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These artifacts are a part of the microteach segment I did for SCED 341.

lesson was intended for a Spanish I class and the topic was on the months of the
year. Included in this microteach is the lesson plan that the microteach was based
off of and the video of the microteach itself. These artifacts demonstrate my
proficiency in this standard because I was able to incorporate a variety of
instructional strategies in order to engage and encourage my students into
participating in the lesson. The students were also able to understand the content,
make connections to the English language, and build their speaking skills in order to
exchange information in real life situations. In this microteach, I was able to get
students, who did not speak Spanish, to answer questions in the target language.
These artifacts also demonstrate that I was able to monitor what the students could
and could not do during the lesson, and altar the lesson in order to show their
strengths when using the target language. This artifact relates to positive impact
on student learning because the students involved were able to make connections
using the English language, through cognates, alleviating the pressure of not being
able to memorize the vocabulary being taught. I was also able to incorporate
questions, which related to the students lives, proving that the language being
learned can be used in real life situations. This microteach demonstrates
Planning-Teaching-Learning cycle due to the fact that I was able to tailor the lesson
knowing that these students had very limited Spanish speaking abilities and
demonstrate a lesson that focused on their strengths and what they can do, rather
than their weaknesses and what they can not do. I was also able to assess the

students using formative assessments through questions and answers, and I was
able to reflect on what went well and what could have been improved in the lesson.

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