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Generation Three: Cassandra

Succubus, Part Five
This is the new Succubus house
situated on the expensive lot in
Riverview. I tried not to make it
much nicer than the old house,
though there are some upgrades
including the landscaping.
Lilith’s grave transferred over as
well as the paintings of the heirs.
Those were the only things I
really wanted to save. Although I
did have to bring the grave
inside for Lilith to start
I knew this fix was going to work

when I saw the paperboy deliver

the first paper. Everyone ran to
check him out.

No matter how athletic Penelope

gets, she still looks chubby. She

has sausage legs.
Life pretty much returned to
normal once everything was set
up in Riverview. Penelope
continued to exercise her fat legs
in formal-wear. Perseus
continued to make neon artwork.
This is the little hobby room I
made for them to skill up in.
There is a bookshelf next to the
little couch there.
Since none of the previous

update’s skill ups had happened

for real, Circe focused on
upgrading the appliances in
order to get her LTW by maxing
out Handiness.
She and Penelope both seem to
like to wear their formal outfits
for skilling up.
Here’s a shot of the maid. Yay

for maid service!

Cassandra was still pregnant.

Being so fertile herself, it was

only fitting for her to reestablish
the garden in the backyard. We
have to grow watermelon
I sent Elisabeth out to the

community garden to harvest

some fruit and vegetables to
help establish the garden.
Naturally she headed right
toward the apples.
Eve, she is not!

Victoria utilized the new

telescope to look into the

neighbors’ windows.
Unfortunately, or fortunately
depending how you look at it, the
house right next door was
I decided that I would do my

best to get Penelope to skill up

before moving her out with Circe.
I sent her to the gym where she
worked out next to Walter Grisby
and his giant nose.
Circe went to the gym, too. She
worked out behind Walter’s wife
whose name I can’t remember.
You can see her fat ass in the
image in the mirror. She also
has a giant schnoze.
One good thing about Riverview

that Victoria discovered is that

there are a lot of places to fish.
She hangs out by the river and
catches fertilizer for Cassandra.
Being such a loner, this provided
her a lot of happiness.
The Succubus clan really enjoys

their new house. They even eat

together on occasion.
And they play together, too,

though not always happily if

Victoria’s face is any indication.
On like the second night in the

new home, the Succubus family

was visited by this unfortunate
burglar. She didn’t make it very
far before the alarm kicked in.
Nancy Chow was the first officer

on the scene. She tackled the

hapless burglar and arrested her.
I guess there is no such thing as
police brutality in the Sims.
In the end the burglar was taken

down to the police station and

nothing was stolen except for a
peaceful night’s sleep. The
alarm is nice, but it is LOUD!
Circe finally mastered handiness

while upgrading the computer I

put in the room she shares with
Penelope. Thus she got her LTW
of being the Tinkerer, earning
two points.

Unfortunately even though

Penelope started wearing the

appropriate attire for working
out, she did not master athletics.
Since her LTW reverted to zero, I

decided to use Cassie’s

happiness points to change her
LTW from Heartbreaker to Golden
tongued, Golden Fingered. She
tried to earn some tips at the
park and meet some men in the
process, but only two ladies
showed up.
She went into labor at the park
and then brought home her new
son, Theseus. In this reality, he
has the same skin as she does.
I’m wondering if that is because
his genetic father is not in this
After Theseusis born, Cassie

spent a lot of time chatting with

people online. She was trying to
meet men so that she could
continue to fulfill Satan’s curse.
Unfortunately, wasn’t very
At the party Cassie threw for
Theseus’ first birthday and to
introduce the Succubus to their
neighbors, only younger men like
this one, Angel Lobos, showed
There were a few teens, like this
one, Bob Newbie, who caught
Elisabeth’s eye. He turned out to
be ‘good’ but this didn’t
detureElisabeth. An evil Sim
likes nothing more than
corrupting a good Sim. Bob
Newbie was about to be her first
boyfriend in Riverview!
While Elisabeth was setting her

sights on Bob, Cassandra met

Flat Broke, one of two elder
gentlemen who answered her ad
However, when she questioned

him, it turned out that he was

married to a woman named Flo.
Helen an Penelope met some of

the younger guys at the party.

Penelope used the time to
discuss proper teeth care with
Sherman Bagley, her boss’ son.
Eventually Hunter Cotteneye
joined the conversation with
Sherman and Penelope while the
Lobos Twins, Carlotta and Anita,
played with Susie Broke on the
Bob didn’t know what had hit

him. He knew she was bad, but

he couldn’t resist!
And then it was time to have

Theseus’ birthday.
Unfortunately, the cake caught
fire because Cassie was so tired.
The fire was quickly taken care

of by Circe and a fireman, but it

brought back Elisabeth’s desire
to see her mom’s fireycorpse.
Cassandra was oblivious not only

to Elisabeth’s evil plotting, but

also to the cute fireman who
stayed to cheer Theseus’
I have to say that it is too bad
that Theseusis not a girl. His
favorite color is hot pink and he’s
just adorable!
I didn’t kick Penelope and Circe

out until their birthday. I was

hoping that Penelope would
master athletics, but no matter
how hard she worked out, it just
didn’t happen. She got to level
At the party, the fireman, Ned

Lu, showed up as a guest. Circe

was immediately taken by him
and spent the whole time flirting
with him.
Helen was happy to meet

another elder, Melvin Taft, at the

party. He was a member of She loved his
horn-rimmed glasses and
He was a scientist. Isn’t that just

Victoria met this haughty young

man, Dallas Shallow, at the party.

He turned out to be evil, so she
quickly lost interest in him.
Bob, Elisabeth’s boyfriend, had

to go to his part-time job, so she

spent a lot of time dancing with
Trigger Broke.
Meanwhile Perseus met Sally
Hustev. She was family oriented
just like him. He found this out
and was instantly smitten. He
didn’t wait to discover that she
was also evil.
Cassie works fast. Just like that

she has her first Riverview

boyfriend. Melvin the scientist
makes boyfriend number 6.
Right after they age up, I have
Penelope and Circe move out.
I’m not sure why they reverted
back to their old hair…but no
matter. They moved out and into
the community of Riverview.
They have a nice two-bedroom
house downtown.
During the party Theseusspent

his time looking as cute as

possible. Isn’t he sweet?!
Well, Melvin, who spent the

night, doesn’t much care for

Theseus. When Theseusstarted
to scream since he was hungry,
Melvin was less than happy to
have been woken up. He hadn’t
had much sleep and had to be at
work bright and early.
There were a lot of parties in a

short space of time.

Perseusaged up right after
Penelope and Circe. At his party,
he decided to ask Sally to go
steady before he became an
adult. She said no.
Both Bob and Dallas showed up

to the party. Bob didn’t know

what to make of his girlfriend
talking about movies with Dallas.
And Elisabeth made sure that

Dallas saw her giving Bob and

amazing massage.
“What do you see in that loser,

Bob? He’s so ‘good’!”

Elisabeth just smirks at the two

boys she’s decided to play with.

Bob, who overheard Dallas, can’t

help but wondering why

Elisabeth was even listening to
him. If he was smart, he would
run…but he isn’t.
During the party Victoria hangs

out with a new boy, Dominick

I decided not to let Perseusmove

out until he mastered a skill or

got Sally to go steady with him.
After his birthday makeover he
spends his time painting.
Nice shorts.

Isn’t Theseus cute learning to

Perseus, who also likes pink,
looks in the paper to find a job in
the culinary career. I figure he
can either max out cooking or
I can’t let this shot of the maid

working not get published. I’m

not sure if it’s obvious, but
Cassandra has rubber sheets on
her new bed.
Since I’m not sure who will be

the spare in the house, I want all

of the Succubus kids to learn
painting so that I can get a
decent portrait of Elisabeth.
Elisabeth is the perfect heir. She

dreams of breaking hearts in her

sleep. It’s just a matter of time
before poor Bob is heartbroken!
Whoops! Looks like Cassandra

and Melvin weren’t too careful.

Cassandra hopes for a girl this
time…another red-skinned girl as
cute as Theseus.
Elisabeth has no compunction
about steeling candy from her
little brother. She is truly evil.
She also has no problem

beginning stage one of her plan

to ruin both Bob Newbie and
Dallas Shallow. She invites
Dallas over. They bond over
being evil. Dallas, however, isn’t
quite as evil as Elisabeth.
Cassandra doesn’t like how

Elisabeth is behaving with Dallas.

She’s always been a one-man
woman. Maybe that’s why she
hopes for another daughter. She
hopes that Elisabeth won’t be
It probably doesn’t help

Elisabeth’s cause with her

mother when she decides to take
a part-time job at the cemetery
because Dallas works there.
Victoria was pleasantly surprised

to find out that Dominick works

at the spa where she had just
taken a job. Maybe it was a sign
that they were meant to be.
She was so excited when he

accepted her invitation to go out

to eat after her first shift at the
spa. It was like a real date!
While all of her kids (except

Theseus) were out working,

Cassandra challenged Marisol
Lobos to a ranked chess match.
The two women bonded over
being pregnant.
That same day it was Theseus’

birthday. Marisol was invited to

stay and enjoy cake. Victoria
came home just in time, too.
Unfortunately, Marisol didn’t

even get to finish her cake

before she went into labor.
Victoria freaked out, but
Cassandra didn’t panic.
Cassandra took Marisol to the

hospital and then stayed with her

husband, Angel Lobos, while
their third daughter was born.
While Cassandra was with the

Lobos family, little Theseusspent

time on the computer writing.
He is as much of a loner as
Victoria. But he’s still just too
After she got home, Cassandra
sat down to watch TV with
Perseus when she went into
labor herself.
Perseustook her to the hospital
where they were met by Melvin.
Melvin, though, wasn’t too happy
to be a dad. As soon as they got
back to Cassandra’s house, he
immediately left. He didn’t even
go inside.
The jerk!

Little Margaret (named after

Margaret Thatcher, once Prime

Minister of Great Brittan) was not
red-skinned much to my
disappointment. She has just a
hint of reddishness, though.
Unfortunately, Elisabeth is still
the heir by default. Margaret is
friendly and excitable.
Margaret’s birth didn’t affect

Elisabeth. She was poking the

fire to get warm…not because
she wants to see her mother’s
firey ghost.
Cassandra decided to throw

another party for Margaret’s

She invited Melvin, but all they
did was argue. Cassandra
accused him of being an
inappropriate jerk for leaving her
before making sure that she and
Margaret were tucked in safely.
The love triangle between

Elisabeth, Bob and Dallas heated

up at the party.
Elisabeth and Dallas talked

about evil plots right in front of

And Bob expressed his

disappointment with Elisabeth’s

He didn’t expect Elisabeth to

break up with him right then and

their. She was secretly delighted
that her plan had worked.
Meanwhile, things with Melvin

also deteriorated. Finally, Cassie

told him they were through.
Both Dallas and Sally witnessed
the breakup and were thrilled by
it. Susie Broke, a much less evil
Sim, was sad for the poor old
Oblivious to all of the break ups
and other drama in the house,
Victoria and her friend Dominick
took their relationship to a new
level. She felt like they were the
only two people present.
The next morning, I aged up

Margaret. I didn’t want to wait

the full three days.
Boy, she is an unfortunate
looking little thing. Theseus was
so adorable and she is so…not.
A few days later it was

Elisabeth’s birthday. Before she

could become an adult, she had
one little thing to accomplish.
Dallas Shallow had to be her
For an evil Sim, he was

remarkably naïve. He fell for

Elisabeth’s charms easily.
He was the first person to cheer

at her transition.
It was an epic party, even

though Elisabeth wasn’t happy

with her new look. She and Sally
ate cake together and discussed
what she was going to do with
herself as an adult. Elisabeth
told her that she had plans to
take over the world.
She’d be Riverview’s first Evil

Cassandra used Elisabeth’s party
as an excuse to find a new man,
too. She had met Norman Joy
through and
invited him to the party. He was
a technophobe, but Cassandra
didn’t mind. She proposed they
go steady as soon as possible.
After everyone left the party,
Elisabeth took some time to
change her look into something
more suitable for a future world
leader. Riverview citizens would
never know what hit them when
this lime-clad dynamo showed up
at the courthouse the next day.
Politics would never be the

Points earned this update
 Circe maxes out
 Circe achieves the
LTW to become
the Tinkerer.

C irce h a s re a so n to b e excite d a fte r h e r

b irth d a y.
Cassandra’s men—2 more
to go
1. Dan Goth
2. Wesley Landgraab
3. Tory Andrews
4. Frank Waller
5. Sydney Hatch
6. Tucker Green
7. Melvin Taft N o rm a n a n d C a ssie ta lk a t C irce a n d
Pe n e lo p e ’ s p a rty
8. Norman Joy

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