Edtpa Math Lesson Plans 3

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Linda Hillard

Grade: 2nd


Lesson #1- Making Arrays

Date: 11/3/14

CCGPS or GPS Standard(s):

MCC2.OA.4 Use addition to find the total number of objects arranged in rectangular arrays with up to 5 rows
and up to 5 columns; write an equation to express the total as a sum of equal addends.
Classroom/Lesson Context (please check the following that apply):
X Whole Group _____ Small Group _____ One-on-One _____ Students with EIPs/504s _____ ELL Students
____ Other (Please specify: _______________________________________________________________________)
Please specify the number of students:
10 Girls

16 Boys

Individual Education Plan Goal(s) and Benchmarks specific to this lesson:

No IEP Plans

Learning - Focus
Essential Question(s)
1-3 BIG ideas! How
can these questions be
used to guide your

Central Focus/Lesson
Objectives are
measurable and
aligned with the

1. I can use addition to find the total number of objects in an array.
2. I can represent the total number of objects arrayed in a rectangular array as
an expression with the repeated addition.
3. I can construct rectangular arrays using concrete manipulatives.

1. Students will utilize the PowerPoint to practice making mathematical arrays

based on a given number.
2. Students will understand that equal dividends can be arranged into rectangular
arrays and can be used to find the sum.


Academic Language
What is the key
language demand?
What academic
language will you
teach or develop?
What are the key
vocabulary words
and/or symbols?

Language Functions (Identify the purpose for which the language is being used, with attention
to goal and audience- the one verb from the standard; ex. demonstrate.)
(The key language demand for this lesson is defining and classifying)

Language Vocabulary (Identify key, content specific words for this lesson: examples of
vocabulary words- drama, prose, structural elements, verse, rhythm, meter, characters,
settings, descriptions, dialogue, stage directions. Additionally, include words within a text
necessary for students comprehension.)

(Equal, array, sum, dividend, addition, rows, across, columns, up & down, )

Academic Language Demand (Identify one of the following: reading, writing,

listening/speaking, or demonstrating/performing. The demand will require more or less
scaffolding support- depending on the needs of the students throughout the lesson.)
(The demand we will be using is listening/speaking and demonstrating &


Array PowerPoint

What resources can be

used to engage

Explore building array worksheet

Introduction to
Activating Thinking

I will introduce the lesson by having a picture of an array displayed on the

overhead projector. Look at this picture of donuts. I will introduce the math term
array. I will ask students can they tell me something about the picture of the
donuts. (An array consists of columns and rows.) Can you tell me anything else

What is the hook for

the lesson to tap into
prior knowledge and
develop students
interests? This should
tie directly into the
lessons objective and
standard and should
promote higher level
thinking. How will you
introduce the content
specific vocabulary
***Use knowledge of
students academic,
social, and cultural

about the picture? (The columns and rows are equal.) We will count how many
rows and how many columns. I will demonstrate that rows go across and
columns go up and down.

Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,

Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate): I will ask questions as a whole group and I will also
ask questions by students hand raised.

Modification(s)/Accommodation(s) specific to this lesson (Consider students with IEPs and/or

504s in addition to students below and/or above grade level- cognitive and/or affective):
I will work individually with my EIP student and 504 students to make sure they
understand the instructions.

Management Plan: I have a system of raising my hand up to regain order in the

classroom. I will also use 123 all eyes on me.

Body of Lesson/
I will use each picture to demonstrate rows and columns. Students will call on
students to tell me how many rows and columns. Who has a box of crayons? Are
What will you have the these crayons an array? Why? (It is an array because it has equal rows and
students do after you
columns.) I will ask challenging questions to make students think hard and make
introduce the lesson
sure they are progressing with the lesson. After looking at all of the pictures, I
to learn the
finally end up with the question for students to give me a definition of an array. I
will pass out the, Explore building array worksheet. Students will complete this
standards? What
questions will you ask worksheet individually. I will go around the room and check individual progress
of students to determine how to help them.
to promote higher
level thinking?
Teaching Strategies

Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,

Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate):
What opportunities
will you provide for
students to practice
content language/

I will ask questions as a whole group and I will also ask questions by students hand

Modification(s)/Accommodation(s) specific to this lesson (Consider students with IEPs and/or

504s in addition to students below and/or above grade level- cognitive and/or affective):

vocabulary? What
language supports will
I will work individually with my EIP student and 504 students to make sure they
you offer?
understand the instructions.

Management Plan: Group leaders will collect all papers and materials.

How will the students
summarize and/or
share what they have
learned to prove they
know and understand
the standard(s) and its
vocabulary? Will you
provide opportunities
for students to apply
new knowledge while
making connections to
prior learning?

I will circulate around the room while students are working on their independent
practice and work with any students as necessary. If I feel students need
additional help, I will model an array problem by using the projector.

In closure, students should show a basic understanding of the vocabulary.

Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,
sentences): Students will understand, communicate, and perform tasks associated
with the content. I included the vocabulary in conveying questions to students.

Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate):
Students will provide written and verbal responses.

Modification(s)/Accommodation(s) specific to this lesson (Consider students with IEPs and/or

504s in addition to students below and/or above grade level- cognitive and/or affective):
Work individually with students that are having difficulty. Possibly pair my low
level students with a high level student.

Management Plan: I have a system of raising my hand up to regain order in the

classroom. I will also use 123 all eyes on me.


Reminder: Assessment plan must align with objective(s)/standard(s).

Every standard listed
above must be
assessed and included.
Questions to consider
while planning:
How will students
exhibit an
understanding of the
lessons objectives?
How will you provide
feedback? What
evidence will you
collect to demonstrate
y of the lessons
objective(s) including
their usage of


Assessment Plan for IEP Goals and/or 504 Plans (This is a plan and should be written as such;
remember to identify both formative & summative assessments throughout the lesson):

No IEP. My 504& EIP student will be monitored throughout the lesson.

Assessment Plan for Learning Objectives (This is a plan and should be written as such;
remember to identify both formative & summative assessments throughout the lesson):

The formative assessment is throughout the lesson by discussing and

generalizing what has been learned. Questioning, answering, and reflecting back
on what was learned. The summative assessment is their Explore building array

The tried to develop a lesson that is challenging, developmentally appropriate for

2nd grade students, and strategically organized.


Reflection includes
characteristics of the
lesson and specific
examples on how it
can be improved.
Improvements are
based on the
supported by evidence
on how well the
objectives were
achieved. Specific
examples to improve
future lessons are

I applied effective a problem-solving-based mathematical concept and a lesson

that engage students at their level of readiness and provoke them to develop
conceptual understanding, to generate, select, use problem-solving strategies,
and to activate multiple representations of their mathematical thinking.

***Credit for this template belongs to Tennessee State University, Stanford Center for Assessment,
Learning and Equity (SCALE), and Columbus State University.

***Reminder: All fields must be completed prior to submission.


Linda Hillard

Grade: 2nd


Lesson #2- Dice Arrays


CCGPS or GPS Standard(s):

MCC2.OA.4 Use addition to find the total number of objects arranged in rectangular arrays with up to 5 rows
and up to 5 columns; write an equation to express the total as a sum of equal addends.
Classroom/Lesson Context (please check the following that apply):
___Whole Group 2 per Small Group _____ One-on-One 2 Students with EIPs/504s _____ ELL Students
____ Other (Please specify: _______________________________________________________________________)
Please specify the number of students:
10 Girls

16 Boys

Individual Education Plan Goal(s) and Benchmarks specific to this lesson:

No IEP Plans

Learning - Focus


Essential Question(s)
1-3 BIG ideas! How
can these questions be
used to guide your

1. I can use addition to find the total number of objects in an array.

2. I can represent the total number of objects arrayed in a rectangular array as an
expression with the repeated addition.
3. I can construct rectangular arrays using concrete manipulatives.
4. I can write an addition equation (e.g., 3+3+3=9) to express the total as a
sum of equal addends.

Central Focus/Lesson

1. Students will utilize the PowerPoint to practice making mathematical arrays

based on a given number.
2. Students will build arrays using manipulatives and write an equation to express
the sum.

Objectives are
measurable and
aligned with the


Academic Language
What is the key
language demand?
What academic
language will you
teach or develop?
What are the key
vocabulary words
and/or symbols?

Language Functions (Identify the purpose for which the language is being used, with attention
to goal and audience- the one verb from the standard; ex. demonstrate.)
(The key language demand is define and demonstrate)

Language Vocabulary (Identify key, content specific words for this lesson: examples of
vocabulary words- drama, prose, structural elements, verse, rhythm, meter, characters,
settings, descriptions, dialogue, stage directions. Additionally, include words within a text
necessary for students comprehension.)

(Equal, array, sum, dividend, addition, rows, columns, across, up & down,
repeated addition, multiplication )

Academic Language Demand (Identify one of the following: reading, writing,

listening/speaking, or demonstrating/performing. The demand will require more or less
scaffolding support- depending on the needs of the students throughout the lesson.)

(The demand we will be using is writing and demonstrating & performing)


Array PowerPoint

What resources can be

used to engage

Big Dice
A pair of small dice for each student

Introduction to
Activating Thinking
What is the hook for
the lesson to tap into
prior knowledge and
develop students
interests? This should
tie directly into the
lessons objective and
standard and should
promote higher level
thinking. How will you
introduce the content
specific vocabulary
***Use knowledge of
students academic,
social, and cultural

I will re-introduce the array PowerPoint but this time I will display a picture that is
an array but not an equal array. I will ask, Is this an array? I will explain to
students that this is an array but not an equal array. I will ask students to look
around the room to discover an array. What is an array? Arrays consist of what?
(equal rows and equal columns). I will show some of the pictures from the
PowerPoint again. I will model arrays by putting them on the projector and
asking students the number of rows and columns. We will count the number of
rows and columns and add them up. I will tell students that another word to get
the sum of numbers is repeated addition. I will guide students to focus on the
arrangement of the array to write the equations.
4 columns of 3: 3+3+3+3=12
3 rows of 4: 4+4+4=12
What is the total number of this array? (12)
In guided practice, I will basically repeat the steps I just went through with
I will introduce the lesson by showing the students the big dice and rolling it. We
are going to use these dice to make arrays.

Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,

Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate):
I will ask questions as a whole group and I will also ask questions by students hand

Modification(s)/Accommodation(s) specific to this lesson (Consider students with IEPs and/or

504s in addition to students below and/or above grade level- cognitive and/or affective):
I will work individually with my EIP student and 504 students to make sure they
understand the instructions.

Management Plan: I have a system of raising my hand up to regain order in the

classroom. I will also use 123 all eyes on me.

Body of Lesson/

I will give 2 students a set of small dice for them to make your own arrays.
Students will take turns rolling the dice while the other student draws the array.
Teaching Strategies
When a student creates an array, challenge their partner to provide an
explanation. I will help students through the difficult problems to prepare them
What will you have the
for the next stage of the concept. I will ask challenging questions to make
students do after you
students think hard and make sure they are progressing with the lesson. (How
introduce the lesson
many squares are in the array?) (How do you know you have the right answer?) I
to learn the
will ask them to give an explanation of their answer.
standards? What
questions will you ask
to promote higher
Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,
level thinking?

What opportunities
will you provide for
students to practice
content language/
vocabulary? What
language supports will
you offer?

Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate):
I will ask questions as a whole group and I will also ask questions by students hand

Modification(s)/Accommodation(s) specific to this lesson (Consider students with IEPs and/or

504s in addition to students below and/or above grade level- cognitive and/or affective):
I will work individually with my EIP student and 504 students to make sure they
understand the instructions. Any student struggling with the concept, I will work
with them individually. I may have to use manipulatives for my struggling

Management Plan: Group leaders will collect all papers and materials.


I will circulate around the room while students are working on their independent
practice and work with any students as necessary. As I monitor the work, I listen
to the discussion and help students to look for patterns and generalizations.

How will the students

summarize and/or
share what they have
learned to prove they
know and understand
the standard(s) and its
vocabulary? Will you
provide opportunities
for students to apply
new knowledge while
making connections to
prior learning?

Students will share individually with students and listen to their explanations of
at least two of their arrays. Ask students the Guiding Questions and ensure
discussion addresses correct responses for each. In closure, students should
show a basic understanding of the vocabulary. I will conclude the lesson by
discussing and generalizing what has been learned. The generalization involves
extending what has been learned to new examples. I will score this assignment
according to the rubric.

Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,
sentences): Students will understand, communicate, and perform tasks associated
with the content. I included the vocabulary in conveying questions to students.

Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate):
Students will provide written and verbal responses.
Modification(s)/Accommodation(s) specific to this lesson (Consider students with IEPs and/or
504s in addition to students below and/or above grade level- cognitive and/or affective):
Work individually with students that are having difficulty. Possibly pair my low
level students with a high level student.

Management Plan: I have a system of raising my hand up to regain order in the

classroom. I will also use 123 all eyes on me.

Reminder: Assessment plan must align with objective(s)/standard(s).

ry standard listed
above must be
assessed and included.
Questions to consider
while planning:
How will students
exhibit an
understanding of the

Assessment Plan for IEP Goals and/or 504 Plans (This is a plan and should be written as such;
remember to identify both formative & summative assessments throughout the lesson):

No IEP. My 504& EIP student will be monitored throughout the lesson.

Assessment Plan for Learning Objectives (This is a plan and should be written as such;

lessons objectives?
How will you provide
feedback? What
evidence will you
collect to demonstrate
y of the lessons
objective(s) including
their usage of

remember to identify both formative & summative assessments throughout the lesson):


I tried to develop a lesson that is challenging, developmentally appropriate for

2nd grade students, and strategically organized.

Reflection includes
characteristics of the
lesson and specific
examples on how it
can be improved.
Improvements are
based on the
supported by evidence
on how well the
objectives were
achieved. Specific
examples to improve
future lessons are

The formative assessment is throughout the lesson by discussing and

generalizing what has been learned. Questioning, answering, and reflecting back
on what was learned. The summative assessment is their written paperwork and
the rubric in which the lesson will be scored.

I applied effective a problem-solving-based mathematical concept and a lesson

that engage students at their level of readiness and provoke them to develop
conceptual understanding, to generate, select, use problem-solving strategies,
and to activate multiple representations of their mathematical thinking.

***Credit for this template belongs to Tennessee State University, Stanford Center for Assessment,
Learning and Equity (SCALE), and Columbus State University.

***Reminder: All fields must be completed prior to submission.


Linda Hillard

Grade: 2nd Grade


Lesson # 3-Matching Arrays

Date: 11/5/14

CCGPS or GPS Standard(s):

MCC2.OA.4 Use addition to find the total number of objects arranged in rectangular arrays with up to 5 rows
and up to 5 columns; write an equation to express the total as a sum of equal addends.
Classroom/Lesson Context (please check the following that apply):
X Whole Group _____ Small Group _____ One-on-One 2 Students with IEPs/504s _____ ELL Students
____ Other (Please specify: _______________________________________________________________________)
Please specify the number of students:
10 Girls

16 Boys

Individual Education Plan Goal(s) and Benchmarks specific to this lesson:

No IEP Plans

Learning - Focus


Essential Question(s)
1-3 BIG ideas! How
can these questions be
used to guide your

Central Focus/Lesson
Objectives are
measurable and

1. I can use addition to find the total number of objects in an array.

2. I can represent the total number of objects arrayed in a rectangular
array as an expression with the repeated addition.
3. I can write an addition equation (e.g., 3+3+3=9) to express the total as a
sum of equal addends.

1. Students will match the array with repeated addition sentences and number
of rows/columns.

aligned with the


Academic Language
What is the key
language demand?
What academic
language will you
teach or develop?
What are the key
vocabulary words
and/or symbols?

Language Functions (Identify the purpose for which the language is being used, with attention
to goal and audience- the one verb from the standard; ex. demonstrate.)
(The key language demand is define and demonstrate)

Language Vocabulary (Identify key, content specific words for this lesson: examples of
vocabulary words- drama, prose, structural elements, verse, rhythm, meter, characters,
settings, descriptions, dialogue, stage directions. Additionally, include words within a text
necessary for students comprehension.)
(Equal, array, sum, dividend, addition, rows, columns, across, up & down,
repeated addition, multiplication )

Academic Language Demand (Identify one of the following: reading, writing,

listening/speaking, or demonstrating/performing. The demand will require more or less
scaffolding support- depending on the needs of the students throughout the lesson.)

(The demand we will be using is writing and demonstrating & performing)


Array Puzzle Pieces

What resources can be

used to engage


Introduction to

Boys and girls, we have been learning about arrays. Can someone tell me the
definition of an array? What does arrays consist of? When we add up all the
rows and columns, we are using a term called? I will write down examples of
array problems and call students to the board to solve. I will repeat the
questions. Once the students practice some of these problems, we will began

Activating Thinking
What is the hook for


the lesson to tap into

prior knowledge and
develop students
interests? This should
tie directly into the
lessons objective and
standard and should
promote higher level
thinking. How will you
introduce the content
specific vocabulary
***Use knowledge of
students academic,
social, and cultural

our lesson. This is a whole group lesson.

Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,

Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate):
I will ask questions as a whole group and I will also ask questions by students hand

Modification(s)/Accommodation(s) specific to this lesson (Consider students with IEPs and/or

504s in addition to students below and/or above grade level- cognitive and/or affective):
I will work individually with my EIP student and 504 students to make sure they
understand the instructions.

Management Plan: I have a system of raising my hand up to regain order in the

classroom. I will also use 123 all eyes on me.

I will hand each student a piece of the puzzle. I will keep the matching piece to
display on the overhead projector. When I place a piece on the projector, I will
Teaching Strategies
ask the student to raise their hand if they have the matching piece of the puzzle. I
will re-engage students in their thinking by asking them probing questions. How
What will you have the
do we know the array is equal? How do we know if the puzzle piece is the correct
students do after you
repeated addition? The lesson will be complete once all students match their
introduce the lesson
piece with my piece of the array.
to learn the
standards? What
questions will you ask
to promote higher
level thinking?
Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,
Body of Lesson/

What opportunities
will you provide for

I will ask questions as a whole group and I will also ask questions by students hand

students to practice
content language/
vocabulary? What
language supports will Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate):
you offer?
Students will answer questions by using the chosen vocabulary.

Modification(s)/Accommodation(s) specific to this lesson (Consider students with IEPs and/or

504s in addition to students below and/or above grade level- cognitive and/or affective):
I will work individually with my EIP student and 504 students to make sure they
understand the instructions. Any student struggling with the concept, I will work
with them individually. I may have to use manipulative for my struggling

Management Plan: Students will stay at their seats until the lesson is over. They
will raise their hands to be called on.
How will the students
summarize and/or
share what they have
learned to prove they
know and understand
the standard(s) and its
vocabulary? Will you
provide opportunities
for students to apply
new knowledge while
making connections to
prior learning?

After students have matched all of their cards, I will pass out the postassessment. Remember I gave you a pre-assessment before we started the array
lessons. I am going to pass out the same assessment again so that we can see if
any learning occurred.

Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,
Students will understand, communicate, and perform tasks associated
Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate):
Students will provide written and oral response.

Modification(s)/Accommodation(s) specific to this lesson (Consider students with IEPs and/or

504s in addition to students below and/or above grade level- cognitive and/or affective):

Work individually with students that are having difficulty. Possibly pair my low
level students with a high level student.
Management Plan: I have a system of raising my hand up to regain order in the
classroom. I will also use 123 all eyes on me.

Reminder: Assessment plan must align with objective(s)/standard(s).

Every standard listed
above must be
assessed and included.
Questions to consider
while planning:
How will students
exhibit an
understanding of the
lessons objectives?
How will you provide
feedback? What
evidence will you
collect to demonstrate
y of the lessons
objective(s) including
their usage of


Reflection includes
characteristics of the
lesson and specific
examples on how it
can be improved.

Assessment Plan for IEP Goals and/or 504 Plans (This is a plan and should be written as such;
remember to identify both formative & summative assessments throughout the lesson):
No IEP. My 504& EIP student will be monitored throughout the lesson.

Assessment Plan for Learning Objectives (This is a plan and should be written as such;
remember to identify both formative & summative assessments throughout the lesson):
The formative assessment is throughout the lesson by discussing and
generalizing what has been learned. Questioning, answering, and reflecting back
on what was learned. The summative assessment will be the post-assessment.

I wanted to develop a lesson that was engaging and at the same time fun for the
students. Students were able to activate their prior knowledge and apply their
higher level of thinking by matching their puzzle piece to my puzzle piece.

Improvements are
based on the
supported by evidence
on how well the
objectives were
achieved. Specific
examples to improve
future lessons are

***Credit for this template belongs to Tennessee State University, Stanford Center for Assessment,
Learning and Equity (SCALE), and Columbus State University.

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