel ol. Jem and Tail have to ‘row, but thre er ach ee let for uso, een only lgebe MISS MAUDIE (oiling. Going) Expect you handle it SCOUT (sees ATTICUS. Runs ap ono porch). Ie Tem awake yet? ATTICUS. Sleeping peacefly, Woot be awake til moe SCOUT Atieus—what Heck Tae si sbot Boo—sbout iagaing him nto the limeligh—Heck was ight ATTICUS, What do you reas? SCOUT I mean, std be or of ike shooting # mocking ‘i would? ATTICUS (neds, sing) La goin and st with Fern SCOUT (as THEY ar going) All thes ideas we bad shout Boo Radley, atcus—he's real nic. (The tain, ase, filing. Othe the lig are din nie) ATTICUS (aeeronate). Mest pope re, Seoat—when you finally see thers (THEY are going Use a the Tghs din wo black ‘THE END

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