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Complete the questions using the words above 1- How ___________does the firlm la
st? It lasts about two hours 2- How ___________does ot cost? About 45 3- How ___
________people are coming? Almost 100 4- How ___________is the tower of London?
30 metres 5-How ___________money do you need? 20 6- How __________ coffee do you
drink? Three cups a day 7- How __________ people are there in this class? Twent
y people 8- How ___________milk do you need for the cake? A mug 9- How _________
__do you walk your dog? Twice a day 10- How __________is the next beach? Its very
near 11- How __________is this film? About three hours 12- How __________is you
r sons bag? About one kilogram 13- How __________is the Everest? More than 8000 m
. 14- How __________is Lyon? Its the third town in France 15- How __________is th
e river Amazon? Around five miles 16- How __________is the earth? Its the fifth l
argest planet of the solar system 17- How __________are you? Im 1.65 m tall 18- H
ow __________is the tree? Its 30m 19- How __________is the well? 20m 20- How ____
______does it take to go from Madrid to Barcelona? one hour by plane 21- How ___
_______is your brother? He is 1.70 tall 22- How __________is Mars from the Sun?
Its 228 million km 23- How __________do you play tennis in a week? Twice 24- How
__________water do you drink? I drink a lot 25- How __________books have you got
? Ive got twenty books 26- How __________is the supermarket? Its at the corner

KEY 1-long 2-much 3- many 4-high 5- much 6- much 7- many 8- much 9- often 10- fa
r 11-long 12- heavy 13- high 14- big 15- wide 16- big 17- tall 18- high 19- deep
20- long 21- tall 22- far 23- often 24- much 25- many 26- far

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