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Codes & Regulations

Keystone Library Project

Ira Mascardo
Cody Cyers
Mrs. April Moon
Civil Engineering and Architecture B7

Universal Design/ ADA Requirements


In order for the Noblesville, Indiana Keystone Library to be accessible and

enjoyed by everyone, we must design it according to Universal Design and American

Disabilities Act specifications and requirements. This means all doors must be at least
3ft. wide in order to accommodate wheel chairs and other accessibility tools. In addition,
all hallways must be 5ft. wide in order to allow people in wheelchairs to make 180
degree turns without any qualms. Elevators will be available in the library, taking special
consideration for those who are disabled. Though there will not be stairs at the entrance
to the building, ramps may be implemented for those who are utilizing wheel chairs. The
library will feature a landing on the second floor, where the staircases lead to, these will
be the only landings in the structure. Those with disabilities are welcome to use the

International Building Code


The 2006 International Building Code will be utilized by us in the design of the

Keystone Library. The Use and Occupancy classification the building falls under is A
for a place of assembly. Regarding fire protection, we can are authorized to use Level
V-A at the lowest (503.1). Glass, concrete, and metals will be used in our interior
designing to make for a modern design and feel. Assuming the second floor is entirely
stacks and that the first floor is entirely reading rooms, the reading rooms must be rated
to 50 net and our stocking rooms to 100 gross (1004). Egress load is 40.2 (1005). The
design must include 2 exits per story and anywhere in the building, an exit must be
within 75ft. (1021). The library also falls under the category of a planned business and
will be labelled as PB on a zoning map. Other businesses are also expected to be in
the immediate area. (159.120). At most, our minimum lot size can be 20,000ft^2 and 3
stories or 35ft tall (Appendix C Noblesville Code of Ordinances.) We cannot change the
size and must have proper entry (159.120) We will have parking lot islands, perimeter
parking lot buffers, outdoor waste storage, waste disposal areas, and other areas.

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