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Name: Davis Huynh

10/27/14 Today in class I continued working on my IBaby commercial for the Go Animate; also started
the journal that were supposed to start today. I had trouble with the text to speech because the
generation took a while. I also did movement like I did with the days before this one.
10/28/14 Today in class I made some significant progress on my animation. Luke also went up and
presented how to do text to speech and I incorporated that into my animation. What I added today is
that the Obama clones captured Obama and is making him walk the plank. Although he isnt going to die
because that would be violence and violence is not supported in this class. Tomorrow Im going to work
on Mr. Michael and his Peter Pan friend to come and save him for the dilemma.
10/29/14 Today I had so much fun in class. I felt like I made a lot of progress in my animation I have
not worked on the Peter Pan plan like I thought I would but tomorrow I plan on adding sound effects to
my animation and see how that goes.
10/30/14 Once again I have made much progress with my Go Animate. Today were supposed to
submit our animations and we came across some difficulties but it worked out well in the end.
10/31/14 Friday the Halloweenth
11/3/14 Mr. Ferguson looked at my video today and graded it. I also watched some of my peers
videos. I worked on my video some more as well.
11/4/14 There was a sub today because Mr. Ferguson was busy observing another teacher. Today I
just continued to work on my animation and he gave us a rubric so we could grade each other. My
partner was Aiden and it went pretty well.
11/5/14 Today Mr. Ferguson present how to do lip syncing and voice recording. I didnt feel like doing
it at school, so Ill probably do it sometime at home where Im secluded with my privacy.
11/6/14 Today I decided to look at the effects page and all of the sounds sounded like something was
dying which sounds amazing, so I added to my animation I was sad when I found out that you couldnt
add more than 4 sounds to one scene. My animation is going very well.
11/7/14 I finished up my animation with adding the lip sync with my voice and a hint of Jaylens.
11/10/14 I worked on my animation after Johan presented how to add background effects and since I
hadnt done that yet I decided to add that into my animation, the background effect I added was the
heavy snow which was in the scene of the protagonists traveling through the snow.
11/12/14 Today I lost my journal because when I was filling it out it was saved in my downloads folder
so I couldnt fill it out because I was on another computer so Im saving this new journal. So I started a
new one (this one). Mr. Ferguson presented on how to add text to the animation. I made a lot of
progress on animation and I also kicked the power switch on the socket extension thing and killed the
power to mine and Lukes computer.

11/13/14 Mr. Ferguson presented the concept of composition shots which I added and I also
presented how to do facial expressions to the class. I partnered up with Aidan to work together to edit
our animations together.
11/14/14 I used gimp to create a red car so I could add it into my animation it worked out very well
and I learned how to use Gimp a little better now Ryan also presented on how to do narration.
11/17/14 We started exploring Blender, the program that we downloaded, during the second week of
our technology unit. I also looked at a few tutorials but they ended up confusing me instead of helping
because I didnt really know where anything was.
11/18/14 As our introduction to entering the class we watched a video about basic shape animation,
which was the goal for today. It was to animate a basic shape which was pretty confusing at the
beginning but then Ryan came over and told me how to work it and after that I which got confused
again because thought I and t had the same function.
11/19/14 Today, Jaylen presented how to add colors to your basic shapes that we animated yesterday.
I also finished my idea of a soccer monkey party. Tomorrow I plan to recreate.
11/20/14 Today Mr. Ferguson asked us to create a prop in which I did, Jaylen also showed me how to
use vertex paint somewhat but it doesnt work when I try to use it. Ryan also showed me how to
combine two props together in order to make a fixed object
11/21/14 Mr. Ferguson had us submit our current animations for grading. I created two new
animations for the two dropboxes and put them in. I continued working on my main animations.
12/1/14 We were asked to look online for characters to consider to be used for blender. My decision
was a human and for the rest of class I just looked up Blender tutorials.
12/2/14 We watched a 20 minute video of how to work basic blender shortcuts and I started creating
a human.
12/3/14 Today in tech I really worked on my chicken giving it a face instead of a monkey face, although
its legs are still monkeys. But Im proud and happy with how my chicken turned out.
12/4/14 I worked on bone rigging today and I did it successfully although I was very confused at the
beginning of class and then Mr. Ferguson went over and helped me and I added it to my chicken
12/5/14 Luke presented how to do flight and for the rest of the day I just went around and helped the
people and Jaylen in the chairs next to me.
12/8/14 Absent
12/9/14 I created a little girl to animate because my chicken was to confusing to animate so I made a
little girl because I wanted to animate the little girl and to create the little the girl I took random objects

12/10/14 I created yet another character because the leg plank in the little girl broke when I started
moving her and with the new character Im having even more problems where I cant even bind the
bones to the body. So Im planning on how to figure it out tomorrow.
12/11/14 I started rendering my animation having after some problems with my character, but I fixed
those problems and now Im rendering with problems because I dont know where the file goes when it
renders and I dont know how to save it to a specific location.
12/12/14 I finalized my animation by adding music and credits to it.
12/15/14 I just helped Jacob on his animation. Not much was done today.

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