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Islamic Online University

Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies

Aqeedah 201 Assignment

Full Name: Sadikur Rahman MD Abdur Rahman


Write an essay of 1200 1500 words that explores the topic of

excommunication ()
Your essay should elaborate on the position of Ahlus-Sunnah Wal Jamaaa as
well as apposing positions and the responses to them.

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
All Praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. And [may His] blessings and peace
be upon the final messenger, on his family and all his companions.
This is a concise academic overview on excommunication (Takfeer). It will
explore into the positions of Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaaah, those opposing them
and present scholarly responses to them.

With the rise of various deviated groups and sects excommunication has become
rampant these days. Therefore it is essential to clarify the rulings and conditions
related to excommunication to the Muslim masses.
Excommunication or takfeer refers to declaring a person as a disbeliever or
kaafir. While it is mandatory on Muslims to excommunicate all those who do not
follow the religion of Islam, no Muslim is to be judged a disbeliever except if
proved by the Quran or Sunnah as it is a legal ruling. This is the belief of AhlusSunnah wal Jamaaah and the scholars have a consensus on this matter.
Imaam Bukhari mentions in his saheeh on the authority of Abu Dharr, that he
heard the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, say: No person accuses
another person of wickedness or accuses him of disbelief, except that the
accusation will revert to him [i.e. the accuser] if his companion [i.e. the accused]
was innocent. Therefore the matter of excommunication should be taken very
seriously and nobody should delve into it except the one who is righteous and
The following factors should be considered before excommunicating a Muslim:
1. Evidence should be available in the Quran or the Sunnah that the word or
action of the person makes him a disbeliever [Kaafir] or transgressor
2. The following conditions should be applicable to the person:
a. Knowledge: The person knows clearly that his action or word
implies disbelief [kufr]. If the person is ignorant and the matter is
made clear to him, yet he continues on it.
b. Intention:






deliberately and

intentionally. He is excused if it is done unintentionally.

c. Choice: The person should have freely chosen to commit the act of
disbelief and not under compulsion.

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