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The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Key Scenes

TASK 1 E - D
You must break down the scene to the TEN most important shots (Screen
grab and crop each shot)
For each shot then annotate the image under the following headings
CAMERA ANGLE (see basic terminology below)
COSTUME (use the rule of 3 to describe it)
FACIAL EXPRESSION (use the rule of three to describe their emotions)
PROPS (find and list as many as you can)
LIGHTING (natural/ambient, bright, harsh etc KEY WORD AMBIENT)
SETTING (use the rule of three to describe, KEY WORD DYSTOPIAN)
TASK 2 D - A
Beneath each image write a PEE chain explaining how teens/teenagers are
represented in the image.
EXTREME CLOSE UP (a shot which focus on just a small portion of the
image, this usually connotes the object/item is important)
CLOSE UP (a shot which usually focuses on a characters face so we can see
what they are thinking and feeling)
MEDIUM CLOSE UP (slightly further out than a close up, this is usually done
so you can see a characters body language)
MEDIUM SHOT (usually a character is shown from the waist up, this means
you can see facial expression, body language and setting)
TWO SHOT (a shot where TWO characters are in the frame at one time)
MEDIUM LONG SHOT (a shot where you can see nearly all of the body of a
character, the setting will usually be important in these shots, characters in the
background may also be important)
LONG SHOT (a shot in which you can see many characters or lots of detail
about a setting)
EXTREME LONG SHOT (sometimes called an establishing shot, this is a shot
which shows you lots of detail about a setting and the people in it)
SHOT REVERSE SHOT (a sequence when the camera cuts between two
characters speaking, usually used for dialogue and conversation)

HIGH ANGLE (when the camera is slightly above the character to make them
look weak)
LOW ANGLE (when the camera is slightly below the character to make them
look strong)

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