Tws 8

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Teacher Work Sample 8

Chandler Hepler
Showcase Lesson

Whole Class
When I started my lesson on lattice multiplication it did not go very well. None of my students
understood what was going on, and all of my students were complaining that it was too hard for them.
When I demonstrated how to do the problem the first time I used the problem 34x21. I thought by
doing this problem as a demonstration I could easily divide my students into my low, average, and high
groups. I thought that the students that clearly understood it would move up to the high group. The
students that understood it a little but still had a few questions would be my average group. And the
students that were still lost would be my low group. This was definitely not the case, because all of
them were lost. When I demonstrated the problem more thoroughly I used different colors to divide the
problem so the students could see how they were supposed to add the numbers. After I did that the
students still did not understand how to do the lattice multiplication; so I used a smaller problem.
I demonstrated again using the problem 23x4. This time some of the students got it. So, once I
figured out which students understood how to do the problem I called them to the carpet in the front of
the room and gave them some harder problems to do. I let them work independently while I worked
with the rest of the class. As some of the other students figured out how to do the problem I had them
move to the carpet and try some of the harder problems. My students that were on the carpet working
independently were right in front of me at the board so if they had any questions I could easily answer
them while teaching the other students. For the students that I had to help further I mainly walked
around the room and helped them one-on-one. By talking to each student individually I was able to see
what part of the problem they were struggling with the most. If a lot of the students were having the
same problem then I would get all of their attention and address the problem as a group.
By the end of the lesson I still had some students that did not understand how to do the lattice
multiplication, but we needed to move on to our science so we called it a day. By the end of the lesson
about three-fourths of the class understood how to do lattice multiplication. If I had another
opportunity to work with the students on this strategy, then I would pull them into a small group while
the other students worked on whatever they were doing in class. I would break down the lattice
multiplication more and show them why this strategy works. A lot of the students that understood how
to solve the lattice multiplication did not understand how the strategy worked. I think that if they knew
why the strategy worked, then they would understand how to solve the problems.
I think that if I ever had to teach the lesson again I would start out with the easier problem. With
this being the first time they had ever seen lattice multiplication it was a little overwhelming to start off
with that hard of a problem. By starting off small they would get a better grasp on how to solve the
problems, and how the strategy works. I would also teach lattice multiplication as their first strategy for
solving multiplication problems. Then, for the students that did not understand how to do the lattice
multiplication I would bring in the other strategies, such as; the area model, the equal groups model,
and the array model. I think this is the most effective approach, because lattice multiplication will
benefit the students more when they have to solve multiply digit multiplication problems.

Teacher Work Sample 8

Chandler Hepler

3 Individual Students
The student that was most successful was actually a student that usually preforms below
average in class. This student is one of my Hispanic students, and a lot of times he does not understand
a lot of the math concepts that we work with. However, this student tries very hard in class and always
strives to do his best. I think that this student struggles with multiplication so much so he was trying to
find any kind of strategy he could to help him solve multiplication problems. I think that this student had
an open mind so it was easier for him figure out how to solve problems using the lattice multiplication.
This student was also using different colored pencils to help his differentiate between the columns so he
could add them correctly. When this student did his pre-assessment he used repeated addition to solve
all of his problems and missed one problem, but when this student did their post-assessment he used
lattice multiplication and got all three problems right. Lattice multiplication is a strategy that he could
clearly understand, and worked well for him to solve larger multiplication problems.
The student that was least successful using the lattice multiplication was a student that already
performs poorly in class. This student is a lazy and does not try to learn the material. This student also
sits in the back of the classroom and is constantly playing on his tablet. I think that this student needs to
have his tablet taken from him so it cannot be a distraction. I also think that this student should sit in the
front of the classroom so the student can focus more. If those two things did not work, and the student
was still under performing I would pull the student into a small group and work one-on-one with him. I
know this student can do the work, but he just chooses not to. This student knows how to solve
multiplication problems without using different strategies, so I think that he feels like he does not have
to try to learn the different strategies.
My average student is normally a student that excels in every subject. She is a GATAS student,
and school just comes naturally for her. However, when she was trying to solve the lattice multiplication
problems she could not figure it out. She is also a student that knows how to solve multiplication
problems without having to use different strategies. I think that she was struggling with using the lattice
multiplication because she already knew any easier way, for her, to solve the problem. It was very hard
for her to adjust her thinking to solve multiplication problems in a new way when she already had a way
in her mind that worked for her. Eventually she understood how the lattice multiplication worked and
came up with her own problems to solve to practice it even more.
When my student did their pre-assessment they solved the problems using repeated addition.
However, I wanted the students to use multiplication when they took the post-assessment, so I thought
lattice multiplication would be a good strategy that they could use. Once I started the lesson I realized
that it may have been too confusing for them. Then, one of the students pointed out that they were
mainly confused about how to add the columns I regrouped and broke down the problem and how they
were supposed to add the columns. I color coated the columns so the students could clearly see how to
add the columns, and that they get added in a diagonal. Once I did this the class better understood how
to solve the problem. However, some of them were still struggling so I helped them ever further.

Teacher Work Sample 8

Chandler Hepler
Lesson Reflections

October 9, 2014
I taught a math lesson on arrays and fact families, and I think that it went very smoothly for my
first lesson. My students were all very attentive while I went over the material that they needed to
know. If I could do the lesson over I would make better use of instructional tools; such as, manipulatives
(ones cubes) and graph paper. I did not use them at all for the lesson but I think some of the students
would have understood the information if they had those things to work with. The graph paper would
have made it easier for the students to draw the arrays, because they could clearly tell how many
columns and rows they were making. Even though the students did not have the tools they were still
actively engaged in their learning. They were constantly working in their math workbooks/notebooks
and answering any questions that I asked them. They were not talking to their neighbors or walking
around the classroom. I was very impressed by their behavior and level of engagement. For the student
that struggled I had to aid them more than the other students. However, I did try to be as fair as possible
and answer anyones questions in a timely manner. I also tried to walk around and look at every
students work and give them feedback.
October 23, 2014
I taught a lesson on circuits and electricity and the students had to construct their own circuits
using batteries, wires, a light bulb, and a switch. I assigned the students into groups of three to conduct
the experiment. The groups that I put together worked very well and I will definitely use these same
groups in my future lessons. As the students worked I walked around to make sure that they were
actively engaged and answering any questions that the students had. All of the students were interested
in making the circuits. You could tell because they were focused on trying to come up with a solution to
the experiment rather than playing with other classroom materials or wondering around the classroom.
The discussion amongst the students was always about the circuits or electricity in general. I was
intrigued by their interest in this subject matter. Once the students were finished with making their
circuits and it was time to start discussing their circuits and how they constructed them the students
began to get a little rowdy. I had to use the if you can hear me clap one time method twice before
they finally settled down enough to finish our discussion. The students were clearly excited and
enthusiastic to discuss their findings about electricity. In future lessons I would probably conduct a
better discussion, and talk more about where the students think that they can find circuits. This will
build on the students prior knowledge, as well as prepare them for future lessons on circuits and
November 5, 2014
This was by far the best lesson that I taught throughout the semester. The students had plenty
of time to read their workbooks, do the activity, and have a discussion. I could not have timed this
lesson any better than I did. Before my lesson the students had to read a section of their science
workbooks that was about conductors and insulators. I used that to my advantage, and related what
they had read to my lesson. This helped the students make fill in their charts at the beginning of my

Teacher Work Sample 8

Chandler Hepler

lesson, because they already had some background information on what conductors and insulators
were. This was the first lesson that I felt like I introduced the material clearly, and having the students
read that section in their workbooks had a lot to do with that. For the engage portion of my lesson the
students had to test different materials in a circuit to see if they were conductors or insulators. Before
they started testing the materials I demonstrated how to set up the circuit so all they had to do was
remove the one object being tested and replace it with the next. This helped eliminate a lot of questions
about how to make the circuit from the students. The materials selected to test with the circuits were
chosen so the students could clearly tell which types of materials are considered conductors and which
materials are considered insulators. I think that the materials that I chose were very effective in
showing students how insulators and conductors work in a circuit. I think that the students really
enjoyed the lesson and we had a great discussion afterwards. Next time I teach this lesson I will let the
students test more materials around the classroom. However, they would only be allowed to test
materials that they think would be conductors. This will show me that they know what conductors are
typically made of, metal.
November 14, 2014
I taught a lesson introducing the solar system to my fourth graders, and I was given an activity
that I could do with them. Personally, I would never use this activity again while teaching. The lesson
that I designed had the students doing the lesson outside on the blacktop. However, it was raining that
day so we had to go to the hallway to do the lesson. The students were scattered throughout various
hallways and it was very hard to work with all three groups at the same time. Ms. Lawrence had to help
me a lot with managing the different groups as they were working. Since the lesson had to be done
inside my materials that I selected for this lesson were not as effective as they could have been. If the
students could have spread out more and were able to utilize their measuring sticks and space more,
then the lesson would have been more effective. Even though the students did not fully understand
what they were being asked to do they still tried their best and were always actively engaged in the
lesson. They worked very hard to figure out how they could measure the distances that they needed to
measure and place their planets were they needed to go. After the lesson the students and I had a great
discussion about our solar system, and about some of the different qualities of each planet. While we
were talking about the planet Earth we related it to our lives. We talked about why we are able to live
on Earth as opposed to other planets. I think in the future, if I teach a lesson similar to this, I would make
this topic even more relatable to our lives because it is very important in how we get to live our lives.
Professional Development
In my 429 clinical I really want to form more of a teacher/student relationship with the students
in my classroom. This semester I feel like some of my students saw me as more of a friend and less of
teacher. I want them to see me as an authority figure like they do their teacher. To accomplish this I am
going to have to go in on the first day and establish this. I cannot start my first day trying to befriend
them. I need to show them from the beginning that I am there to be their teacher, and that they need to
have the same respect for me that they have for any other teacher. Also, I will have to be more of a
disciplinary figure, so I will have to say something to the students if they are doing something they know

Teacher Work Sample 8

Chandler Hepler

that they are not supposed to do. Normally I would just let it slide, but I cannot do that if I want to
establish that teacher/student relationship. Another thing that I want to work on is my classroom
management. I feel like my classroom management has progressed a little bit just by being in the
classroom and observing my cooperating teacher, but I know I want it to progress even more. I think
that when my classroom management increases my confidence in my teaching skills will increase too. I
know that next semester it will be emphasized more in my education classes, so hopefully that will help
me better my own classroom management. Also, I will have to assert myself more. And like I said
previously I will have to make myself seen as a disciplinary figure so my students will respect me enough
to listen and pay attention to me while I am teaching.

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