MWO ORD G503 W7 Convert 6V To 12V 1948 52

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“MWO ORD 6503-7 1. 0. 19-75AE-5 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY MODIFICATION WORK ORDER. Deparowent of the Army, Washinglon 25,D.C. 27 Ait 1948, nn ‘70 CONVERT BLECTRICAL SYSTEM FROM 6 VOLTS TO 12 VOLTS ON CERTAIN SPECIFIED VEHICLES TRUCK, Y6ton, 4x4 (Pond ak Wie (ear an Oo oe 2. Pat aected: 4. Purpose of moifeation: To coavet the etre sles yam {tom B vols to 12 vois a provide cuven fer radio equipmest 4, Drawings required to aply modification: Figures 1 ta 6 incur, 5. Parts aected by modieaton: Now pars ruin ‘BATTERY, ib, adm, so ‘BLOGG oan (or ahs HBO mee BODY, tinorehe, ers. BED sa eo a, ae TEE. ODT at pag con, a Tse OD, ert ig eve, . OUT grammer 7H, pow Rend, goatar OL opt By Weise’ «Nie taney Zerteema). BRACKET, baer bai-aw, BRACKET, amar iat CLIP eatery oa oth outa ti ing, 2. CONDENSER, 1 ml (nie ‘en nl ht) conga coma cova, a em ober een alt oie ee, oii orc ois, ea Sete oes Soca Ree NEL, weno yatto ti aw, te a 6S “truest ‘ticioe ax ‘Sorrmoe xa-rite. 1 moves. 2 sme “save tal and stp. ia ne “Ber oem 1 eae ean aso ea om Saaremetac TREE a ttn Renae ft am. Ea a He Be ee oom ‘sei Heat 72 gem EEE, noe, mia a ae UT, meh ret 8 cae wit sates Eee ae, cane waht aaa eoeeee Saar wean omar Siesta ale nic Ee BE eet ‘or anit Ko. 10 (0180 ST ole SE =, niente tt ton aa Ne tes BaP att tate Es es Siew? "Gates ity logensy ye orem sno mest Be NC Stra ~ ~ PULLEY, npn ah. aOR ae tout ert, fan Sad as tek SRW, ape 8 menisteanessitor SCRE ap Mt 8 end a ca ‘moni fstwedei oe Sep 3 sdibWr aap terkdy Syt.or 21400 migrate... 1 Gemeis Retenea wi Sls te. tase ™* moron. 2 ani too: SNES oder risa oe tntion ol ee rete Reh ti ‘orang, Ke ia oor SAT eases dK make er BuEa Tt Galen we pao el ad see Et He tas oe ‘TeRLIGNAL, Sater ee ene. TEAS, tay at, ERR, tty ete Or pag coe, ae ~ So rant No.1 i cp tea. ous. om . ow. rm.. wast, ee, tenth, eet mph em (om lc tw Wastin, ie exh ‘et oti Net a ci WARHED ek ed ses Seo i oe seen WABI, a er seg fo ae to ‘WARE ol Be or Since aaa WASHER ty 8 op Set Sa ter ‘es ‘Min to ary Ba WAITER nok md. pe tn gen benno Pees WHERE akc ma pow ety imate es ine \wAbhien, ain 8, or ‘mpi Bio a Oe ane sone oot WAS Se or cio den RENEE iy, 8 ob Tames, WAGE a, 8, pho» a Rn ok WASHER, pao td 8p ‘ye naman ace ine [WHE etn eae ‘WIR, rar tata fo retin tei. wiRIM reserte to ota evr omy by Discard parts BBL de a eet OUT baton BRACE, porta sry. RACH, pownton ert CABLE, tty to stag Coit eon, amen ‘OE MERATOR, ae. ipa eal ~ aoe feed 3 eb 8 vse ‘mniai79. Gee rriaar. 1 eee eae mee : See 5 eee 1 whee SS ee a Sie tee eet ers EE mnt ea eee ea ee f RRR NEA nt nt peng vs ae OIE " sre LEECNIT tadibnodi, HHLOPNIMO... CHOLES. 2 TAMRON eve i and PCGPRCINGEA TOL 0 op, mani SS py ae (WON ID - as MOTON,etitg won. 1 ‘ose REGULATOR, pesto 6%, PHLGPM-S.. 1 Parts modifad: None 4. Suply of parts required {@) Soure of supply: Requbstons should be exited in Aecondente wih 8B 03, equi kts by pockage soc ‘umber GS0I-£700002. Raquistion only'in_anordanee with pacegraph 8 1B) Data salle: Now. (@) Rxowesnodietin ita ae to be retuned do Romford Oninanee Depot, Toledo 1, Ob, upon ompltion of sppliotion and not rained tx pare pate, Weight and cabago of prt: (0) Wht 278 (2) Cubage 34 of, 1, Spedta tools, jp, and tare required: Test wipment 1. Special instrutons: 1 Applied by: Automotive mechani. 1D. Tame mguired: 10 man hors 1 Proadar of opera () Drain the cooling system. (2) Remove and discard the items Tid below exept the Duster, ai leaner, water punp, aad font sata Const ‘TA 9408 for semeval procedure: oom 8 ‘oeawe ee RAGE, eel, et ‘CABLE, hte to etatng ei ti oKbLEY eee ante te ‘cian ‘russe nso, try, GAO, fon ey (OEKERATOR,aaeatiy.—- ‘Lop. Grtrument panel). Lanes eee UES eee iat, iki, meso wi, CGPWA Creme “woo ion 205 tps emis (ONAN MOTOR smaag neem. FE APWRDO! A “won PULLBYemloe cata, POP 0 PME, wt [REGULATOR pate. SEATS fet orate pce remove the Dery ppc 8 ee ele nih eg (9) Referring to gue 1, dil al noomary bali end install ‘euaey support ani bateron wilh tot, exes, mus, space, an terial prove son yi lg he neha a (@) Sip the tury to raroe itch cable 7713417 through 8b conduit 771008 aod eeemble terminal BOOSDASAA to ‘ho cable sing a taking too {2 Locate a point inde the velo on tho dash panel SpproninaalyXinc toward do contr ofthe vei fom Ue filer lower mounting holes snd pprovimatly 1 ack tore the jie of the sinned wn daa panel {@) Deda inch hole this pont and inet the en of the ‘ondait 712408 though the bole ad lay the conduit in the ‘Seer where the oor pan farmed to corer te trunamison. {Fy Postion two clipe 7710400 ta aecre the conduit to the ‘oor, ene cpa the batary end af the conduit and the other ‘ip on hs dash. Caing tho lps at templates, dil two Sich olen Tawtll seve, ols, and washers, and {iphten securely. (3) Taal baiery ground able 7719360 and Bettry serie fonastae 771576. (0) Total casing motor 77415 with bola proviowaly 20+ Imoved and tighten sourly, leaving off tho cylinder block ‘racket. LUD) Lovee engin stay eal Meme the nut that scares the wight site of th font engine plate to the engine meu tn tke to bells that sours the loft motor mauat lo ts frame beset, (01) Pace w jak under the font eo of dhe o pan, witha final lock of wood between the sk andthe of py ad Sol the sagan uni the wd on tho ght motae mount Is ‘ah with th top surace of the legate engine pate. (Ga) Place the gunn mppore 771391 in poston on th ‘ide of the eplindr Bick, Zstonsoerely with tree ‘eros previously omoved fom te hols (Gg. 2). ‘The sto Tor the molar mun ole may require Ming doe to ‘litres in ho Word and Wal model vebides, (G8) Remove the jock and renwal auton ght motor stud sont. (Ga) Reinstall th Boles sourng th tt motor movant to tae ffnma Randjut eogin sen cable (Gs) Tnsall pulley 719002 on the generator and tighton recuzely. Fire 1 try on ty spr tin. (08) Press fan and water pump plley GPWI-S200-A from ater pump sbaft ond instal now pulley 7713402 Gp. 2 rece ao pulley ou pump alt eh pulley hub Bush src end of sha {UD Appty ike and seems water pump to seins Inwll engine relent polly 771500, making ewe ‘he the ey isin place (05) Raise the fot end of vb bythe bumper, allow {he ee to drop dova, end tallow ample doxrance fru trelding squprnt (ig. 2). Plow engine support bracket Feiforesments 7719405 and 7713308 approximately oa ide he forrard edge of engine support and ects weld secur all eround ‘Caution: Care will be execind no to damage bre se td rebor bumpers when welding. (09) Testa! gourine 7718001 and bruce 7718382 with als ts, lone wash, Hat wae, and spaces (0g 2) Nare-When netting emer moarting tela HSI ae spite atime hp the te argh vue feat ‘ike we renoted fo he 0 para eae I he (22) Install fn belt 7712902, Bond down. the shihting, ‘bray from under te crahat pally to minke Dal cle” foe place the bolt over the fan and water pup pulley, then over the geuselor pulley, and crak ion over canta alley. ‘om Ta latte pt ull sining soi (21) Tnstal geersoevlege realtor C115540 i thease Tocatin a the orginal eguletor with goal bole washers, sod mt, (22) Testa ackoat diving ight stor 7713908 a follows: (a) Locate the Sr on the engine aie of the dah erpndieslsty baer he tre Toone leat tthe bor. kot for «template, Intl estar t dash with machin sro 152025, Bexagon meta £2500, plain washers 120885, end look vesher 20217 TG Separate akon ding ight wie (ack wr) Phe bale connector, {Attach conoctrs 7715757 to each trminal on tho ‘stor stl tac the loos end the eleont wire (2 the terial 4 (fetal fost gage 715288 fn inerunent panel and (@) Discnnect he tala socket atthe socket, and ape (Q) stl he fallorng lamps end lamp- uit sem b (23) Refeng to figure 1, connect battry gra cable ‘7113560 and buttery to saree switch cable 715417. Data fnttary cover 7719618 and renctall fost sat (24) Hell cotng ote and chek or as (25) Install eppresion siding Bi). "Nore When itling prt pag cover Dd my 73808 etn We bef gon hn ord hp” of the Seeceuteri ieee uc" lewtemapeghouare decd) ‘When instling oondenaer 771290 (or 771400) tition cal eed body 7058027, locate condenser oo that it Wil not Sort oa col tama. Remove eae datbataraumtly inciting vin, and. iowa! datibutor abled racket assed. Reka! dintibator aebiy in ite original prstion (G0) Del spark. plug corer body asembly 7058028 and Aintibutor eid eckot 706801 and Bale ageber with Imac screw 109128, hesagon mt 426008, and ook tren 12027 (6.8. {ary Hostal cost back 75900, ignition coil 7719317, fd col his body assy 7058027 on ylnder Mok and {gan scary. (25) Tratal debtor shied body assembly 7058022 and sack lag cover op sxembly 7OS802, ity is eS tw lng ae (20) Tata condenser 771239 0 engine bod under isting bolt which hos the ernking motor to engine and each endanarIeed to batlary se of eruahing mavr Switch (eemionl undo exating basen alk asker. (G0) Total the other sndenser 7713994 to reat mount Ing avew and attach lead to battery terminal f regulate Ca (21) Ieetal governor to gultor armas load wite 7713004 and solder lip on each end of braided shiiing, Fasten one sip on nar of gnaetor and Toca the othe ip fa) Using ulipasa tempt, dl 4 Sin olan fender shies euteute lip to ee wit mai sre 13202, (5) Reinstall ai cleaner GPWW-18205-B and born 7050862 ih origi bolt, nts end washers 4) Dil « inh hla i dhe ron ght side of the spark lg cover body asoy 705823 and sal «end bolt (85) Attach ono end af bond step to bolt fut nme, tine interaertersl-tooth lok washers andy ands {ask otharend of bond tad at par of fla bck, ‘Tighten bale and std mcuret ) (ae) Dee inch hole th lowes ighthand come ofthe y Aisibutr sbi backs 705691 aa inal inch bol (Gi) Attach one and of bond np to bot it sala, eng Iniernal-aterul-tooh lod wher and ily ad altel ber nd of bond stgp 10 diebter ousting bolt. Tighten Tow end curly 8) ‘opposite the fld terminal and betwee the openings ofthe iupeclion cover. Aliach ove end of Yoo ica fo hol Saat led with Np 622 enw an teeal-ntnnaoath foc wher and older the othr end of bond cp to braided ‘Mitdng whch in pot of lend wire 7710004 ge 8 and 8) (Go) Install generator to rgaltas Bond rap ae slo Io fgwe 5 4. Category of maintenance: Field o higher. © Comments idk refren to published modifestion work ‘orders Thor netrstinns spre TWO ORD Gant 25 May 104, lcuding C1, 20 Nach 185 1. Dispos of dicted parte: (@) Dinpnal of cssarded parts ramoved from major item If versione parte removed wil be eeurned to Toa sock for eave, Dispos of nservietbe parte in aeordinee (2) Disgsalof depot mocks of iene ected by tatoo: None, Clasietion: Se paragraph 6 1 Serial nuzbers equred on talus ropris: Nos 1 Meport roqueeds None Remark sno ' Thismdicaion wl be applied oy to net requirements of "TO € Ke und T/A's and other reuiements ns ator by Diocior of Logstc, Genet! Sa, United States Arn by The editions ol batty ito be procured lel two soe Apes See RY ST Bs ono oy me Snensrant 0” a8 ae orm OMAR N. BRADLEY EDWARD ¥. WITSELL Ohi of Saf, United States Amy ‘Majer Genera ‘he Adjutant Geert Dusresemor “ary. Tach Sr (2); Arm & Sy Bd (1); AFP (2); 08 Maj Coma (10); Bae’ Cand (2); MDW (0); A (21) (28), (Overmm) (0) HQ @}; DG); B 5 a); % 2 5, 7,9 (3 ;Be2,%, 51) 1, 30, 4,85 (1); © 2-1) 37,144, 65 (2), HO 0; Class Foe 9; USMLA C2); Sch (y; Gen Dep © (0 Tog Cte (2); PE (Ord 0) (6) SPECIAL DISTRIBUTION. ‘USAF (6); USAF Maj Cond (2); USAF Sub Cord (2); W () @ ();8 ch; 18 G): BU G). Yor explanation of dttbtin formala sos TM 98-405 MWO ORD G503-W7 Changs No 1 Se DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY MODIFICATION WORK ‘ORDER Deparimentof the Army ® Washington25,D.C. © 26 0ct 198 See "TRUCK, 1-T0N, 4x 4 (FORD AND WILLYS); 1 conven? ELECTRICAL SYSTEM FROM 6 VOLTS TO 12 VOLTS ON CERTAIN SPECIFIED VEHICLES todo of formation: 39 Bette 1848 Department of the Army Modifetion Work Onder G803-Wr, 27 Apr 148i changn a flows Paget: 4a: Dalee BATTERY, storage lead si, 6 v type SH, Pat No ‘s0001, Stock No, Hote-asotol, Quantity 1. (This not fae tea componant of KIT, 1-vle conversion, G208-C0002) Pages: Change part number for BRACE, generator frm TTi806 to ‘rane Paget 1b: Delete BRACE, gneratay, shot, FM-GPW-20143 (WO-A- 100), Quuatity 1. (Fi brace tetris race T7383 vill be odie ad eigtallad inthe veine as ctlineg a paragraph Te (10) (8)) Page 12: ‘On gue, chang par number for BRACE, GENERATOR toon ‘rset rte, 1, Special Inatructons: Procure of opertion: sore on en 1 rate with bots, maton waters at washer, ad spaces (2). (@) Conversion kite maybe furnished with earth ‘tly epe brace 71889 or later type F218. IE Vrce ‘Tied eforiaod an the eld brace (FM-GPW-- 10148) removed frm the veil it bo modified sx fellows foe bring iealed: Cua 1b ne eng fron Uestenghteadtion of he brace, Drill inch ole nce from hole end cf brace, and tach foom side channel age of troy as shown in By figure 21. ‘he slot on end of old generator brew (FMAGPW- 10345) wil be welded slow (fig) eaegt for Il ange enough forth body of gnc cap mre to us through Grind off exoeive etal to form Rat orf on bh sien of race" Lovely atztbl the Oro ‘mole bree nga S-20N0-9 x Yineh cad Dated ea serew (21908), 3nch end pated oo ‘asia (100981), anehcadmiumplated pin washer (Gsm), and a Spinc-cadmium-plated hexagon at o dda a te ———— titer rmen et ser a uc Cty 2) era & Remarks: coguce aero a ees eee ee eet estate ert | SS = to ey Br cana or rin Seomzrany a un Arse Omit oe oun x: meaty EDWARDE.WITSELL Chef of Saf Uned State es fof Sag, Army The Adjutant Gora Demon: “aney: ‘Tech Sr (2); Arm & Sv Ba (3); API (2); 08 Maj Com (40); Bast Cand (2): MDW (6); A (ZI) (1), (Orer- evs) (8); CHO (2); D (2); 8 (1); 182,0,7,0() 70 8,5) 6 11 1, 9,4, 88 (1) © 2-1 44 85 (1) FO (1); Css Tne (3) USMEA (2) Sch (8)3 Gen Dep (2); Tag Cir (2); PB (Ond 0) (8); SPECIAL DIS. ‘TRIBUTION, AirFort: ‘USAF (6); USAF Mj Comd (2); USAF Sab Coma (8); Ww ()36 ();8 (); BUG), For expltalios of dtribtion formas TMCBS-405, 4 oor MWO ORD G503-W7 ‘hangs Na. 2 NORMAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY MODIFICATION WORK ORDER Department ofthe Army, Washington 25, D.C. + + 26,uly 151 260 ORD Gn8-W7, 27 Ap 106, changed aa flows Page ts 5 Pare etd by motes Ne parts roqieds ‘Guang stock tumber for KIT, 12-rls conversion trom O50 rood to Gane-s7138% ‘Change part suber for BELT, die, fan and gaertor frome ‘71sd to TSS1018 ao lok umber rom S08- 7715502 to GEO) asi. Page 2 ‘Change part mumbo for BRACE, getrstor from 7721606 to ‘Adds BRACKET, extcsio, ac cleaner, Part No, 750519, Stok No GTO 76122, Quanity “Adi: HOSE, Seat aie cleaner to sit fatake pips, Pet No, S11, Sod No OFOESIETD, Goa “Add: NUT, he, igh ef, 8 cd-or alt ¥2ENT (extension racket fat asnr, Poe No. IB, Stace No. BOOI-H16721, Geanty * “ee “ted: SCREW, cep, herbeed, & ele or ampli K2ANE2 x 4 Gotemion brick to ir lean), Pat No, 213876, Stock No Hiot-o718a, Quantity 2. Page “dO: WASHER, lok, medium, 8,02-or mits ¥indh (oxen racks to it clan) Pare No 10860, Sse No, HODs-7008), Gast Add WASHER, plain ed+ or cept, Kinch, Pest No. 18000, stock No, Hoi-70i0e, Quantity 2 Paget ‘Sb, Dicaded parte Adie HOSE, sl lense tubo to cane, Part No, FM-GPH= W660-B Oita), Stock No. 8820-GPVW-0482, Quentty 2. & eS pat made: Gupreded) "ie oe Bt Se Ben. [TEA ttc Oy, ar TBS ei 8 Somty of ets rea ‘henge toes ber hit rom GB05-T00002 to GE08-s70384 6-1 (WO-k-1911, Sock No. 2O-GPW-OI52, Quanity 1 i Sa Sgwe 2, chang prt umber fr DRACB, GENERATOR, ange in changes No, 28 Ot 8; fra 7721809 to 352088, "O8 gue changs prt aber for BLT, PAN roc 7719029751015. Page: > Peis) aver {5 athe front od of veil by te bungee too drop down and tallow ple draco ang ‘eling een 2) Plcn eine sapore recat "rioais an Triaavoapprximalaly [Kine inde ts forward eg of exgan mpport an ‘str weld wear (0 Uaingn outing aah earn ough of th cooe of bo Baluey tug are os oversea genio. O ‘pe riley be ncomary toot a al en eric ene upper etree wit the great CAUTION. car shoal be exe dving al entng sol wodog operanen to grocer tse Tbe ‘imped redatar ere, Shed hen parte het tbat ding melding nod esting (19 Guyendet) Tol geoertar 77S001, Check 10 de lene hat generate bas ee movement without oie on by battery try or Hight ngin support I generator ‘oe adjtnteleaanc, ial bruce 1252508 le bal, ‘uly spon, and asbor (. 2) ‘Nie hm ling ener ting tly 709 ond yi abet apt ern ls Ine wert en Sia See sagt, ase ot nef ua fo set i 1 (2) (Supeeoded). Dri two now hols fn the right hard eap- ott ear of i lesa, 2 ache fom hee pean oon, ts {uch the eleanor eesin bucet 1376122 al ane TOOTEOD ot tie of mountieg strap oar cada ss, lng two 4 re. Sep my S08 lh ws 009 od ‘inc lk washers, 120880. Tawa to wt sean 1007902 wong ‘gal bol, nue abd mashes, ‘MO aie bring the fig mcttal h uy 1 ey bo {Sheen incase ts esa cas ed ne tall the fie owe 7575110 between he alr cleaner and ait sata pips Taw i 77808 ag cgi! Ua ny, ad a 3 Jays Br ones oF Secersane op mm Aer: oor nary J, LAWTON COLLINS : Tui Sa, Entel Sate Mlle Genel, USA we my ‘Acting The Att Gea Dram ‘Teh Sve (is Arm & Sve Pa (@); APF (); AA Comé 0; 08. ‘Maj Coma40); Buse Cand); MDW @); Log Cond A Gn; CHQ @); DG): 8); 2 53 0.8 0) a aye te 1,11, BF (BO Gh, Sah () zoe 9 (0); Ge ep Gs Dep's Gd; PH (Ord 0) G@), OSD 12); P6. (10); ‘An# (i); Das 9 0); SPEOLAL DisTRTUON. or explanation of distribution fom, en SB 810-001 MWO ORD 6503-W7 Changs M3 NORWAL ee DEPARTMENT OF THE ARN HODIFIATION WORK ORDER Department of he Army, Washington 25,D.C. January 192 es TRUCK, ¥cTON, 4X4 GORD AND WILLYS); TO CONVERT ELECKRICAL, SYSTEM FLOM ¢ VOLTS TO 12 VOLTS ON CURTAIN SPECIFIED VELIICLES MMO ORD Gion-W7, 27 Apel 1948, petining to truck, Keon, 444 Bord and Wile) So changed afl "The cnfeatian f MWO ORD 0-7, 27 Apyl 104, ed Changes No 2, 26 October 1016, in changed to HESTIRIGTED Security Infra 1 Spell iseueon Prose of operon, © upside) Before inating the Dattery-togtarter etch table conduit 713408 ae dente in (fo (blow, pecs IW in peti tpory fo oder to daar wie wt ia lowest sscUon wn Sotalad Dil inch belo ‘issecion as protetie eau sgn! the nacaaton cf water o molature in the snd ip the buttery. aries svteh cable THB41Y thoogh the coll oad ‘sounbis terminal BZD6DWSAA te abe by wing © ning ‘oa 3) (hod) Remove conduit 7718408 from veile thet hare ‘orion bean cnverted Wo Uw I2-at ela spe fn ‘ondanco wit this moisten work onde, Recore tie Ttery-to-tarer wich etl T1s4t frou he som sad inmpet theron. IC the ele oon ta be fst, ‘place it with» ew cae” Port ntling the le the soni, del « Hach tole in he wont seton of ‘ond 713408 a dein in 4) above. (Wo 94 98 De 50) ‘Bx onan or rm Sncasrate or se Amar: Ormase 4. LAWTON COLLINS WM. 8. DERGIN Gi of St, Unie Slates Army Nasir Genre, US The ant Geert Dumuxvetor, ‘Tee Bre (1) Arm & Sre Bd (2); APP @); AA Coma @); (08 Bia} Com” 0); Baan Cond ()s MDW ly Loy Com; 400}; CHO yD @)"B (i, RC) exept 8 @)iBn 3, 9, 5-8 (, 9G), 1911, 7,18, 4, 55 hs 3,4, 68d), 6 i, 11,1719, 44,06 0); 20 By Sah) exapt 9 (0); Gen Dep (@);‘Dep 0); PE (8, (sD (@; FG # (10); howd (Lo) Mi Dt @) 1G: Sane as Aetve Ary exept I copy to each it (GR: Sane os Aatee my exept py te eal el Yor expanetion of dation lotta, we St 810-901

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