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Matona, Mia Cara Assessment Rubric

Grading will be done based on two scores: (both on a 4 point scale)

- A score will be given for Participation and the Elements worked on in class.
(Elements are listed below and on the Assessment worksheet.)
- A second score will be given for quality completion of the Assessment worksheet.

Participation and the Elements

4: Student lead the section and was able to execute the given elements to their best ability.
3: Student understood the expectations and the elements listed were executed.
2: Student relied on peers, piano, and/or teacher for the listed elements, but still participated and
sang with confidence.
1: Student was lost and relied on peers, piano, and teacher. Student did not participate.
Elements: Text/ Word Stress, Dynamics/ Musicality, Notes, Rhythm

Quality Completion
4: Students self assessment was honest and fair.
Responses for Reason and Solution used Academic Language
and was well thought out.
Students plan is achievable and will help improve individual and class sound.
3: Students self assessment was fair.
Responses for Reason and Solution was well thought out and clear.
Students plan is achievable and will help improve individual sound.
2: Students self assessment can be justified.
Responses for Reason and Solution are not clear, or vague.
Students plan will need assistance to complete in detail.
1: Students self assessment is left empty.
Responses for Reason and Solution were not given.
Students plan is unclear, or will need to be constructed.

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