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OF THE WHALE a survival lab


PURPOSE/Theme: To use our knowledge of waves and buoyancy and engineering design principles to build a replica of
the Essex. With the skills learned from the guided ship building, you will build the whale ship from the book Revenge
of the whale capable of saving the crew of the Essex.

____ cm tape, ____straws,
scissors, ruler, weights, ______ cm of cloth,
toothpicks, skewers, _______ cm aluminum
foil, ___ craft sticks
PARTA:Design&Planning of ESSEX partner or group
work (up to 3 people)
Constructionofthe ESSEX withyourgroup.
1. Gather the materials see above
2. Measurements: factor:
Boat length: in book: ____________
Boat width: in book: ___________

Boat height: in book: ___________

Number of decks: in book: ________
Number of compartments: in book: ____

model length: _________

model width: __________
model height: ___________
in model: ____________
in model: _____________

Sketchthedesignbelow (includelength&widthincm),andanswerthequestions.
IllustrationofDesign- label the design with bottom,
Thinkingbehinddesign:Howwell do you think this
back wall, length of boat and front bough
model of the Essex will float? What could be improved?

PARTB:Construction and testing

1. TWO SIDE WALLS: Take the craft sticks and lay them flat on the table. The goal is to make ONE side of the ship
to fit your scale factor.
a. How many sticks do you have to lay next to each other to get the length of the boat? ________
b. How many sticks do you have to lay next to each other to get the height of the boat wall? _______
2. Back wall
a. How many sticks do you have to lay next to each other to get the width of the back wall? ________
b. How many sticks do you have to lay next to each other to get the height of the back wall? _______
3. Bottom
a. How many sticks do you have to lay next to each other to get the length of the bottom (floor)? _______
b. How many sticks do you have to lay next to each other to get the width of the bottom (floor)? _______
4. 2 Bough walls to make triangular front of the boat
a. How many sticks do you have to lay next to each other to get the length of the bough? ________
b. How many sticks do you have to lay next to each other to get the height of the bough wall? _______
5. Deck
a. How many sticks do you have to lay next to each other to get the length of the top (deck)? ________
b. How many sticks do you have to lay next to each other to get the width of the top (deck)? _______
6. Glue the craft sticks together.
7. Use aluminum foil to seal the walls.
8. Make sure that the bottom is very well glued to the sides and that the foil is everywhere on the inside of the
9. Add the deck use toothpicks on the inside of the ships body to help stabilize the deck.

Raiseyourhandwhenyourgroup hascompletedthestepsabove.Build the model of the Essex
Testdesignandrecordhow well your model stood up to the different waves.

Strength of Design be specific
Design problems/Weaknesses


PARTC:Design&Planningof WHALE BOAT individual or partner work

Discussideasaboutdesignandconstructionofthe WHALE BOAT.
IllustrationofDesign- clearly label side wall, floor,
and back wall.
thisdesign? Whydoyouthinkthisisgoingto

PARTD:Construction and testing
Write down ALL steps necessary to build your WHALE BOAT. Raiseyour
handwhenyou havecompletedthestepsabove to get permission to
start to build.
TWO SIDE WALLS: Take the craft sticks and lay them flat on the table.
The goal is to make ONE side of the ship to fit your scale factor.
How many sticks do you have to lay next to each other to get the length
of the boat? ________
How many sticks do you have to lay next to each other to get the height
of the boat wall? _______
Back wall
How many sticks do you have to lay next to each other to get the width of the back wall? ________
How many sticks do you have to lay next to each other to get the height of the back wall? _______
How many sticks do you have to lay next to each other to get the length of the bottom (floor)? _______
How many sticks do you have to lay next to each other to get the width of the bottom (floor)? _______

2 Bough walls to make triangular front of the boat

How many sticks do you have to lay next to each other to get the length of the bough? ________
How many sticks do you have to lay next to each other to get the height of the bough wall? _______

ConstructyourWHALE BOATusingtheprovidedmaterialsonly.Rememberyouwantittoholdas
much weightaspossiblewithoutlosing any weightsortouchingthebottomoftheocean(tub).
Uponcompletionofdesign, raisehandtoreceivepermissiontotestdesign.
Testdesignandrecordnumberofweightsheldbeforedumpingthe weightsortouchingbottom.

massheldwith 1stconstruction

Strength of Design be specific
Design problems/Weaknesses

NOW make improvements to your design and test it again. List and draw what the changes are.
New Design be specific

Which Design problems/Weaknesses are you


Mass held with 2nd construction: __________________ g

Was your change successful? Why or why not?

ANALYSIS&CONCLUSIONPleaseanswereachquestionthoughtfullyandthoroughly on a separate piece of
paper if necessary.
How did you use what you learned in class about boats and other objects that float to create you original
design? Use the following vocabulary words in your answer: Buoyancy, density, upward force, symmetry,
mass, displacement, floating, sinking, volume, scale, amplitude, frequency, particle, transverse, wavelength,
wave speed, energy

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