The Rider: by Naomi Nye

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Group 1

The Rider
by Naomi Nye

A boy told me
If he rollerskated fast enough
His loneliness couldnt catch up to him,
The best reason I ever heard
For trying to be a champion.
What I wonder tonight
Pedaling hard down King William Street
Is if it is translates to bicycles.
A victory! To leave your loneliness
Panting behind you on some street corner
While you float free into a cloud of sudden azaleas,
Luminous pink petals that have never felt loneliness,
No matter how slowly they fell.
Directions: Write three sight, three sound, and three sensation/movements
from the text. Then, answer the questions about the meaning conveyed by
the images.

Sense Affected

Words/Phrases That Appeal to the Sense




Meaning: Based on the images you

noted above, what do you think the
author wants you to think about

Group 2

The Way I Play Soccer
Poetry by Natasha Niemi

Sweat streams down my face,
And my skin turns red under the watchful eye of the sun.
The sound of cleats pounding the earth is deafening,
As my enemies charge down the field towards me.
I can sense the shooter is going to miss;
All at once, the ball collides into my chest.
Screams of victory roar across the field.
The grass stained, game ball rests,
Rests lovingly between my two hands.

Directions: Write three sight, three sound, and three sensation/movements from
the text. Then, answer the questions about the meaning conveyed by the images.
Sense Affected

Words/Phrases That Appeal to the Sense




Meaning: Based on the images you

noted above, what do you think the
author wants you to think of how he
plays soccer? What words lead you

Group 3
Graduation Day
By Pat Mora

She called him Lucero, morning star,
Snared him with sweet coffee, pennies,
Mexican milk candy, brown bony hugs.
Through the years shed cross the Rio

Grande to clean his mothers home. Lucero,
Mi lucero, shed cry, when shed see him
Running toward her in the morning,
When she pulled stubborn cactus thorns
From his small hands, when she found him
Hiding in the creosote.

Though shes small and thin,
Black sweater, black scarf,
The boy in the white graduation robe
Easily found her at the back of the cathedral,
Finds her amid the swirl of sparkling clothes,
Finds her eyes.

Tears slide down her wrinkled cheeks.
Her eyes, luceros, stroke his face.

Directions: Write three sight, three sound, and three sensation/movements from
the text. Then, answer the questions about the meaning conveyed by the images.

Sense Affected
Words/Phrases That Appeal to the Sense



Meaning: Based on the images you

found in the poem, describe the
relationship between the boy and the

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