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Aubrey Eder

Day 9 - Introduce Narrative Assignment and Brainstorm

October 1, 2014

A seventh grade, English 7 class

- Students will be able to begun brainstorming and drafting for their personal
narrative assignment.
- Standard 7.3.1.a. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or
events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured
event sequences. (CCSS: W.7.3)
- Standard 7.3.1.a.i. Use a variety of planning strategies to generate and organize
ideas (such as brainstorming, mapping, graphic organizers)
- Standard 7.3.1.a.iii. Use a range of appropriate genre features (engaging plot,
dialogue, stanza breaks) to develop and organize texts
Anticipatory Set:
- Introduce the assignment and go over the assignment sheet together.
Lesson Breakdown:
- 20 minutes: Anticipatory Set
- 25 minutes: Brainstorm. After we have gone through the assignment sheet I will
give them the planning sheet so I can have an idea what they are thinking of
doing, and that what they are thinking of writing about is appropriate and works.
Students are to fill these out, and then on a separate piece of paper they will
brainstorm. As they brainstorm and draft I will conference with students (very
briefly) to ensure that their plan will work.
- 25 minutes: Draft. Once they have brainstormed enough to know what they are
going to write about and the main details they may begin drafting. They may hand
draft or use their laptops/netbooks. I will continue to conference with students
during this time.
- 5 minutes: Closure

Closure: I will close class by going over what they need for next class and the basic
timeline for this assignment. They will not know that they are turning this into a graphic
novel because I don't want them thinking too much. I also will not be giving them the
rubric until later in the process.

Resources needed:
- Assignment sheet, planning sheet, notebook, laptop

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