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Jessica V.

December 9, 2014

Entry 1: Technology to Support Communication

The mission of this class is to integrate technology within a classroom setting, in order to
increase students over all educational performance. Technology will also be used to gather
information needed to implement a more effective lesson, as well as build a stronger line of
communication between students, parents, teacher, and other member of the community.
Through the use of modern classroom technology such as a classroom website, emergency
contact list, email, smart board, iPad, and student website the lead teacher will create lessons that
keep students engaged; and eager to learn through the use of this interactive technology.
Therefore it is the vision of the lead teacher that by the end of the year, all students will be secure
in all academic areas; as well as their skills regarding technology, accessing information and
using technology to communicate as well.

Technology to Enhance Communication

(Classroom Website): Through the use of a classroom website, parents and student will be able
to stay connected to important information vital to student success. The classroom website will
also keep an open line of communication between the parents, teachers, as well as students of
each class. The classroom website will display information such as teacher information, class
calendar, announcements, assignment details/deadlines, mission statement, as well as the over-all
vision of the teacher, and etc. For example the study conducted in the academic journal,
Teachers Perception of Factors Affecting the Educational use of ICT in Technology-Rich

Classrooms allowed educators to take a closer look at the effects of teachers decision making.
Particularly when it came to information, and communication technology within a technologyrich classroom environment. According to the journal it was decided that some of the main
contributing factors which helped teachers utilize information, and communication technologies
more often were things like school environment, classroom support, technology, availability, as
well as access within the classroom. But when accessed, and used to assist with classroom
lessons student progress improved. This proves that technology has a great degree of usefulness
in the classroom.

(Email): Through the use of email the parents, teacher, as well as service providers will all be
able to send and receive information on the students of the class. This will allow the member of
the educational community to act as a team, document progress, and come up with new strategies
to better serve each student. Emails can also be used to deliver pertinent information to any
member of the community when they are otherwise unable to be reached. For example in the
academic journal, The Use of Email to Deliver Performance-Based Feedback to Early Child
Practitioners there were three studies conducted using performance data. The data was
collected by preschool teachers, each in separate classrooms; each monitored a specific targeted
behavior, and strategy. The study revealed that although some progress took place, when there
was inconsistency in the teachers use of strategies and techniques students made less progress.
(Emergency Contact List) In the past emergency contact lists have been forms that are sent
home by the teacher, and filled out by parents. Most of which never make it back to school the
next day, but through the use of modern technology all of that has changed. Parents can now go
on to the school website, and fill out the form completely online; along with other documents

needed school as well. Of course an online emergency still serves the same purpose, but the
ability to complete an emergency contact list online makes it far more accessible. This way
forms can be accessed anywhere there is a computer, which saves parents time and minimizes
stress situations where parents cannot be reached in the event of an emergency.

(E-Pal): In order to increase students over all educational performance, each student will be
required to use the peer assisted learning website called e-pal. Which will give each student
additional academic learning support in class. This will also get student more comfortable with
using the computer as well.

(Student Website): Throughout the course of the school year, students will learn a great deal
about the internet, computer, and technology. By the end of the year each student will be to take
what they have learned, and create their very own website. Which will include a personal blog,
were they can express themselves. The blog will include information about their academic
achievements, goals, as well as their dreams and aspirations. Parents will be invited to review
finish products at the end of the year parent/teacher conference. The purpose of this project is to
supply students is to implement a complete comprehensive lesson on how technology can be
used for information, and communication. The knowledge and skills they will learn once
completing the assignment, will serve as useful knowledge they can take with them as they grow.
Communication Internet Security and Safety
In the in age we live in internet security, and safety has become a very important part of
live; which helps keep us safe. Children will be introduced to computers, and technology much

earlier; so they must also be armed with the ability keep themselves safe. In class students will
get the opportunity to review, and practice internet safety. After watching an age appropriate
film, students will engage in a class discussion on the topic. They will discuss things like who it
is okay to talk to, as well as what website are safe and appropriate for school. Student will also
be taught to protect their person information, by learning how to create passwords on their
internet accounts; which may hold personal information as well

In conclusion this class will integrate technology within a classroom setting, in order to
increase students over all educational performance. Technology will also be used to gather
information needed to implement a more effective lesson, as well as build a stronger line of
communication between students, parents, teacher, and other member of the community.
Through the use of the classroom website, emails, emergency contact list, and student websites
all parties involved in these efforts will accomplish their goals.

Badia, Antoni; Menesses, Julio; Sigales, Carles. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational
Psychology.Dec2013, vol.11 Issue 3, P787-807, 21 p
Barton, Erin E.; Pribble, Loise; Chen-1. Journal of Early Invention. Sep2013, vol. 35 Issue 3,
p270-297. 28p
(Key factors for Successful Integration of Technology into the Classroom): Textbooks and
Teachers. Electronic Journal of Mathematics & Technology. Oct2014, Vol. 8 Issue 5, p336354. 19p.
(Educational and online technologies and the way we learn), Burke, Lawrence; International
Schools Journal. Apr2013, Vol. 32 Issue 2, p57-65. 9p.

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