Lesson Plan

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Aubrey Eder

Day 13 - Work Day

October 13, 2014

A seventh grade, English 7 class

- Students will be able to work independently to develop their written narrative
into a graphic novel depiction of the story.
- Standard 7.3.1.a.v. Decide on the content and placement of descriptive and
sensory details within the text to address the targeted audience and purpose
- Standard 7.3.1.a.vi. Engage and orient the reader by establishing a context and
point of view and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event
sequence that unfolds naturally and logically. (CCSS: W.7.3a)
Anticipatory Set:
- For the sake of time there will be no real anticipatory set. I want the students to be able
to get in as much work time as possible. I will begin by outlining work time rules by
referring to our classroom rules, and if they can't stay on task there will be consequences.
They may listen to music if no one else can hear.
Lesson Breakdown:
- 10 minutes: "Anticipatory Set"
- 30 minutes: Independent work time. There should be no talking during this. I will
conference with students one on one to see how their progress is coming. During this
time I will put on music for those who aren't listening on their own.
- 10 minutes: Brain break. all students must get up and move around. Get their talking out
and take a break from working. Towards the end of brain break I will remind them that
part II is due next class period so get as far as they can in class.
- Remainder of class: Students will continue to work. As they finish they may ask those
around them who have also finished to look over their graphic portion for feedback.

Resources needed:
Students will need laptops/netbooks (unless they are hand drafting), they will also
need a copy of their written narrative. They may also want the assignment sheet and/or
rubric for reference.

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