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Lucia Gracia

Teaching Elementary Science

Respiratory System
Grade: 5
Subject: Life Science
Time: Two 40 minute lessons

Iowa Core Curriculum Standards

Life Science
*Understand and apply knowledge of basic human body systems and how they work together.
The human organism has systems which interact with one another. These systems include
circulatory, respiratory, digestive, musculoskeletal, etc.
*Use appropriate tools and techniques to gather, process, and analyze data.
Students use of appropriate tools is guided by the questions asked and the investigations
students design.

Students will be able to understand by describing the function of the respiratory system.
Students will be able to understand how the different body systems work together.
Students will be able to identify the eight main organs of the respiratory system.
Students will be able to able to model the respiratory system with the supplies given.

The eight organs of the respiratory system:

1. Sinus (nasal passage)
2. Pharynx (throat)
3. Larynx (voice box)
4. diaphragm
5. Trachea (windpipe)
6. Bronchioles
7. Lungs
8. Alveoli (air sacs)

two liter empty bottles x27

balloons x54
straws x54
construction paper x27
rubber bands x27

cotton balls
plastic square x27
pipe cleaners x27

Handout x2 for each day
Day 1:
1. Engage students by taking a deep breath. Question students on what organs theyre using
when they breathe. (Class discussion)
2. Draw picture (handout)
3. Introduce lesson
4. Pass out worksheet
5. Hand out materials for the respiratory system model.
6. As you are creating the model introduce each organ.
7. Follow along with the handout.
Each organ represented by materials:
2 liter empty bottles-Rib cage
Cotton balls- Mucus
Straws- Nasal passage, trachea
Construction paper- Pharynx
Balloons- Lungs
Rubber bands with plastic square-Diaphragm
Pipe cleaners-Bronchioles
8. Elaborate on the specific organ as students put the model together.
9. Students will formulate questions to be answered the next day.
10. End lesson by reviewing and class discussion.
Day 2:
1. Go to computer lab.
2. Pass out worksheet
3. Students will explore by browsing the websites provided.
4. Work on handout (follow along with handout directions)
5. Evaluate quiz online and write score on the handout provided.
6. Elaborate open discussion on the connection between circulatory and respiratory system.
7. Draw picture (handout)
8. When students complete the quiz they may research using ONLY the links provided in
the website (

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