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A hot day in summer is sultry and scorching. It is full of sweat and perspiration.
One wishes a cold bath again and again. But even then there is no rest or respite.
The atmosphere is sick and stuffy. The sun is bright and burning. It is as hot as the
fire itself. It is a burning ball of fire. The earth is dry and parched. The hot winds
blow the day and night.

It was the month of June. It was the hottest day of the season. From early
morning the wind was silent and motionless. The trees and plants were unmoving
and stationary. The leaves were not moving at all. The birds and beasts were all
gasping for breath. The blistering heat was continuing. The sun was getting hotter
and hotter every moment. The summer day was becoming intolerable. Even the
walls and floors were burning. Nothing could be touched. Everything was
excessively hot.

It was noon. The sun was right over the head. It was showering fire. One felt
thirsty. One drank water again and again, but still one was awfully dissatisfied. Ice
and cold water were in much demand. But they could not provide any comfort to
these irritating bodies. The bazars were not humming with any activity at all. They
were wearing a cloak of sickness and suffocation. Fans and coolers were of little
help, they were giving hot air. This air proved stifling. A few minutes walk on the
road was highly uncomfortable.

By the evening there was a little respite from the heat. The temperature of the
day came down a little. People began to move in the bazars and on the roads.
They wanted to finish their daily chores. But to their bad luck, the light is tripped.
Suffocation increased again. Everyone was helpless. Thus passed the hottest day.

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