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Tohmeh 1

Annas Tohmeh
Cindy Rogers
English 12
October 24, 2014
Assignment 9: Macbeth
In Act 1, Scenes 1 and 2 of Macbeth, the foulest character so far appears to be the Thane
of Cawdor. This is primarily because he is a traitor to King Duncan. Furthermore, the Thane of
Cawdor fought with the Norwegian army against King Duncan. The fairest this far appears to be
Macbeth. He appears to be the most fair because of his bravery and honorable fighting while
battling the Norwegian army. He also seems to be the most fair because of his strong loyalty
toward King Duncan.
Banquo and Macbeth are very different from each other. For instance, after hearing that
he has become the Thane of Cawdor, Macbeth became consumed with the witches' prophecy that
he will become king. He also even thought about killing King Duncan to fulfill the prophecy. On
the other hand, Banquo did not take great interest in the witches' prediction that his descendants
will be kings. Banquo also warned Macbeth that evil tries to lead people astray to a path of
At first, Macbeth is pretending to act graciously towards the king. However, Macbeth
seems to have ulterior motives, and is not acting out of gratitude for the king. Presumably, he
intends to fulfill the prophecy by devising a plan that will make him king. He sees Malcolm as an

Tohmeh 2
obstacle, and wonders if he should give up or get rid of him. Even though he has doubts, he will
do what is necessary to become king.
Lady Macbeth appears to be extremely cruel, and lacking of human compassion. While
addressing spirits, she asks them to increase her cruelty, so she will feel no remorse to do what
she wants to do. She even appears to be much more devious and ruthless than Macbeth himself.
Lady Macbeth is greatly supportive of trying to fulfill the witches' prophecy. All she seems to
care about is power, and she seems to be willing to do anything to accomplish her goal. Lady
Macbeth is also determined to try to convince Macbeth to go after the crown.
Lady Macbeth gave many arguments to Macbeth to try to convince him to kill King
Duncan. Macbeth appears hesitant to go on with his plan, but Lady Macbeth urged him not to
rescind. One of her arguments was that he would be more of a man if he kills the king, and that
he would be a coward if he did not. Also, to address Macbeth's worry that they might fail, she
argued that they would not fail if they had courage to go on with the plan. Although resistant at
first, Macbeth finally gives in to Lady Macbeth. I felt extremely shocked after seeing Lady
Macbeth's comments, because of the level of cruelty and evilness that resides within her. Lady
Macbeth's arguments are more emotional than logical, because she is driven by her greed and
wicked lust for power.

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