Oregon Trail Rubric Imovie Podcast

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Task #3- iMovie Podcast

Name of Student_____________________


Outstanding- 3 points

Proficient- 2 points

Developing- 1 point

Length of Podcast
5-7 minutes

Not longer than 5-7 minutes

(within 20 seconds)

Within 4 minutes or 8 minutes in


Less than 4 minutes and more

than 8 minutes in length

Voice Quality

Each group member was easy to

hear and understand. The video
quality was excellent.

Most group members were easy

to understand the message they
were conveying to the audience.

Group members were hard to

understand due to lack of quality.

Requirements: Introduction,
middle, Closing

All requirements were met and/or


Missing one requirement

No requirements were met

Rehearsal of Podcast

The delivery was well rehearsed

and didnt sound scripted. It held
the audience attention.

The podcast was rehearsed well,

but the cast showed a lack of
interest. The audience was
attention was kept for most parts.

The delivery was not smooth. The

audience and cast were lost from
the beginning.


The student covered the topic in

detail and showed an
understanding for the topic.

The student covered the topic and

showed an understanding, but
included one or two factual errors.

The student lacked content and

showed a lack of understanding
about their topic.


Creativity was used throughout

the podcast including in the
names, places, stories, etc. the
group members used.


There was no creativity shown in

any of part of the video. No places
or stories made caught the
attention of the audience.

Group Members

All group members talked and

acted in the iMovie Podcast.


One group talked throughout the

entire iMovie Podcast.

Total Possible Points: 21

Points received________

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