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By- Rahul kumar
 It will make you understand the goal and
objective of an advertising campaign.
 It will expose you to the different types of
 Help you Understand how to formulate the
 Help you understand that objectives are
closely linked to the communication process
Position Product

Introduce new Product

Obtain Outlets

Ongoing Contact

Support sales force

Get Immediate Actions
should be
Maintain Relationships
Types of Advertising Objectives

Ad Objectives

Sales Objective Communication Objective

The communication objectives of advertising can be grouped
in to the following :
1. Building awareness (informing)

2. Creating favorable attitudes (persuasion)

3. Maintenance of loyalty (reinforcement)

4. Launch of New Products and Services

5. Expansion of the Market to Include the New Users

6. Announcement of a Product Modification

7. Announcement of a Special Offer

8. To Announce Location of Stockiest and Dealers

9. To Educate Customers

10. Reminder Campaigns

11. To Sought Dealer Cooperation and Motivation

12. To Create Brand Preference

13. Few other objectives For Example Public Issue”

Sales Objectives
 Sales are a convenient & attractive objective.
 Most suitable for ads to induce quick response
 Important for brands with equal quality in
mature markets.
 Problems with sales objective
1. Advertising creates delayed effect
2. Sales objective offers little guidance to
creative & media people.
3. Lag time between exposure to ad & actual
sales may be long
4. Other factors also have a significant effect on
sales besides advertising.
Sales Objectives

Price Distribution
Advertising & Promotion


Personal Selling

Factors Affecting Sales

 Given by Russell H. Colley

 Stands for Defining Advertising Goals for Measured

Advertising Results
 .
 Colley supported communication objectives with hierarchy of

 Colley distinguished 52 advertising goals that might be used

with respect to a single advertisement, a year’s campaign for a
product or a company’s entire advertising philosophy.
 According to DAGMAR approach, the communication task
of the brand is to gain (a) awareness, (b) comprehension,
(c) Conviction, (d) action
 Objectives should be:
1. Stated in terms of concrete & measurable results
2. Specified for a target audience
3. Indicating a benchmark & degree of change sought
4. Time specific.
For Example: A company has an objective to increase among 2
million housewives, who own automatic washing machines,
the ability to identify brand X as a low cost detergent &
who are persuaded that it gets clothes cleaner from present
10% to 30% in one year.
Assessment & Criticism of DAGMAR
 Has enormous influence on advertising planning process.
 Focused advertiser’s attention on importance & value of
communication based objective against sales objective.
1. Problems with response hierarchy
2. Sales as advertising goals
3. Practicality & Costs
4. Inhibits crativity

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