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Name: _______________________________________ Bio - _____ Date of Exam______________________

Semester I Exam Study Questions and Notebook Check Prep

Semester Exam Notebook (35 points) & Planner Check (5 points)

Bellringers #57 - #71 15 points

Photosynthesis/Cell Respiration Foldable (Stamped) 2 points
Energy Flow Diagram Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration (Colored and Stamped)- 2 points
Cornell Notes
Class Notes: ATP (Stamped) 4 points
Class Notes: Photosynthesis (Stamped) 4 points
Class Notes: Cellular Respiration (Stamped) 4 points
Mr. Andersen: Photosynthesis Video (Stamped) 2 points
Mr. Andersen Cellular Respiration Video (Stamped) 2 points
Planner-Since November 19 , 2014 5 points

Chapter 1: Scientific Inquiry

Process Standard 1: Observe and Measure
1. Identify qualitative and quantitative changes in cells, organisms, populations, and ecosystems given conditions (e.g.,
temperature, mass, volume, time, position, length, quantity) before, during, and after an event.
Process Standard 3: Experimental Design
1. Evaluate the design of a biology laboratory experiment.
2. Identify the independent variables, dependent variables, controlled variables, and control set-up in an experiment.
3. Identify a hypothesis for a given problem in biology investigations.
4. Recognize potential hazards and practice safety procedures in all biology activities.
Process Standard 4: Interpret and Communicate
1. Select appropriate predictions based on previously observed patterns of evidence.
2. Interpret data tables, line, bar, trend, and/or circle graphs from existing science research or student experiments.
Process Standard 5: Model
1. Interpret a biological model which explains a given set of observations.
2. Select predictions based on models (e.g., pedigrees, life cycles), and when appropriate, apply mathematical reasoning
to make accurate predictions.

Key Terms and Topics:

scientific method (pg. 17 and foldable), hypothesis, experiment, control, independent variable, dependent
variable, theory, quantitative data, qualitative data
Page 18: #1-5, Page 23: #1-2, Page 28-29: #8-9, STP: #15-20, Page 31: STP #1-8
Page 18:
1 Possible answer: Bees prefer yellow flowers to purple flowers or that bees prefer flowers with more abundant
2 Set up an experimental chamber. Within a specific amount of time, count and how many ants move to butter
placed a specific distance from the ants. Repeat several times. Repeat using honey in place of the butter.
3 A hypothesis is a testable explanation for a question. A theory is a refined explanation supported by extensive
4A control provides greater certainty that observed results are not due to chance or other variables.

5 Prepare one batch of cookies using a known recipe and another batch, the experimental group, by varying a single
item such as the amount of sugar.
Page 23:
1 to see if the results are repeatable, thus confirming their authenticity; original hypothesis might need to be revised.
2 Quantitative information reports data in numerical values based on measuring. Qualitative information reports
data in descriptions based on observations.
Page 28-29:
15 B
16 D
17 C
18 B
19 A
20 B
Page 31:

Chapter 6: The Chemistry of Life


Standard 5: Matter, Energy, and Organization in Living Systems Living systems require a continuous input of
energy to maintain their chemical and physical organizations.
1. As matter and energy flow through different levels of organization of living systems and between living systems and
the physical environment, chemical elements are recombined in different ways by different structures. Matter and
energy are conserved in each change (i.e., water cycle, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, food webs, and energy
2. Matter on earth cycles among the living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) components of the biosphere.

Key Terms and Topics:

atom, element, compound, nucleus, covalent bond, molecule, ion, ionic bond, metabolism, mixture,
solution, pH, acid, base, polar molecule, hydrogen bond, diffusion, equilibrium, carbohydrate, lipid,
protein, amino acid, peptide bond, enzyme, nucleic acid, nucleotide (use Biomolecules foldable)
Page 151: #1-4, Page 156: #1-5, Page 163: #1-6, Page 168-169: #5-13, STP #19-23
Page 151:
1 Electrons move around the nucleus in regions known as energy levels.
2 The nucleus contains seven protons and seven neutrons. The first energy level contains two electrons. The next
energy level contains five electrons and could become stable by sharing these other electrons in a covalent bond.
3 Ionic bonds form between ions as one atom gains electrons and another gives up electrons. Covalent bonds
involve the sharing of electrons between atoms.
4 There are more hydrogen than hydroxide ions in an acidic solution of pH 2. (Acids have pHs below 7).
Page 156:
1 The oxygen and two hydrogens do not share the electrons equally (electrons are more strongly attracted to the
oxygen). As a result, the oxygen is negatively charged and the hydrogens are positively charged.
2 Hydrogen bonds are very weak compared with covalent bonds.
3 capillary action

4 The particles will move from areas of high concentration to low concentration until they reach dynamic
equilibrium. After this point, there is no further concentration change.
5 An increase in temperature causes an increase in kinetic energy which, in turn, increases the rate of diffusion of
the substance into the cell.
Page 163:
1 long-term energy storage, insulation, protective coatings
2 In condensation, one monomer loses a H+ ion and another loses an OH- to form water. A covalent bond forms
between the monomers.
3 A disaccharide is made of two simple sugars called monosaccharides.
4 Like other nucleic acids, DNA is composed of smaller nucleotides consisting of a phosphate group, a simple
sugar, and a nitrogenous base.
5 1. Enzymes 2. Protein 3. Nucleic Acids 4. Nucleotides
6 The chemical reaction would not proceed at the same rate.
Page 168-169:
10 D
11 B
12 B
13 B
19 D
20 C
21 A
22 A
23 B

Chapter 7: Cells- Structure and Function

Standard 1: The Cell Cells are the fundamental unit of life, composed of a variety of structures that perform
functions necessary to maintain life.
1. Cells are composed of a variety of structures such as the nucleus, cell/plasma membrane, cell wall, cytoplasm,
ribosomes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts.
a. The cell/plasma membrane functions (i.e., active transport, passive transport, diffusion, osmosis, and
surface area to volume ratio) to maintain homeostasis.
b. Compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
2. In multicellular organisms, cells have levels of organization (i.e., cells, tissues, organs, organ systems,
3. Specialized cells enable organisms to monitor what is going on in the world around them (e.g., detect light, sound,
specific chemicals, gravity, plant tropism, sense organs, homeostasis).

Key Terms:
cell, cell theory, surface area-to-volume ratio (pg. 202), structure and function of each cell organelle
(Section 7.3, Cell Coloring, and Cell Parts Foldable), prokaryote vs. eukaryote, plant cell vs. animal cell,
organelle, selective permeability, phospholipid layer, fluid mosaic model
Page 174; #1-5, Page 178: #1-4, Page 187: #1-6, Page 192-193: #6-13, STP #21-27
Page 174;
1 Compound light microscopes were built with multiple lenses, better resolution, and higher magnification.
Electron microscopes increased resolution and magnification further. Microscopes provide the visual understanding
for the structure of the cells.
2 Cells are the basic unit of organization of all living organisms.
3 light microscopes natural light; electron microscopes electron beam

4 Eukaryotic cells have membrane-bound organelles, including a nucleus. A prokaryotic cell has no membranebound organelles. Most of its metabolism takes place in its cytoplasm.
5 SEMs have lower magnification than TEMs; SEMs can get 3-dimensional views.
Page 178:
1 Phospholipids that form the membrane consist of a double layer.
2 A phospholipid has a glycerol backbone, 2 fatty acid chains, and a phosphate group. The polar head includes the
phosphate group, while the 2 fatty acid tails are nonpolar.
3 Two lipid layers consisting of a glycerol backbone, two fatty acid tails, and a phosphate group are positioned with
heads facing out and tails facing in.
4 The lipids and proteins in the membrane are free to move, making a pattern like a mosaic.
Page 187:
1 The folding increases the surface area where chemical reactions occur. Examples: endoplasmic reticulum and
2 rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus
3 The lysosome joins with what is to be digested so the cell isnt damaged.
4 Cell walls provide support and protection for plant cells. Plasma membranes maintain homeostasis.
5 Plant cells usually have one large vacuole. Animal cells have smaller vacuoles, if they have them at all.
6 Both mitochondria and chloroplasts are composed of two membranes, with the inner membrane being highly
folded. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll and other pigments used to capture light energy. Mitochondria and
chloroplasts transform energy from one form to another.
Page 192-193:
10 C
11 C
12 A
13 C
21 D
22 A
23 C
24 D
25 C
26 B
27 A

Chapter 8.1: Cellular Transport


Standard 1: The Cell Cells are the fundamental unit of life, composed of a variety of structures that perform
functions necessary to maintain life.
1. Cells are composed of a variety of structures such as the nucleus, cell/plasma membrane, cell wall, cytoplasm,
ribosomes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts.
a. The cell/plasma membrane functions (i.e., active transport, passive transport, diffusion, osmosis, and
surface area to volume ratio) to maintain homeostasis.
b. Differentiate among hypotonic, hypertonic, and isotonic conditions.

Key Terms:
passive transport vs. active transport (know examples of each type), diffusion, facilitated diffusion (SEE
Table 8.1), equilibrium, osmosis: hypotonic, isotonic, hypertonic (USE FOLDABLE and Pg. 197),
endocytosis, exocytosis, cell membrane components
Page 200: #1-5, Page 218: #6-8, 12
Page 200:

1 The concentration of water on either side of the membrane and the permeability of the membrane.
2 In an animal cell, the extra water may cause the plasma membrane to burst. In a plant cell, the plasma membrane
pushes against the cell wall, providing added support.
3 Facilitated diffusion and active transport use carrier proteins. Facilitated diffusion does not require energy; active
transport does.
4 Carrier proteins move substances that cannot be diffuse through the plasma membrane from an area of higher to
lower concentration.
5 The organism is in a hypotonic environment and the concentration gradient is from outside to inside.
Page 218:
12 D

Chapter 9: Cellular Energy

Standard 1: The Cell Cells are the fundamental unit of life, composed of a variety of structures that perform
functions necessary to maintain life.
1. Cells are composed of a variety of structures such as the nucleus, cell/plasma membrane, cell wall,
cytoplasm, ribosomes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts.
a. The cell/plasma membrane functions (i.e., active transport, passive transport, diffusion, osmosis,
and surface area to volume ratio) to maintain homeostasis.
b. Differentiate among hypotonic, hypertonic, and isotonic conditions.
c. Compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
2. In multicellular organisms, cells have levels of organization (i.e., cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms).
3. Specialized cells enable organisms to monitor what is going on in the world around them (e.g., detect light, sound,
specific chemicals, gravity, plant tropism, sense organs, homeostasis).
Standard 5: Matter, Energy, and Organization in Living Systems Living systems require a continuous input of
energy to maintain their chemical and physical organizations.
1. The complexity and organization of organisms accommodates the need for obtaining, transforming, transporting,
releasing, and eliminating the matter and energy used to sustain the organism (i.e., photosynthesis and cellular
2. As matter and energy flow through different levels of organization of living systems and between living
systems and the physical environment, chemical elements are recombined in different ways by different structures.
3. Matter and energy are conserved in each change (i.e., water cycle, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, food webs, and
energy pyramids).

Key Terms:
heterotroph vs. autotroph, energy flow, ATP, photosynthesis vs. cellular respiration (know overall
equation, steps, location, reactants, and products SEE TABLE 9.1), pigment, chlorophyll, carotenoid,
light intensity vs. rate of photosynthesis, temperature vs. rate of photosynthesis, aerobic vs. anaerobic,
fermentation, light-dependent vs. light-independent, aerobic vs. anaerobic
Page 224: #1-6, Page 230: #1-5, Page 237: #1-6, Page 242-243: #6-13, STP #20-23

SEE UNIT REVIEW, Page 244-247

Page 224:
1 active transport, movement, and protein synthesis are examples
2 ATP stores energy in its phosphate-phosphate bonds.
3 A phosphate group can be added to ADP; reforming ATP.
4 They may have a pocket that ATP will fit into so that when ATP releases energy, the protein can use it.
5 muscles contracting, heart pumping, brain functions
6 Opposite charges attract, so an ATP binding site might have a positive charge.
Page 230:
1 The chlorophyll in the leaf reflects green and yellow while absorbing other colors, like red and blue. In the fall, chlorophyll is
absorbed, revealing other leaf pigments.
2 ATP and NADPH from the light reactions are used in the Calvin cycle.
3 Photolysis splits water to provide hydrogen ions for the Calvin cycle and restore electrons to chlorophyll.

4 Proteins convey energized electrons through the chloroplast.

5 Chlorophyll is neither a reactant nor a product. It contributes electrons to photosynthesis but is not changed during the
reaction. Carbon dioxide and water are reactants.
Page 237:
1 Glycolysis produces two ATP molecules; the citric acid cycle produces one ATP molecule; the electron transport chain
produces 32 ATP molecules.
2 Alcoholic fermentation produces alcohol and carbon dioxide. Lactic acid fermentation produces lactic acid.
3 Most of the ATP is produced by the reactions of the electron transport chain.
4 It supplies energy when oxygen is unavailable
5 32
6 Aerobic respiration occurs in the muscles of both runners. The sprinter may build up more lactic acid because of an oxygen
debt associated with the quick burst of energy.
Page 242-243:
10 D
11 B
12 D
13 A
20 D
21 A
22 C
23 D







Nucleic Acid

Prokaryotic Cell:

Eukaryotic Cell- Animal Cell:

Eukaryotic Cell- Plant Cell:

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