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Aubrey Eder

Day 8 - Narrative and Poetry

September 19, 2014

A seventh grade, English 7 class

- Students will be able to closely read poetry for themes, deeper meanings, and
- Standard 7.1.2.a. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (oneon-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 7 topics, texts,
and issues, building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly. (CCSS:
- Standard 7.2.1.a. i. Use Key Ideas and Details to Cite several pieces of textual
evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences
drawn from the text. (CCSS: RL.7.1)
- Standard 7.2.1.b.i. Use Craft and Structure to Determine the meaning of words
and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative
meanings; analyze the impact of rhymes and other repetitions of sounds (e.g.,
alliteration) on a specific verse or stanza of a poem or section of a story or drama.
(CCSS: RL.7.4)
- Standard 7.2.1.n.ii. Use Craft and Structure to Analyze how a dramas or poems
form or structure (e.g., soliloquy, sonnet) contributes to its meaning. (CCSS:
- Standard 7.2.3.a.ii. ii. Use the tone of a passage to determine an approximate
meaning of a word
- Standard 7.2.3.b. Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word
relationships, and nuances in word meanings. (CCCS: L.7.5)
Anticipatory Set:
- Students will take their reading quiz. This is a routine they have for the first day
of the week so when they come in they are to have only a writing utensil out, and
I will pass out quizzes that they will pass forward once everyone is done.
Lesson Breakdown:
- 10 minutes: Anticipatory Set
- 15 minutes: Finish up the narrative checklist. I will have added items that I saw
across numerous groups, and then I will open the floor for students to argue which
ones they think should be added that haven't, or if they feel any shouldn't be on
there. This list will remain up for the rest of the year.
- 15 minutes: Found poems warm up. Poetry can be an intimidating subject, so to
get the students' feet wet we are going to use New Kids in Town and do found
poems. They are to find 7-10 words, phrases, or sentences that they like and write

them on pieces of paper. (Each phrase on its own paper). They will then arrange
these phrases in a way that they like and glue them on a piece of paper. If there is
time then some students may share.
25 minutes: We will then look at, "I ask my Mother to Sing" and "Immigrant
Blues" by Li-Young Lee. We will annotate "I ask my Mother to Sing" as a class.
20 minutes: Students will then annotate "Immigrant Blues" with a partner. I will
collect this and a short summary of what the poem is about at the end of class that
will be graded. For the purpose of time I will allow them to use the remainder of
class to do this, and they will be aware of this.

The closure is going to be the independent work on "Immigrant Blues" with a partner.
They need to annotate the poem and provide a summary of the poem by the end of class.
Resources needed:
- ABC quiz 3, New Kids in Town, " I ask my Mother to Sing" and "Immigrant
Blues" by Li-Young Lee

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