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The advert begins with a woman in her 20s creeping into a
household kitchen at night.
She opens the fridge to reveal a Yorkie bar with the not for
girls symbol on it.
As she reaches in and takes a bite, a middle aged man wakes
up in a cold sweat in his bed
He walks downstairs to check if his Yorkie bar is still in the
fridge, when he opens the door, it is gone.
Out of the corner of his eye, he can see the woman, ( his
partner), in a dim light, still eating the chocolate bar.
The pack shot of the product appears with the slogan not for

Secondary Research
I found a survey from a secondary source talking about the
effects of the not for girls adverts.
We also took it upon ourselves to research further into previous
Yorkie adverts and found that the slogan Not For Girls proved
successful in getting a response.
We liked the idea of keeping the original slogan within the
advert to bring back the idea of the Not For Girls within the
Yorkie product.

Secondary (cont..)
We researched into the timings that adverts of rival products
had been shown; the results were that many of the chocolate
and sweet adverts are shown during the day around 10am4pm.
The adverts optimum time to be shown proves to be around
lunch time, on a Saturday as our survey results proved, for the
17-21 years olds to be at home from school/work and want to
go out and do the shopping.
Although results have shown that our target audience may be
around 17-21 year olds, that we would like to appeal to a
wider age range if possible; possibly the mothers or fathers of
the 17-21 year olds buying them a chocolate bar in the

Survey Research

Almost 90% of the people who answered our survey were aged
between 17-21 and said that they do the shopping on a Saturday
in most cases.

The figures showed:

Monday -20.69%
Tuesday -6.90%
Wednesday -6.90%
Thursday -6.90%
Friday -2.45%
Saturday -55.17%
Sunday -2.45%

Which shows me.

Primary (cont..)
The results also showed:
What time of day do you usually go shopping?

6-8am -6.4%
9-11am -55.2%
12-2pm -16.3%
3-5pm -12.2%
6-7pm -9.9%
Other -0%

The Other Advert Ideas

My Original idea and why we felt that the chosen
idea would be the best..

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