Egypt 7 6-7 7

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The Papyrus Plant & the Decline of Egypt


Ms. Cook

The Papyrus Plant

1. Thousands of years ago, the ___________________________
______________________________________________________ area of Lower Egypt.
2. The papyrus plant grew from _________________ to ________________________
__________ in the hot and humid climate of the area.
3. _________________________________ found
___________________________________________________ to use the papyrus plant.
4. The Egyptians found ways to make _____________________________________
_________________ from the plant as well as ___________________________________.
5. Because ________________________________________________ in Egypt the
_____________________________ was all the more valuable for it could be used as
6. The most ________________________ ________________________ for the
________________________ plant that the Egyptians found was that of
7. They used the ______________________________________________________________.
8. Our word ______________________ comes from the word ______________________.
9. The Egyptians glued sheets of the papyrus from end to end.
10. This eventually made a __________________________________________________

11. The early ancient Egyptians wrote using a system of pictures called
12. These pictures actually stood for the ________________________
13. Later they developed an Egyptian alphabet of ___________ letters (the letters were really
_____________________________ also)
14. Each picture stood for a consonant sound and the reader had to guess what the vowel
sound was.
15. In ___________, while the ________________________________________________, a
French officer discovered a strange, black stone _________________________________
16. On the stone was a message written in _________________________________________,
one of which was _______________________.
17. Named _______________________________________________________, the Rosetta
Stone became _____________________________________________________________
18. The early Egyptians ____________________________ and the _____________ was used
to make ________________________________________________________________.
19. Soon those from many different countries _______________________________________
20. Enemies began using these strong iron _________________________.

21. Although the Egyptians were able to mine their own rich deposits of gold,
22. ____________________________________ would not help them to fight against their
enemies who now had _________________________________________________.
23. The ____________________________________________ also began to
______________________ with one another ____________________________________
24. By _______________ B.C., Egypt was _________________________________________
25. ________________________________________________________________________

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