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Jessica V.

(Dec. 14, 2014)

Entry 2: Technology to Enhance Instruction

Integrating Instructional Technology

This paper will discuss the key elements of integrating instructional technology,
as well as explain why integrating instructional technology is important. Technology is
now being used by teachers to enhance the effectiveness of the lessons they implement in
the classroom. The benefit of using technology in the classroom, is that it gives teachers
the ability to teach students on a more comprehensive level. Technology can also be used
to facilitate, and enhance instruction in the classroom. By helping teachers to bridge the
gap between implementing lessons, and the comprehension of their students. Through
the use of classroom technology, teaches can now ensure that their students fully
comprehend the lessons they implement.
IPads will be used in the classroom to facilitate, and enhance instruction in the areas of
math, reading, as well writing. Age appropriate educational apps hand-picked by the lead
teacher, will be placed on each students IPad to meet each students individual skill level. During
class student will be instructed by the teacher to use their IPads for activities such as warm-ups,
journal writing, and skill building activities in math as well as reading. Through the use of
technology students skills in math, reading, writing, and comprehension will be enhanced.
Which will essentially increase the teachers success rate, among the students in the class.
Through the use of this specific technology in the classroom, the teacher will work to
facilitate and enhance instruction in the areas of reading, comprehension, math, and science. The
lead teacher will use the classroom laptop to facilitate a guided lesson. Were the laptop will be
hooked up to the classroom smart board, which will be used to display the lesson; almost like an

interactive worksheet. The teacher will use the laptop, and smart board to display a worksheet
on one of the previously stated subjects. During this time the teacher will use guided notes to
breakdown the information for the class. After which the class will participate in a group
discussion on the material. Then each student will be asked to come up to the smart board, and
use the smart board pen to fill in their answer to the questions displayed. The smart board will
also be used to display interactive activities, videos, and documentaries relative to the lessons
being implemented as well.
(Smart Board)
This particular technology will be used in the classroom to facilitate and enhance
instruction in all areas being taught in class. It will be used to display interactive activities,
videos, and documentaries relative to the lessons being implemented. For example through the
use of the smart board, students will participate in an interactive math lesson called Balloon
Pop. After the teacher explains how to play the game, students will be asked to come up to the
smart board and complete subtraction math problems. The smart board displays a subtraction
problem (10 5), and ten balloons floating above the problem; along with a bumble bee. The
student will then use the smart board pen to drag the bee to each balloon, and pop the correct
amount of balloons which need to be subtracted. Afterwards the student will use the smart board
pen to tap on the button mark check to check their answer. This is just one of the many ways
in which a smart board can be used to integrate technology in the classroom.
Pros and Cons of using Technology to Facilitate Learning
Some pros of using technology to facilitate learning are as follows, technology allows
teachers to bridge the gap between implementing lessons and the comprehension of their
students. Through the use of classroom technology, teaches can now ensure that their students

fully comprehend the lessons they implement. All while keeping students engaged with the
exciting sounds, and animations used in new classroom technology. Also through the use of
technology student are able to become more self-sufficient in completing a task. Also by using
classroom technology to implement lessons, teachers can lead far more structured lessons that hit
more of the common core standards which need to be met. However there are also cons to
integrating technology in the classroom. For example when taking a more technical approach to
education, educators run the risk of removing the hands on approach. Which has been revered
as the best way to facilitate learning for years. Other cons to using technology to facilitate
learning, are cost as well as accessibility. While some schools/school districts are fortunate to be
able to afford the latest classroom technology, other schools that lack funding for such
sophisticated materials; and could fall behind. This would be disservice to students growing up
in such a tech savvy generation, and would essentially create another form of illiteracy.
Wired and Wireless Classrooms (100-200 words)
For years now students and teachers everywhere have benefited from wired internet
sources within their schools. But most of the time that meant students and teachers had to leave
their classrooms to get hands on experience with using computers. This meant classes would
have to operate on a rotating schedule, to access the school computer lab. Over the years some
teachers were fortunate enough to have computers in their classrooms, but because of a lack of
space and wires the number of computers in the classroom was limited. But now the use of
wireless internet teachers are able to introduce their student to computer in the comfort of their
very own classroom. Student can connect to the internet from their desk, when using a
classroom IPad or laptop; and follow along with a lesson lead by their teacher.

In conclusion Technology is now being used by teachers to enhance the effectiveness of

the lessons they implement in the classroom. The benefit of using technology in the classroom,
is that it gives teachers the ability to teach students on a more comprehensive level. . Through the
use of technology students skills in math, reading, writing, and comprehension will be
enhanced. Which will essentially increase the teachers success rate, among the students in the
class. Although there may be some minor cons to integrating technology in the classroom, the
pros far outweigh any con one could come up with.

(Teaching with Technology) Attard, Catherine1; Northcote, Maria2; Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom. Oct2011, Vol.
16 Issue 4, p29-31. 3p. 3 Black and White Photographs;

(Challenges to Research in MOOCs) Fournier, Helene1

Kop, Rita2; Durand, Guillaume3
Journal of Online Learning & Teaching. Mar2014, Vol. 10 Issue 1, p1-15. 15p
(The use of technology to facilitate music learning experiences in preschools) de Vries, Peter1
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. Dec2013, Vol. 38 Issue 4, p5-12. 8p. 3 Charts.

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