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The Jesus Days

Jesus Is
Jesus has
arrived, all his
stories are here!

December 14, 2014

Jesus Stories

Jesus Gets Tempted!

Jesus came in and talked to us today,
and he told us that a certain evil
person came to him just a few days
ago, while he was still fasting in the
wilderness after 40 days and nights.
The evils persons name, you ask?
Satan, Jesus told us. He had gotten
hungry; of course anyone
would after 40 days of not eating. Satan came to him and asked, If you
are the Son of God, you should be able to turn those rocks into bread.
But Jesus replied, Man doesnt live only on bread but on every word that
God says.
But Satan didnt stop there. He took him to the top of a temple in the
holy city, and Satan said, If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down
and let the angels catch you, and then everyone will see that you truly
are the Son of God. But Jesus didnt flinch and answered, Do not put
the Lord your God to the Test. But Satan didnt give up.
He took him to the highest mountain in the entire world and below it
showed all the kingdoms down below. He swept out his arms to the land
and he said, I will give all this to you, he said, If you will bow down to
me. Jesus resisted and shouted, Away from me Satan! Because it is
written that we only worship and serve the one and only God. And with
that, the devil went away, Jesus told us. Just like that. Then after that
angels came to him and helped him.
Jesus now tells us that it mustve been a test, a test to resist mankinds 3
deadly temptations. And it seems that Jesus has passed the test. For

Jesus and John

Repent. But the Pharisees refused and

replied, We have Abraham.

We have just found out that John is at

But John answered, God can raise

children of Abraham from these stones.
Any tree that doesnt produce good fruit
will be cut down and thrown into the

the Jordan River, baptizing people. He

came with a message; the prophecy of
A voice from the wilderness,
Prepare the Way of the Lord,
Make straight paths for him.

In case you dont know what he looks like,

he wears camel hair, has a leather belt,
and has wild hair.
Our sources have told us that Pharisees
were watching in disgust. John saw them
and called them a Brood of Vipers, and

I will baptize you if you repent. But he

whos coming, he is much more powerful
than me, and Im not worthy to wear his
sandals. Instead of water, he will
baptize you with the Holy Spirit and Fire.
He will gather all the good wheat and
burn the rest.

Jesus Gets Baptized

It seems the prophecy of Isaiah is coming together.
Jesus has been baptized. Sources have told us he
had come to the Jordan River where John was, and
John trembled in his presence. At first John said he
didnt deserve to baptize Jesus, rather Jesus baptize
him. But Jesus replied, Let us do it now, so we may
fulfill all righteousness.

The Talk with a Samaritan


We were walking through Samaria and we

came across a woman and she asked us to
sit down and listen to her story. We later
asked Jesus for more details.
Jesus and his disciples left Judea and went
to Galilee because everyone thought that
John and he were competing, but really it
was Jesuss disciples who baptized. They
stopped by Samaria, and the disciples went
to the town to buy food. Jesus went to
Jacobs well when it was around noon.
A Samaritan woman came along and Jesus
asked if he could have a drink of water, but
the woman refused, since Jews and
Samaritans werent supposed to talk to
each other. Jesus replied that if she knew
who he was, she wouldve asked for the
living water and he wouldve given it to her.
She replied, But the well is deep. Where is
Gave us all this? She asked, gesturing to
the livestock and fields. Jesus answered,
Anyone who drinks from this well will grow
thirsty again. But the water I give them will
give you eternal life. The Samaritan
woman asked about where she could get
this water so she wouldnt have to get water
again. Jesus said to get her husband and
come back. But the woman immediately
that she had no husband. Jesus answered,
she had not one, but five husbands and the
man you live with right now isnt even your
husband. She answered that she could now
see that he was a prophet and that her
people used to worship on the mountain
they were on, but the Jews took it back.
Replied, There will be a time where it
doesnt matter where you worship, and
there will be a time where true worshipers
will worship the Spirit and the truth.
The Samaritan woman said she knew the
Messiah would be coming soon.
Jesus answered, I the one speaking to you-

Jesus Gets Baptized

So John did.

And as soon as Jesus came out

of the water, the sky ripped open and a
great light came down. A dove came down
above Jesus, and then the voice of God
spoke, This is the Son whom I love; and
with whom I am pleased with.
John began crying, some people said, but
Jesus got out of the water and headed

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