Emergency Capacity Building Evaluation Consultant Job Description

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Deployment Type:
Evaluation of Emergency Capacity Building Project - Philippines
Start date:
January 1, 2015
Emergency Capacity Building Evaluation Expert

The IRC has been working in the Philippines since shortly after Typhoon Haiyan struck the central region of the country on November 8, 2013, implementing programs
in shelter, livelihoods, WASH, child and womens protection. The IRC has implemented its project activities with Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) and
the Ramon Aboitiz Foundation, Inc. (RAFI). Both are well-established local private organizations with good reputations, and experience working in the areas targeted
by the IRC. PBSP and RAFI are recognized for their development work in health, the environment, education, livelihoods, and capacity building for local organizations.
In early 2014, both organizations requested that the IRC share expertise and experience through training to help them build their capacity in emergency response. The
purpose of this training was to allow them to build their response capacity and thus be better prepared to work within emergency contexts and respond more efficiently
to future emergencies. It was hoped that this increased capacity would have a long-term and wide-ranging effect on people living in these areas who are affected by
future emergencies.
With the final training workshop scheduled for December, 2014, both the partners and the IRC are anxious to determine whether the trainings and activities as
conducted in 2014 have been beneficial to the partners in achieving the goals as outlined above. With the IRCs increased prioritization of partnerships in emergencies
in the organizational strategic plan for 2015-2020, the Emergency Response and Preparedness Unit (EPRU) and Program Quality Unit (PQU) are also anxious to
capture lessons learned from the IRCs perspective in terms of how to more effectively work with partners in emergency contexts, specifically related to capacity
enhancement opportunities.

Objective and Outputs

The goal of the Philippines Capacity Building Project Evaluation is to derive lessons learned from the experience of the project over the past 10 months. These lessons
would be applied both to potential future partnership activities with RAFI and PBSP, as well as to the development of new emergency partnership capacity activities
within the IRC/EPRU. The IRC Sr. Partnership Advisor will work in collaboration with the consultant to provide specific IRC context to the evaluation process,
including in the planning and conducting of the evaluation. The recorder will serve to provide logistical and administrative support to the team, including note-taking
during interviews
Duration of Project:

Up to 14 consulting days, including 5 on-the-ground in the Philippines in January, 2015


An evaluation report covering the IRCs emergency capacity building initiatives with RAFI and PBSP in 2014, completed
by February 15, 2015, synthesizing lessons learned by all partners, including the IRC, throughout the project. The key issues
to be covered in the evaluation report include (but are not limited to):

Activities include:


To what extent did IRC respond to partners needs and priorities in the design and delivery of this program?
What has changed in real terms for the partners because of/due to the training?
What has changed for the IRC/EPRU based on the work with these partners and development of these
Do the partners feel better prepared to respond to an emergency, and if so, in what ways?
What are the key differences in the partners emergency response capacity from before this relationship to after?
What specific things did work, and what specific things did not work?
What could each partner or the ICR have done differently throughout the process?
Are there any training/emergency capacity building gaps that were not covered?
How have the emergency capacity building initiatives affected the way our partners look at / perceive the joint
work (projects) they have done in the last year with the IRC?
Have the emergency capacity building initiatives impacted the way partners see / perceive their partnership with
the IRC?

Working with Sr. Partnership Advisor to determine goals of the evaluation.

Review quantitative and qualitative data collected by the EPRU during the course of the training this year
Determine methods of evaluation, to include some of the following:

Collaborative Outcomes Reporting

Outcome mapping/harvesting
MSC (most-significant change)
Focus groups
Interviews with RAFI and PBSP leadership, and New Country Programs and EPRU leadership as
Other techniques at the discretion of the consultant based on their expertise.


Travel to the Philippines with other members of the Philippines to lead the on-the-ground evaluation activities in
late January, 2015.


Synthesize all evaluation data collected into a final report for the IRC and RAFI and PBSP, including lessons
learned and suggestions to be used moving forward in the emergency capacity building project.

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