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I grew in the beautiful, but once a nightmare province in the Philippine history during

elections, the Province of Abra. I was often called Em-em since when I was little, my one
and only favorite chocolate in the world is M&Ms. Im not the kind of student that always
facing the books, reviewing, memorizing and etc., but I swear, when Im busy, Im busy.
Meaning I see to it that before doing anything else, my priorities are still my priorities.
Sorry because I wasnt able to say my name earlier, Milbern M.Paderes, 16, a proud

UCian taking BS Accountancy

ACCTG 1 / 2
CS 1


Happiness is the
key towards leading a
happy life. Happiness has
no common definition and
meaning that is accepted
by all. Every individual
defines happiness in his/
her own unique way the
way he/she feels it.
Happiness can never be
seen, it can only be felt by
the one who get it.
Happiness is said to be an
individuals beliefs, faith,
desires and aspirations.
Happiness is connected
with things that make you
feel happy such as faith,
relationships and love. For
many people happiness is
much more than career,
success and wealth.
OSHO explain happiness
as something which comes
from within us. Still there
are many people around us
who claims that they have
achieved everything in life
in terms of wealth, career
and success. But still they
feel unhappy, unfulfilled,
incomplete and anxious &

fail to get happiness. It is

also said that happiness is
attaining something which
is most important to you as
compared to all other
things. Happiness is also
said to be a way to have
positive attitude towards
life. Happiness can also be
attained by doing good
deeds towards others or
treating others the way that
makes you and them happy
as well.
For instance, giving
a kiss to your younger
sibling daily after waking
up in the morning and
showing him how much
you love them. For some
happiness means loving
life and seeing others
happy. While some finds
stories. Some conquer
happiness in being simple
yet the best person they
can ever be. Happiness is
finding reasons behind
your existence. The extent
of happiness cannot be
measured by any scale.
tradable nor profitable.

happiness in their lives.

We must always be
contented and happy with
whatever we have. Though
happiness in wealth or
materialistic things such as
cars, TV, clothes, jewelry,
cell phones, bikes etc. but
they fail to understand that
wealth is material and
cannot guarantee happiness
in the long run.
Even those who
have owe all the luxurious
of the world sometimes fail
Ultimately the decision to
be happy lies with us.
Finding happiness with the
things we have is very
important in life. If you are
choosing happiness in
success then you must
keep trying to succeed if
once failed.

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