Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

Conny Gutierrez
Date: Diciembre 10 del 2014
Content: Esperanza Renace

Grade: 9th -12th Espaol V (AP-Intermediate High)

II. Rationale:
Content: I chose to teach the book Esperanza Renace (Rising) by Pam Muoz Ryan
because it contains historic events such as the great depression and mexican revolution , students
will be able to relate to the story in someway and it contains themes that will be great for
discussion such as; perseverance, justice and judgement, society and class, poverty, visions of
america, dreams, hopes and plans and prejudice. The book provides symbolism, imagery and
allegory through specific examples. I will use this book to analyze the themes and history with
students, along with the genre, tone and writing styles. Students will gain new vocabulary that
they will be able to use during discussions and in their lifes. Apart from practicing grammar and
pronunciation through class activities I will want to have a debate on the working conditions of
los trabajos, which students will be able to provide research in working wages and conditions
in todays society and in comparison to those discussed in the book of Esperanza Rising.
Grade level: The grade level I feel is appropriate for this content would be Spanish 5, AP or
Intermediate High because we are analyzing texts and the language that is needed for discussions
needs to be advanced.
Unit Length: Given that this is a lengthy book and we will take our time in analyzing it by
leaning new vocabulary, historic events and making sure that students grasp the themes with
activities and projects this unit will take about four weeks.
Online/flipped class room: The purpose for this unit is to have students complete all course
work, reading and guiding questions at home with videos and articles that will enhance their
background knowledge when we discuss the topics of the book in class. The purpose of
discussions in class is to eliminate any misunderstanding and monitor their understanding of the
selected themes.


Standard 1.1 Communication Interpersonal/Conversational. The student engages in

conversations, provides and obtains information, expresses feelings and emotions, and exchanges
Standard 1.2 Communication Interpretive. The student understands and interprets written and
spoken/signed language on a variety of topics.
Standard 1.3 Communication Presentational. The student conveys information, concepts, and
ideas to an audience of listeners, viewers, and readers for a variety of purposes.
Standard 2.1 Cultures Practices and perspectives. The student demonstrates an understanding
of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the target language cultures.
Standard 2.2 Cultures Products and perspectives. The student demonstrates an understanding of
the relationship between the products and perspectives of the target language cultures.
Standard 3.1 Connections Content. The student makes connections to other disciplines through
knowledge of a world language.
Standard 3.2 Connections Authentic sources. The student uses authentic sources of the target
language to gain knowledge.
Standard 4.1 Comparisons Language. The student understands the nature of language by
making comparisons between the target language and English.
Standard 4.2 Comparisons Cultures. The student understands the concept of cultures through
comparing the target cultures and American culture.
Standard 5.1 Communities Application. The student applies language skills and cultural
knowledge both within and beyond the school setting.
Standard 5.2 Communities Exploration. The student becomes a lifelong learner for personal
enjoyment and
Bellow I will briefly cover a few lessons in which I have incorporated
activities, strategies and assessments. Given that this is a long Unit I will not
cover all of the lessons but provide an overall idea of the unit.
Lesson 1
Build Background knowledge: Setting of Esperanza Renace, discussing historical and
geographical events.

Use an anticipation guide based on Mexican proverbs found in the book. Students will be
asked at the end of the unit if their opinion changes.
Pre-Reading Activity:
The rich person is richer when he
becomes poor, than the poor
person when he becomes rich.
There is no rose without thorns.

He who falls today, may rise
tomorrow. The person who does
not look ahead stays behind.

(Front loading) Distribute books and ask students to make

predictions from the title and cover of the book.
Think-Pair-Share : What do you notice? What do you
I use this image/Visual for the purpose of having the students
get the feel for the setting of the book.

We will then read as a class:

Chapter 1: Aguascalientes, Mexico, 1924
Students will then be asked to turn and discuss with the partner what they just read and
what the chapter was about.

Text-dependent Questions:
What is a vineyard?
What are gentle slopes?
What might Papa mean when he says, Our land is alive?

We will discuss the significance of Aguascalientes and the geographical place.

Homework: Students will need read chapter 2

Lesson 2 : Getting to know Esperanza

-Students will be able to...
engage in discussion with peers
explain what the text says using quotes from text
make inferences using quotes
Captulo 2 : Las Uvas/ Grapes
We will discuss the setting of the book more in depth and begin filling our chart with
New vocabulary will be introduced

Text-Dependent Questions will be used to guide the reading

Homework: Purpose for reading Chapter 3: Students will answer these questions as they read the
chapter and bring it to class for discussion.

What challenges do the main characters in this chapter face?

As you read, think about this question. Use your evidence flags to mark
specific passages in the text to discuss with your triad. Use your evidence
flags to mark specific passages in the text to discuss with your triad. You do
not need to write out answers as part of your homework; just keep track of
your thinking with your evidence flags.
Lesson 3 :
-Students will be able to...
answer comprehension questions
identify situations where characters human rights are challenged
make inferences from the text about Esperanza, Mama and Abuelita
Captulo 3 : Las Papayas
Comprehension Quiz

Briefly review previous chapters

-Open-ended questions:
We will start an Anchor chart by using text clues

We will start a brief discussion of Human Rights

(Scaffolding) Asking students if they can examples for the following:

challenge to the right to life, liberty, and personal security (the murder of Esperanzas
father, p. 24)
The discriminatory treatment of Indians compared to people of Spanish descent (pp. 12,
The denial of property rights to women (p. 30).

Reach Chapter four and complete Purpose for reading questions

Lesson 4:
Students will be able to...
make inferences from the text about the characters
use context clue to help determine the meaning of the tittle
explain their thinking of the characters during discussion
Captulo 4: Los Higos/Figs

Entrance Ticket: Comprehension Quiz Chp 4.

(The purpose of these daily quizzes are to maintain a routine of daily practice as we move
through the book, in which is designed to asses wether the students read and understand the
text assigned for homework)
Oral Chapter Review to elicit a summary of the chapter

Jigsaw Task

Exit ticket: Independent Writing

Students will be asked to respond to the following prompt:

Compare and Contrast: How is Esperanzas response
to challenges like the response of the other character? How is her
response different?
Use specific details from the text to support your
Homework: Read Chapter 5 and use Purpose for Reading questions

Lesson 5 :
-Students will be able to...
answer comprehension questions based on text
summarize main ideas from text about California in 1930s
Captulo 5: Las guayabas
Entrance Ticket: Comprehension Quiz Chap. 5

Have students continue to add to the Human Rights Challenges in the book (Anchor

Discuss Chapter 5 as a class and go over the homework questions

Getting the Gist Note Catcher: Determine Importance- Summarize and

Activity: Building Background knowledge

I will draw on the board a char with three topics; California, Immigrating from Mexico and
the Great Depression of the 1930s in which students will be asked to individually write
under each topic what they know about it.
As a class after all students have shared their ideas, we will discuss the topics.
Homework: Read chapter six and complete Purpose for Reading

Lesson 6:
-Students will be able to...
answer questions about the main characters
identify metaphors
Captulo 6: Los Melones

Lesson 7:
Captulo 7 : Las Cebollas/ Onions
Character T Chart
Lesson 8:
Captulo 8: Las Almendras/Almonds
Lesson 9:
Captulo 9: Las Ciruelas/ Plums
Mid-Unit Assessment
Lesson 10:
Captulo 10: Las Papas/Potatoes
Lesson 11:
Captulo 11: Los Aguacates/ Avocados
Captulo 13:

12: Los Espragos/ Asparagus
Los Duraznos/ Peaches

Lesson 14:
will be able to...
answer comprehension
contrast how two characters
respond to challenges using
the Two-voice poem format
able to use evidence to
support inferences about two
different characters
collaborate with peers in creating the final assessment
provide feedback to peers
self-reflect on peers feedback to improve the writing
Captulo 14: Las Uvas/Grapes
Have students refer back to notes, anchor charts and all resources to
compare characters.
Introduce Final Assessment: Two-Voice Poem format
Begin Two-Voice Poem

Lesson 15: RE-visitamos metaforas y temas importantes


will be able to...
interpret five big metaphors
explain themes

Reviewing the Anchor Chart: Big Metaphors and Themes in Esperanza Rising
The River
The Heartbeat
The Blanket
The Rose
The Grapes/Harvest
Continue to work on Two-Voice Poem

Lesson 16:
Begin presentations of Two-voice poems

RE-visit Pre-reading activity from lesson one and have students compare wether their

opinions have changed.

II. Images/Visuals
Preview and Predict
I use the book as a visual in which serves as a prompt where students make predictions

of what the book will be about, analyzing the title, what Esperanza means, the rose, the
colors, what the setting of the book is.

This image is an important symbol in the book that I will present during mid unit to draw
inferences of what the meaning behind it is.

These are some guiding questions for the discussion of its symbolism within the text:
(Hardship/Thorns and Triumph/Pedals)

Preguntas para la discusin de Esperanza Rising

Preguntas de dificultades:
1. Alguien herido sentimientos de Esperanza?
2. Era Esperanza loca a alguien o de algo?
3. Qu senta Esperanza?
4. Qu no Esperanza comprender lo que estaba pasando.

Preguntas de triunfo:
1. Alguien decir o hacer algo que sentir feliz Esperanza?
2. Esperanza aprende valiosas lecciones?
3. Esperanza alguien hace sentir bien por algo que hizo o dijo?
4. Esperanza encuontra alegra en su vida?

Reading Materials
Esperanza Renace by Pam Muoz Ryan
RL: 86.1
Provides full summary of the text for students to use as a resource. Students will still be
responsible for using the target language in class discussions.
RL. 61.5
Provides information over Cesar Chavez who is one of the most important Latino leaders of the
U.S. Students will be asked to review this text in english in order to have more background
information with the topic of farm works and the movement in the book.
RL: 69.8

This webpage will serve as a guide for the students throughout their reading of the text. It is in
Spanish so this will be very helpful for them before class discussions.
This is an audio of the introductory to the book in spanish. It will serve as a listening practice
during class.
This is an audiobook for the spanish edition of the book which will be a great resource for those
students that prefer that method for their learning.
This webpage is meant as a resource for the students to use as a guide through reading of the
book. It separates each chapter with guiding questions and important themes if they desire more
practice over the content.
I will play this movie trailer of Cesar Chavez (2014) at some point in class with the purpose of
making connections with the text and the movement. If we have time in class we may watch this
movie or students will be given the option to watch it for extra credit along with a one page
reflection. Due at the end of the Unit.
This PBS documentary contain a lot of information on the Mexican Civil Rights Movement. For
the purpose of the class I will only play part of the video that I have specifically selected. It is a
great authentic piece for class.
Vocabulary Activities

Vocabulary words:
Palabras que se encuntran en el texto
campesino: trabajador agrcola considerada inferior a su jefe (peasant)
Ladino: til decir (devious)
Privacidad: estar solo sin otros observando (privacy)
Productos: vegetales y frutas para vender a tiendas y clientes (produce)
Ciudadano: una persona que tiene el derecho legal para vivir en un pas (citizen)
Angustia: profundo sentimiento de tristeza (anguish)
Inmigracin: una agencia gubernamental que controla a la gente que viene a un pas
Migrar: para desplazarse de un lugar a otro debido al cambio (migrate)
trabajador migrante: una persona que se mueve a menudo a donde hay puestos de trabajo
(migrant laborer)
Renuente: No estoy seguro de hacer algo(reluctant)
Galas: cosas bonitas (finery)
Deportacin: para forzar a alguien a regresar a su pas (deportation)
Otorgar: para dar o presentar algo (bestow)
abuelita: grandmother
campensinos: field workers
repatriation: to send someone back to his/her country of birth
esperanza: hope

Vocabulary Cards

Elegante p. 5

Extravagante p.13

Caprichoso p.33

Obsesionado p.33

Torturoso p.136

Cansados p.207

Pretencioso p.223

Desanimados p. 244

Students will be asked to look up these words within the text (using the pages) in which
they will need to use surrounding words as clues in order to provide their meaning. Later as a
class we will discuss assumptions of the meaning and come up with the correct/ appropriate
definition as a class. This activity will provide a better understanding of the vocabulary words
that will frequently come up within the text.

Note Catcher: Determine ImportanceSummarize and Synthesize

Note Catcher: Captulo 5
Determinar Importancia de resumir y sintetizar
Consiga la idea esencial de los textos resumiendo su entendimiento de ellos, usando 10 palabras
importantes. Seleccione las 15 palabras ms importantes de los textos. Entonces, selos para
escribir una declaracin sumaria.
Palabras Importantes


Declaracin de resumen:

Vocabulary Word Sort

Nombre_______________________________________ Fecha_______________________
Orden de palabras
Ordena tu vocabulario de Esperanza Renace en las columnas que mejor encajan. Una vez que
haya terminado, consulte con su vecino para ver si tiene las mismas palabras en las mismas




Students can use this chart during their reading to make inferences of the characters that
will help them during their final assessment activity. They will be able to compare and contrast
the changes the characters make through their journey, specially Esperanza.

This puzzle will be fun and helpful for students to review important vocabulary words.
Comprehension Strategies
Anticipating guide: Pre-Reading Activities (Found in lesson one)
This is a great strategy in presenting themes that will be discussed within the text. It
allows for student to use their imagination and thoughts about the topic in which at the end of the
unit will be compared to see if their opinions have changed.
Open-Ended Questions
These will be asked at random during the class to help me monitor their understanding
for the themes within the book.

Note-Catchers: On Strike! PARO!

Mi pensamiento Original

Qu significa ir a la

Por qu los trabajadores

van a la huelga?

Why do workers decide

not to go on strike?

Character T Chart:

Mi nuevo pensamiento,
basado en la evidencia
del texto



The purpose of this chart is to guide students through an analysis of specific characters
which will serve as a resource at the end of the unit in the Two-voice poem. These charts will
be completed with a few characters, those character who experience many challenges
throughout the book and we will analyze their response to that challenge.

Journal Prompts: Guiding questions (Purpose for reading Questions)

Captulo 2: Qu desafos hacen a los protagonistas principales en este captulo?
Captulo 5: Como qu es el viaje de Esperanza a los Estados Unidos?
Captulo 6: Qu nuevos desafos enfrenta en el Campamento Esperanza? Cmo responde ella?
These questions will be assigned for homework according to the Chapter assigned to be
read. The purpose of these questions is to guide students through the reading and capture the
main idea of the assigned reading. These questions will be discussed during the first few
minutes of discussion because it will provide those students who are still confused some
clarity. s
Text-Dependent Questions: Captulo 2 (each chapter has their own questions)


El primer prrafo en la pgina 8, dice que Esperanza le gustara vivir en El Rancho de las
Rosas con su mam y pap para siempre. Por qu siente as? Encontrar los detalles del texto
para explicar su respuesta.


En las pginas 8-12, Esperanza y mam parecen estar preocupados por el Papa. Qu
palabras o frases especficas en esta seccin de la novela ayude a saber que estn preocupados.
Por qu ellos estn preocupados? Pruebas de uso del texto en es una respuesta.


En las pginas 14 y 15, lo que dos pedazos de Consejo Abuelita le da a Esperanza en las
pginas 14 y 15. Cmo responde al Consejo de la Esperanza? Utilice pruebas del texto en su


En la pgina 18, Esperanza dice que un "deep river" corre entre ella y Miguel. Qu
quiere decir? Cmo responde Miguel cuando ella le dice esto? Utilice los detalles del texto en
su respuesta.

5. Al final del captulo, por qu Esperanza siente su gota de corazn y shehassunkintoa

"darkholeofdespairanddisbelief"? Usedetailsfrom el texto en su respuesta.

These questions will be presented for every chapter in order to guide students to a better
understanding of the assigned text. Students will be assigned into groups in which they will be
asked to answer the questions together that will later be discussed in the class discussion. These
questions are similar to the assigned questions for homework but ask to provide evidence from
the text, hence the pages given within the question.

Anchor Charts
I will have students build these charts in order to gather their evidence in the

representation of Human Rights and other themes within the text. This strategy will enable
students to use cues and record content/ new ideas during their reading. Also, it reminds
students or prior learning allowing them to make connections with new content and ideas.
Students will be able to use these charts as tools when answering their Purpose for reading
questions as well.

Jigsaw Activity:
Captulo 4



Vuelve a leer pginas 44-45. Cmo responde a propuesta de matrimonio del Tio
despus del incendio mam? Qu te dice eso acerca de Mama como una persona? Qu ve
como su papel en la familia?

2. Vuelve a leer la primera mitad de las pginas 48 y 49. Cmo se siente acerca de casarse Tio
Mama? Cmo esto continan mostrando fuerza de Mama como una persona? Qu es mam
dispuesta a hacer, adems de deja Tio creo que ella se casar con l?
Vuelve a leer la parte inferior de la pgina 56-57. Mam contina demostrar su fuerza
como una persona como dejan el rancho? Cmo es un buen ejemplo de Esperanza? Cmo
reacciona a dejar el rancho Esperanza?

Vuelve a leer el medio de la pgina 42. Cmo responde la Abuelita al fuego? Lo nos
dir sobre Abeulita como una persona? Lo que hace ella importa o crea en?


Vuelve a leer desde la parte inferior de la pgina 47-50. Abuelita saber mam que
aprueba de sus decisiones? Abuelita intenta confort Esperanza? Qu papel juega la
Abuelita en la familia?

3. Vuelva a leer la pgina 51. Porqu da el ganchillo a Esperanza Abuelita? Cmo aparece la
Esperanza que todava no est preparada para enfrentar la situacin?
Vuelve a leer la parte inferior de la pgina 41 a travs del primer prrafo en la pgina 42.
Qu desafo se enfrenta a Miguel? Cmo responde l? Tal vez esto lo que nos sobre Miguel
como persona? Asegrese de dar ejemplos del texto.
2. Vuelve a leer pginas 55-56. Miguel demuestra que est listo para este desafo? Qu
caractersticas muestra durante este tiempo? Cmo es diferente de la Esperanza?
In this Jigsaw activity I have student separate into groups of three in which they will
discuss the main characters thus far in the text. This serves as a cooperative learning technique
where students will compare their ideas and gather new information thus far of the characters
which can provide different perceptions.
Character Analysis:

Nombre: ____________________________________ Fecha:__________________

Lea cada cita. Explique lo que dice sobre Esperanza a cada punto en la


Lo que nos dice sobre Esperanza

"Mam, no podemos viajar en este coche.

Esto no es limpio. Y la gente no digno de
confianza." (pg. 67)
"He dicho que podra trabajar. Le cont a
mam que pudiera ayudar. Pero no
puedes incluso lavar ropa o barrer el piso.
El campo entero sabe?" (pg. 117)
"No te preocupes. Yo me encargo de
todo. La patrona de la familia ahora
ser." (pg. 178)
"No soporto tu esperanza ciega. No
quiero or su optimismo acerca de esta
tierra de posibil-dad cuando no veo
ninguna prueba". (p. 224)
"No nunca tengas miedo de volver a
empezar." (pg. 253)

Writing Activities

Writing activities are mentioned all throughout the lessons, these will basically take place
at random for prompt questions that lets me monitor their grammar and understanding for the
assigned reading. Most of these will be assigned as homework and reviewed during class. For a
Foreign language class during a focused reading unit this really helps the teacher monitor their
understanding the writing.


This type of assessment will be administered daily which allows me to monitor if the students are
understanding the concepts and themes of the text.
Comprehension Quizzes:
Captulo 3: Tiquete de Entrada

Nombre______________________________________ Fecha_________________
Al comienzo del captulo 3: "Las Papayas," Qu suea Esperanza?
Qu pide To Luis Mama a hacer?
3. Cul es la respuesta de mam?
Mid-Unit Assessment: Analyzing Sections of Esperanza Renace on my own.
Lea el siguiente fragmento de la pgina 157 y, a continuacin, responda a
las preguntas que aparecen a continuacin:
"Esperanza senta Alfonso detrs de ella, poniendo sus manos sobre su hombro. Ella senta la
sangre de su rostro. Quera decirle al mdico que no podan perder Mama, demasiado. Que ella
ya haba perdido mi pap y la abuelita era demasiado lejos. Su voz estrangulada con temor. Todo
lo que poda hacer era un susurro el mdico incierto de palabras "si ella sobrevive."

En una frase, se resume el reto Esperanza y su Mama se enfrentan en este punto de la

novela. Hay dos ejemplos de lenguaje figurado en este fragmento.

Qu significa tener sangre de tu rostro?
Qu significa decir Esperanza la voz estrangulada con miedo?
8. Cmo el autor del uso de las palabras de drenaje y estrangulada que nos ayuda a comprender
de qu manera Esperanza es sentir?


Organizer: TwoPoem (Poema de


Personaje 1
Notas Generales

Esperanza dice sola

Cmo son iguales?

Ambas voces dicen

Personaje 2

El otro personaje dice


Yo soy______________.
Yo soy___________.

Esperanza dice sola

Ambas voces dicen

El otro personaje dice


I chose this to be my summative assessment because I believe it serves as a creative and

great way for students to demonstrate their knowledge of the characters, their thoughts, and the
themes that go along with the text. This assessment allows for students to compare and contrast
two viewpoints or characters, therefore demonstrating their understanding of the differences
between the characters. (Bellow is an example of how it would look like in a different context.)

Other content connections:
During this unit I will be covering a lot of history including war, civil rights movement and the
depression which tie into social studies. Language arts/English will also play a big part in this
section given that their background knowledge on annotating and comprehension strategies will
be shared all throughout.

Students who are sick have the online portion of the class in which they are able to stay
with the class and complete activities from home.
Students who are in need of additional support will be provided with partially filled-in
graphic organizer, Jigsaw and note-catcher.
Small chunks of the text cal be assigned for those students who need more time.
Audio recordings will be available for those students who need additional support.
Allowing options for pausing and replaying of a sections so that they are able to pace their
understanding of the text.
Students who are unfamiliar with the vocabulary words, we will discuss confusions in

Visuals will be provided for those visual learners. Opportunities to draw out characters or
vocabulary words will be given to help with their memory.
Guidelines for all projects will be provided in writing for those students who struggle

with multistep directions.

Opportunities to take assessments in a quite room will be available.

Extra time for completing tasks will also be available if necessary.

Technology will be used all throughout the unit and class in general, I have provided an online
version of all the lesson plans and activities so that students who are absent are able to stay on
track with the class and know what is expected. Resources will also be available on the webpage
for students such as articles, study guides and youtube videos. Lastly, if technology fails this will
not be a problem because the unit is based on the book in which students will have at hand.

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